
Google Shows What Appear to be Mass Graves on Epstein Island

Google Shows What Appear to be Mass Graves on Epstein Island

adminJan 8, 20243 min read

Google Shows What Appear to be Mass Graves on Epstein Island

Learn more about this mysterious news in this exclusive report!

A viral video making the rounds has utilized Google Earth’s history tool to show what appears to be mass graves on Epstein’s Island that were dug shortly after his arrest in 2006.

In September of 2002, in the center of the island, Google Earth shows that there was nothing but a bare mound of earth. In March of 2005, the Palm Beach Florida police began investigating Epstein after a mother reported that he sexually abused her 14-year-old daughter. In July of 2006, Epstein was arrested by the Palm Beach Police Department on state felony charges of procuring a minor for prostitution. Hours later he was released on a three-thousand dollar bond. A few months later in November of 2006, Google Earth shows that the previously bare mound has what appears to be mass graves freshly buried on top of it.

During this time, Palm Beach County state attorney Barry Krischer is accused of giving Epstein special treatment. And the FBI begin an investigation. In 2007, Federal prosecutors prepare an indictment against Epstein which is held up in the courts for a year. In June of 2008, Epstein pleads guilty to one count of soliciting prostitution and one count of soliciting prostitution from a minor. He is sentenced to 18 months in jail with a secret arrangement with the U.S. attorney’s office to not be prosecuted for federal crimes. Epstein serves most of his sentence in a work-release program that allows him to leave jail during the day.

In July of 2009, Epstein is released from jail. One month later in August, Google Earth shows that what appeared to be mass graves on the mound have been covered over. In 2013, construction begins on the mound grave site. By 2017, construction of what appears to be a tennis court is completed. Drone footage shows that the elevation in Google Earth is off, the newly built tennis court is on a flat level plane surrounded by a dirt berm.

By January of 2018, Google Earth shows that the tennis court has been razed, and the earth beneath appears to have been excavated.

In November of 2018, The Miami Herald begins publishing a series of articles about the Epstein case which inspires public interest. In July of 2019, Epstein is arrested on federal sex trafficking charges. One month later, the FBI raid the island. During this time, Google Earth shows cloud cover obscuring the view of the mound.

On August 10th of 2019, Epstein is reported to have committed suicide in his New York City federal jail cell.

The next available image is a month later in September of 2019 and shows that the area on the mound is being used as a parking lot for commercial vehicles. The area is cleared by 2020, and has remained so until today.

In a recent video, corporate media propagandist Megyn Kelly claims that we may be hearing from Jeffrey Epstein himself this year.

While most believe that Epstein was murdered, many believe that he is still alive. Images of his alleged corpse appear to be a different person. The shape of the nose and ears were different.

The Tide Is Turning On National Entrapment Day

The Tide Is Turning On National Entrapment Day

adminJan 8, 20242 min read

The Tide Is Turning On National Entrapment Day

As more information is made public, the masses become more awake

Three years later, and the tide of tyranny is turning.

January 6th defendants like Jake Lang have taken their case to the Supreme Court where tyranny no longer has a foothold.

And in the case of Jeremy Brown, a retired U.S. Army Special Forces master sergeant. The impulsive setup of our nation’s defenders in the name of tyranny is finally seeing the light of day.

Joe Biden and his handlers have demonstrated without a shadow of a doubt that they are the very antithesis of the American Republic. 2024 is the year when their feet are held to the fire of truth and justice. And the J6 Political Prisoners are freed.

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Ron Paul: Soft Landing or Hard Crash?

Ron Paul: Soft Landing or Hard Crash?

adminJan 8, 20244 min read

Ron Paul: Soft Landing or Hard Crash?

Unless a critical mass of Americans demand an end to the welfare-warfare state and the fiat money system, the soft landing sought by the Fed and the politicians will turn into a hard crash.

A clip from the 1990 movie Home Alone where the lead character purchases groceries, household goods, and toys recently went viral because he paid a total of $19.83 whereas today the same purchase would cost over three times as much. Ironically, while this evidence of the Federal Reserve’s failure to maintain the dollar’s value was going viral, stocks rose because investors believed the Fed had successfully engineered a “soft landing” by bringing down price inflation without causing a recession and would soon begin reducing interest rates.

Then, stocks fell at the beginning of the year when the release of the notes of the Federal Reserve Board’s last meeting suggested the Fed would not hurry rate cuts. The likelihood of a delay in cutting rates was further increased by a “positive” December Jobs report.

The jobs report did show unemployment remaining low and wages slightly increasing, but the news was not all positive. One of the report’s most troubling items is that a top source of increased wages is government. An increase in the salaries of government employees also increases government debt, which will have to be paid for by taxes. Since tax increases are unpopular, the government relies on the Federal Reserve to do the dirty work by purchasing federal debt instruments and thus creating more inflation. This inflation tax is the worst of all taxes because it is regressive and hidden.

If the Fed allowed interest rates to increase to anywhere near what they would likely be in a free market, interest rate payments on the federal debt would rise to a level causing a financial crisis. Even though the federal government will soon spend more on interest on the federal debt than on the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex, few in DC are serious about cutting spending. Federal debt increased by one trillion dollars from mid-September to the beginning of the new year. It is expected to increase by around another trillion dollars by the end of March! To put this in perspective, consider that the federal debt did not reach a trillion dollars until 1981 — almost two hundred years after the Constitution was ratified.

