
Globalists Will Use Carbon Controls To Stop You From Growing Your Own Food

Globalists Will Use Carbon Controls To Stop You From Growing Your Own Food

adminFeb 2, 20247 min read

Globalists Will Use Carbon Controls To Stop You From Growing Your Own Food

Leftists and globalists do not care about protecting your health; they care about how studies can be used to fear monger, thus increasing their power. In other words, if you can rig the science, then you can rig the laws.

In early 2020 in the midst of the covid lockdowns, blue states run by leftist governors pursued mandates with extreme prejudice. In red states like Montana, after the first month or two most of us simply ignored the restrictions and went on with life as usual. It was clear that covid was not the threat federal authorities made it out to be. However, in states like Michigan the vice was squeezed tighter and tighter under the direction of shady leaders like Gretchen Whitmer.

Whitmer used covid as an opportunity to institute some bizarre limitations on the public, including a mandate barring larger stores from selling seeds and garden supplies to customers. “If you’re not buying food or medicine or other essential items, you should not be going to the store,” Whitmer said when announcing her order. The leftist governor was fine with purchases of lottery tickets and liquor, but not gardening tools and seeds.

She never gave a logical reason why she targeted garden supplies, but most people in the preparedness community understood very well what this was all about: This was a beta-test for wider restrictions on food independence. There was widespread rhetoric in the media throughout 2020 attacking anyone stockpiling necessities as “hoarders,” and now they were going after people planning ahead and trying to grow their own food. The establishment did NOT want people to store or produce a personal food supply.

Another prospect that was being openly discussed among globalists was the idea that lockdowns were “helpful” in ways beyond stopping the spread of covid (the lockdowns were actually useless in stopping the spread of covid). They suggested that the these measures could be effective in preventing global carbon emissions and saving the world from “climate change.” The idea of climate lockdowns began to spread.

The corporate media has since lied about the existence of the climate lockdown agenda, but articles and white papers extolling the virtues of shutting down the planet in the name of climate change are easy to find and read. The globalists and their academic defenders wanted PERMANENT lockdowns, or rolling lockdowns every couple of months, shutting down most human activity and travel outside of basic production.

I have argued in the past that what Whitmer was doing in Michigan was a part of this agenda – That her garden supply ban was part of a wider goal that had nothing to do with public health safety and everything to do with stopping people from prepping. The covid controls were only meant to be a precursor to carbon controls.

This past week we have seen more confirmation of this, as a study out of the University of Michigan claims that homegrown foods produce five times more carbon emissions than industrial farming methods.  In other words, private gardens could be considered a threat to the environment. The Telegraph and other corporate platforms have jumped on the story, and I believe this is cause for concern.

The study includes analysis of various gardens from individual family plots to urban and community plots and claims that “garden infrastructure” for individual plots (such as raised beds) contribute far greater carbon pollution than large scale farming. The study seems to ignore the fact that raised beds are more efficient and grow more food in a smaller space, but I doubt they really care to take these kinds of things into consideration.

The average person might be confused by this and assume the opposite is true – Wouldn’t growing foods at home be BETTER for the environment? Not if your funding relies on portraying independent food supplies as bad for the planet. The study is bankrolled by a host of international groups, including the European Union’s Horizon Program which lists “100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030” as one of its project goals.  These 100 cities are then supposed to act as flagship models for the eventual carbon agenda takeover of all cities by 2050.

Such groups have billions of dollars at their disposal and focus most of that monetary firepower on climate change research (propaganda). Do I think that the Michigan study is rigged in favor of a predetermined outcome? Probably. When these studies are funded by globalist interests, their outcomes always seem to favor globalist goals. The study itself does not necessarily argue that people should stop gardening, but it does push the narrative that carbon controls are necessary, even at an individual level.

