

Monthly Migrant Encounters Exceed 300,000 For First Time In US History

adminJan 2, 20244 min read
Illegal immigrants outpacing US births reminds us of a comment from Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who stated at a recent debate that the “Great Replacement Theory is not some grand, right-wing conspiracy theory,” but rather a “basic statement of the Democratic Party’s platform.”

The Cloward-Pivening of America continues unabated, thanks to well-funded enemies of America and an impotent (and well-lobbied) legislature. On Monday, Fox News reported that a record 302,000 encounters with illegal migrants occurred in December, which marks 785,000 encounters since Oct. 1, according to a source within Customs and Border Patrol.

According to the report, there were ‘just’ 74,000 encounters in the same month of 2021.

#BREAKING RECORD HIGH ENCOUNTER NUMBERS AT SOUTHERN BORDER: CBP sources confirm we hit 302k+ migrant encounters for the month of December. This is the highest monthly total on record–The previous high was September 2023 when 269,735 encounters were recorded.

BP encountered…

— Ali Bradley (@AliBradleyTV) January 1, 2024

The Biden administration, meanwhile, has been deliberately downplaying of the border situation – which they created with a virtual invitation for migrants to pour into the country, after striking down several Trump-era border protections on day one.

KJP: “What we’re seeing here at the border…it’s not unusual…”

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) December 21, 2023

Fox News has also used drones to observe the scale of the border crisis, capturing footage of the mass movement of people from over 150 countries. These visuals, often underreported by other networks, present a stark reality: Border Patrol agents, significantly outnumbered, are struggling to manage the influx in key areas such as Eagle Pass, where daily crossings have reached alarming rates.

Beyond the immediate security concerns, the long-term economic and cultural impacts of such unchecked immigration are have come into mainstream focus. For starters, the cost of managing illegal immigration could surpass the expenses that would have been incurred by more stringent border measures, such as a border wall. There’s an increasing anxiety over the strain on American taxpayers, potential budgetary imbalances, and the broader cultural implications of integrating such a large number of people into the fabric of American society.

Last weekElon Musk dropped a few redpills on X, showing people a chart of “the immense and growing size of illegal immigration” pushed by radical progressives in the White House that have flooded the nation with millions of migrants.

Musk commented on a post by X user “~~datahazard~~,” who said: “Since August, there are officially more arriving each month than there are children being born to American mothers. And these are just the official encounters — we don’t know how many avoided detection.”

To give you a sense of the immense and growing size of illegal immigration!

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 29, 2023

Illegal immigrants outpacing US births reminds us of a comment from Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who stated at a recent debate that the “Great Replacement Theory is not some grand, right-wing conspiracy theory,” but rather a “basic statement of the Democratic Party’s platform.”

?? Wow! Vivek Ramaswamy just stated the Great Replacement is NOT a conspiracy theory, but government policy.

Time to mainstream this discussion across the West. #GOPDebate

— Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) December 7, 2023

Can’t wait to see Biden’s about-face on this, followed by no actual changes, as the 2024 election heats up…

Vivek Ramaswamy Issues Emergency Warning: Southern Border Is Now A UN Invasion Frontier
Meta Censors Jewish and Muslim Co-Existence Podcast

Meta Censors Jewish and Muslim Co-Existence Podcast

adminJan 2, 20242 min read

Meta Censors Jewish and Muslim Co-Existence Podcast

Facebook pulled the podcast episode.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, is currently under scrutiny for removing an episode of “Peace Talk,” a podcast dedicated to Jewish-Muslim coexistence, citing violation of its community guidelines on “dangerous individuals and organizations.”

As reported by The Telegraph, the episode, addressing the October 7 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, featured diverse opinions opposing Hamas, identified as a terrorist organization in several countries. Its content included an examination of the Hamas charter and its worldwide call for “jihad” through acts of “solidarity.”

The podcast is co-hosted by Jonathan Sacerdoti, a British Jewish journalist, and Moataz Khalil, a Muslim Egyptian journalist. Their latest episode, shared on YouTube, Spotify, and Facebook, was promptly removed from Facebook.

