Russia & North Korea Agree on Mutual Aid Against Aggression – Putin
Moscow and Pyongyang have pledged to assist each other against foreign aggression, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Wednesday during a visit to North Korea.
He and his North Korean counterpart, Kim Jong-un, signed a strategic partnership agreement during their meeting. It will serve as a roadmap for future cooperation in all spheres, from cultural and tourist ties, to trade and economic relations to security, the Russian leader has said, calling it “truly a breakthrough.”
“The document on comprehensive partnership that we signed today provides, among other things, for mutual aid in case of aggression against one of the participants,” the president added.
Moscow supports Pyongyang’s intention to protect its security and sovereignty from possible Western aggression, which is its right, Putin said. The country considers the US and its allies responsible for the increasing tensions in the region, he added.
“Overused Western propaganda tropes can no longer hide their aggressive geopolitical intentions, including in Northwestern Asia,” Putin said.
Read more Ukraine must defeat Russia to join NATO – US
Putin noted that Western nations were supplying advanced weapons to Ukraine and have given Kiev the green light to strike Russia. Under these circumstances, “Russia does not rule out the development of military cooperation with the DPRK under the document signed today.”
He denounced the “indefinite restrictions regime” imposed on North Korea by the UN Security Council, which includes an arms embargo, as “orchestrated by the US” and urged for it to be revised.
The Russian president had previously warned the West over Kiev’s desire to use donated weapons to conduct attacks deep inside Russia. Should that happen, Moscow could send similar types of weapons to enemies of the West, which could use them to strike the military assets of the US and its allies, he said earlier this month.
Pyongyang has an “objective and balanced” stance on the Ukraine conflict and sees its core causes, which proves North Korea’s independence and sovereignty, Putin said. The two nations are also on the same page in supporting “a more just and democratic multipolar world” that should replace the previous Western-centric system.
READ MORE: Pyongyang welcomes Putin with spectacular ceremony (VIDEO)
”We will continue to oppose the imposition of strangling sanctions, which the West has turned into a tool of maintaining its hegemony in politics, the economy and other areas,” the president vowed.
Recalling the lengthy record of Russian cooperation with North Korea, Putin noted the role that the Soviet Union played in the fight against Imperial Japan during the Second World War and the reconstruction efforts following the Korean civil war, which split the Korean Peninsula between two rivals. Moscow was the party with which Pyongyang signed its first international agreement 75 years ago, he added.
BREAKING: Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust
BREAKING: CNN Directly Attacks the American Republic
On the Tuesday show Alex Jones broke down a report by CNN attacking the US Republic in favor of their totalitarian US Democracy.
Don’t miss:
BREAKING: Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust
Fauci Keeps Lying… Says At Least A Million more Americans Would Have Died Without The Jab
Dr. Anthony Fauci has told MSNBC that at least one million more Americans and many millions around the world would have died if they had not had the experimental COVID-19 vaccine. He claims that the […]
The post Fauci Keeps Lying… Says At Least A Million more Americans Would Have Died Without The Jab appeared first on The People’s Voice.
Pedophile Hunters Tie Up and Beat Tar Out of Illegal Alien Caught Raping 13-Yr-Old in NYC
Vigilantes caught the 25-year-old illegal alien wanted for Thursday’s rape of a 13-year-old girl at a park in Queens, New York — tying him up and beating the tar out of him while waiting for the police to […]
The post Pedophile Hunters Tie Up and Beat Tar Out of Illegal Alien Caught Raping 13-Yr-Old in NYC appeared first on The People’s Voice.
Bikini Barista Smashes Customers Windshield After He Throws Coffee at Her
A surveillance camera captured the moment the owner of Taste of Heaven Espresso in Seattle fought back against an angry customer by quickly smashing his windshield.

Video shows the customer fling his drinks at the shop’s drive-thru window after complaining about the price of his order and threatening her.

Within moments, the barista emerges from the window swinging a large hammer and violently strikes the man’s windshield before he drives off.
The New York Post reports the coffee shop owner, 23-year-old Emma Lee, “called cops and has filed misdemeanor assault charges against the customer.”
The incident has sparked debate with many saying she was justified in standing up against the man, while others claim she overreacted.
BREAKING: Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust
EMT Harry Fisher joins Alex Jones and takes calls from nurses, detailing how COVID shots resulted in mass death and injuries.
BREAKING: Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust@harryfisherEMTP
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) June 18, 2024