
Nancy Pelosi Scores Bumper Multi-Million Dollar Payday On Stock Held For Days

Nancy Pelosi Scores Bumper Multi-Million Dollar Payday On Stock Held For Days

adminFeb 27, 20241 min read

Nancy Pelosi Scores Bumper Multi-Million Dollar Payday On Stock Held For Days

Nancy Pelosi has somehow managed to beat the market again, realizing a $1.8 million profit from a stock investment in NVIDIA that she held for a matter of days before it skyrocketed. Pelosi’s gain was […]

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Technocensorship: When Corporations Serve As a Front for Government Censors

Technocensorship: When Corporations Serve As a Front for Government Censors

adminFeb 27, 202410 min read

Technocensorship: When Corporations Serve As a Front for Government Censors

As the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government revealed, the Biden administration worked in tandem with social media companies to censor content related to COVID-19, including humorous jokes, credible information and so-called disinformation.

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear. We must, therefore, be on our guard against extremists who urge us to adopt police state measures. Such persons advocate breaking down the guarantees of the Bill of Rights in order to get at the communists. They forget that if the Bill of Rights were to be broken down, all groups, even the most conservative, would be in danger from the arbitrary power of government.”—Harry S. Truman, Special Message to the Congress on the Internal Security of the United States (August 8, 1950)

Nothing good can come from allowing the government to sidestep the Constitution.

Unfortunately, the government has become an expert at disregarding constitutional roadblocks intended to protect the rights of the citizenry.

When these end-runs don’t suffice, the government hides behind the covert, clandestine, classified language of national security; or obfuscates, complicates, stymies, and bamboozles; or creates manufactured diversions to keep the citizenry in the dark; or works through private third parties not traditionally bound by the Constitution.

This last tactic is increasingly how the government gets away with butchering our freedoms, by having its corporate partners serve as a front for its nefarious deeds.

This is how the police state has managed to carry out an illegal secret dragnet surveillance program on the American people over the course of multiple presidential administrations.

Relying on a set of privacy loopholes, the White House (under Presidents Obama, Trump and now Biden) has been sidestepping the Fourth Amendment by paying AT&T to allow federal, state, and local law enforcement to access—without a warrant—the phone records of Americans who are not suspected of a crime.

The government used a similar playbook to get around the First Amendment, packaged as an effort to control the spread of speculative or false information in the name of national security.

As the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government revealed, the Biden administration worked in tandem with social media companies to censor content related to COVID-19, including humorous jokes, credible information and so-called disinformation.

Likening the government’s heavy-handed attempts to pressure social media companies to suppress content critical of COVID vaccines or the election to “an almost dystopian scenario,” Judge Terry Doughty warned that “the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.’

Restricting access to social media has become a popular means of internet censorship.

Dare to voice politically incorrect views in anything louder than a whisper on social media and you might find yourself suspended on Twitter, shut out of Facebook, and banned across various social media platforms. This authoritarian intolerance masquerading as tolerance, civility and love is what comedian George Carlin referred to as “fascism pretending to be manners.”

Social media censorship runs the gamut from content blocking, throttling, and filtering to lockouts, shutdowns, shadow banning and de-platforming.

In fact, these tactics are at the heart of several critical cases before the U.S. Supreme Court over who gets to control, regulate or remove what content is shared on the internet: the individual, corporate censors or the government.

Yet what those who typically champion the right of corporations to be free from government meddling get wrong about these cases is that there can be no free speech when corporations such as Facebook, Google or YouTube become a front for—or extensions of—government censors.

This is the very definition of technocensorship.

On paper—under the First Amendment, at least—we are technically free to speak.

In reality, however, we are now only as free to speak as a government official—or corporate entities such as Facebook, Google or YouTube—may allow.

Clothed in tyrannical self-righteousness, technocensorship is powered by technological behemoths (both corporate and governmental) working in tandem to achieve a common goal: to muzzle, silence and altogether eradicate any speech that runs afoul of the government’s own approved narrative.

This is political correctness taken to its most chilling and oppressive extreme.

This authoritarian impulse to censor and silence “dangerous” speech masquerading as tolerance, civility and a concern for safety (what comedian George Carlin referred to as “fascism pretending to be manners”) is the end result of a politically correct culture that has become radicalized, institutionalized and tyrannical.

