
Top Doctor Releases Irrefutable Proof Budesonide Safe, Effective for Early & Late COVID Treatment

Top Doctor Releases Irrefutable Proof Budesonide Safe, Effective for Early & Late COVID Treatment

adminFeb 9, 20242 min read

Top Doctor Releases Irrefutable Proof Budesonide Safe, Effective for Early & Late COVID Treatment

Research summary by Dr. Richard Bartlett outlines academic studies into effectiveness of Covid alternative treatment.

Dr. Richard Bartlett, a pioneer in early treatment protocols for Covid-19, has released a research summary highlighting studies that have proven Budesonide is an effective Covid treatment.

Dr. Bartlett’s research emphasizes early treatment benefits and reduced pneumonia risk, presenting a robust case for Budesonide against COVID-19, in spite of FDA regulatory discussions on emergency use authorizations for vaccines.

Read Dr. Bartlett’s research summary:

Since July 2020, Infowars has been at the forefront of promoting Dr. Bartlett’s Budesonide protocol despite Big Pharma, Big Tech and the liberal media industrial complex’s efforts to stonewall his information.

Watch Alex Jones’ coverage of Budesonide and interviews with Dr. Bartlett below:

Dr. Richard Bartlett Responds to New Covid Lockdown Restrictions/Attempts to Block Budesonide

Dr. Bartlett Responds to Howard Stern’s Budesonide Lies

Texas Doctor Claims Covid Cure as Big Pharma Backed Media Attempts to Cancel Him

Texas Health Task Force Doctor Has Found The Cure For COVID-19

As City Reaches “Breaking Point,” Officials In Sanctuary City Denver Begin EVICTING Illegals From Overcrowded Shelters

As City Reaches “Breaking Point,” Officials In Sanctuary City Denver Begin EVICTING Illegals From Overcrowded Shelters

adminFeb 9, 20244 min read

As City Reaches “Breaking Point,” Officials In Sanctuary City Denver Begin EVICTING Illegals From Overcrowded Shelters

Shelters all throughout the Denver capital are filled to the brim with illegals as increasingly more of them flood in from across the open southern border, which the Biden regime refuses to secure unless Congress agrees to send billions more dollars to Ukraine and Israel.

Denver is so full of illegal aliens with no more room to house them that Mayor Mike Johnston, a Democrat, is suggesting that the city may have to stop accepting any more of them.

Shelters all throughout the Denver capital are filled to the brim with illegals as increasingly more of them flood in from across the open southern border, which the Biden regime refuses to secure unless Congress agrees to send billions more dollars to Ukraine and Israel.

Overcrowded shelters in Denver are having to turn away illegals and even evict the ones they are already housing. Meanwhile, Denver’s homeless population has nowhere to go as the shelters are overflowing with illegals that continue to pour in without end.

“I think our city is very close to its breaking point,” Johnston told “Fox & Friends” in a recent interview.

“And we’ve been talking to leaders in D.C. around the country about why we need them to take action here. I think we have successfully welcomed almost 40,000 migrants in the last year and – and we know what it takes to do this successfully, we just need that help.”

(Related: Many Democrat “sanctuary” cities are fed up with Texas busing illegal aliens there, and some are now calling for a border crackdown.)

Taking care of illegals is costly

In 2023, Denver provided assistance to some 38,000 migrants. As of last Friday night, 3,895 of them were staying in various city shelters.

“That’s an incredible number of people to shelter, support, feed, help with transportation, deal with case management,” commented Jon Ewing from Denver Human Services.

Johnston wants to see more federal money come to Denver to support all these illegals. He also wants there to be better border control to stop the endless influx of illegal bodies with nowhere to go and no money to get there.

“The things we need are – yes, we need federal dollars, but the most important thing is, we need, you know, work authorization for folks when they arrive,” he said.

“And we need those resources at the border so you can add more security at the border, and so you can help process those asylum claims so the folks that do arrive here can work.”

