Elon Musk Claims SpaceX Starship Will Take Humanity To Mars
Even though his rocket exploded under atmospheric pressure after its launch, Elon Musk has proudly proclaimed that his Starship will be taking humanity to Mars. The huge rocket hit a major milestone during its flight […]
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US Intelligence: World Still Vulnerable To Pathogens That Could Cause ‘Devastating Pandemic’
Countries around the world are susceptible to another “devastating pandemic” due to the failings of global health services and the inability to effectively surveil diseases, according to US intelligence agencies. Their warning comes just days […]
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‘We Are At War’ – Former UK Spy Chief
Britain is engaged in a “gray war” with Russia, but neither the authorities nor the public are taking the situation seriously enough, the former head of the famed spy agency MI6, Richard Dearlove, has warned.
The UK military isn’t getting enough money to be able to counter the “threats” posed by Moscow and Beijing, Richard Dearlove, who led the British Secret Intelligence Service between 1999 and 2004, said in an interview with Politico on Friday.
The statement followed last week’s announcement of the UK’s budget for the next financial year, in which there was no increase in defense spending. It remains at 2% of the country’s GDP.
”If you stopped anyone in the street here in the UK and asked them whether they thought Britain is at war, they’d look at you as if you were mad. But we are at war — we’re engaged in a gray war with Russia, and I am trying to remind people of that,” the former spy chief said.
The British authorities have “got to make some tough choices, and I’m afraid the tough choices are in front of us right now. We should be spending at least 2.5%” on defense, he insisted.
Read more West poses no threat to Russia – UK defense chief
“We urgently need to be building more ships. We need a much bigger navy. And we need more boots on the ground, for God’s sake,”Dearlove stressed.
The fighting between Russia and Ukraine has shown the importance of manpower on the modern battlefield, the 79-year-old said. The size of the British army had been reduced by more than 26,000 since 2006, and currently has just over 74,000 full-time troops.
Last month, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov accused the UK of being “directly involved” in the conflict between Moscow and Ukraine. He was reacting to a report in The Times which claimed that the head of the UK armed forces, Admiral Tony Radakin, had “helped the Ukrainians with the strategy to destroy Russian ships and open up the Black Sea.” According to Peskov, it is “no secret” for Moscow that the British “provide different forms of support” to Kiev such as “people on the ground and intelligence.”
In February, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the UK has been “even more aggressive, more elaborate in its provocative assertiveness” towards Moscow than any other Western nation during the conflict.
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The UK has been one of the leading backers of Ukraine in Europe since the start of the fighting more than two years ago, pledging to provide Kiev with 12 billion pounds ($15.2 billion) in overall support, including 7.1 billion pounds ($9 billion) in military assistance.
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Us Issues Veiled Threat To Hungary
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is isolating his country from the Western “community of democracies,” US Ambassador David Pressman claimed on Thursday in wide-reaching rebuke.
Ties between the two nations should not depend on “temporary” leaders, the diplomat argued, as he delivered a list of grievances against Budapest.
“While the Orban government may want to wait out the United States government, the United States will certainly not wait out the Orban administration. While Hungry waits, we will act,” Pressman warned.
The ambassador was referring to Orban’s expressed hope that Donald Trump will defeat President Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election.
Pressman’s speech was delivered at the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, for an event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Hungary’s accession to NATO. The private institution, founded in the early 1990s by George Soros, has faced a crackdown in Budapest, since Orban accused the Hungarian-born US billionaire of using NGOs to apply political pressure.
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The fact that the CEU has relocated its main campus to Vienna, and “moved further to the west as Hungary opened eastward” is significant and “epitomizes the sacrifice of something great in exchange for… talking points,” the American diplomat claimed.
Budapest’s relatively cordial relations with Moscow and its refusal to follow the US lead on the Ukraine conflict were identified by Pressman as major points of contention. Hungary is ignoring the “legitimate security concerns” of the other 31 members of NATO and is “standing with Russia” by advocating a negotiated peace, he claimed, describing the latter as a call for Ukraine’s “surrender and subjugation.”
“This is not the approach of the Transatlantic alliance,” he insisted.
Pressman also blasted Hungarian politicians who use nationalist sentiment in domestic campaigning, and depict the US as a meddling foreign power. He called such remarks “wild rhetoric” and “dangerously unhinged anti-American messaging”, by Orban and his allies.
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“We’re not really asking for much: transparency, dialogue, nonpartisanship, and a commitment to democracy would suffice,” the ambassador described what course correction was expected from the host nation. Washington requires NATO members to follow its lead on “big things” and is not objecting, even if they disagree on “most” other issues, he said.
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Dr. Alphonzo Monzo Reveals The Dark Truth About Nanowires, 5G, Electropollution & The Borgification Of Humanity
Mike Adams interviewed Dr. Alphonzo Monzo on his Wednesday show. The two discussed advanced genetic modification technology and nanotechnology found within the covid vaccines.
Dr. Monzo discussed teslaphoresis, or the phenomenon wherein certain nanoparticles can be hit with electromagnetic fields and begin self assembling.
“So if they can just get the different types of particles in your body along with an operating system that tells the products what to do, they will start self assembling into different types of technologies, different types of machines or whatever it may be designed to do,” Dr. Monzo said.
Adams discussed how clots removed from the covid vaccinated show high amounts of materials not commonly found in humans, but which are essential in nanotechnology built to respond to EMF stimuli.
“My lab did the first analysis of the clots from the embalmer,” Adams said. “I remember specifically that those clots were very high in tin as well as aluminum and sodium, and those three elements all conduct electricity.”
The doctor theorized the source of this trans-humanism technology.
“I don’t really necessarily think the nanotechnology is manmade, I think it’s demonic,” Dr. Monzo said. “And I think it was technology that was obtained by doing occult activity, demonic, satanic activity, and the technology was handed over.”
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BREAKING: Fox News Reports COVID-19 Shots Contain Toxic DNA and Cancer Viruses