Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: I Heard Biden Will ‘Likely’ Be Replaced as Democrat Nominee
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) claims she heard on Capitol Hill that Joe Biden will “likely” be replaced as the Democrat presidential nominee before the November election.
Luna made the remarks during an appearance on Jesse Watters Primetime Thursday.
“A lot of people realize that Joe Biden’s likely not going to be the nominee, which is from what we’re hearing on Capitol Hill, Jesse,” she said. “You know, Representative Kiley had reported that Kamala Harris is actually eyeing a run for California governor because of it.”
Jesse Watters
— Gary D (@KMGGaryde) June 14, 2024
Rep Anna Paulina Luna says: “Joe Biden not likely going to be the nominee.”
“So you are hearing also in DC that Joe Biden isn’t going to be the Democrat nominee?” Watters asked.
Luna replied, “Correct.”
“It appears that our colleagues are trying to put guardrails on a 2024 presidential election with President Trump,” she continued. “And also what you’re seeing is, according to our polling, you know, Jesse, as well as I do, that they’ve been trying to really paint Republicans as anti-woman, and they’re trying to push an abortion, crisis right now with the election. And I don’t think that that’s the case.”
“A lot of the American people know that really. This is a state rights decision. And so I think that they know that they’re losing. It’s very evident at this point,” Luna added.
Luna’s remarks come amid heightened concerns among the Democrat Party over Biden’s recent instances of cognitive malfunctioning during speeches, his meandering G7 Summit visit in Italy, and his appearance at a Juneteenth event.
Rumors have swirled that Gavin Newsom may replace Biden, but the California governor has denied that he’s seeking the presidency.
Nashville Journalist Faces Jail Time Over Trans School Shooter Manifesto Leak
A public records case over a leaked manifesto belonging to Audrey Hale, a transgender individual who shot up the Covenant School in a Nashville suburb – killing three 9-year-old children and three adults, has spiraled into a contentious legal battle which could see a journalist tossed in jail if he doesn’t reveal his source.
On Monday, Chancellor I’Ashea Myles of Davidson County ordered Michael Patrick Leahy, editor and owner of the conservative news website The Tennessee Star, to appear in court. Leahy is to participate in a “show cause hearing” on June 17to address why he should not be held in contempt over his publication’s use of the leaked documents.
Leahy has filed an emergency motion to stay her order…
A reporter faces jail time unless he gives up a source at a hearing set Monday. As of Friday COB, the ct of appeals has not addressed his emergency motion to stay.
— Braden Boucek (@BradenBoucek) June 15, 2024
…except the court of appeals is too busy handling slip-and-fall cases to care that a journalist is about to be jailed.
Instead this is the last opinion of the week: a routine slip and fall at a hotel and then it’s Miller time …when a journalist is about to be jailed after being reported to the ct by a rival journalist.
— Braden Boucek (@BradenBoucek) June 15, 2024
The documents, which appeared on The Tennessee Star, may have come from former lieutenant Garet Davidson, a figure already embroiled in his controversies with the Nashville Police Department following a significant complaint filed after his departure.
On Friday, meanwhile, a Nashville police lieutenant delivered a court declaration suggesting Davidson as the source of the leaks, intensifying the scrutiny in the case. Davidson’s actions, as alleged, raise profound questions about the motivations behind and the repercussions of leaking sensitive information from an active police investigation.
The situation has stirred a significant debate about the limits of press freedom, especially when it clashes with the law’s demand for confidentiality and respect for court processes. Legal experts argue that while the public’s right to know is paramount, the integrity of judicial proceedings must also be safeguarded to ensure fair and impartial justice.
This is insane. They’re about to jail the brilliant journalist @michaelpleahy for his obtaining a copy of the transgender Covenant Killer’s manifesto when the Feds were trying to block the public from seeing it.
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) June 15, 2024
For those who want to dig deeper, a well-assembled timeline from Deborah Fisher of TCOG can be seen below:
Feb. 13, 2024 – Myles issues an order that says “any supplemental filings, declarations, and/or affidavits filed by the Parties and/or Amici or sought to be filed by the Parties and/or Amici containing any direct information, no matter how obtained, which is the subject matter of this case SHALL NOT be filed with the Court but SHALL BE submitted for in camera review following the procedures delineated in this case. … Any efforts to usurp the Orders of the Court by any Party, Counsel and/or Amici regarding the matters currently under in camera review shall be sanctioned to the fullest extent of the law, including contempt of court.”
