Why do Drag Queens Never Want to Read Stories to the Elderly?
(LifeSiteNews) — Whenever some grifter brings up the issue of female impersonators reading to children, you might consider asking, “Why do they never read stories to the elderly?”
These men in makeup as freakish parodies of women insist on reading to children. Very young children at that. Nurseries and junior schools are the usual venues. They don’t do this in care homes for our lonely, isolated grandparents.
Never prisons, hospital wards, hospices. Why do they never read to prisoners – a literal captive audience? Why not entertain the sick, or bring “trans joy” to the terminally ill?
Why is it always little children?
There is no “war veterans story hour.” There is not even a basic literacy initiative. The point is not the stories. Nor is it to spread the pleasure of reading. The point is the normalization of the presence of people such as this in the company of children.
What is happening about this?
Anatomy of a grift
Grifting is a term applied to an issue milked for cash. Some grifters you like, some you don’t.
The pro-trans grift is about framing their extreme sexual identitarianism as a liberation struggle from dark forces of repression.
The anti-trans grift is about selling you descriptions of this while remaining silent about the cause and the cure.
If this seems unkind, ask yourself whether the people whose names you associate with being pro- or anti-trans would still have this income – and audience – if the problem could be solved.
Like therapy, the grifters do not provide a cure. Both the producer and the consumer come to depend on the continued production of the product.
Neither pro- nor con-men on the trans issue want it to change. This would kill their influence.
Neither the yeas nor the nays ever talk about where the transgender cult came from. If you do not know the cause, you can only describe the effects.
Complaining about effects while remaining ignorant of causes is the hallmark of “conservatives.”
This is why none of them have ever reversed any of these devastating social processes. They do not understand where they come from, and so they cannot make them go away.
Instead, they monetize complaining about them, until this happens:

READ: LGBT ‘Pride Month’ is not about celebrating, it’s about asserting dominance over the culture
Everything about the trans cult is controversial. The reason they want to read to your children – often without your knowledge, presence, or permission – is because they are recruiting them.
The trans cult is a sales cult. It is pitching a product through placement and advertising. This is known as “social contagion.” It is a viral phenomenon spread through online and offline contact.
What is that product? Where does it come from?
The first transgender clinic was founded by the man who also co-founded the world’s first “gay rights” organization. Magnus Hirschfeld’s pot of gold is what you find at the birth of the rainbow movement.
Contrary to popular conservative wisdom, the “T” in LGBT is not a recent addition. The “trans” cult has been there almost since the beginning. The rainbow has always been “queer” – promoting an endless spectrum of sexually extremist identities. It has always used the language of human rights, promoted through the vehicle of scientific progress, to secure its claims for normalization.
In 1896 Hirschfeld began the first study of its kind – “The Homosexuality of Men and Women.”
In the following year he co-founded the Scientific Humanitarian Committee – whose purpose was to repeal laws against homosexuality and promote its political and social liberation.
The committee had a motto: “Justice through science.”
This book about Hirschfeld examines his role in early 20th century homosexualism. It opens with a quote from critical theorist and pedophile sex tourist Michel Foucault, and it says the motto reflected Hirschfeld’s belief that a better scientific understanding of homosexuality would eliminate social hostility toward homosexuals.
To promote this “understanding,” Hirschfeld is celebrated in modern Berlin with his own Magnus Hirschfeld Day, along with three monuments to him and a street named in his honor.

In May 2024, the German government downgraded the criminalization of child pornography. In 2013, the then-leader of the German Green Party said he “regretted” supporting a move to decriminalize sex with children. Here is a Green Party leaflet from Berlin in 2021, which the party said displayed its “vision” for the future of the capital of Germany.