The removal notice indicated a breach of policies against promoting or supporting dangerous individuals or groups.

The episode featured guests like Professor Kobi Michael from the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) and Fatema Al Harbi, a Bahraini EU Peace Ambassador. These guests contributed to the show’s focus on challenging extremist ideologies but promoting dialogue in the Middle East.

Sacerdoti, an advocate for Holocaust education and coexistence, alongside Khalil, criticized Facebook’s decision as overly restrictive and indiscriminate. Sacerdoti, with extensive experience in Middle Eastern reporting, expressed shock at the censorship of their podcast, which aims to voice opposition to Islamism, extremism, and terrorism. He encouraged audiences to access the podcast on other platforms to bypass Meta’s censorship.

One Month After Receiving Second Covid Injection, Woman Develops Psoriatic Arthritis

One Month After Receiving Second Covid Injection, Woman Develops Psoriatic Arthritis

adminJan 2, 20244 min read

One Month After Receiving Second Covid Injection, Woman Develops Psoriatic Arthritis

Woman was used to her normal, decades-long symptoms of plaque psoriasis at time when she took her second shot of Pfizer in 2021. Just weeks later, she was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis.

New research published in the peer-reviewed journal Cureus on December 18 tells the story of a 56-year-old woman who, one month after taking her second dose of Pfizer and BioNTech’s mRNA (modRNA) Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine,” developed a serious case of psoriatic arthritis.

According to the paper, the woman was already under treatment at the time for plaque psoriasis, a disease she had been suffering with for 44 years. Plaque psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that produces thick patches of psoriasis on the skin, including on the scalp.

The woman was used to her normal, decades-long symptoms of plaque psoriasis at the time when she took her second shot of Pfizer in 2021. Just weeks later, she was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, a form of arthritis that develops in people like her who already have psoriasis.

The authors of the new paper explain that the woman’s COVID jabs “may have triggered severe and debilitating” psoriatic arthritis, adding that the jabs “appeared” to be linked to the treatment. While the authors did not definitively declare the Pfizer shots to be the cause, they did state that “the effect of vaccination cannot be dismissed.”

“… to date, reports from the literature support that the exacerbation or appearance of rheumatological diseases following COVID-19 vaccinations seem to have a good prognosis as they are still rare, short-lived, and respond well to steroids and other immunosuppressant agents,” the paper further states.

All around the world, COVID jab recipients are developing severe rheumatic diseases

Though more studies are needed to hone down the details of how COVID injections exacerbate psoriasis conditions by adding new ones into the mix, it was clear enough to the authors of the new paper that there is probably a link between the shots and autoimmune conditions of the skin.

The paper cites a systematic review published back in October that identified 271 cases of rheumatic diseases from 39 different countries. All of the cases were logged between January 2021 when much of the world first started getting jabbed for COVID, and May 2023 when most of the world that wanted the jabs or that was forced to take them had reached “fully vaccinated” status.

According to the cited review, about 50 percent of the identified patients developed their new rheumatic disease after the second dose of one of the two modRNA injections from either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna.

“Amid the ongoing worldwide vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, clinicians need to be prepared to discuss the risks and benefits of vaccination, acknowledging that it may exacerbate immune disorders and planning for a close follow-up in terms of disease progression and treatment.”

Back to the new paper in Cureus, the woman who developed psoriatic arthritis developed the disease as part of a Pfizer clinical trial. When her symptoms first began, she approached the clinic operators to seek help.

The woman told them that she had developed serious inflammatory symptoms such as redness, warmth, swelling, pain, and loss of function in her right knee joint, which proceeded to migrate to her left wrist, then to her right wrist, and eventually to her right Achilles tendon. This traveling disease, if you will, is described as migratory polyarthralgia.

“She was suffering from severe debilitating pain,” the study explains.

The Pfizer trial directors responded to the woman by giving her some medication and sending her home. About a month later is when she eventually developed psoriatic arthritis, with disease measurements that indicated “high disease activity.”

To make a long story short, the woman was given more and more pharmaceuticals, some of which helped and some of which caused more harm. She now has to take a drug called secukinumab (COSENTYX) once a month, probably for the rest of her life.