Feb. 25, 2024 – Myles issues a followup order, explaining more about her Feb. 13 order. She said that some police documents had been “illegally leaked to the media from a source with direct contact with the files at the scene of the incident.” [Note: This followed conservative media commentator Stephen Crowder’s publication of pictures of the shooter’s writings found by police in her car.]
“The Court is concerned that the filing of such leaked documents into the record of the Court will violate the due process of this Court proceeding and the parties involved. Further, the Court is concerned that the filing of such leaked information in the record of the Court may encourage the additional illegal leakage of documents by anyone who may have access to those documents and would wish to influence the outcome of these proceedings, usurp the rule of law and/or circumvent the legal process.”
She mentioned documents that were “illegally leaked” and filed by one of the petitioners, Clata Renee Brewer, and have been placed for in camera review. Not only may no copies of leaked documents be filed with the court, “(n)o party shall directly quote or reproduce the contents of any such document in its briefing or argument.”
(Note: It is not clear to this writer how someone “leaking” these documents was “illegal,” a word Myles uses. The district attorney has not sought to prosecute anyone, as far as I know, and police don’t appear to have pressed any charges either. I know of no statute that makes releasing this type of record illegal, although certainly theft of police records could be illegal. But what about taking pictures of police records, would that be theft? Also, I am uncertain that Chancellor Myles has the authority to issue an order to prevent the police department from releasing its own documents, and I don’t recall an order to this effect anyway. It would seem like a bad idea allowing a judge to prevent another branch of government from releasing its own records that it wants to release. A simple exemption to the public records law doesn’t make releasing records illegal. However, we might found out soon how far this freshman judge believes her authority extends. She does seem concerned with the due process rights of the Covenant parents, school and church, who she allowed to intervene in the case. They want to prevent release of most, if not all, of the police records into the investigation, especially the writings of the shooter.
June 4, 2024 – The Tennessee Star begins publishing stories using information from an interview with the former police lieutenant Davidson, unnamed sources and the shooter’s writings found in her car.
Some revelations from the more than 30 stories: The FBI suggested that Metro Police could destroy the shooter’s writings to prevent the public from ever seeing them; a psychologist who treated shooter Audrey Hale tried to get her involuntarily committed at the Vanderbilt psychiatric hospital after Hale expressed violent fantasies; Hale had been planning the attack for a very long time and thought she could have been discovered; and Hale had been treated over the course of 22 years by Vanderbilt Psychiatric. (Hale was 28 years old when she attacked the school and was killed by responding police.)
Monday, June 10, 2024 – Chancellor Myles receives a media call requesting comment or a statement regarding The Tennessee Star’s stories. The call was from WSMV reporter Stacey Cameron, according to the news station’s own reporting.
Monday, June 10, 2024 – Chancellor Myles orders Leahy to appear “in his individual capacity” on Monday, June 17, in her court. The hearing is “to determine why the alleged publication of certain purported documents by Petitioners Star Digital Media and Michael Leahy, as the Editor-in-Chief, does not violate the Orders of this Court subjecting them to contempt proceedings and sanctions.”
Wednesday, June 12, 204 – Daniel A. Horwitz, a First Amendment lawyer in Nashville hired by Leahy, files an emergency motion for Myles to set aside the June 10 order for the show cause hearing.
“With due respect to the Court, this Court’s show cause order: (1) violates Tenn. Code Ann. § 24-1-208(a), Tennessee’s shield law; (2) contravenes Tennessee’s contempt law; (3) deprives Mr. Leahy of minimum due process guarantees; and (4) suffers from other serious constitutional infirmities.”
Horwitz said it was not clear what order or provisions of the judge’s orders Leahy violated because the judge wasn’t specific in setting the show cause hearing. The orders appear to be about supplemental filings and declarations in court. How could Leahy defend himself if he didn’t know what the court thought he did wrong?
Horwitz also outlined for the judge the protections in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that provide for press freedom and prohibit prior restraint by government, including courts, on publishing material. If the judge thought her order prohibited Leahy from publishing, that would be prior restraint and unconstitutional, he argued. Horwitz said he would file an emergency appeal to the Court of Appeals if she did not vacate the show cause hearing order by noon Thursday.
Thursday, June 13 – Horwitz files an emergency application with the Court of Appeals to stay Chancellor’s Myles order.