You see, the government is not protecting us from “dangerous” disinformation campaigns. It is laying the groundwork to insulate us from “dangerous” ideas that might cause us to think for ourselves and, in so doing, challenge the power elite’s stranglehold over our lives.

Thus far, the tech giants have been able to sidestep the First Amendment by virtue of their non-governmental status, but it’s a dubious distinction at best when they are marching in lockstep with the government’s dictates.

As Philip Hamburger and Jenin Younes write for The Wall Street Journal: “The First Amendment prohibits the government from ‘abridging the freedom of speech.’ Supreme Court doctrine makes clear that government can’t constitutionally evade the amendment by working through private companies.”

It remains to be seen whether the Supreme Court can see itself clear to recognizing that censorship by social media companies acting at the behest of the government runs afoul of the First Amendment.

Bottom line: either we believe in free speech or we don’t.

The answer to the political, legal and moral challenges of our day should always be more speech, not less.

Any individual or group—prominent or not—who is censored, silenced and made to disappear from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram for voicing ideas that are deemed politically incorrect, hateful, dangerous or conspiratorial should be cause for alarm across the entire political spectrum.

To ignore the long-term ramifications of such censorship is dangerously naïve, because whatever powers the government and its corporate operatives are allowed to claim now will eventually be used against the populace at large.

These social shunning tactics borrow heavily from the mind control tactics used by authoritarian cults as a means of controlling its members. As Dr. Steven Hassan writes in Psychology Today: “By ordering members to be cut off, they can no longer participate. Information and sharing of thoughts, feelings, and experiences are stifled. Thought-stopping and use of loaded terms keep a person constrained into a black-and-white, all-or-nothing world. This controls members through fear and guilt.”

This mind control can take many forms, but the end result is an enslaved, compliant populace incapable of challenging tyranny.

As Rod Serling, creator of The Twilight Zone, once observed, “We’re developing a new citizenry, one that will be very selective about cereals and automobiles, but won’t be able to think.”

The problem is that we’ve allowed ourselves to be persuaded that we need someone else to think and speak for us, and we’ve bought into the idea that we need the government and its corporate partners to shield us from that which is ugly or upsetting or mean. The result is a society in which we’ve stopped debating among ourselves, stopped thinking for ourselves, and stopped believing that we can fix our own problems and resolve our own differences.

In short, we have reduced ourselves to a largely silent, passive, polarized populace incapable of working through our own problems and reliant on the government to protect us from our fears.

As Nat Hentoff, that inveterate champion of the First Amendment, once observed, “The quintessential difference between a free nation, as we profess to be, and a totalitarian state, is that here everyone, including a foe of democracy, has the right to speak his mind.”

What this means is championing the free speech rights of those with whom we might disagree.

That’s why James Madison, the author of the Bill of Rights, fought for a First Amendment that protected the “minority” against the majority, ensuring that even in the face of overwhelming pressure, a minority of one—even one who espouses distasteful viewpoints—would still have the right to speak freely, pray freely, assemble freely, challenge the government freely, and broadcast his views in the press freely. He understood that freedom for those in the unpopular minority constitutes the ultimate tolerance in a free society.

The government has no tolerance for freedom or free speech of any kind that challenges its chokehold on power.

At some point or another, depending on how the government and its corporate allies define what constitutes “disinformation,” “hate” or “extremism, “we the people” might all be considered guilty of some thought crime or speech transgression or other.

Yet as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, it’s a slippery slope from censoring so-called illegitimate ideas to silencing truth.

Eventually, as George Orwell predicted, telling the truth will become a revolutionary act.

Ultimately, the government’s war on free speech—and that’s exactly what it is—is a war that is driven by a government fearful of its people.

As President John F. Kennedy observed, “[A] nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”

Deep State Used U.S. Intelligence Agencies/DOJ to Illegally Terrorize Trump Supporters
Parents Furious, Children in Tears After Deceiving AI Ads  Lead to Lame Willy Wonka Warehouse Experience

Parents Furious, Children in Tears After Deceiving AI Ads Lead to Lame Willy Wonka Warehouse Experience

adminFeb 27, 20244 min read
Visitors disappointed after $40 warehouse ‘Willy Wonka Experience’ spectacularly fails to live up to AI advertisements.