Johnston also said that Denver is contemplating putting a stop to receiving any more illegals, who will have to be bused to other cities because Colorado’s capital is full.

“We are considering it,” Johnston explained. “We have to consider all options, particularly if there isn’t any help from the federal government.”

In the meantime, Denver’s city shelters are being cleared out. Starting Monday, 150 migrants will be discharged from the various facilities until eventually all 38,000 migrants are completely out of the city’s 10 government-run shelters.

“The hope and goal is that we are able to connect the vast majority with housing, or at least as many of them as we possibly can,” Ewing said.

“Four thousand people when you have limited budget, when you have limited resources … very difficult to find enough housing as is, affordable housing as is, in the city of Denver – that’s going to be difficult.”

Prior to all this, Denver was a proud sanctuary city littered with politics and yard signs stating that residents “welcome their immigrant neighbors.” Now that these immigrant neighbors are flooding the city by the tens of thousands, Denver is realizing that its bleeding-heart policies are unsustainable and threaten to unravel the city entirely.

“Treating citizens as scum and illegal aliens as the chosen ones is the biggest disgrace I’ve ever seen in my lifetime,” one commenter wrote on a story about the way U.S. government officials are handling the illegal invasion.

The latest news about the crisis at the southern border can be found at

UK Government Plans To Add Fluoride To Tap Water Of Millions

UK Government Plans To Add Fluoride To Tap Water Of Millions

adminFeb 9, 20241 min read

UK Government Plans To Add Fluoride To Tap Water Of Millions

Millions more Brits are to have fluoride added to their drinking water under proposed Government plans.   Ministers want to proceed with the biggest fluoridation expansion since the 1980s as part of a controversial dental recovery […]

The post UK Government Plans To Add Fluoride To Tap Water Of Millions appeared first on The People’s Voice.

Hawaii Ignores US Supreme Court, Strikes Down Right To Carry Firearms In Public

Hawaii Ignores US Supreme Court, Strikes Down Right To Carry Firearms In Public

adminFeb 9, 20245 min read

Hawaii Ignores US Supreme Court, Strikes Down Right To Carry Firearms In Public

“Article I, section 17 of the Hawaii Constitution mirrors the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution,” the Supreme Court of Hawaii wrote. However, “we read those words differently than the current United States Supreme Court. We hold that in Hawaii there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public.”

Hawaii’s Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that the state doesn’t have to adhere to a constitutional right to carry firearms in public, deviating from a 2022 US Supreme Court decision affirming such a right.

Article I, section 17 of the Hawaii Constitution mirrors the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution,” the Supreme Court of Hawaii wrote. However, “we read those words differently than the current United States Supreme Court. We hold that in Hawaii there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public.”

In doing so, the justices reversed a circuit court decision siding with a gun owner who was charged with a felony for violating three Hawaiian gun laws. The lower court had dismissed the charges, citing the 2022 “New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen” in which the US Supreme Court ruled for the first time that an individual’s right to carry a handgun in public for self-defense is covered under the 2nd Amendment.

In December, Christopher Wilson was charged with a felony for violating three gun laws in Hawaii. Two of these laws restrict the possession of firearms and ammunition to the owner’s residence or business. A third law, HRS Section 134-9, authorizes the chief of police in each county to issue licenses for carrying firearms.

Mr. Wilson’s legal team moved to have the charges dismissed, arguing that prosecuting him for possessing a firearm for self-defense purposes outside his home violated his right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Article 1, Section 17 of the Hawaii Constitution.

In August 2022, a circuit court judge granted Mr. Wilson’s motion to dismiss the charges. It agreed that regulations restricting firearms to Mr. Wilson’s business or residence violated his right to keep and bear arms. -Epoch Times

In its ruling, the Hawaiian Supreme Court claimed that the Bruen decision “snubs federalism principles.”

The Hawaii Supreme Court held that while Wilson has standing to challenge the two laws restricting firearms, they wrote “we reject Wilson’s constitutional challenges.”

