
Marjorie Taylor Greene Slams Biden’s Failed ‘Assassination’ of Donald Trump

Marjorie Taylor Greene Slams Biden’s Failed ‘Assassination’ of Donald Trump

adminMay 23, 20241 min read

Marjorie Taylor Greene Slams Biden’s Failed ‘Assassination’ of Donald Trump

Joe Biden authorized the “assassination of Donald Trump” according to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene who reacted with fury after learning the FBI had been cleared to use deadly force during their raid of Mar-a-Lago. The […]

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ASU Exhibit Shows George Floyd as Jesus Christ, as Activist Claims He ‘Died for us, Each & Every Last One of Us… God Chose Him”

adminMay 23, 20243 min read
Unhinged social justice activists elevate Floyd to sainthood status.

An art installation displayed at the Arizona State University campus is being criticized for its depiction of George Floyd as Jesus Christ, as one activist claims God chose him to give his life for black people.

Footage circulating on social media showed an activist comparing Floyd to the Christian deity during a lecture at the “Twin Flames: The George Floyd Uprising from Minneapolis to Phoenix” exhibit at the ASU Art Museum.

“George Floyd died for each and every one of us. He was God’s chosen vessel.” Things get weird at ASU as they unveil an exhibit in Floyd’s memory.

— Way of the World (@wayotworld) May 23, 2024

Despite fentanyl use playing a role in his death, the activist told gatherers Floyd “died for us, each and every last one of us.”

“Had not George Floyd died we wouldn’t be here,” the activist said. “God chose him. He was a chosen vessel. Many are called, but few are chosen.”

The exhibit is a collection of protest signs from the BLM summer of rage in 2020, including one controversial art piece showing Floyd with a crown of thorns similar to the one Christ bore during his crucifixion.

These posters were carried by Black Lives Matter protesters in Minneapolis and Phoenix during the 2020 “summer of love.”@TPUSA

— FRONTLINES (@FrontlinesTPUSA) May 22, 2024

The activist’s unhinged speech illustrates how the brainwashed social justice movement equates Floyd’s death – brought on by an unnecessary struggle with police – with a martyr’s sacrifice, elevating him to the status of sainthood, while likely ignoring others more worthy of praise.

In the new religion, racism is the greatest sin. But there is no need for evidence to back up the accusation, and forgiveness isn’t offered.

— TradHumanist (@Trad_Humanist) May 23, 2024

Jesus didn’t resist arrest.

— Cam Higby ?? (@camhigby) May 23, 2024

Drug addled scumbag who jabbed a gun in a pregnant woman’s belly for $10. Fuck anyone who thinks this piece of shit deserves anything but hate and ridicule.

— MrDucks (@MrDucks1954) May 23, 2024

floyd was a criminal and died of a fentanyl OD.

pick better ‘heroes’

— AmericanPapaBear (@AmericaPapaBear) May 23, 2024

George floyd died because he was a drug abusing criminal. This is the most absurd things I’ve ever seen in my life.

— Paul Herrin (@pushingback_pod) May 23, 2024

WATCH LIVE: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York

WATCH LIVE: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York

adminMay 23, 20241 min read

WATCH LIVE: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York

Former president makes historic campaign stop in predominantly blue district.

President Donald Trump campaigns in the South Bronx in New York City, as he continues to leverage his witch hunt court case to connect with voters in his hometown disillusioned by Joe Biden and the Democrat party.

Trump is set to hit the stage at 6PM Eastern Time.

The Unifying Principle: Here’s Why The Political Divisions In The US Today Cannot Be Mended

The Unifying Principle: Here’s Why The Political Divisions In The US Today Cannot Be Mended

adminMay 23, 202410 min read

The Unifying Principle: Here’s Why The Political Divisions In The US Today Cannot Be Mended

A lot of moderates are finally waking up to the horrors of the collectivist movements in our midst.

Recently I was watching a short documentary about the history of political discourse and division in the US and it got me thinking about how the internal conflicts of the past might relate to the rampant social battles Americans are dealing with today.

From early disagreements between various Founding Fathers on hot button issues like the Sedition Act, central banking and standing armies, to epic and disastrous conflagrations like the Civil War, America has never been “of one mind” on everything.

