Beyond Humanity: AI’s Divine Deception
Delving into the profound evolution of artificial intelligence. Some are arguing that while we are distracted by Bumbling Joe Biden, the surge of illegals at the border, and the rest of the headlines to get enraged about, we’re missing the biggest threat to not only our country – but the world as we know it.
In a world where AI is rapidly advancing, promises of a brighter future coexist with the ominous shadows of potential peril. From self-learning algorithms to autonomous decision-making, the rise of AI has sparked both wonder and concern. As someone who has worked extensively with Artificial Intelligence, Award-Winning Inventor Jovan Hutton Pulitzer offers his insights. How big of a threat is AI to humanity? Could demonic forces use AI to deceive God’s creation? Could humanity have reached quantum-computer level technology and advancement pre-flood? Those are just some of the topics covered and more!
Illegal Alien Says He Will Vote For Biden in U.S. Election: ‘He Gave Us An Opportunity’
Shocking video released by O’Keefe Media Group shows a migrant who illegally entered the U.S. admitting he plans to vote for Joe Biden in the 2024 election.
OMG founder James O’Keefe shared a clip Tuesday from the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport where he asked a migrant named Felipe if he plans on voting in the U.S. 2024 election.
The migrant replied that not only does he intend to vote in the U.S. election, but that he will vote for Biden because “he’s given us an opportunity.”
TOMORROW: Join @okeefemedia on the inside at the secret migrant facility in Arizona, where thousands of migrants are bussed to Phoenix Sky Harbor airport, every hour on the hour, and flown throughout the U.S.
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 3, 2024
4PM ET on X…
This certainly explains why the Biden regime is so hell-bent on flooding America with millions of illegal aliens from all over the world into the U.S. ahead of the 2024 election.
The clip also exposes a secret migrant facility in Arizona where the illegal aliens are processed before being expedited to the Phoenix airport to then be transported anywhere in the U.S.
O’Keefe released the clip ahead of an X Spaces at 3PM CST on Wednesday with Arizona Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake to discuss the open border, Biden’s illegal alien pipeline, and the Democrat incentive to bring millions of migrants into the country.
Illegal aliens currently are prohibited from voting in U.S. federal, state, and local elections.
But Democrats in blue cities and states are working on allowing illegal aliens to vote in elections, access taxpayer-funded healthcare and welfare, and even serve as U.S. military service members.
Meanwhile, December saw over 300,000 illegal border crossings, the highest monthly number in U.S. history.
This comes amid polls showing former President Donald Trump handily beating Biden in a hypothetical 2024 matchup.
You can tune into O’Keefe’s X Spaces HERE when it goes live.
SPACES TOMORROW, 4PM featuring @KariLake @stclairashley AND MORE.
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 3, 2024
Armed Driver Fights Off Carjackers During Shootout in Chicago
An armed driver and his female colleague miraculously survived a ferocious gun battle that broke out when carjackers attempted to steal their vehicle in Chicago, according to reports.
The shocking incident unfolded in the Windy City just before 5 a.m. last Wednesday morning.
A 65-year-old man was driving himself and a female co-worker, 40, to their jobs at O’Hare International Airport when an SUV full of armed suspects flew towards them down a one-way street, according to local media.
At least three masked gunmen jumped out and ordered the victims to surrender their vehicle.
The driver, who holds a concealed carry license, drew his own firearm and a blistering shootout ensued.
“All I heard was loud noises after that, and my eyes was closed,” passenger Jaquita Sims told the Chicago Sun-Times.
“I heard [my co-worker] kept screaming my name, but I couldn’t answer him.”
After the firefight, the suspects fled the scene and the wounded man, who had been grazed by a bullet, drove Sims and himself to a nearby hospital.
Sims was treated for a gunshot wound to the chest and later released to recover at home.
Detectives reportedly determined the victim’s vehicle had been struck by at least 18 rounds during the shooting.
No suspects had been apprehended as of Monday, according to updates.
InfoWars has been documenting the surge of crime across the United States, including carjackings, ‘street takeovers,’ smash-and-grab loot mobs, home invasions, and physical attacks on innocent victims.