Sources for this article include:

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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New Safety Concerns About the COVID Shots Arise

New Safety Concerns About the COVID Shots Arise

adminJan 2, 202413 min read

New Safety Concerns About the COVID Shots Arise

Study claims mRNA COVID shots suffer high rates of ribosomal “frameshifting,” which causes your cells to produce off-target proteins that can trigger unintended immune reactions.


  • According to research published in December 2023, the mRNA COVID shots suffer high rates of ribosomal “frameshifting,” which causes your cells to produce off-target proteins that can trigger unintended immune reactions
  • According to the authors, off-target cellular immune responses occur in 25% to 30% of people who have received the COVID shot
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration are refusing to release the RNA stability data they supposedly relied on when approving a change to Pfizer’s shot that allowed it to be transported and stored at temperatures of -20 degrees Celsius instead of -70 C
  • The FDA also authorized Pfizer to swap the phosphate-buffered saline buffer used in the adult formulations, to a tromethamine (Tris) buffer in the children’s version. FDA did not require any kind of testing to be conducted, and no data have been released in support of its decision to allow the swap
  • According to research published in 2023, the nanolipid in Comirnaty, made by Pfizer/BioNTech, is toxic to cells and triggers proinflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species that can disrupt the mitochondrial membrane causing it to release its content, cause RNA mistranslation, DNA mutations, destruction of the nuclear membrane and more. Frequent repetitions of COVID boosters and/or using mRNA in other vaccines poses a grave public health risk, the scientist warns

According to research published in the December 6, 2023, issue of Nature, the mRNA COVID shots suffer from high rates of ribosomal “frameshifting,” which causes your cells to produce off-target proteins with unknown effects. As explained in that paper:

“A key feature of therapeutic IVT [in vitro-transcribed] mRNAs is that they contain modified ribonucleotides, which have been shown to decrease innate immunogenicity and can additionally increase mRNA stability, both of which are favorable characteristics for mRNA therapies …

Pseudouridine (Ψ) is known to increase misreading of mRNA stop codons in eukaryotes, and can affect misreading during prokaryotic mRNA translation. 1-methylΨ does not seem to affect codon misreading, but has been shown to affect protein synthesis rates and ribosome density on mRNAs, suggesting a direct effect on mRNA translation …

Here we demonstrate that incorporation of N1-methylpseudouridine into mRNA results in +1 ribosomal frameshifting in vitro and that cellular immunity in mice and humans to +1 frameshifted products from BNT162b2 vaccine mRNA translation occurs after vaccination.

The +1 ribosome frameshifting observed is probably a consequence of N1-methylpseudouridine-induced ribosome stalling during IVT mRNA translation, with frameshifting occurring at ribosome slippery sequences …

[T]hese data highlight potential off-target effects for future mRNA-based therapeutics and demonstrate the requirement for sequence optimization.”

Synthetic RNA Is Frequently Misread

In layman English, the inclusion of synthetic methylpseudouridine causes the ribosomes (which are responsible for reading the code) to misread the RNA’s instructions. RNA code consists of groups of three bases (codons) that must be read in the correct order for a desired protein to be created.

Because the methylpseudouridine is not a perfect fit, it causes the decoding process to stall and shift (hence the term “+1 ribosomal frameshifting”). There’s basically a stutter in the decoding process, as your cells don’t understand what’s being asked for, and this stuttering causes the decoding to skip a letter, thereby garbling the entire code.

As a result, unintended “nonsensical” proteins are produced instead of the desired SARS-CoV-2 spike. That, in turn, means that your immune system will not produce antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, but rather against these aberrant proteins.

According to the authors, off-target cellular immune responses occur in 25% to 30% of people who have received the COVID shot, and as noted by molecular virologist David Speicher Ph.D.:

“Whenever our cells create an abundance of unintended proteins or prevent production of appropriate proteins it could lead to an unintended immune response with a huge potential to cause harm.”

Not knowing exactly what proteins are being produced is far from the only problem with these gene-based shots, though.

