
Epstein Documents Being Weaponized By MSM To Push Anti-Trump Narrative

Epstein Documents Being Weaponized By MSM To Push Anti-Trump Narrative

adminJan 9, 20241 min read

Epstein Documents Being Weaponized By MSM To Push Anti-Trump Narrative

The establishment can’t stop twisting reality for their benefit

Alex Jones explains how the establishment media is misrepresenting portions of the Epstein-related court documents being released this week in order to falsely paint presidential frontrunner Donald Trump as some sort of accomplice to the deceased pedophile.

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Trump Is Given The “Alex Jones Treatment” In Court Battle With Rape Accuser

Trump Is Given The “Alex Jones Treatment” In Court Battle With Rape Accuser

adminJan 9, 20241 min read

Trump Is Given The “Alex Jones Treatment” In Court Battle With Rape Accuser

Jones was used to set precedent for establishment to weaponize judicial system against MAGA movement

Alex Jones and filmmaker Jason Bermas joined Harrison Smith on Monday’s War Room broadcast to explain how the judicial process Donald Trump went through with a rape accusation case was similar to the Jones Sandy Hook lawsuits.

Jones predicted his case would set the precedent for others to be legally attacked.

End The Cuba Embargo? Biden Begs Mexico to Stop Migrant Flows, But There’s a Price

End The Cuba Embargo? Biden Begs Mexico to Stop Migrant Flows, But There’s a Price

adminJan 9, 20243 min read

End The Cuba Embargo? Biden Begs Mexico to Stop Migrant Flows, But There’s a Price

AMLO also demands right to remain and work in U.S. for 10 million illegals

As Joe Biden continues to poll in the toilet – in no small part to the border crisis he created, his administration has resorted to begging Mexico to stem the tsunami of illegal immigrants entering the United States.

In late December, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who has repeatedly maintained that the ‘border is secure,’ traveled to Mexico with Secretary of State Antony Blinken to beg for assistance in what officials called “preliminary” discussions with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), NBC News reports.

But there’s a price!

On Friday, AMLO laid out his conditions:

  • US approval for a plan to deploy $20 billion to Latin American and Caribbean countries
  • Suspend the US blockade of Cuba
  • Remove all sanctions against Venezuela
  • Grant at least 10 million Hispanics living in the US the right to remain and work legally

These are tall demands, but the southern border could also tank Biden’s chances of reelection – as the border saw a record 300,000 migrants processed by CBP in December alone. 

One Biden official told NBC News that AMLO “has a very ambitious agenda,” and that for some of his requests, the US Congress would need to act.

The two countries are expected to continue talks in Washington later this month. Mexico brings significant leverage to the negotiations, the U.S. and Mexican officials said. López Obrador’s administration would prefer that President Joe Biden win re-election in November, given Donald Trump’s rhetoric and actions during his time in office. But Biden is quickly running out of options to fix a problem that is driving down his poll numbers without increased support from Mexico, three U.S. officials told NBC News.

One Mexican official told NBC News that Mexico is willing to help with enforcement – which US negotiators want to include the capture and deportation of Guatemalans apprehended within the country.

Meanwhile on Capitol Hill, lawmakers continue to negotiate over border security measures after several asylum policies introduced by Biden’s team in May failed to deter migration.

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Rep. Rosendale to Launch Impeachment Case Against Pentagon Chief

Rep. Rosendale to Launch Impeachment Case Against Pentagon Chief

adminJan 9, 20244 min read

Rep. Rosendale to Launch Impeachment Case Against Pentagon Chief

Despite mounting pressure from Republicans, President Joe Biden has reportedly decided to stand by his missing defense secretary

US Representative Matt Rosendale announced on Monday that he would file articles of impeachment against Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, accusing the Pentagon’s top official of “violating his oath of office time and time again.” Austin was hospitalized last week, reportedly leaving the White House unaware of his absence.

Rosendale, a Republican from Montana, said that he would introduce a resolution calling for Austin’s impeachment when the House of Representatives meets on Tuesday afternoon.

“Austin has violated his oath of office time and time again, endangering the lives of the American people,” Rosendale said in a statement. “He is unfit for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, which is why I urge my colleagues to join me in impeaching him.”

Rosendale’s office cited Austin’s handling of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, during which a suicide bomber killed 13 American troops and tens of billions of dollars worth of military equipment was left behind to fall into Taliban hands, as well as his alleged efforts to hush up last year’s Chinese “spy balloon” scandal as justification for his impeachment. 

However, the Montana congressman told Fox News that Austin’s recent hospitalization made the case for impeachment more urgent. “This dishonesty seems to be a repeated pattern for the Secretary as he once again lied to our military and the American people about his health last week,” Rosendale said. 

Austin was admitted to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center last Monday due to “complications following a recent elective medical procedure,” the Pentagon revealed to reporters on Friday. Over the weekend, it emerged that Austin was still hospitalized but that no one had informed the White House of his initial absence.

The Pentagon also failed to disclose Austin’s admittance for surgery in late December. Austin remains hospitalized as of Tuesday, and Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters on Monday that he could not provide “a specific date for his release at this time.”

During Austin’s stay at Walter Reed, US troops illegally stationed in Iraq and Syria came under repeated attacks by militants, while Yemeni Houthis successfully closed the Red Sea to Israeli-linked shipping. The US military carried out an airstrike in Baghdad on Thursday morning, killing militia leader Abu Taqwa. With Austin recuperating at the time and Biden unaware, it is not apparent who authorized the strike. 

It is unclear whether the House’s slim GOP majority will back Rosendale’s impeachment resolution, although several prominent Republican politicians have called for Austin’s resignation or dismissal. Austin “should be fired immediately for improper professional conduct and dereliction of duty,” former President Donald Trump said on Sunday. “He has been missing for one week, and nobody, including his boss, Crooked Joe Biden, had a clue as to where he was or might be.”