Parents in Glasgow, Scotland, complained to police after they were fooled into taking their children to a disappointing Willy Wonka event held at a warehouse that was trumped up in fantastical in AI ads.

The “Willy’s Chocolate Experience” event, which charged $40 for entry, was described as “immersive” and “whimsical” and billed as a “journey filled with wondrous creations and enchanting surprises at every turn!”

The event’s website used wondrous AI-created images to advertise an “enchanted garden” filled with “giant sweets” and sculptures, an “imagination lab” displaying “optical marvels,” and a “twilight tunnel” adventure.

Parents Furious, Children in Tears After Deceiving AI Ads  Lead to Lame Willy Wonka Warehouse Experience

However, upon arriving at the warehouse for the event, parents quickly realized the experience fell significantly short of the expectations set by the AI advertisements and reported the event to Scotland police.

Organizers reportedly handed children “a couple of jellybeans and a quarter cup of lemonade,” according to an actor hired to perform at the event who said he couldn’t do his job because of the lack of props.

“I thought it was where dreams went to die,” the actor described, adding the whole event was “incredibly last minute” and that an “unmotivated” script he’d been given had been completely AI-generated.

Photos shared on social media reveal the minimal effort put into decorations for the farcical event, which reportedly left children in tears and parents furious.

Actually in awe of how grim this is. Fucking outstanding

— Nooruddean (@BeardedGenius) February 27, 2024

More pics from the event

— Culture Crave ? (@CultureCrave) February 27, 2024

One image of a worker at the event dressed as an Oompa Loompa was lampooned online, with some saying it looked like they were operating a meth lab.

An event company in my city was charging £35 to enter a “Willy Wonka” experience this weekend and it was so bad they shut it down almost immediately after they opened. Angered parents, fake AI advertising, very sad.

But this image of the meth lab Oompa Loompa has sent me man

— RossBoomsocks (@RossBoomsocks) February 27, 2024

I am not kidding when I say I laughed so hard I puked a little bit in my mouth

children leaving in tears

they handed out a few jellybeans and a quarter cup of lemonade at the end

the cops were called to the scene

this miserable looking woman surrounded by inexplicable smoke

— mr pussy (@_mrpussy) February 27, 2024

The state of this ??
Willy Wonka Glasgow where police got called because children recieved a couple jelly beans and 1/4 can of Barrs limeade each.
The tickets cost £35!!!! ?

— Megan Burns ✨️ (@BritishMegann) February 27, 2024

“Sold a dream and delivered a nightmare,” one parent wrote on Facebook, according to Sky News.

The event organizers, called the “House of Illuminati,” apologized for the event and announced they would issue full refunds.

“Unfortunately, last minute we were let down in many areas of our event and tried our best to continue on and push through and now realize we probably should have cancelled first thing this morning instead,” the organizers said.

The incident underscores one of the ways AI can be misused to deceive people, and it should serve as a cautionary tale not to take things seen online at face value.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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Communist Cultural Revolution Happening NOW In America, Warns Chinese Immigrant

Communist Cultural Revolution Happening NOW In America, Warns Chinese Immigrant

adminFeb 27, 20242 min read

Communist Cultural Revolution Happening NOW In America, Warns Chinese Immigrant

We must learn from history or it will repeat

Monday’s edition of The Tucker Carlson Encounter featured Chinese immigrant Xi Van Fleet urgently warning the American people a communist revolution is taking place in the U.S.

Van Fleet described her life growing up under Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, explaining the Red Guards “took over the country.”

Ep. 77 The Cultural Revolution is here. Just ask Xi Van Fleet. She’s lived it twice.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) February 26, 2024

She said the Red Guards consisted of the nation’s youth and children, from elementary school to college age.

When her school was shut down for two years, Van Fleet said the children had nothing else to do but watch the revolution taking place in the streets.

The former Chinese citizen saw political dissidents going through struggle sessions and the revolutionaries becoming violent.

Mao, according to Van Fleet, started the revolution against his own communist party because he thought he was losing power and could use the upheaval to crack down on citizens.