Hawaii’s historical tradition of firearm regulation rule out an individual right to keep and bear arms under the Hawaii Constitution … The spirit of Aloha clashes with a federally-mandated lifestyle that lets citizens walk around with deadly weapons during day-to-day activities.”

As the Epoch Times further notes:

‘Anti-Gun’ Court

The Hawaii Supreme Court’s decision was criticized by Kostas Moros, an attorney with Michel and Associates representing the California Rifle & Pistol Association.

I hope the poor guy dealing with all this nonsense files a cert petition. What a preposterous ruling by a bench of antigun activists,” he said in a Feb. 8 post on X (formerly Twitter). A cert petition seeks to have a higher court review the decision of a lower court.

At the time this man was charged, no one had ever gotten a CCW (concealed carry weapons) permit in Hawaii. It’s completely abdication of the judicial role to ignore this, unless the petitioner never brought it up, which I find unlikely.”

Mr. Moros also criticized the Hawaii Supreme Court’s statement in its opinion that it makes “no sense for contemporary society to pledge allegiance to the founding era’s culture, realities, laws, and understanding of the Constitution.”

Sounds like the Hawaii Supreme Court doesn’t even want to be a part of the United States, in this rejection of not just the Second Amendment but their culture and understanding of the Constitution,” he said.

In June last year, Gov. Josh Green, a Democrat, signed bill SB1230 into law that prohibits carrying guns at many places, including beaches, nursing homes, hospitals, restaurants serving alcohol, movie theaters, stadiums, courthouses, and public parks.

At the time, Mr. Green justified the bill by stating it would prevent injuries and deaths. “We’re taking action on gun violence … because most important to us as a family is to keep our keiki safe, and those that we love safe,” he said. In Hawaii, “keiki” refers to children.

The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action criticized the bill, stating it “massively expands ‘gun-free zones’ where law-abiding citizens are left defenseless and also prohibits carrying firearms on private property unless the owner gives affirmative permission.” The bill also requires people carrying firearms to other places to have insurance coverage.

A lawsuit has been filed against the bill that is scheduled for a hearing in San Francisco in April, according to attorney Alan Beck, who is litigating the case. A fundraiser has been created to cover the expenses of the lawsuit, which has received close to $8,000 in donations out of the targeted $20,000.

In a Jan. 8 Facebook post, Mr. Beck said that the lawsuit would be heard by judges who will “at least be open to the Second Amendment arguments. That is good news for Hawaii gun owners.”

Bipartisan Border Bill Gives Biden Dictatorial Powers, 2.3 Billion To NGO Human Traffickers, And Millions of Aliens Legal Status
Interview Highlights: Putin Says CIA Blew Up Nord Stream, US Killing Dollar With Own Hands, Slams “Boogeyman Story” of Chinese Economic Dominance, MORE

Interview Highlights: Putin Says CIA Blew Up Nord Stream, US Killing Dollar With Own Hands, Slams “Boogeyman Story” of Chinese Economic Dominance, MORE

adminFeb 9, 20244 min read

Interview Highlights: Putin Says CIA Blew Up Nord Stream, US Killing Dollar With Own Hands, Slams “Boogeyman Story” of Chinese Economic Dominance, MORE

Watch & share highlights of the interview everyone is talking about!

Below are some of the top subjects discussed in the historic Tucker Carlson and Russian President Vladimir Putin interview:

Regarding the infamous destruction of the Nord Stream Pipeline, Putin suggested the United States CIA blew it up in a sabotage operation.

The Russian leader also pointed out it’s basically useless for him to present information to the West because the U.S. “controls all the world’s media and many European media.”

Tucker Asks Putin Who Blew Up The Nord Stream Pipeline

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) February 9, 2024

Another key portion of the interview was Putin’s declaration that American presidents in his experience are often blocked from doing what they please by advisors apparently more powerful than them.