READ: Pedophile advocacy group praises Germany’s new law softening punishment for child pornography
In 1919 Magnus Hirschfeld opened the Institute for Sexual Science in Weimar Berlin. Its motto, above its door, was also “Justice Through Science.”
Hirschfeld performed “pioneering” penectomies and orchidectomies – removing men’s genitals in the lucrative and near unique provision of early “gender affirming care.”
He kept an extensive library of explicit material, including over a thousand images displaying the craze of “Lustmord” – sexually charged murder and corpse mutilation.
Homosexual boy lovers such as the British writer Christopher Isherwood would lodge at the institute. Isherwood’s fond memories of a Berlin which for him, “was about boys,” would later be adapted in the popular musical Cabaret. This musical presents Weimar Berlin as a sexual paradise lost, destroyed by irrational hatred.
This is, of course, an example of the cultural power of rendering extreme sexual degradation as popular entertainment. It was formerly reserved for women, and for men who like musicals.
Now it is for children.
Hirschfeld’s institute was forcibly closed in 1933. The books you see being burned in those iconic images are mainly pictures of the bonfire of his obscene library, torched in the Opernplatz in May 1933.
I warned you it was controversial.
Critical mass
The trans cult is an industry transmitted through the same means as any other mass market product. Ambassadors greet the target consumers. Advertising or propaganda saturates their public spaces. Schools, hospitals, government buildings, military installations, supermarkets, bus shelters, online video adverts, social media and, of course, printed books are all sites of this promotional campaign.
Every cult has a belief system. The one behind the trans cult and that of the rainbow movement is critical theory.
This is the liturgy of progressives. Its mass is the collective celebration of the systematic destruction of all social norms. What is being criticized is normal life and everything on which it relies.
Critical theory is the creed of replacing culture with crisis. It has given us critical race theory, which has manufactured and mobilized the grievances of “people of color” in a permanent declaration of war on society.
It has also gifted us queer theory, which manufactures and mobilizes sexual identities in a similar declaration of war – on all social norms, which it regards as oppressive taboos.
Especially that one.
Judith Butler, perhaps the greatest living champion of this campaign, has admitted on camera that her promotion of queer theory saw her correctly labeled as an advocate for pedophilia.
“I was identified as a threat against children and someone who provides license to pedophiles. That is true.”
“I was identified as a threat against children and someone who provides license to pedophiles. That is true.” — Judith Butler, Queer Literary Theorist and infamous antisemite. pic.twitter.com/JCmdtVelVJ
— Kevin (@RochesterNY585) June 7, 2024
How is this possible? Professor Derrick Jensen once outraged a class of “woke” students with the following brief explanation of the long standing relationship between critical and queer theory, its politics, and pedophilia.
Queer theory is rooted in pedophilia.
— Tiffany Justice (@4TiffanyJustice) January 27, 2024
Meet professor Derrick Jensen as he introduces Queer Theory Pedophilia Jeopardy.
Link to my full interview with Derrick https://t.co/Ujz5oCl2A7 pic.twitter.com/EKvjyLjcUZ
The reason they never read to the elderly is obvious. Weimar Berlin – the birthplace of the rainbow movement – was home to an estimated 300 child sex gangs. Children of all ages were sold for sex in bars notorious for the supply of every sexual demand. Catalogs of these venues and their menus are preserved in celebratory collections such as that of Mel Gordon’s “Voluptuous Panic.”
This is how the rainbow ends. It is propelled by hysterical talk of “rights” and the invocation of a captive “science” towards the total liberation of humanity from any morality whatsoever, sexual or otherwise. It is directly aimed at the destruction of the worship of God and the vandalism of His creation.
Grifters will never talk about the origins or aims of the rainbow movement. They are obvious and well documented.
There is no mention of Hirschfeld on James Esses’ blog, for example:

The transgender industry is now a rich and powerful lobby in itself. It is spearheaded by billionaires such as the Pritzkers, and Martin Rothblatt – whose grotesque ambitions include the creation of a “trans religion.”
Jennifer Bilek has documented the sponsorship of “scientific” and “medical” research by the Pritzkers in U.S. medical schools and universities, as well as the involvement of wealthy philanthropists such as George Soros.
Rothblatt is the owner of Sirius Radio, and has been celebrated as “Female CEO of the Year.”
With enormous financial backing, and over a century of “justice through science,” the means of the end of the rainbow are more powerful than ever.
What is the goal of this movement, whose progressive pinnacle is the trans cult?
It is the transcendence of creation and its divinely ordained sanctity. They want to normalize their normlessness – so that it becomes the new normal.
Why do they want to read to your children? Children are the future.
What kind of future do they want for your children?
They have told you themselves.