Thursday, June 13 – Sometime after Horwitz files his appeal, or maybe near the same time, Chancellor Myles issues a new order, refusing to rescind her order for the show cause hearing and adding new information about what she wants at the hearing on Monday. She extends the order to require that a representative with Nashville government to appear. And she says that Horwitz’s claim of a First Amendment problem was premature because the Monday hearing is not a contempt proceeding.
Myles also announces in her order that if she determines a “leak did in fact occur by any party to this case and that such action was in violation of the Orders of this Court, or that there has been any abuse of, or unlawful interference with, the process or proceedings of the Court, or any violation as set forth in Tennessee Code Annotated §29-9-102, this Court may then enter an order and notice appointing an attorney as amicus curiae to the court for investigative purposes, and to initiate and prosecute a contempt citation.”
(Note: I did not know the court could appoint an “amicus curiae” to investigate and prosecute contempt citation, but as the judge notes in her order, the authority of a trial court like hers “is quite broad.”)
Thursday night, June 13 – Sometime after 8 p.m., another order is entered by the court announcing there will be no live testimony at the Monday hearing.
Friday morning, June 14 – Metro Nashville submits a declaration from Lt. Alfredo Arevolo that suggests former Lt. Garet Davidson is the leaker — or at least points out he had access to the entire file. Davidson was interviewed by Leahy on the record about the Covenant case. Leahy has not revealed the source of the photos of the writings found in the car. Davidson left the police department in December 2023 or January 2024 (it’s been reported two ways). He had worked in the Office of Professional Accountability and had access to the entire criminal investigative file during an investigation into an earlier leak of documents, Arevolo said
Davidson, by the way, filed a 61-page complaint against the Nashville Police after he left, which was widely reported on in the news media.
CURRENT STATUS: At this point, the original show cause order remains in effect, requiring Leahy to appear at the Monday hearing and presumably – perhaps now through attorneys and not live testimony – show why his publication of information from leaked documents does not subject him to contempt proceedings and sanctions. It also seems clear that the judge is on the hunt for the leaker and wants to do something. What that something is, we’ll just have to wait. The Court of Appeals had not responded as of 11 a.m. to Leahy’s motion.
For now, Nashville awaits further developments as Chancellor Myles prepares to take the next steps in a case that has evolved far beyond its origins, challenging the community’s perceptions of justice, transparency, and the role of the press in public discourse.
Here is @michaelpleahy’s tip jar:
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) June 15, 2024
As author and researcher John Lott Jr. noted last week regarding the leaked manifesto;
The fight over obtaining the murderer’s diary also received news attention. But when “nearly four dozen pages” of the murderer’s diary were finally released last week, the mainstream media completely ignored it. It turns out that behind the scenes, the FBI had fought hard against the diary’s release. Some Covenant School parents also opposed releasing the diary because it would force families to re-live the nightmare. The Tennessee Star’s parent company, Star News Digital Media, successfully filed two lawsuits to obtain the diary.
Five days after the release of the diary, with the exception of the New York Post, which is a national news outlet, the news coverage was limited to seven other conservative outlets such as The Daily Wire and Newsbusters.
The school murderer was transgender, and her diary reveals a suicidal left-winger who hated whites. The FBI expressed concern that the release of the diary from a transgender person could lead the public “to dismiss the attacker as mentally ill,” which would “further permeate the false narrative that the majority of attackers are mentally ill.” It worried that the diary could “potentially inflam[e] the public.”
The FBI worried that releasing the diary could have “unintended consequences for the segment of the population more vulnerable or open to conspiracy theories, which will undoubtedly abound.” Self-professed “experts,” the FBI fears, will “proffer their perspectives” in the press.
But there is a lot of important information in the diary. As is very typical of mass public shooters, the murderer was suicidal: “A terrible feeling to know I am nothing of the gender I was born of. I am the most unhappy boy alive. I wish to be dead.” She was also on the anti-anxiety drug Buspirone, whose potential side effects include “abnormal dreams, outbursts of anger, tremors, and physical weakness.”
The FBI worries that the diary will help create a link in people’s minds between mass murderers and mental illness, but suicidal people presumably have some mental health problems. Nor should the link be particularly surprising given that the Crime Prevention Research Center shows that 51% of mass public shooters in the last 25 years were actually seeing mental health care professionals before their attacks. That is 2.5 times the rate in the general public.