Democrats Plan On Destroying The Supreme Court To Stop Trump Presidency
Harrison Smith covers the Democrat agenda to destroy America’s most crucial institutions in order to prevent Donald Trump from regaining power.
Jimmy Kimmel Threatens To Sue Aaron Rodgers Over Epstein Remark
Late-night comedy host Jimmy Kimmel threatened to sue NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers on Tuesday after the establishment television personality mischaracterized a comment made by Rodgers on The Pat McAfee Show.
Dear Aasshole: for the record, I’ve not met, flown with, visited, or had any contact whatsoever with Epstein, nor will you find my name on any “list” other than the clearly-phony nonsense that soft-brained wackos like yourself can’t seem to distinguish from reality. Your reckless…
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) January 2, 2024
Both Kimmel and many media outlets are falsely stating Rodgers insinuated the comedian is on deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous “client list.”
However, context is important and the exact words Rodgers actually said tell a different story.
Back in March, Kimmel randomly attacked Rodgers for simply mentioning the Epstein client list on The Pat McAfee Show.
Rodgers told McAfee in February the Epstein list was allegedly going to be released and said, “There are some files that have some names on them that might be getting released soon.”
In response to the comment, Kimmel told his audience the quarterback is a “tinfoil hat,” “wack Packer” who needs to be checked for concussions.
That was the end of the spat until Rodgers on Tuesday joked that Kimmel “is really hoping” the Epstein list doesn’t come out.
So, Rodgers never said Kimmel was on a list, and only noted he was previously dismissive of the list’s existence, which would mean he’ll have egg on his face once it drops.
This is the full timeline of the Jimmy Kimmel and Aaron Rodgers feud.
— Mike Ro (@nuro_mike) January 3, 2024
I assumed Rodgers was trying to make a joke because he wasn’t a fan of Kimmel’s jokes about him.
What do you think? Should Rodgers apologize or is Kimmel overreacting?
Playing the victim following the jab by Rodgers, Kimmel wrote on social media, “Dear Aasshole: for the record, I’ve not met, flown with, visited, or had any contact whatsoever with Epstein, nor will you find my name on any ‘list’ other than the clearly-phony nonsense that soft-brained wackos like yourself can’t seem to distinguish from reality. Your reckless words put my family in danger. Keep it up and we will debate the facts further in court.”
Court documents exposing people in Epstein’s inner circle were supposed to be released on Tuesday, but the world will now have to wait until January 22 because an individual named in the list told the judge she’ll be in physical danger if her name goes public.
Responding to the massive backlash surrounding Rodgers’ Kimmel remark, McAfee said on Wednesday, “I can see exactly why Jimmy Kimmel felt the way he felt, especially with his position, but I think Aaron was just trying to talk shit.”
“I can see exactly why Jimmy Kimmel felt the way he felt, especially with his position. But I think Aaron was just trying to talk shit.”
— Awful Announcing (@awfulannouncing) January 3, 2024
Pat McAfee opens his show by responding to the fallout and threats of legal action coming out of his Tuesday interview with Aaron Rodgers
One ? user who claimed to cover Kimmel as a Hollywood reporter for almost a decade stated she’d never “let any kids near” the comedian.
Suuuure Jimmy Kimmel. I think you’re worse than Jeffrey Epstein. Signed, a reporter who had to cover you for nearly a decade living in West Hollywood. I wouldn’t let any kids near you personally.
— Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News ? (@unhealthytruth) January 3, 2024
Regarding Kimmel potentially being connected to Epstein, the only link currently available is the fact that the comedian is very close friends with the dead pedo’s one-time personal chef Adam Perry Lang.
Jimmy Kimmel and his bff Adam Perry Lang who was Jeffrey Epstein’s personal chef for years.
— Mythinformed (@MythinformedMKE) January 3, 2024
Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre accused Lang of witnessing the sex trafficking taking place at the pedophile’s numerous properties.