“So, twice you’ve described US presidents making decisions and then being undercut by their agency heads. So, it sounds like you’re describing a system that’s not run by the people who are elected in your telling,” Carlson said with Putin agreeing, “That’s right.”

Putin Confirms: The United States Is Not Run By Its Elected Officials

TUCKER: “So, twice you’ve described US presidents making decisions and then being undercut by their agency heads. So, it sounds like you’re describing a system that’s not run by the people who are elected in…

— The Vigilant Fox ? (@VigilantFox) February 9, 2024

One example of a president being controlled came when Putin described asking ex-U.S. President Bill Clinton if Russia could join NATO.

Clinton allegedly said, “I think so,” only to tell Putin later that evening “I’ve talked to my team. It’s not possible now.”

BREAKING: Putin Says Russia Would Have Joined NATO If The West Was Honest!

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) February 8, 2024

The Russian government head also asked why the U.S. is spending so much money and resources on the war in Ukraine while also slamming American issues such as the debt and open border.

Putin says the U.S. is killing the dollar with their own hands

by using it as a tool to shape foreign policy

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) February 9, 2024

Did the sanctions against Russia work?


— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) February 9, 2024

Putin went on to slam the “boogeyman story” of Chinese economic dominance while also predicting the rise of BRICS:

Putin doesn’t buy “boogeyman story” of Chinese economic dominance,

and predicts growing BRICS economy is inevitable, “like the rise of the sun.”

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) February 9, 2024

More highlights:

Tucker Carlson to Putin: Maybe the world is splitting into two hemispheres

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) February 9, 2024

Could Relations With Russia Change With A New American Administration?

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) February 9, 2024

Watch the full interview below:

Ep. 73 The Vladimir Putin Interview

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) February 8, 2024

Watch: Biden Nat. Sec. Council Spox John Kirby Tells Americans Not To Believe Putin Interview with Tucker Carlson

Watch: Biden Nat. Sec. Council Spox John Kirby Tells Americans Not To Believe Putin Interview with Tucker Carlson

adminFeb 8, 20243 min read

Watch: Biden Nat. Sec. Council Spox John Kirby Tells Americans Not To Believe Putin Interview with Tucker Carlson

‘Remember, you’re listening to Vladimir Putin, and you shouldn’t take at face value anything he has to say,’ Kirby said.

Americans watching Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin shouldn’t be swayed by the Russian president’s arguments criticizing the Ukraine war effort, warned Biden National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications John Kirby.

Speaking to reporters at a White House briefing Thursday, Kirby was asked whether the administration was worried Tucker’s interview could hurt Americans’ support for the war in Ukraine.

“The American people know well who’s at fault here? And I think they know that there was no ground whatsoever for the Invasion on February 22nd two years ago,” Kirby said.

BREAKING: White House’s John Kirby says Americans should not believe anything Vladimir Putin says during Tucker Carlson’s interview. They should remember that they are listening to Vladimir Putin, and nothing should be taken at face value. WATCH

— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) February 8, 2024

“He invaded a neighboring country without provocation. Ukraine wasn’t a threat to anybody, and the American people understand that, and the American people understand what Ukraine’s fighting for. And all they’re asking for is our help. They’re not asking for American boots on the ground,” he continued.

The Biden national security adviser added the interview likely won’t change peoples’ minds on the matter, and that anything said by the Russian president should be dismissed.

“Again, I don’t think the American people are going to be swayed by one single interview. And I think anybody that watches that interview – again, I haven’t seen – whatever said, need to make sure you’re – remember, you’re listening to Vladimir Putin, and you shouldn’t take at face value anything he has to say,” Kirby said.

The NSC spokesman’s effort to downplay the significance of the interview, the first with Putin since the war started, shows the establishment is frantically panicking they’re going to lose control of the narrative.

The Deep State also trotted out Democrat operative Hillary Clinton to smear Tucker as a “useful idiot” ahead of the interview, further illustrating the globalists fear it will expose the lies and facts behind the conflict.