
<div>Trump Releases 2020 Election Fraud Report For Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan & Pennsylvania</div>

Trump Releases 2020 Election Fraud Report For Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan & Pennsylvania

adminJan 4, 20243 min read

<div>Trump Releases 2020 Election Fraud Report For Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan & Pennsylvania</div>

‘It has often been repeated there is ‘no evidence’ of fraud in the 2020 Election. In actuality, there is no evidence Joe Biden won,’ Trump document states.

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump issued a summary of the election fraud that he says took place in five different states during the 2020 presidential election.

“I am pleased to share a Report that is fully verified, most of the information was gotten from Government Sources, Tapes, and other Public Records, and compiled by the most highly qualified Election Experts in the Country,” Trump wrote on Truth Social this week. “These numbers are determinative and, in all cases, are hundreds of thousands of Votes per Swing State more than I needed to WIN that State. If the Republican Senate does not step forward and address this ATROCITY, it will happen again, and be virtually impossible for Republicans to WIN ELECTIONS in the future.”

In a second Truth Social post, Trump wrote, “Remember, I was not campaigning—The 2020 Election was LONG OVER. What I was doing is bringing to light the fact that the Election was, without question, Rigged and Stolen. As President, and Commander-in-Chief, it was my duty to do so! If I did not do this, I would have been in violation of my Oath of Office, and the Take Care Clause, which requires the President to ‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.’ Therefore I am entitled to Total Immunity, because that is exactly what I was doing, Taking Care of our Country, and Guarding it from Rigged and Stolen Elections. Democrats are willing to play a far different game. They are willing to Cheat at levels never seen before.”

Next, the GOP frontrunner continued, “Please study these numbers carefully, analyze what’s been done, keep an open mind, and be smart—Because the Democrats are already trying to do it again, but adding one more weapon, Prosecutorial Misconduct—Using the DOJ, FBI, and local Attorney Generals and D.A.’s to go after Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent—ME. This is a Lethal Weapon, but so far my Record Poll Numbers would indicate that it has backfired on them. The Public knows the TRUTH, but Republicans must fight harder and smarter!”

In the introduction of the documents, Trump pointed out, “It has often been repeated there is ‘no evidence’ of fraud in the 2020 Election. In actuality, there is no evidence Joe Biden won.”

The lengthy report breaks down its evidence into a section for Swing States Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania respectively.

The document says, “Investigations across the country have uncovered an avalanche of irregularities, unlawful activity, manipulation of election records, destruction of evidence, and fraud. The findings, which are outcome determinative, are detailed in the summaries of the Swing States.”

?JUST IN – President Trump Releases Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States

Introduction: It has often been repeated there is “no evidence” of fraud in the 2020 Election. In actuality, there is no evidence Joe Biden won.


— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) January 3, 2024


WATCH: Mexican Soldiers Supervise Migration Route as Illegals Rush US Border

WATCH: Mexican Soldiers Supervise Migration Route as Illegals Rush US Border

adminJan 4, 20242 min read

WATCH: Mexican Soldiers Supervise Migration Route as Illegals Rush US Border

Border reporter embeds with migrant caravan and encounters Mexican soldiers guarding pathways along Rio Grande

Mexican soldiers are being deployed to oversee pathways used by masses of migrants who are given GPS coordinates identifying predetermined crossing points along the Rio Grande.

In Border Hawk’s latest exclusive report from Mexico, correspondent Efraín González talks to migrants in a large caravan as they receive instructions from mysterious sources on the final leg of their journey to the U.S. border.

González followed the migrants as they made their way to the border river and encountered Mexican soldiers standing guard over paths through the dense brush.

The large group illegally crossed the Rio Grande into Eagle Pass, Texas, in the waning moments of 2023 — the worst year for illegal migration in U.S. history.

Border Hawk’s investigative reporting into the mass migration catastrophe continues…


Illegal Border Crossers Spreading Word to Rest of World: The U.S. Is Letting Everyone In

Millions of illegal aliens are pouring into the United States and using social media to signal to the rest of the world that the southern border is open to virtually all…

— Border Hawk (@BorderHawkNews) December 21, 2023

Trauma-Based Mind Control

Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey Flee Social Media After Jeffrey Epstein Court Docs Drop

Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey Flee Social Media After Jeffrey Epstein Court Docs Drop

adminJan 4, 20241 min read

Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey Flee Social Media After Jeffrey Epstein Court Docs Drop

Hollywood A-listers Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey turned off comments on social media apps including Instagram immediately following the release of Jeffrey Epstein court documents. Hanks and Winfrey disabled comments on their accounts after tens […]

The post Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey Flee Social Media After Jeffrey Epstein Court Docs Drop appeared first on The People’s Voice.