While trying to contact Lang following the mysterious death of Epstein, Giuffre learned the chef was staying at the home of Kimmel and that in January 2019, Lang was arrested at Kimmel’s home after a 911 emergency call reported a man made threats with explosives and had assaulted a woman with a rifle.
Lang was cleared of all charges and was reportedly asleep when the police arrived.
Kimmel even helped Lang start his Hollywood steakhouse and the pair reportedly spend every Thanksgiving together.
Learn more about Kimmel and Lang’s relationship below via The Daily Wire‘s Brett Cooper:
The Jimmy Kimmel – Jeffrey Epstein connection is deeper than we initially thought. @imbrettcooper breaks down how one of Jimmy’s best friends was in Epstein’s inner circle.
— Mythinformed (@MythinformedMKE) March 15, 2023
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High-End Sex Ring Discovered in D.C. & Boston was ‘Honeypot’ Scheme by Foreign Nations to Blackmail U.S. Officials
Several high-end brothels and escort services operating in Washington, D.C., and Boston suburbs were an espionage “honeypot” operation conducted by foreign nations to blackmail U.S. officials, according to intelligence experts.
The six brothels that comprised the sex ring were headed by a 41-year-old South Korean woman who allegedly targeted politicians, high ranking government officials and defense contractors.
“Having the Koreans out front could have been a false flag to give China or another country plausible deniability if the plot unraveled,” a former CIA senior operations officer told the Daily Mail.
From the Daily Mail:
Han Lee, the alleged mastermind, Junmyung Lee, 30, and James Lee, 68 – all South Korean-born U.S. nationals – were charged in November with running the sex ring. The three Lees are not related.
Han and Junmyung both live in the Boston area so the locations of four of the brothels there made sense. James lives in Torrance, a suburb of Los Angeles.
Members of Congress, military officers, and national security contractors who ‘possessed security clearances’ were among the steady customers at the ‘high-end brothels’ run by the ring, prosecutors say.
The ring’s clients, who paid rates of up to $600 an hour, included corporate executives, professors, lawyers, and scientists.
To entice customers, the Lees allegedly set up websites whose purported purpose was helping photographers find nude female models looking for work. Investigators believe the ring had made more than $1 million by the time it was busted.
The lingerie and bikini clad ‘models’ went by names such as Sexy Schu, Venus, Tina, YokoDDD and Tiffany.
“The girls start by asking for a small favor that’s at the edge of the target’s comfort zone and try to keep expanding the zone and turn small favors into big favors,” the ex-CIA officer said.
The DOJ first launched an investigation into the massive sex ring in November.
According to a federal affidavit written by a DHS special agent, some of the clients of the prostitution ring included, “politicians, pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, lawyers, business executives, technology company executives, scientists, accountants, retail employees, and students.”
Prosecutors said the locations of the sex ring was an indicator that the operation was a honeytrap for U.S. officials.
“Two of the brothels operated from units in luxury apartment buildings in the Virginia suburbs outside the capital, which are each about a 15-minute drive from the White House, Congress, Pentagon and CIA,” the Daily Mail reported.

“The surrounding area is packed with national security giants such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing and General Dynamics. Boston, where the other four brothels operated, is a haven for defense contractors as well.”

“It’s also home to top-tier universities such as Harvard and MIT that train government and military officials, and produce reports for the Pentagon and CIA,” the outlet noted.
A former foreign spy said the purpose of the blackmail operation is to collect government secrets.
“The most valuable information in Washington and Boston are government secrets,” the spy told the Daily Mail.
“If you open a prostitution business that caters to wealthy clients in those cities, you’ll get a lot of people walking through the doors that have access to them.”
The officials were required to hand over a trove of personal information, including bank records, employer information, credit card information, email and phone contacts, and a government-issued ID to be added to the clientele list, which they usually provided “without blinking an eye.”
“Finding idiots like this would be pure gold for an intelligence service running a honeypot,” the former foreign spy added.
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) is one high-profile example of a government official caught in a honeytrap after reports surfaced he had an affair with a Chinese spy named “Fang Fang” in the mid-2010s.
Swalwell lost his seat on the House Intelligence Committee following the revelations.