Overall, though, the longstanding assumption is that even when we slip and fall into disarray Americans will find common ground and move on towards the future together.  It’s a nice sentiment, but what if this ideal no longer applies?

There are some people that argue there was never a golden era for the US; that we’ve always been destructive, or exploitative or “imperialist.” Of course, it’s very easy to examine any given time period through the lens of modern sensibilities and pass judgment. How we would do things today is not necessarily how we would do things yesterday. We can’t easily condemn the men and women of the past without at least recognizing that we will probably never see the issues of their day from their perspective.

The political left is the most egregious violator of this principle. They have a bad habit of trying to rewrite history according to their current ideological cultism and applying their taboos to time periods when civilization had very different views on how to function. The progressive philosophy is partially rooted in “futurism”; the idea that all old ideas and ways of doing things must be abandoned to make way for new methods. In other words, they think everything “new” is better and must be embraced.

Frankly, this theory has never proven correct. Not every old idea should be left behind and not every new method is better. In fact, most ideas that leftists think are new are actually very old. There’s nothing ground breaking about DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), it’s just another form of Marxism based on personal identity rather than the traditional class politics.

Do you want to know what DEI really is? It’s a vehicle for forced association.

Forced association is used to leverage populations into a homogeneous soup, a hive mind with no individual thought or right to discriminate against destructive groups and ideologies.  But if America is experiencing an agenda of forced association today then we have to ask – What is there to be gained?  Why pressure people who fundamentally disagree with each other on every level to coexist within a society? Why do the people in power want this so badly?

Well, for the central planners (usually socialists/globalists), tribalism is a big no-no. People going their own way is unacceptable. If the populace thinks they can divide and separate and live differently from each other, then how can the establishment continue to exist? For a one-world government to be achieved ALL divisions must be erased and everyone has to either love or fear the purveyors of “unity.”

Separation must, therefore, be demonized.  The problem is, there’s no way to blackmail a population into association, not in the long term anyway.  A group is an abstraction without form; it means nothing until the individuals involved share a unifying principle.  When I look back at political disagreements in history I find that there is a vital factor that existed during past conflicts that does NOT exist today.

Even during the worst of times including the Civil War both sides of the division held the same basic principles and morals. They had a lot of the same values, a shared religion and a shared understanding of reality. They were people connected by the same American soul, they merely disagreed on singular issues. The goal for each side was for America and its fundamental heritage to survive, even if they didn’t always obey every aspect of the Constitution or the existing leadership at the time. This is not how things work in 2024.

In terms of surface level politics its obvious that there will never be peaceful reconciliation between woke progressives and conservatives/independents. One side or the other has to go, and I think the majority of people in the US want leftists to go.

To be clear I’m not saying that all people on the political left are exactly the same. There’s definitely a political spectrum from traditional liberals to extreme activists. But there is no denying that, for now, woke zealots control the levers of power and influence within the Democratic Party and the leftist media. They also have the explicit backing of every major institution from corporations to NGOs to government.

You don’t see a whole lot of average Democrats with the guts to stand up and criticize their own side even when they know there’s something very wrong happening. They go along with the program either out of laziness or fear. With conservatives the reverse is true. Conservatives can’t seem to organize a damn thing because we constantly disagree with each other when it comes to solutions.

And let’s not forget the fence riders out there. It’s sure nice to always be out of the fray and in the rear with the gear while pretending as if you’re “above it all.” That’s a very comfortable place to be because it allows a person to avoid risk while appearing as if they’re taking the high road. Much like a slippery academic who never defines his position in a debate so that he can change his arguments on a whim.

The issue is that, even though fence riders don’t want to admit it, there are times when one side is right and one side is utterly wrong. Sometimes there is no middle ground.

A lot of moderates are finally waking up to the horrors of the collectivist movements in our midst. Maybe it was the pandemic lockdowns or the attempted trans indoctrination of children or the unhinged nature of far-left activists in the streets but somewhere along the way moderates finally realized conservatives were RIGHT all along about a lot of things. We were fighting to save their freedoms years ago while they were acting cool and wondering what all the fuss was about.

There are a lot of factors that set conservatives (and a many moderates) apart from the political left, but the core disconnect is so deep and disturbing it’s hard to quantify. I can only summarize it down to this:

1) The unifying principle of the left is deconstruction. They find their meaning or purpose in the act of tearing down and destroying what other people have built.