The Michigan report might seem like a meaningless footnote.  However, as we witnessed last year with a study from the Consumer Product Safety Commission on natural gad appliances, these little and obscure studies are often used to justify large scale government interventions into people’s daily lives. The CPSC study inspired months of debates from Democrats in the US demanding that gas appliances including stoves be banned because they MIGHT cause health side effects, specifically in children (it turns out the study had no concrete basis for this claim).

Leftists and globalists do not care about protecting your health; they care about how these studies can be used to fear monger, thus increasing their power. In other words, if you can rig the science, then you can rig the laws.

We saw something similar to this in a UN study in 2006 which claimed that meat production contributed to nearly 20% of all carbon emissions and was worse for the environment than transportation. The study was exposed in 2010 as “flawed” (fraudulent), but for years the media and globalist organizations used its false conclusions as a springboard to demand limitations and bans on meat production in the name of saving the climate.

If you think the war on farming which is raging right now in Europe is only intended to affect industrial farms, think again. The establishment is going to try to use the man-made climate change lie to dictate ALL food production, right down to your unassuming backyard garden.  And they won’t limit their efforts to the EU; they will come after American farms with the same restrictions.

This is really what the globalist “net zero” programs and 15 minute cities are all about – They are based on the idea that all human activity needs to be monitored and managed. They say it’s for the good of the planet, but the systems they want to put in place from 2030 to 2050 sound like a new digital feudalism, a society where bureaucracies track and trace and micromanage every aspect of your life. The elites benefit greatly while never proving that carbon emissions are a danger to anyone.

Why the obsessive focus on food? Because if people have their own food, then they might be more willing to rebel against further mandates. It’s really that simple. The end game is obvious – Control the food, and you control the world. Do it in the name of saving the planet and a lot of people will even thank you as you starve them.

Everybody Knows Something BIG Is Coming

Shock Video: Suspect Hacks NYC Cops With Machete

Shock Video: Suspect Hacks NYC Cops With Machete

adminFeb 2, 20243 min read

Shock Video: Suspect Hacks NYC Cops With Machete

Crazed man launches brutal attack days after arrest for slashing man on street with large blade

Multiple police officers were injured during an attack by a man wielding a machete in New York City, according to reports. 

The incident unfolded in Brooklyn at around 3:30 p.m. on January 22, but footage was just obtained by the New York Post this week. 

Officers responding to an “emotionally disturbed person” call at a residence in East Flatbush encountered 40-year-old Jean Blain, a man with a lengthy arrest record who reportedly goes by the alias “Insane Blain.”

While officers were confronting Blain, he suddenly pulled out a massive blade and began slashing. 

Bodycam footage of the brutal assault was released by the Post on Tuesday. 

New Released Body-Cam Footage: Machete-Wielding Attacker Assaulting NYPD Officers During Disturbance Call

Police responded to a report of an emotionally disturbed man in an apartment on New York Avenue near Beverley Road in East Flatbush

Body-cam footage captured the moment…

— Unlimited L’s (@unlimited_ls) January 31, 2024

Blain can be heard repeatedly barking, “No!” before yelling, “You know what? F**k that!” and swinging a machete at the nearest cop. 

The 40-year-old Sergeant suffered a head wound and two other officers were also treated for cuts and injuries.

A grand jury reportedly “cut Blain – break because of his mental health issues” and opted not to charge him with attempted murder. 

He was placed in a psychiatric ward amid an investigation into another machete attack for which he was arrested on January 11. 

Blain is suspected of slashing a man with the same weapon for no reason. 

“He asked me, ‘What do you want?’ I didn’t say anything and he just attacked me. I didn’t know what to do. I just ran,” said the victim, who suffered cuts to his head and hand. 

Blain has previously been arrested for allegedly stealing his neighbor’s car, exposing his genitals to women in Times Square, and for hopping a subway turnstile. 

It is unclear what charges, if any, he may faces for the machete attacks. 

Michael Yon joins Alex Jones to issue an emergency warning to those American and Texan patriots who wish to actively help protect the southern border.

