MUST WATCH: MSM Maverick Lou Dobbs Says Trump Must Win In 2024 To Save America’s Destiny
Lou Dobbs interviews Alex Jones for “The Great America Show,” however, Alex manages to turn the tables and ask the legendary broadcaster a few questions himself.
Amy Schumer’s Swollen Face Raises Speculation on Covid Vaccine Link After Autoimmune Revelation
Comedian and actress Amy Schumer’s swollen, puffy-faced appearance on the Tonight Show stunned viewers, but her explanation for her appearance left many asking whether she might have suffered a vaccine-induced adverse reaction.
Addressing comments over her appearance on Instagram, Schumer admitted, “You’re right it is puffier than normal right now.”
“I have endometriosis, an autoimmune disease that every woman should read about,” she wrote, adding, “There are some medical and hormonal things going on in my world right now but I’m okay.”

Many on social media presumed Schumer’s “moon-face” symptoms were a result of the pharmaceutical steroid Prednisone, a drug used to treat immune system disorders which is known to cause swelling of the face.
What Schumer didn’t mention, however, is her condition may have initially developed as a result of receiving a Covid-19 vaccine, which have been blamed for weakening immune systems and exacerbating endometriosis symptoms in women.
(LOL!!!) Amy Schumer wears her ‘fanciest dress’ to get COVID vaccine:
— Georgeanne Matranga? (@DTPORGE) March 29, 2021
The point was highlighted on X with many questioning whether the Covid jab, which Schumer at one time advertised, may have kicked off her autoimmune disease battles.
Amy Schumer –
Announces she has an Auto Immune Disease –
Fully Vaccinated – ?— “Sudden And Unexpected” (@toobaffled) February 16, 2024
? autoimmune disease you say?
— Jordan Karr (@JordanLkarr) February 16, 2024
Amy Schumer breaks silence on her appearance after sparking concern with ‘puffy and swollen’ face – as star details endometriosis and autoimmune disease battles: ‘I feel strong and beautiful!’
— Rob Dew (@DewsNewz) February 16, 2024
Uh oh
Over the past few years, Covid jabs have been blamed for creating vaccine-induced autoimmune disease (VAIDS).
Explaining the issue on “Good Morning America,” ABC News Senior Medical Contributor Dr. Jennifer Ashton described in May 2022 “an immune phenomenon known as tolerance where, if you already have high antibody levels and you get another booster, that your immune system can start to say, ‘What am I needed for?’ and kind of start to shut down.”
Infowars has also extensively reported on the connection between the Covid jabs and VAIDS.
In December of 2020, Australia scrapped its domestically-produced Covid vaccine after test subjects tested positive for HIV.
The official claim was that “Antibodies were shielding participants from a Covid-19 infection were also leading to false positives on HIV tests.”
In October of 2021, the information gatekeepers at Facebook and Instagram felt the world should be protected from the words of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro by deleting a video of the president discussing the connection between coronavirus vaccines and AIDS.
A November 2021 research paper published in Viruses, also found “spike proteins from mRNA vaccines can lead to immunodeficiency conditions, similar to AIDS.”
An Australian study in August 2023 that tested the cytokine responses of 29 children aged 5-11 before their first dose of Pfizer BioNTech’s vaccine and 28 days after their second dose also found all of the children essentially developed vaccine acquired immune deficit, leaving them susceptible to viruses, bacterias and other pathogens.
Could Schumer’s condition be the result of severe Covid vaccine adverse reaction?
The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!
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Yes, “Everything Is Political Now.” But Why?
YouTuber Wade Stotts of The Wade Show with Wade concisely uses the “Friend-Enemy distinction” to explain the political environment Americans have now found themselves in.
“Carl Schmitt wrote an essay in 1932 The Concept of the Political,” says Stotts. “According to Schmitt, politics isn’t about debates and issues and process. For him it’s all about friends vs enemies. For Schmitt, a group of people get together because they want to preserve a certain way of life. Anyone else who also wants to preserve that way of life is your friend. When another group rises up and endangers what you’ve built, that group is the enemy.”
“And once friends and enemies have been identified, that’s when something becomes political.”
Stotts goes on to explain how former President Trump was able to ascend in politics due to his ability to frame issues.
“Trump didn’t start [this],” said Stotts. “He just recognized he was in a fight and started punching back.”
“The Left understands the Friend-Enemy dynamic. And they don’t give people positions of power because they’re competent, they give them positions of power because they’re useful.
People get mad that ‘everything is political now.’ But it’s always been political at some level. We just had a story in our head that made it hard to see what was going on. It’s our fault for believing the story. There’s been a war going on and we just noticed. That’s on us.”
Watch: Democratic Leaders Tell America That Illegal Aliens Come First
New Polling Shows The Real Results Of The 2020 Election Before The Voter Fraud For Biden
Owen Shroyer discusses how a recent poll of Americans across the country reveals the exact outcome of the 2020 election- before the massive election fraud campaign.
Skip Breakfast? WSJ Tells Readers How To Survive Bidenomics
Alex Jones breaks down how the establishment media is running cover for Biden’s failing economic policies.
The Federal Mega-Debt is Here to Stay
US fiscal realities are well known. Total federal debt outstanding has now reached $34 trillion, up from $98 billion in 1981, $5.67 trillion in 2000, $13.56 trillion in 2010, and $26.95 trillion in 2020. And at 120 percent of the US economy’s productive capacity (gross domestic product), the federal debt matches that at the end of World War II.