2) The unifying principle for conservatives is to build and protect what has been found to work.

Humanity’s best bet for success is liberty with responsibility, free markets and meritocracy. All things we are trying to preserve, and all things that leftists want to blow up.

For progressives the most important question is: What happens when they’ve destroyed the last edifice? What comes next? If dismantling systems is their unifying principle what will they do when they have nothing else to dismantle? What happens when every plate in the china shop is broken? They are incapable of creating a new and functional society so they would need an outside foundation.

In this regard I set globalists apart from typical leftists. Globalists are indeed leftists at their core but they are also builders, and not in a good way. Globalists don’t build societies, they build prisons. Once the useful idiots on the left have finished the job of deconstructing America the globalists plan to come in with a new ideal, a new religion, a new foundation based on worshiping THEM.

Here is where we find the greatest split of all – The spiritual nature of our impasse.

Liberty can indeed be a unifying principle, but it has to be freedom combined with wisdom and moral compass.  Meaning, liberty alone is not enough.

I’ve definitely never been one to promote the concept of theocracy and I have many scruples when it comes to “Earthly” religious organizations. Anything governed by men can be corrupted. But I also accept that America was built by a majority Christian society following integral Christian values. I don’t think every American needs to be Christian. The Founding Fathers understood that religious freedom is essential. But we must acknowledge and embrace the fact that the country works best when Christianity is at the forefront.  At least there is a unifying moral code to hold the framework together.

Furthermore, it would be far easier to reconcile Christian social systems with science and critical thinking than it will be to reconcile freedom loving Americans with far-left collectivists. The woke cult is much more hostile to science today than Christians are; they even refuse to acknowledge human biology.  I also think Christianity is growing along with newer generations of conservatives with a greater respect for skepticism.  We could see a renaissance following the paths set by great Christian thinkers like Thomas Aquinas or C.S. Lewis.

I’m seeing a lot of the old blind devotion to the Republican Party fall by the wayside and a greater focus on what politicians achieve rather than what they promise. I’m seeing people on the right embrace the value of comedy and pop culture more, which has always been a problem for conservatives. And, I’m seeing science open doors to religious thought instead of trying to close them. As humanity delves deeper into quantum physics, cosmology and even the mind sciences, our relationship to the great beyond requires consideration of the physical AND the metaphysical.

It’s the kind of thing that would make progressives rage and foam at the mouth.  For them, science must always be in service to their causes or it ceases to have value, and one of their primary causes is the erasure of Christianity.  They’ll never allow a world where science and religion work together to build a future in which discovery is balanced with ethical responsibility.

Then there is the issue of moral imperative.  Many of us see the targeting of children for indoctrination and exploitation.  We see the promotion of subjective reality and degeneracy.  We see the inclination towards lies as a tool for political power.  We see leftists caring more about winning and less about the truth.

For the globalists and the woke mob morality is nothing more than a social construct, but we know that these ideas are inborn and inherent for the majority of people. If they weren’t, humanity would have gone extinct ages ago from self destruction. Leftists don’t agree with the concept of a basic moral code. Leftists don’t even agree that morals are a necessity. They think they can manifest their own reality from thin air. How can we possibly live side-by-side with people who despise every pillar that holds western civilization together?

The answer is – We can’t.  For now I see no path to peace.  Peace would require a unifying principle, a mutual respect, and that does not exist.

Economist Peter Schiff Predicts A Financial Crisis That Will Make The Great Depression Look Tame
Ex-Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino FURIOUS AG Graland Approved Deadly Force In Trump Mar-a-Lago Raid

Ex-Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino FURIOUS AG Graland Approved Deadly Force In Trump Mar-a-Lago Raid

adminMay 23, 20242 min read

Ex-Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino FURIOUS AG Graland Approved Deadly Force In Trump Mar-a-Lago Raid

Bongino says this was ‘not a standard raid!’

Dan Bongino, a popular radio host and former longtime U.S. Secret Service agent, unleashed an epic rant on Wednesday in response to Biden’s DOJ approving the FBI to use deadly force against Donald Trump and Secret Service members during the infamous raid on the 45th President’s Mar-a-Lago resort.

