

How Much Would You Pay to Hear Great Music?

adminSep 23, 20221 min read
With ticket prices for performing arts rising, could fresh approaches like pay-what-you-can increase access and foster more adventurous programming?

U.K. Government Goes Full Tilt on Tax Cuts and Free-Market Economics

adminSep 23, 20221 min read
The new administration’s proposals are a sharp break from the era of Boris Johnson, and they represent a turn toward Thatcherism.

Why Russia Is Losing the War in Ukraine

adminSep 23, 20221 min read
A national security expert takes stock of what the U.S. got wrong about Putin — and how Ukraine is gaining momentum, seven months in.

There Is a Way to Solve the Problem of Hyperpartisan Judges

adminSep 23, 20221 min read
Expand the federal judiciary.