Dan Lyman on X | Gab

Watch: CNN Learns Jailing Criminals Stops Them From Committing More Crimes

Watch: CNN Learns Jailing Criminals Stops Them From Committing More Crimes

adminFeb 2, 20242 min read

Watch: CNN Learns Jailing Criminals Stops Them From Committing More Crimes

Illegal alien crime ring reportedly stealing in NYC and traveling to Florida to spend money after cashing in loot

CNN’s Chief Law Enforcement and Intelligence analyst John Miller told the network’s audience and his co-hosts that groups of illegal immigrants are intentionally committing crimes in New York City because of its soft crime policies.

Discussing a group of illegal immigrants who recently attacked NYPD officers, Miller explained the crew in question had already been arrested for several robberies and other crimes.

“So what the detectives are telling me is, they have crews here that operate in New York, do all their stealing, then go to Florida to spend the money and come back. I’m like, ‘Why don’t they just stay and steal in Florida?’ They said, ‘Because there you go to jail,’” Miller said, leaving his fellow CNN hosts flabergasted.


CNN’s Erica Hill quite literally stunned speechless after CNN’s John Miller said migrants steal in NY, spend in FL, but return to NY because they’ll actually be held accountable in the sunshine state:

“So what the detectives are telling me is, they have crews here that…

— Brianna Lyman (@briannalyman2) February 2, 2024

All five of the illegals who assaulted the NYPD officers were set free without bail, and several of them were seen arrogantly flipping off cameras following their release.

The image inspired an epic meme:


— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) February 1, 2024

The New York Post is now reporting, “Cops believe the group hopped on a bus bound for California on Wednesday after giving phony names to a church-affiliated nonprofit group that helps migrants get rides out of the city.” 

The out of control illegal alien crisis is forcing millions of Americans to wake up to the fact that establishment politicians are allowing a UN-run program of replacement migration to destroy the country.

Flashback: 2015 SNL Trump Skit Backfires, Shows Realistic MAGA White House

Flashback: 2015 SNL Trump Skit Backfires, Shows Realistic MAGA White House

adminFeb 2, 20244 min read

Flashback: 2015 SNL Trump Skit Backfires, Shows Realistic MAGA White House

45th President’s appearance on the comedy program may have been the last time it was worth watching at all!

A 2015 Saturday Night Live comedy skit seeking to mock a would-be Donald Trump presidential administration is going viral online as it turned out to be an accurate prediction of the presidency instead of a sarcastic fantasy.

“In two years, you really made America great again,” an advisor tells the real President Trump. “I’ve got to admit, I didn’t think it could happen this fast. Everyone loves the new laws you tweeted.”

Holy shlit

This was a 2015 SNL skit joking about what America would look like under a President Donald Trump

They surprisingly nailed it

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 1, 2024

Next, Trump asks a military general about Syria, and he answers, “Well, ISIS is completely eliminated sir. The country is at peace, all the refugees have returned and they have great jobs as blackjack dealers at the Trump Hotel and Casino in Damascus.”

Regarding Russia, “Madam Secretary” tells Trump that Putin has backed off Ukraine, and when it comes to China, the deals he made has America “killing them on trade.”

The President of Mexico then walks into the Oval Office to hand Trump a check for the border wall.

Ending the skit, an advisor informs President Trump the American people are tired of winning and that the country is actually too great.

Trump tells the audience, “Winning is tough, it’s not that easy. If you think that’s how it’s going to be when I’m president, you’re wrong. It’s going to be even better. I said to the writers of this sketch, ‘Keep it modest.’ It’s better to start with low expectations that way you have nowhere to go but up.”

During another segment of the Trump SNL appearance, Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm star Larry David yells out, “Trump’s a racist,” telling the crowd he heard the network would pay him $5,000 to shout the phrase.

The joke pokes fun at the establishment’s desperation at the time to get anyone they could to attack the popular candidate.

In 2015 Trump hosted SNL and Larry David made fun of the “Trump is a racist” grift.