US Tried to Provoke China Into Attacking Taiwan, Xi Told EU Commission President — Report
Chinese President Xi Jinping has repeatedly underscored that the Taiwan issue in China-US relations is a major red line that must not be crossed. Beijing has also urged Washington to stop sending “erroneous signals” to Taiwanese separatists.
Xi Jinping warned Ursula von der Leyen about Washington’s attempts to provoke Beijing into attacking Taiwan, the Financial Times reported.
China’s president delivered the cautionary message in April 2023 both to the European Commission president and officials in his own country, according to insiders.
The gist of Xi’s warning was reportedly that the Biden administration was trying to goad the People’s Republic of China (PRC) into invading Taiwan, but the Chinese leader would not be taken in that easily.
When delivering the warning last year, Xi purportedly added that a conflict with the US would dismantle many of his country’s impressive achievements and undercut the stated goal of achieving a “great rejuvenation” by 2049.
The report laid emphasis on the fact that if true, this would have been the first known case of Xi Jinping making such a claim to a foreign leader.
There has been no comment specifically on the report from either the Chinese Embassy in Washington or von der Leyen’s spokesperson.
The FT report comes amid heightened US-China tensions. Beijing has referred to the Taiwan issue as a “red line” that must not be crossed in its relations with Washington.
“We will not turn a blind eye to the separatist activities of forces advocating ‘Taiwan’s independence‘ and the connivance and support [of these forces] by outside forces,” Xi Jinping was quoted by the Xinhua news agency as telling US President Joe Biden during a phone conversation in April. Biden, in turn, reportedly said that the US does not support Taiwan’s independence and is not planning to enter into a conflict with China.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken echoed these statements, telling Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi that the United States “continues to pursue the one-China policy and does not support Taiwan’s independence.“
However, despite Washington officially claiming to support the one China policy, the US military has been holding extensive drills in the region. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian slammed the military exercises as stoking confrontation in the region that “will only intensify tensions and undermine regional stability.“
The show of strength came as the US-backed new regional leader of Taiwan William Lai Ching-te took his oath of office. Shortly after Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) pro-independence candidate won the election, he vowed to “protect Taiwan from China’s continued threats and intimidation.”
This prompted China’s Taiwan Affairs Office chief Chen Binhua to declare that Beijing “will adhere to the 1992 consensus, which embodies the One China principle, and firmly oppose separatist actions aimed at achieving Taiwan’s independence, as well as interference by external forces.”
Furthermore, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Washington has supplied Taiwan with $70 billion worth of arms and ammunition in recent years. Under the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), Washington is committed to providing Taiwan with “arms of a defensive character.” In a recently adopted draft bill, the US greenlit a major military aid package that includes funds for the Indo-Pacific. The legislation provides for $2 billion in foreign military financing for Taiwan and other partners in the region to counter China.
Premature Babies Being Exposed to Massive Quantities of Gender-Bending Chemicals in Intensive-care Wards
Premature babies are being exposed to massive quantities of gender-bending chemicals in intensive-care wards, according to a new study. The findings are particularly shocking because premature babies are even more vulnerable to the effects of such chemicals than full-term babies.
In 2021, the EU brought into force a new regulation limiting the use of certain endocrine-disrupting substances in medical equipment, but this new study reveals these chemicals are still present in medical equipment and that the most vulnerable populations are being exposed to them at worrying levels. DEHP (di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate), for example, was widely detected in the new study, despite being a known endocrine-disruptor and probable carcinogen.
Researchers took urine samples from premature babies (neonates) born before 31 weeks gestational age at the Antwerp University Hospital, Belgium. Repeated samples were taken over a period of ten weeks after birth or until the subjects were discharged from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
Analysis of the samples showed that almost all urine samples contained metabolites of harmful endocrine-disrupting chemicals including phthalates and other plasticizers. These chemicals have been linked to a wide variety of reproductive and health harms, from genital malformation, gender dysphoria and reduced fertility, to obesity and some forms of cancer.
Professor Shanna Swan, a reproductive-health expert from Mount Sinai University, has made endocrine-disruptors like phthalates central to her explanation of the global fertility crisis, which could see mankind unable to reproduce by natural means within decades, if current trends in sperm counts continue.
Nearly 30% of neonates in the new study had an estimated phthalate intake that was above animal-derived safe levels. The highest values recorded were 24 times those limits.
Levels of endocrine-disrupting chemicals were significantly higher in the premature babies compared to the non-premature control group, clearly suggesting that the hospital equipment in the NICU was the source of the exposure. Neonates on respiratory support and receiving blood transfusion generally had higher levels in their urine.