That $34 trillion, when spelled out, is the number thirty-four followed by twelve (count ’em) zeros separated by four commas. So it looks like this, a lot of digits and commas for the human brain to comprehend: $34,000,000,000,000.
These official debt figures do not even include the large unfunded liabilities inherent in the largest federal entitlement programs, Social Security and Medicare, Medicaid, and several others that comprise about two-thirds of federal spending. We can, however, accurately forecast those liabilities over the next seventy-five years—the time horizon used by the trustees of the two funds that finance the programs—because the future beneficiaries have already been born and will expect their benefits when they become eligible. Unfunded liabilities are currently estimated at $212 trillion.
The two programs, Social Security and Medicare, are structured so that future workers will be paying sufficient payroll taxes to pay future benefits as the population ages. But the trustees of the two programs project that the trust funds do not currently contain sufficient resources to fully cover these future benefits past the middle of the next decade without congressional changes.
Outstanding Debt versus Federal Budget Deficits
Where did all this debt come from? In the simplest sense, it came from too much spending. There tends to be confusion between annual federal budget deficits and the total outstanding federal debt. We’re referring here to the debt, not simply to the annual budget deficits that continue to increase the debt every time the federal government spends more than it receives in tax revenue.
This deficit spending results every year that the legislative and executive branches of our federal government can’t seem to control their spending habits, which has been the case every year since the late 1990s when the federal government last ran a small surplus. Annual federal budget deficits currently run at the $1.7 trillion level, compared to the $34 trillion debt.
Motivation to Pay Off the Federal Debt
Is there any motivation to attempt a debt payoff? Many Americans appear to have been lulled into accepting some variant of modern monetary theory, which has infected the populace like a virus, and which a small fringe group of economists believe allows a sovereign nation with its own sovereign currency to spend without limit, being able simply to issue more of its own currency to pay off any debt with impunity. Though these believers do not outright state that there is no limit to the amount of debt that sovereign countries can take on with no concern about ever repaying, reading between the lines and watching their behavior certainly indicates this conclusion.
What Debt Payoff Might Look Like
If there is any motivation to pay off the federal debt, what would this payoff actually entail? In the simplest terms, dividing the current outstanding $34 trillion debt by the current US population of 334,233,854 (as of January 1, 2023) yields a one-time per capita payoff figure of $101,725.18 for every man, woman, and child in the US.
While this undoubtedly exceeds the average savings account owned by most Americans, it doesn’t look like an outrageously high figure. But, of course, we’re assuming no more annual federal budget deficits that increase the debt, which would be a difficult promise for Congress and any president to keep. But if such a payoff were possible, it would obviate the need to continue paying interest on the debt, an outlay that now runs about $1 trillion annually.
Another approach to pay off the federal debt over time might be to structure the debt payoff similarly to an amortized mortgage. As a hypothetical thought exercise, picture that you’ve taken on a $34 trillion mortgage to buy your ultimate dream house.
The interest rate on this hypothetical mortgage is the current average rate being paid to lenders who own the Treasury bonds that comprise the debt. After all, these lenders, which include both Americans and those in foreign countries such as China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and others, would expect to receive their interest payments during the next thirty years that you will be paying your hypothetical mortgage.
The average annual interest rate on the US debt, as of December 2023, is 3.11 percent, which is expected to increase over time. But if you can lock in this interest rate on your hypothetical thirty-year $34 trillion mortgage, 3.11 percent sounds like a pretty good deal, below current conventional mortgage rates.
Using an Excel spreadsheet for the calculations, the formula for the monthly mortgage payment is PMT (1,2,3), where three arguments are as follows:
- Monthly interest rate expressed as a decimal (0.0311), divided by 12.
- The number of mortgage payments, 360 in this example (thirty years times 12).
- The mortgage loan amount ($34,000,000,000,000 here).
For readers who may want to try this at home, inserting these three arguments into the Excel PMT calculation, the monthly payment for 360 payments over thirty years at a monthly mortgage interest rate of 0.00259 (i.e., 0.259 percent, about one-quarter of 1 percent) would be $145,370,309,731.07 total, or $434.94 per capita.
That’s $145 billion and change every month for thirty years, or $434.94 per every American man, woman, and child. This is most likely more than every American could ever afford to contribute every month for thirty years to repay the federal debt. And again, this assumes no more continuing federal budget deficits that would increase the existing debt. Remember, we’re only trying to pay off the current outstanding debt of $34 trillion.
Yet these figures are worth contemplating for their astounding magnitude, just as the total outstanding federal debt is worth contemplating for its astounding magnitude. These figures are very difficult for the human brain to grasp.
Anyone reading this far must conclude that this is a fatuous exercise, that there is no achievable way to pay off the current federal debt within the lifetimes of Americans currently alive, and that the only possible remedy is to begin curtailing federal spending to avoid taking on additional debt. That’s why we occasionally hear a few politicians speaking of (or paying lip service to) “deficit reduction,” which in the current political environment is the only humanly possible pursuit. And accomplishing that is easier said than done, for political as much as for financial reasons.
And on a final note, when contemplating the US fiscal predicament, keep in mind that there are only four means by which government can capture resources for its own use:
- Outright confiscation of property for public use, which is prevented by the US Constitution’s “taking clause” without just compensation of the property owner.
- Taxation.
- Debt issuance.
- Inflation that erodes the nominal amount of the debt over time, harming lenders.
Some observers would argue that this fourth strategy is perhaps what we are beginning to observe in the US and some other countries around the world, but that is a topic for another day.
Watch: Democratic Leaders Tell America That Illegal Aliens Come First