A year later half of the country started mindlessly believing it because the media told them to.

— MAZE (@mazemoore) February 1, 2024

Thousands of social media users pointed out the attempt at mocking a Trump presidency turned out in hindsight to be nearly clairvoyant.

The Gateway Pundit‘s Elijah Schaffer noted, “his presidency actually looked like this.”

SNL made fun of Trump in 2015

Mocking his potential presidency

However, his presidency actually looked like this.

— E (@ElijahSchaffer) February 2, 2024

This 2015 SNL skit starring President Trump nailed everything about Trump’s Administration. Americans want Trump’s fantastic policies to make a return. That’s why polling shows 45 beating Biden by a lot.

— Charles R Downs (@TheCharlesDowns) February 2, 2024

Absolutely crazy! This isn’t a deep fake. (I had no idea it existed). Donald Trump hosted SNL in 2015 & the skit is shockingly prescient.?

— Jan Jekielek (@JanJekielek) January 28, 2024

President Trump accurately predicts his Presidency on SNL…in 2015.

— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) February 1, 2024

75% Of House Democrats Voted Against Deporting Criminal Migrants Who Commit Social Security Fraud

75% Of House Democrats Voted Against Deporting Criminal Migrants Who Commit Social Security Fraud

adminFeb 2, 20243 min read

75% Of House Democrats Voted Against Deporting Criminal Migrants Who Commit Social Security Fraud

“They’d rather protect illegal aliens than our seniors,” said the House Judiciary Committee in a Thursday post on X.

Democrats talk a big game about ‘Republican attacks on Social Security,’ but 75% of House Dems just voted against deporting migrants who commit Social Security fraud.

Introduced by Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) in December, H.R. 6678 passed with 172 “yea” votes, and 155 “nay” votes – all Democrats, with 55 of them voting with the Republicans.


Biden’s Democrat Party is so ruthlessly, menacingly, staggeringly extreme on immigration they are not even willing to remove lawbreaking criminal aliens who steal identities and prey on seniors.

— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) January 31, 2024

“They’d rather protect illegal aliens than our seniors,” said the House Judiciary Committee in a Thursday post on X.

? 155 House Democrats voted today against deporting criminal migrants who commit social security fraud.

They’d rather protect illegal aliens than our seniors.

RT if you think that’s insane!

— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) February 1, 2024

Meanwhile, 150 Democrats also voted against legislation that would quickly deport illegal aliens who drive drunk.

“I am appalled to see a majority of Democrats in the House of Representatives voting to prevent illegal aliens who endanger the lives of American citizens by drunk driving from being deported. Americans deserve leaders who put their safety and prosperity first,” said Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX).

According to OA Online, “H.R. 6976, the Protect Our Communities from DUIs Act, introduced by Rep. Barry Moore (R-AL), closes a gaping loophole in U.S. immigration law related to drunk driving. Because there is neither a ground of inadmissibility nor a ground of removability explicitly related to driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs, criminal aliens currently can escape accountability for their reckless actions and be free to re-offend and endanger communities. By creating a ground of inadmissibility and a ground of removability for aliens who have committed DUI offenses, this legislation provides long-awaited and much-needed reforms to safeguard American communities.

According to Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), the bill would create a “separate but unequal” system of justice for immigrants.

US Parents Lose Custody Of 14 Yr Old Daughter After Opposing Her ‘Gender Transition’

US Parents Lose Custody Of 14 Yr Old Daughter After Opposing Her ‘Gender Transition’

adminFeb 2, 20241 min read

US Parents Lose Custody Of 14 Yr Old Daughter After Opposing Her ‘Gender Transition’

A troubled 14 year old has been removed from her home after so called Child Protective Services determined that she needed to transition. A Montana family is now fighting to regain custody of their teenage […]

The post US Parents Lose Custody Of 14 Yr Old Daughter After Opposing Her ‘Gender Transition’ appeared first on The People’s Voice.