Alan Dershowitz: The Age of Consent Must Be Lowered to 14, ‘Statutory Rape Is Outdated’

Alan Dershowitz: The Age of Consent Must Be Lowered to 14, ‘Statutory Rape Is Outdated’

adminJan 4, 20241 min read

Alan Dershowitz: The Age of Consent Must Be Lowered to 14, ‘Statutory Rape Is Outdated’

Statutory rape is an “outdated concept” according to Harvard Law Professor and former Epstein lawyer Alan Dershowitz who also claims the age of consent must be lowered to 14 years of age. According to Dershowitz, […]

The post Alan Dershowitz: The Age of Consent Must Be Lowered to 14, ‘Statutory Rape Is Outdated’ appeared first on The People’s Voice.

Alex Jones Debates Messianic Jew Who Believes He Has Discovered the Root of All Evil

Alex Jones Debates Messianic Jew Who Believes He Has Discovered the Root of All Evil

adminJan 4, 20241 min read

Alex Jones Debates Messianic Jew Who Believes He Has Discovered the Root of All Evil

Don’t miss this explosive discussion!

Brother Nathanael Kapner joins The Alex Jones Show to debate the root of all evil.

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Biden Admin Pretends to Care About Border Crisis at Mexico City Summit

Biden Admin Pretends to Care About Border Crisis at Mexico City Summit

adminJan 4, 20245 min read

Biden Admin Pretends to Care About Border Crisis at Mexico City Summit

Our government is bringing in hordes of foreigners by hook or by crook, and nothing in this Mexico City summit looks like it will change that.

In the waning days of 2023, a delegation of high-ranking Biden administration officials traveled to Mexico to chat with Mexican leaders.

Does this indicate a real change in policy?

Or is it just a sign that, for political purposes, the Biden admin wants to appear to care about border security?

After all, there’s a presidential election coming up.

Adam Isaacson, director of defense oversight at WOLA (the Washington Office on Latin America) said Biden “is definitely hoping that Mexico will do something that pushes the numbers down for a few months at least.”

The meeting was held on December 27 in Mexico City. The U.S. delegation included Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, White House Homeland Security Advisor Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar, and National Security Council Coordinator for the Los Angeles Declaration Katie Tobin.

They met with Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, known by the initials AMLO, and other Mexican officials.

The U.S.-Mexico partnership is crucial to prosperity and security in our countries and throughout the Americas. Good to discuss these issues, and our shared efforts to reduce irregular migration, with @lopezobrador_ today in Mexico City.

— Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) December 27, 2023

What was actually accomplished?

Well, the next day a joint communique was released, declaring, “The two countries reaffirmed their existing commitments on fostering an orderly, humane, and regular migration. This includes reinforcing our partnership to address the root causes of migration, such as poverty, inequality, democratic decline, and violence, and for the two countries’ initiative for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans.”

Curiously, that part about “democratic decline” was in the U.S. version but not the Mexican version, and it was soon deleted from the U.S. version.

As for “root causes,” they are constantly mentioned when discussing immigration. It’s a way of excusing it.

The bottom line is they come here for the money because we let them in. There’s your “root cause.”

The communique also said, “Ongoing cooperation also includes enhanced efforts to disrupt human smuggling, trafficking, and criminal networks, and continuing the work to promote legal instead of irregular migration pathways. Also, both delegations agreed on the importance of maintaining and facilitating the vital bilateral trade at our shared border.”

As for promoting “legal instead of irregular migration pathways,” that is a justification for figuring out loopholes to bring in more migrants and calling it legal.

And check this out: The communique said the two delegations “also discussed the benefit of regularizing the situation of long-term undocumented Hispanic migrants and DACA recipients, who are a vital part of the U.S. economy and society.”

So Mexico gets a say in U.S. internal immigration policy? Great!

On December 30, the Mexican government announced that it had resumed repatriation (deportation) flights of Venezuelans. (See my previous article Mexico Suspends Deportations, Allowing Even More Invaders to Reach US)

According to the Mexican foreign ministry, two flights of deported Venezuelans departed Mexico on December 29 and 30. The Venezuelan government confirmed the arrival of 207 Venezuelans on the morning of the 30th. That’s 207 out of how many Venezuelans who have migrated to the United States?

But don’t worry, root causes are still being worked on. The Mexican foreign ministry statement reported that “Both countries (the U.S. and Mexico) are working on the implementation of social programs in Venezuela that will benefit, among others, repatriated people by linking them with productive projects and paid internships in workplaces.”

Not to be outdone, Secretary Mayorkas reported that the U.S. also sent some Venezuelans back this week.

“The U.S. continues to remove those who have no legal basis to remain back to their countries of origin, including Venezuela,” declared Mayorkas.

But notice the big loophole: “who have no legal basis to remain.”

Sure enough, Mayorkas said, “We also continue to work with our partners, including Mexico, to expand lawful pathways and coordinate enforcement measures against those who do not use them.”

Our government is bringing in hordes of foreigners by hook or by crook, and nothing in this Mexico City summit looks like it will change that.

After all, the Biden administration and the Mexican government are on the same sheet of music on the border.

Trauma-Based Mind Control