“It’s not a standard raid! It was an unprecedented raid on a Secret Service-protected compound on a former president who was running for president or known to be running for president again,” he explained.

Gee, I wonder what a former Secret Service Agent thinks about the raid where deadly force could be used by the FBI?? Buckle up folks because @dbongino DOES NOT HOLD BACK?!

— Bobby D? (@robertdunlap947) May 22, 2024

“These people in the government work for us. They don’t have Avenger-like powers. They have powers we grant to them through the Constitution and the United States Code because we operate on consent of the governed. They are not allowed to do what they want whenever they want,” he added.

Bongino also laid to rest claims that the deadly “use of force” authorized by Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland was standard operating procedure.

President Trump responded to the news of Garland’s authorizing deadly force, writing on Truth Social, “WOW! I just came out of the Biden Witch Hunt Trial in Manhattan, the ‘Icebox,’ and was shown Reports that Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, in their Illegal and UnConstitutional Raid of Mar-a-Lago, AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE. NOW WE KNOW, FOR SURE, THAT JOE BIDEN IS A SERIOUS THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. HE IS MENTALLY UNFIT TO HOLD OFFICE — 25TH AMENDMENT!”

Also, don’t miss longtime Trump insider Roger Stone talking with Alex Jones about the DOJ Trump raid:

Ted Cruz DESTROYS Biden Appointee Who Placed Male Rapist In Women’s Prison

Ted Cruz DESTROYS Biden Appointee Who Placed Male Rapist In Women’s Prison

adminMay 23, 20243 min read

Ted Cruz DESTROYS Biden Appointee Who Placed Male Rapist In Women’s Prison

Democrats online express shock they agree with Cruz

Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R) obliterated Joe Biden’s nominee for a judge on the US District Court for the Southern District of New York during a Senate Judiciary hearing Wednesday.

During his time questioning the nominee, Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn, Cruz focused on her 2022 decision to allow a convicted serial rapist – who was a biological male identifying as a woman – into a female prison.

Biden’s nominee to be the judge for the Southern District of New York, Sarah Netburn, is an absolute radical.

She puts ideology before safety when it comes to housing biological men in women’s prisons.

When the Bureau of Prisons WARNED against housing a convicted serial child…

— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) May 22, 2024

Cruz got Netburn to admit the suspect had confessed to molesting a 9-year-boy, raping a 17-year-old girl, and sharing child porn with other predators.

Despite this record, Netburn repeatedly referred to the male suspect as “her” and “she” during her encounter with Cruz.

Admonishing the Biden appointee, Cruz said, “So you took a six-foot-two serial rapist. Serial child rapist with male genitalia. And he said, you know, I’d like to be in a women’s prison. And your answer was, ‘That sounds great to me.’ Let me ask you something. The other women in that prison, do they have any rights?”

“Do they have the right not to have a six-foot-two man who is a repeat serial rapist put in as their cellmate?” Cruz rhetorically asked.

The Texas Senator went on to accuse Netburn of being a political activist instead of a judge who deals with fact and law.

In a comment posted along with a video of the encounter, Cruz wrote, “When the Bureau of Prisons WARNED against housing a convicted serial child rapist in a women’s prison, Netburn disregarded the recommendation and housed the rapist with women anyway. This was a disgusting, purely politically ideological decision made by the judge.”

Thousands of internet users celebrated Cruz’s slamming of the far-left Biden appointee, with some even reluctantly praising the Republican politician.

One apparently left-leaning woman wrote, “Fuck her for making Ted Cruz a hero because he eviscerates her.”

I teared up watching this. It made me so viscerally angry I felt it in my gut.
This woman is emblematic of every educated, leftist woman who climbed the ladder to power & then used it to shit on less fortunate women.
Fuck her for making Ted Cruz a hero because he eviscerates her.

— Ani O’Brien (@aniobrien) May 23, 2024

Another person also noted, “The Democrats now have me cheering on Ted Cruz.”

The Democrats now have me cheering on Ted Cruz.

Here he is grilling a Joe Biden Judicial appointee over her ruling to put a serial rapist in a woman’s prison.

He asks her if her political ideology got in the way of protecting people’s rights. 1/

— Jennifer ???‍♀️??‍⬛ ? (@babybeginner) May 23, 2024

The establishment is going too far and it’s waking up millions of otherwise apolitical Americans.