Continuing increases in federal debt and Federal Reserve created inflation will lead to economic crisis caused by a rejection of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. There is already resentment over the US government’s use of the dollar’s reserve status to support US sanctions. This is why Russia and Iran recently signed a deal to trade in their own currencies rather than in dollars and Russia is no longer accepting dollars for its oil.

President Biden has kept his promise to refrain from criticizing the Fed’s conduct of monetary policy. In contrast, his predecessor regularly took to Twitter to lambaste the central bank. This means the Fed will likely try to help President Biden by trying to keep interest rates low enough to not increase unemployment yet high enough to not increase price inflation.

While Donald Trump is more likely than Joe Biden to challenge the deep state and neoconservative foreign policy, the truth is neither Biden nor Trump will seek to reduce spending. Unless a critical mass of Americans demand an end to the welfare-warfare state and the fiat money system, the soft landing sought by the Fed and the politicians will turn into a hard crash.

This article first appeared at

Are You Ready To Die? UN Planning New Pandemic Designed To Collapse Civilization And Kill Billions

Are You Ready To Die? UN Planning New Pandemic Designed To Collapse Civilization And Kill Billions

adminJan 8, 20241 min read

Are You Ready To Die? UN Planning New Pandemic Designed To Collapse Civilization And Kill Billions

The deadly assault is being advertised ahead of its rollout

During the Sunday edition of The Alex Jones Show, the eponymous host ranted about the UN agenda to depopulate the world in order to gain even more control over humanity.

This isn’t a game, so spread this video to warn others about the psychopath elite scheme to kill you and your family.

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NY Dem Rep. Yvette Clarke on Why She Wants Illegal Immigration: ‘I Need More People in My District Just for Redistricting Purposes’

NY Dem Rep. Yvette Clarke on Why She Wants Illegal Immigration: ‘I Need More People in My District Just for Redistricting Purposes’

adminJan 8, 20243 min read

NY Dem Rep. Yvette Clarke on Why She Wants Illegal Immigration: ‘I Need More People in My District Just for Redistricting Purposes’

Democrats proudly admitting they want illegal aliens to become their new voter bloc while simultaneously calling anyone who points that out as a conspiracy theorist.

New York Democrat Congresswoman Yvette Clarke said the quiet part out loud about why Democrats want illegal aliens to flood into America.

While the rest of America struggles to cope with the unprecedented numbers of illegal migrants pouring into the country due to Joe Biden’s open border policies, Clarke said she sees a positive side to the crisis.

“I’m from Brooklyn, New York. We have a diaspora that can absorb a significant number of these migrants,” Clarke said Monday.

Clarke Admits It

— playteaux (@playteaux) January 8, 2024

“And when I hear colleagues talk about the doors of the inn being closed, no room at the inn, I’m saying I need more people in my district just for redistricting purposes. And those members could clearly fit here.”

This helps explain why Democrats are bending over backwards to give illegal aliens taxpayer-funded housing and healthcare in blue states.

It also explains why the Biden regime and Democrats for years have been pushing to give millions of illegal aliens amnesty.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) recently called for granting amnesty to the 8+ million illegal aliens who entered the country since Biden captured the White House in 2021.

“One of the biggest issues that we have when it comes to immigration is the fact that we have an undocumented population. Now you can fix that by trying to build a wall, or you can fix that by trying to document people and create a path to citizenship,” she said on The Daily Show.

According to AOC, the best way to end illegal immigration is by legalizing it.

She admits the quiet part out loud.


The left flooded this country with illegal aliens and now their leading voice tells us the only solution is mass amnesty.…

— Wesley Hunt (@WesleyHuntTX) January 8, 2024

Illegal aliens have already said they plan to vote in the U.S. 2024 election — for Joe Biden specifically.

TOMORROW: Join @okeefemedia on the inside at the secret migrant facility in Arizona, where thousands of migrants are bussed to Phoenix Sky Harbor airport, every hour on the hour, and flown throughout the U.S.

4PM ET on X…

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 3, 2024

Meanwhile, if you point out that the Democrats are trying to bring in millions of illegal aliens to consolidate power in America, you are branded by the media as a conspiracy theorist.

This is why Democrats love illegals — for the boosting of population for political redistricting.

This is why Democrats don’t want citizen requirements for the census.

They’re even proudly admitting it now.

Guess Texas needs to bus more illegals to New York.

— Paul A. Szypula ?? (@Bubblebathgirl) January 8, 2024

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WATCH: Top Physicist PROVES Covid Shot Caused 17 Million Deaths Worldwide

WATCH: Top Physicist PROVES Covid Shot Caused 17 Million Deaths Worldwide

adminJan 8, 20241 min read

WATCH: Top Physicist PROVES Covid Shot Caused 17 Million Deaths Worldwide

Spread this link to join the information war and help save lives!

Alex Jones plays a video of expert researcher Denis Rancourt exposing highly disturbing facts about the massive amount of deaths directly linked to the experimental Covid shots forced on humanity by the eugenicists running the globe.

See the original Rancourt presentation below:

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