Plasticizers like phthalates can leach from plastics directly into the human body, such as feeding and breathing tubes, or they can contaminate products like blood which is then used for transfusion.
Breaking Exclusive! Tucker Carlson Breaks The Internet In Powerful Interview With Alex Jones
Study: Suicidal Behaviors Increased over 50% in Spanish Region due to Lockdowns, Young Women and Minors Worst Affected
Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts increased significantly in the Spanish region of Catalonia due to the pandemic, a recent study suggests.
The study, published in Lancet Psychiatry, looks at data from Catalonian hospitals across three periods: pre-lockdown (1 January 2018 until the implementation of the Spanish lockdown ion 14 March 2020); the lockdown (14 March 2020 until June 21 2020); and post-lockdown (21 June 20202 to 31 December 2022).
The results show a modest increase in suicidal ideation and attempts in the pre-lockdown period, followed by a reduction during the lockdown, and then a 50.77% increase after the lockdowns were lifted.
“The initial reduction during the strict quarantine may be explained because people have less access to methods of suicide, among other reasons,” explains the study lead author, Dr. Víctor Serrano-Gimeno.
“And the subsequent increase after the lockdown reflects complex factors, including social isolation and economic challenges.”
The lifting of the lockdown led to a significant increase in non-lethal suicidal behaviour among women aged 18 to 30 and among under 18s of both sexes.
The authors of the study note that the potential and actual psychological effects of the lockdown were not given enough consideration by experts and policymakers.
Dr. Narcís Cardoner explains: “It’s interesting that throughout the pandemic, physical health was markedly prioritized. And all strategies, for example, the lockdown itself, were aimed at reducing the risk of people getting infected with the virus. But we knew that the impact of these situations would go beyond. And there’s always talk of a fourth wave, which is the mental health problem. And it seems that we were somewhat oblivious to this situation.
“Data like those derived from this study say that physical health is very important, but there is no health without mental health, and it would have been essential to have made some provision for these impacts.”
Numerous studies have revealed the profound effects psychological effects of the pandemic’s social restrictions, especially on vulnerable demographics like children and teenagers.
One study showed that the stress of the pandemic caused teenagers’ brains to age three years in just ten months.
Levels of anxiety and depression among children and teenagers soared during the pandemic. A meta-analysis of 29 separate studies from Asia, Europe, the Americas and Middle East showed that depression and anxiety symptoms doubled in children and teenagers during the pandemic. Older teenagers and girls, in particular, experienced the most significant increases in symptoms.
Breaking Exclusive! Tucker Carlson Breaks The Internet In Powerful Interview With Alex Jones
Trump Vows to End ‘Gender Insanity’ in Schools
Former US President Donald Trump has promised that if reelected this November, he will defund schools that promote “inappropriate” content to children such as gender identity and critical race theory. He also pledged to strip federal funding from schools mandating vaccines and masks, as well as banning men from participating in women’s sports.
“On day one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto the lives of our children,” the presumptive Republican nominee for the White House told a cheering crowd at Turning Point Action’s ‘The People’s Convention’ in the state of Michigan on Saturday.
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) June 16, 2024
“On day one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content…
“And I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate,” he continued, adding that he will also “keep men out of women’s sports” and fully uphold the Second Amendment, which protects the right of Americans to keep and bear arms.
“We will protect innocent lives and we will restore a thing called free speech, as it is being taken away from us by these radical thugs,” Trump vowed after announcing that he had received a full endorsement from the National Rifle Association gun rights advocacy group.
Trump has said education is one of the main priorities of his presidential campaign, arguing that the system needs to be overhauled. He previously outlined plans to “break up” the Department of Education, change the school curriculum, and allow school principals to be elected.
Accusing the Democrats of forcing the “liberal indoctrination of America’s youth,” he vowed to reverse a new expansion by President Joe Biden’s administration of Title IX – which restricts federally funded schools from preventing transgender students from using bathrooms, locker rooms, and pronouns aligned with their identities. He also pledged to block doctors who provide gender-affirming care, as well as forbidding federal agencies from promoting “the concept of sex and gender transition at any age.”
“The left-wing gender insanity being pushed at our children is an act of child abuse. Very simple. Here’s my plan to stop the chemical, physical, and emotional mutilation of our youth,” Trump said in a video address in January, in which he detailed a range of policies designed to curb the promotion of the LGBTQ agenda.