It is time to stop talking about the means of the rainbow. It is time to start talking about where it ends.
If you would like to know more about the Weimar origins of the Rainbow Movement, the transmission of the trans cult, the transitioning of our culture, and the transhuman“religion,” you can follow these links to my reports on Substack.
Trump Vows ‘No More Never Ending Payments to Zelensky’
Donald Trump says the US would stop handing over tens of billions of dollars to the Ukrainian President and promised to have the situation in Ukraine “settled” if he is re-elected in November. “I think […]
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Adobe to Start Spying on all Your Images and Videos to Enforce New Content Censorship Rules
Photoshop maker Adobe recently changed its terms of service to give itself the power to look through your files and existing projects for so-called “content moderation” purposes.
The new policy notes that they “may access your content through both automated and manual methods, such as for content review.”
They are justifying this blatant invasion of privacy by claiming their intention is to detect and remove illegal content such as child sexual abuse material as well as behavior like spam and phishing. They also say that advancements in artificial intelligence technology mean it has become easier than ever to “create realistic images and human-sounding text and audio,” so these checks are necessary for safety reasons.
The new terms will affect more than 20 million global users of Adobe Creative Cloud Site.
Adobe has also made changes to its terms of service that empower it to delete content from accounts that are inactive; they did not specify what length of inactivity would qualify an account for content deletion.
However, one of the biggest concerns is that Adobe can now access work that is generated by people using their platforms, such as Acrobat and Photoshop, and they can do this not only by claiming they’re looking for illegal content but also to train AI platforms. They say that their automated systems could analyze users’ content with machine learning with a view to improving their software, services and user experience.
Many Photoshop users won’t accept Adobe’s invasion of privacy
Not surprisingly, this has prompted a slew of criticism and concern among users. The publication Law Enforcement Today and its affiliates have decided to cut all ties with Adobe, while the founder of Songhorn Studios, Sam Santala, called Adobe out in a posting on X, writing: “So am I reading this right? @Adobe @Photoshop I can’t use Photoshop unless I’m okay with you having full access to anything I create with it, INCLUDING NDA work?”
The designer Wetterschneider, who works with clients like Nike and DC Comics, cautioned: “Here it is. If you are a professional, if you are under NDA with your clients, if you are a creative, a lawyer, a doctor or anyone who works with proprietary files – it is time to cancel Adobe, delete all the apps and programs. Adobe can not be trusted.”
It’s easy to see how these new terms could cause a range of problems for people. The idea that the company could use private and sensitive data belonging to users and their clients that is protected by nondisclosure agreements for AI training purposes is tough to accept and could even compromise their livelihood.
While Adobe claims that it only uses Adobe stock images for training its Firefly system, numerous artists have reported that their names are used as search terms in the Adobe stock footage site and results often yield art generated by AI that mimics their style.
Right now, users are unable to use Photoshop until they have agreed to the new terms of service. Moreover, those who want to cancel their subscription because they don’t agree to the terms and conditions are finding that they must actually agree to them before they can even sign in and delete their account.
Adobe has tried to quell some of the backlash by writing a blog post assuring people that their content will still belong to them as creators. They maintain the new terms of use are aimed at product improvement and content moderation for legal purposes. However, the terms of use seem deliberately broad and vague, and many users say they will be seeking alternatives.
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NATO Chief says Alliance Discussing Putting Nuclear Warheads on Standby
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – NATO countries are discussing the possibility of deploying more nuclear warheads and putting them in combat readiness as a deterrent factor, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said.
“I won’t go into operational details about how many nuclear warheads should be operational and which should be stored, but we need to consult on these issues. That’s exactly what we’re doing,” Stoltenberg told The Telegraph newspaper on Sunday.
Stoltenberg added that China is actively investing in its nuclear arsenal, which will grow to 1,000 warheads by the early 2030s.
“And that means that in a not-very-distant future NATO may face something that it has never faced before, and that is two nuclear-powered potential adversaries – China and Russia. Of course, this has consequences,” he said.
“And that means that in a not-very-distant future NATO may face something that it has never faced before, and that is two nuclear-powered potential adversaries – China and Russia. Of course, this has consequences,” he said.
Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons if the existence of the Russian state is threatened. Russia’s nuclear triad is more advanced than that of any other country, Putin noted.
He added that Russia has a nuclear doctrine which states that the use of nuclear weapons is possible in exceptional cases. The scenarios in which Russia could theoretically use nuclear weapons are outlined in Russia’s military doctrine and in the Basic Principles of State Policy on Nuclear Deterrence.
US Government To Pay $500 Million For Studies On New Oral & Nasal Covid Vaccines
The US government has committed to providing up to $500 million towards the development and clinical trials of new oral and nasal vaccines for COVID-19. The Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) announced the […]
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