The parallels between what Mao did to China and what is currently happening in America are striking.

It’s imperative for people in Western nations to listen to Van Fleet’s warning and learn from history by refusing to fall for the same tricks used to destroy China.

Viral Video: Alex Jones Narrates Lord Of The Rings’ “Battle of Helm’s Deep”

Viral Video: Alex Jones Narrates Lord Of The Rings’ “Battle of Helm’s Deep”

adminFeb 27, 20242 min read

Viral Video: Alex Jones Narrates Lord Of The Rings’ “Battle of Helm’s Deep”

Alex Jones AI narrates pivotal Lord of the Rings battle pitting forces of good against evil goblin orcs.

An incredible video created using artificial intelligence depicts Infowars radio host Alex Jones narrating the pivotal “Battle of Helm’s Deep” from The Lord of the Rings where the forces of Rohan and members of the Fellowship confront the evil wizard Saruman’s army.

The video was created by X user Dr. Maverick Alexander (@MaverickDarby).


As requested,

Here’s AI Alex Jones narrating the battle of Helm’s Deep (Lord of the Rings)@RealAlexJones @MiddleearthMixr

— Dr. Maverick Alexander (@MaverickDarby) February 27, 2024

The Jones AI narration follows an equally powerful AI rendition of Jones narrating another portion of The Lord of the Rings.


Here’s an AI Alex Jones telling a portion of The Lord of the Rings @RealAlexJones @MiddleearthMixr

— Dr. Maverick Alexander (@MaverickDarby) February 24, 2024

While AI voice manipulation has been exploited for nefarious purposes, it’s refreshing to see it used to push boundaries in the realm of popular culture. More of this please!

Fani Willis Forced Employees to Associate ‘White’ with ‘Bad’ in Racist DEI Training Course

Fani Willis Forced Employees to Associate ‘White’ with ‘Bad’ in Racist DEI Training Course

adminFeb 27, 20243 min read
Whistleblowers expose the racist practices of the Georgia DA’s office with shocking receipts.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis forced her employees to undergo mandatory training courses that included designating white people as “bad” and black people as “good,” whistleblowers within her office revealed.

Sources within Willis’ office who wished to remain anonymous over fear of retribution turned over training slides and video to Breitbart News laying out the racist practices in the DA’s office.

“If you didn’t participate in the quiz, you got fired,” a source told Breitbart News.

Another source said Willis “injected racism [into the office] from the second she got hired” in 2020.

The whistleblowers said Willis’ DEI training course, called an “implicit bias test” created by Harvard, described America’s founding as based on the sins of the white man.

“I thought it was so wrong,” one source said. “Willis pulled it off as diversity [training], but it was more so an attack on the race [relations] thing.”

Training slides the whistleblowers provided confirm their claims, showing a part of the course had users choose to move an image of a “white” person to a block that said “bad” in order to complete the program, and another image of a black person into the “good” block.

“It had a word on the left, and it’s a box, a word on the left, a word on the right, and an image. I needed to connect the image to one side, which determines your bias. Until you said that the ‘White’ guy was ‘Bad’ it wouldn’t let you move on,” the source told Breitbart.

Fani Willis Forced Employees to Associate ‘White’ with ‘Bad’ in Racist DEI Training Course

“It said ‘White Bad’ on one side [and] ‘Black Good’ on the other and an image of a person came up and if you didn’t drag it to the “White Bad” category — the white man pops up in the middle — If you couldn’t pass the test. They put an X in it and it won’t let you move on.”

Another element of this DEI test included a questionnaire asking users to describe their preferences for certain races over others.

Though shocking, these revelations of deep-seated anti-white racism in Willis’ office aren’t surprising, especially given remarks her own father recently made about white people:

John Clifford Floyd III – Fani Willis’ Father – calling a white politician from California a ‘cracker’ multiple times
“How could this Texas cracker come here and run the black community? I was livid.”
“Who were you referring to?”
“Jessie Unruh. Big Daddy fat Texas Cracker Unruh”

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) February 19, 2024

Willis is under investigation for racketeering after appointing her lover Nathan Wade as a prosecutor in the 2020 election case against former President Donald Trump, where it was revealed she and Wade took lavish vacations together with the money he was being paid for the case.

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