Why Are Regulators Hiding RNA Stability Data?

As reported by investigative journalist Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration both refuse to release the RNA stability data they supposedly relied on when approving a change to Pfizer’s shot that allowed it to be transported and stored at temperatures of -20 degrees Celsius instead of -70 C.

Pfizer has also refused to disclose those data. Why is that? What do the data reveal that they don’t want us to see? Demasi writes:

“… when the FDA granted authorization in December 2020, it specified the vaccine had to be stored between -80ºC and -60ºC, requiring special ultra-cold freezers, which proved challenging to areas with limited resources.

But by February 2021, Pfizer had apparently solved the problem. It submitted new ‘RNA stability data’ to the FDA demonstrating the vaccine could be stored in conventional freezers (-20ºC) and no longer required ultra-cold freezers.

The FDA approved the change swiftly. Two months later, Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) also approved Pfizer’s application, allowing unopened vials to be stored at -20ºC for up to 2 weeks.

Storage temperature wasn’t the only change. Drug regulators also approved extensions to the vaccines’ expiry dates. Various batches of Pfizer’s vaccine, for example, had their expiry dates extended by one year (FDA) or 6 months (TGA).

But given the sensitivity of RNA to changes in temperature and storage duration, what stability data did the regulators rely on to green-light these decisions?”

As it stands, we have no idea, and that’s a problem. As Phillip Altman, who has more than four decades of experience in clinical trials and regulatory affairs, told Demasi, “It’s critically important to know about the stability of RNA in the vaccines because if the RNA disintegrates, then the efficacy of the vaccine goes down.”

Of course, over the past three years, evidence conclusively shows that the shots are near-useless when it comes to efficacy. What’s worse, efficacy actually becomes negative after a few months, meaning they leave you more prone to infection than your unjabbed peers.

Does RNA Instability Have Something to Do With ‘Hot Lots’?

Altman is also concerned about safety, because data reveal some shots contain far higher doses of mRNA than others, and such “hot lots” are associated with more adverse events and deaths. Mounting research shows the shots do not contain “nothing but intact RNA.”

They also contain fragments of RNA, as well as bits of DNA, both of which can have deleterious health effects. Demasi quotes David Wiseman, Ph.D., a research bioscientist involved in medical product development, who told her:

“We need to know about the bits of RNA that are not intact. It’s possible that small fragments of mRNA also have biological effects such as inflammation or controlling how other RNA works.”

What Data Did FDA Rely on When Authorizing Buffer Swap?

The FDA also authorized another swap that affected RNA stability, and in this case, they appear to have done so without any testing whatsoever. In October 2021, Pfizer amended the formulation of its COVID jab for children aged 5 to 11 years, swapping out the phosphate-buffered saline used in the adult formulations, to a tromethamine (Tris) buffer.

The reason for the swap was to improve the stability profile of the shot, allowing the mRNA to resist degradation so it could be stored for up to 10 weeks in a standard freezer. The FDA authorized the swap in mid-December that year, but as Wiseman told Demasi:

“If the new buffer helped stabilize the mRNA, then it would probably impact the amount of spike protein being produced or alter the way the lipid nanoparticles behaved in the body. But where were the data when the FDA made that decision? The FDA never insisted the new formulation be tested, at least in animals, before it was injected into children.”

Considering the shots were intended for healthy children, why did they not insist on additional testing?

“It’s time for regulators to restore public trust and release these sorts of data. Until then, why should we inject anyone, especially children, with a vaccine without disclosing these, and other kinds of data?” Wiseman says.

Scientist Warns of Intrinsic Cytotoxicity of Nanolipid

The safety of the nanolipid used to encase the mRNA in the shots is also being questioned. In the video above, independent researcher Gabriele Segalla, an Italian biochemist who specializes in the chemistry of microemulsions and colloidal systems, discusses his findings, presented in two peer-reviewed reports published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research (IJVTPR).