Biden will not fire Austin, Politico reported on Monday, citing senior administration officials. “Austin’s going nowhere,” one official told the outlet, while another said that Biden is “famously loyal” and would refuse to accept a resignation even if the former general were to offer it.

The NWO’s 2024 Black Swan Tell

African Migrant Dies During Drug-Fueled Rampage at Asylum Center in Germany

African Migrant Dies During Drug-Fueled Rampage at Asylum Center in Germany

adminJan 9, 20242 min read

African Migrant Dies During Drug-Fueled Rampage at Asylum Center in Germany

26-year-old Guinean tasered after attacking officers, security guards at migrant facility

A violent African migrant under the influence of narcotics died after police officers tasered him during a rampage at a reception center in Germany over the weekend, authorities say.

The incident unfolded at around 8:30 p.m. on Saturday evening in Mülheim, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Local police were called after a 26-year-old male from Guinea began attacking staff and security guards at a facility for migrants in the district of Mülheim-Saarn.

Responding officers encountered the man in his room where he launched another assault.

“The dynamic event initially shifted to a hallway and later to an inner courtyard,” authorities explained in an initial press release on Sunday.

“During the course of the ongoing acts of resistance, the police officers used the Taser against the man twice, without any noticeable effect.”

The African reportedly bit multiple officers and kicked a female cop in the head before he was finally neutralized.

The man ultimately lost consciousness and could not be revived by emergency responders.

He was pronounced deceased at hospital.

“The autopsy carried out today (January 8) did not provide any precise information about the cause of death. However, it was discovered that the deceased had a significant pre-existing condition,” authorities revealed in a follow-up press release on Monday.

“An initial toxicological examination of the blood revealed that he was under the influence of narcotics – specifically cocaine.”

Additional medical examinations have been ordered and a police department in nearby Bochum has taken control over the investigation.

Multiple officers received medical treatment and psychological counseling following the episode.

InfoWars frequently covers violent crimes committed by foreign suspects in Germany.

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Trump Lays Out His Immigration Plan In Des Moines Register Column

Trump Lays Out His Immigration Plan In Des Moines Register Column

adminJan 9, 20244 min read

Trump Lays Out His Immigration Plan In Des Moines Register Column

“On my first day back in office, I will terminate every open borders policy of the Biden administration and immediately restore the full set of strong Trump border policies.”

The Iowa Republican caucuses are coming right up. They are scheduled for January 15. Iowa’s famous caucuses form an important part of the 2024 election process.

Donald J. Trump, the front-runner among GOP candidates, recently had a guest opinion column published in the Des Moines Register.

Here at Border Hawkwe cannot endorse candidates, but we can and should publicize and pay attention to the immigration policies proposed by various candidates.

And this Trump opinion piece in the Register is certainly worth reading.

The first paragraph sets the tone:

The most urgent task facing the next president is to end Joe Biden’s nation-wrecking nightmare on our southern border. I am the only candidate who will stop this invasion — and I will do it on day one.

Our country has many problems. Why would the state of the border be Task #1 for a potential post-Biden presidency?

It’s because this government-facilitated invasion on our border is transforming our nation. All other issues – economic, cultural, societal and constitutional – revolve around it.

Trump explains how he handled the border during his term:

Under the Trump administration, we had the most secure border in U.S. history. We ended catch-and-release, and removed over 1 million illegal aliens in my first term. I negotiated unprecedented agreements with Central American nations and brokered ‘Remain in Mexico’ to stop the flow of migrants to our border. I also got the Mexican government to deploy tens of thousands of soldiers to the border free of charge.

The former president refers here to his innovative Mexico policies. Thinking outside the box, Trump was able to use his authority to compel the Mexican government to actually help us secure the border. What a contrast with the current administration!

By the time I left office, we’d built 500 miles of border wall, with many more miles just weeks away from completion. And under my Title 42 policy, people all over the world knew that if they entered illegally, we would send them straight back home.

By the end of Trump’s term, the border situation was much better than it is now.

However, in 2021 the Biden administration intentionally reversed Trump’s accomplishments.

But then Joe Biden came in, canceled the border wall, ended Remain in Mexico, ripped up my asylum bans, ended Title 42, and began resettling millions of migrants into American communities at taxpayer expense.

Now you are witnessing the disastrous results. We have the highest number of illegal border crossings in history, by far. Nearly a quarter million migrants crossed in November alone — and that’s a likely vast undercount. Migrants are overwhelming our cities. Drugs, criminals, gang members and terrorists are pouring in.

Trump’s pledge?

On my first day back in office, I will terminate every open borders policy of the Biden administration and immediately restore the full set of strong Trump border policies.

But what about the hordes who’ve already gotten in?

Then, we will begin a record-setting deportation operation. Joe Biden has given us no choice. The millions of illegal aliens who have invaded under Biden require a record number of removals. This is just common sense. To achieve this goal, I will make clear to every department and to state and local governments that we must use all resources and authorities available. We will shift massive portions of federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement — including parts of the DEA, ATF, FBI, and DHS.

These are interesting proposals.

Two additional priorities should be:

  • A drastic reduction in the level of legal immigration
  • An end to our insane anchor baby policy giving automatic citizenship to babies born to illegal aliens

Here’s how Trump ends his opinion piece:

We do not have time for on-the-job training. Unlike every other candidate, with me, there is no question. I promise you that I will get this job done. Iowans want secure borders. You must send that message with your vote. Show up on Jan. 15 and vote to stop the invasion by caucusing for Donald J. Trump.

As I say, we can’t endorse candidates. But it certainly is an interesting opinion piece!

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