The first, published in late January 2023, titled “Chemical-Physical Criticality and Toxicological Potential of Lipid Nanomaterials Contained in a COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine,” details the toxic potential of the nanolipid in Comirnaty, made by Pfizer/BioNTech. Importantly, this paper highlights the potential for reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation in various organs, including the kidneys, liver, heart and brain. According to this paper:

“Of particular concern is the presence in the formulation of the two functional excipients, ALC-0315 and ALC-0159, never used before in a medicinal product, nor registered in the European Pharmacopoeia, nor in the European C&L inventory.

The current Safety Data Sheets of the manufacturer are omissive and non-compliant, especially with regard to the provisions of current European regulations on the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of nanomaterials.

The presence of electrolytes in the preparation and the subsequent dilution phase after thawing and before inoculation raise well-founded concerns about the precarious stability of the resulting suspension and the Polydispersity index of the nanomaterials contained in it, factors that can be hypothesized as the root causes of numerous post-vaccination adverse effects recorded at statistical-epidemiological level.”

mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Pose Grave Public Health Risks

The second paper, “Apparent Cytotoxicity and Intrinsic Cytotoxicity of Lipid Nanomaterials Contained in a COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine,” published in mid-October 2023, focuses on the nanolipid ALC-0315.

The nanolipid in Comirnaty is toxic to cells and triggers pro-inflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species that can disrupt the mitochondrial membrane causing it to release its content, cause RNA mistranslation, DNA mutations, destruction of the nuclear membrane and more.

It describes how ALC-0315 — one of the molecules used to create Comirnaty’s nanoparticle delivery system — forms “proinflammatory cytokines and ROS that can disrupt the mitochondrial membrane and release its content, cause RNA mistranslation, polymerization of proteins and DNA, DNA mutations, destruction of the nuclear membrane and consequent release of its content.”

“Thus, the prospect of frequently repeated COVID ‘booster shots,’ and also that of extending mRNA technology to vaccines against other pathogens or non-infectious diseases, conjures up a very grave public health risk,” he writes.

According to Segalla, the ALC-0315 “is not suitable for intramuscular application” for a number of reasons, including the fact that it does not allow for the “proper transfection of host cells, despite what is stated by EMA (European Medicines Agency) in its Assessment report dated 19 February 2021, in flagrant contradiction with the same bibliographic source therein cited.”

In short, the nanolipid particles are toxic to cells, and can “shed in unpredictable biological locations, even far from the site of inoculation,” due to their “exceptional penetrability, mobility, chemical reactivity and systemic accumulation.” The nanolipid used in the shots “can lead to an unprecedented medical disaster,” Segalla warns. He’s now calling for the immediate suspension of their use.

Resources for Those Injured by the COVID Jab

Based on data from across the world, it’s beyond clear that the COVID shots are the most dangerous drugs ever deployed. If you already got one or more COVID jabs and are now reconsidering, you’d be wise to avoid all vaccines from here on, as you need to end the assault on your body. Even if you haven’t experienced any obvious side effects, your health may still be impacted long-term, so don’t take any more shots.

If you’re suffering from side effects, your first order of business is to eliminate the spike protein — and/or any aberrant off-target protein — that your body is producing. Two remedies shown to bind to and facilitate the removal of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein are hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. I don’t know if these drugs will work on off-target proteins and nanolipid accumulation as well, but it probably wouldn’t hurt to try.

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has developed a post-vaccine treatment protocol called I-RECOVER. Since the protocol is continuously updated as more data become available, your best bet is to download the latest version straight from the FLCCC website at

For additional suggestions, check out the World Health Council’s spike protein detox guide, which focuses on natural substances like herbs, supplements and teas. Sauna therapy can also help eliminate toxic and misfolded proteins by stimulating autophagy.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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Also check out — EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Mercola Exposes the COVID Lockdown as Trial Run for the Next Engineered Pandemic Crisis

USS Ford Aircraft Carrier Returning Home After Extended Deployment Protecting Israel

USS Ford Aircraft Carrier Returning Home After Extended Deployment Protecting Israel

adminJan 2, 20244 min read

USS Ford Aircraft Carrier Returning Home After Extended Deployment Protecting Israel

The Navy said the USS Ford’s presence will now be replaced by the Bataan amphibious ready group, which has 2,000 Marines onboard.

The USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier strike group is heading home from the Mediterranean Sea, according to a Monday announcement by the US Navy.

It had patrolled there, particularly in the Eastern Mediterranean, for months of additional, extended duty in order to provide protection for Israel and be on the ready for potential escalation, given persistent exchange of fire between Israel and Lebanese Hezbollah too.

The Navy said the USS Ford’s presence will now be replaced by the Bataan amphibious ready group, which has 2,000 Marines onboard. This ready group includes the USS Bataan, and the USS Mesa Verde and the USS Carter Hall – which are currently transiting the Red Sea, making ready to enter the Mediterranean. 

A US 6th Fleet message said the Ford will sail for home “in the coming days.” The shift could be the result of Israel newly announcing it is about to enter the “next phase” of its Gaza operations

According to fresh reporting in The New York Times:

The Israeli military announced on Monday that it will begin withdrawing several thousand troops from Gaza at least temporarily, in what would be the most significant publicly announced pullback since the war began.

The military cited a growing toll on the Israeli economy following nearly three months of wartime mobilization with little end in sight to the fighting. Israel had been considering scaling back its operations, and the United States has been prodding it to do so more quickly as the death toll in Gaza continues to rise. More than 20,000 people have been killed in Gaza since the beginning of the war, according to local health authorities.

Daniel Hagari, the Israeli military spokesman, emphasized that the move to demobilize some soldiers did not indicate any compromise on Israel’s intention to continue fighting, and he did not mention the American requests to scale back. He indicated that some will be called back to service in the coming year. Still, the fighting remains intense across Gaza.

There’s been recent White House pressure on Tel Aviv to dial down the intensity of the fighting amid the soaring Palestinian civilian death toll, but also as the Netanyahu governing coalition faces growing anger domestically over how it has handled the war and hostage situation especially. 

NEW: The USS Ford Carrier Strike Group is leaving the Eastern Mediterranean where it has been since the days immediately following Hamas’s attack on Israel and returning to its homeport in Norfolk, VA

— Liz Friden (@Liz_Friden) January 1, 2024

The Associated Press meanwhile reviews of the US military build-up in regional waters in the wake of the Oct.7 Hamas terror attack as follows: “Since it was extended in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Ford and the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier have been part of a two-carrier presence bracketing the Israel-Hamas war, underscoring U.S. concerns that the conflict will widen.” The report further notes, “The Eisenhower has recently patrolled near the Gulf of Aden, at the mouth of the Red Sea waterway, where so many commercial vessels have come under attack in recent weeks.”

Vivek Ramaswamy Issues Emergency Warning: Southern Border Is Now A UN Invasion Frontier
BREAKING: South Korea Opposition Leader Stabbed In Neck, Attacker Arrested

BREAKING: South Korea Opposition Leader Stabbed In Neck, Attacker Arrested

adminJan 2, 20242 min read

BREAKING: South Korea Opposition Leader Stabbed In Neck, Attacker Arrested

Witnesses said said the suspect had approached Lee for an autograph and pretending to be a supporter. He then attacked him with a weapon that was between 8 and 12 inches long.

South Korea’s main opposition party leader Lee Jae-myung was attacked by an unidentified assailant during a visit to the southern coastal city of Busan and rushed to a hospital after he was bleeding from his neck.


South Korean opposition leader, Lee Jae-Myung, was stabbed in the neck during a press conference in Busan, South

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) January 2, 2024

Lee was the Democratic Party’s nominee for the presidential election in 2022. He has also been faced various charges for alleged graft, which he has denied.

Witnesses said the suspect had approached Lee for an autograph and pretending to be a supporter. He then attacked him with a weapon that was between 8 and 12 inches long.

The alleged attacker has been arrested.


South Korean opposition leader, Lee Jae-Myung, was stabbed in the neck during a press conference in Busan, South

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) January 2, 2024

The extent of his injuries are unknown…

President Yoon Suk Yeol expressed deep concern and over the incident “that should have never taken place,” Yonhap cited a presidential spokesperson as saying.
