CISA Chief Calls for AI Image-Labeling Legislation
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a part of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), all of a sudden wants to have deepfakes (which have existed for decades in entertainment. etc. industries) tightly regulated.
Tech companies (Google, Meta, TikTok, Open IA) “voluntarily identifying and labeling” such content on their social platforms and elsewhere won’t cut it now. This is all presented as a segment in the larger AI “conversation” – such as AI is, at this point – while the conversation is around how to make sure the authorities control it strictly.
The value agencies and groups now thoroughly exposed as multi-year drivers of online censorship see in zeroing in on deepfakes (and AI) is, on one hand, the ability to interpret the meaning of this content (even if it’s parody or satire) as political “disinformation.”
And if the election doesn’t go their way, they can always contest it claiming it was substantially influenced by such “disinformation.”
That’s why – rather than believing that any regulation “with real teeth” will make it through the legislative process any time soon – it’s important for entities like CISA to keep the topic alive in the media.
At the same time, although this pressure on social platforms and demands for better “labeling” (i.e., censorship) clearly comes from inside the US, those behind the narrative never miss the chance to claim that stricter rules, all the way up to new laws, are needed to “keep the tech from being used by other countries to try to influence the US election.”
Most of this came up directly or indirectly as CISA Director Jen Easterly spoke at a Washington Post-organized event, insisting that platforms essentially “self-censoring” with the current way they label AI-generated content, is not enough.
“There needs to be a set of rules in place, ultimately legislation,” she said.
These comments come as the Washington Post remarks that although there have been initiatives to regulate the use of AI in the US, none of them have so far panned out.
Proponents of such policies have big hope in the EU and its controversial AI Act which was passed this year – but even that will not be fully implemented as law for the next two years.
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‘Eastern Mentality, Soviet Culture’ – Survey Reveals Dramatic Decline in Polish Support for Ukrainian Refugees
According to the latest research, the Polish public is increasingly less supportive of refugees from Ukraine. This shift is evident across various areas of daily life, with the exception of the educational sector. The study, titled “Social Perception of Refugees from Ukraine, Migrants, and Actions Taken by the Polish and Ukrainian States,” was published by the newspaper Rzeczpospolita.
The results are clear: The once favorable attitude of Poles towards providing aid to Ukrainians and having them in Poland as refugees is fading.
Only 31 percent of respondents now believe that Poland should continue to “definitely” support Ukraine, a dramatic drop from 62 percent in January 2023. Meanwhile, 43 percent chose the option “rather,” indicating slight agreement. Notably, opposition to assisting Ukraine has risen to 19 percent.
The survey also reveals that 72 percent of participants think Poland should prioritize its own interests despite the ongoing war in Ukraine, specifically regarding food exports. This view is opposed by only 15 percent of those surveyed.
Dr. Robert Staniszewski, from the University of Warsaw and the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, who led the study, noted that the most surprising finding is the significant decrease in friendliness towards Ukrainians in all areas except education.
Respondents attributed this change to what they perceive as the demanding attitude of the refugees. For the first time in such a survey, participants also pointed to an “Eastern mentality, Soviet culture,” which they believe manifests as a disregard for the common good.
“Moreover, the study indicates that an increasing number of people recognize differences between nations,” Dr. Staniszewski added.
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Avian Bird Flu Suddenly Becomes Cow Flu as Dairy Farms Begin Culling Animals to Destroy the Domestic Food Supply
It wasn’t long ago when the United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) declared that cow farts and cow burps were contributing significantly to “global warming.” In 2006, the IPCC called on all nations to reduce methane emissions from agriculture, notably from cows.
Today, globalists are investing in startups that genetically engineer cows so they will no longer produce methane gas. The global plan to control the food supply and cull cow populations has been known for nearly two decades. Now, avian bird flu is suddenly becoming an issue in cows, and dairy farms are rapidly depopulating herds due to cows testing positive. Just like during the covid-19 crisis, there likely won’t be an investigation into gain-of-function behind the rapid spillover, nor will there be an investigation into the test kits, which drive positive test results and pandemonium that leads to mass culling of healthy animals. The USDA was already caught utilizing a $1 million grant, allowing them to work with the Chinese Academy of Scientists on a “highly pathogenic avian influenza virus.”
Global plan to control food supply ramped up by U.S. government during the Obama years
Soon after cows became a threat to the planet, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) began to target cattle ranches in the Western United States. For decades, ranchers stewarded the public lands and cattle abounded, providing a sustainable source of food for millions of people.
However, as globalists took hold of the climate change narrative, the U.S. government began to treat cattle as a threat to the planet, too. Specifically, it was determined that cattle emit too much methane and disrupt the “carbon sink” by churning up soil and vegetation. The BLM began to charge ranchers exorbitant fees and leases, while forcing the ranchers to adopt new uses for the land. Back in 2014, during the Obama years, the U.S. BLM even resorted to an armed standoff with the ranchers to force American ranchers to abide by the United Nation’s climate change “sustainability” plan.
The USDA was also weaponized during this time, with increasing raids on Amish meat producers and co-ops. Against the will of these families, these government agents seize massive amounts of meat and other natural foods that they paid to have produced, all in the name of protecting the public.
Global plan to cull animal populations enters new phase
Now, nearly two decades after cows were targeted for population reduction by the UN, there is a new strain of avian bird flu that is suddenly attacking cows! Many of these sick cows are not being treated or given the opportunity to heal. Instead, the recovering dairy cows that do not produce enough milk during the healing process, are euthanized.
Moreover, a brand-new testing system is being ramped up to produce positive test results that cause further pandemonium, leading dairy farmers and government officials to cull healthy and/or slightly diseased cows out of “an abundance of caution.” The herds will not be allowed to achieve natural herd immunity to the latest pathogenic strains. Instead, these PCR testing systems will drive misdiagnoses and pandemonium, allowing for the mass culling of cows.
This food supply sabotage is already being done to poultry farms.
Here’s the latest news on cow populations being attacked over a virus that has suddenly crossed over from birds:
- In South Dakota, a 1,700-cow dairy farm slaughtered a dozen cows that suddenly fell ill and couldn’t recover. The farm then euthanized another twelve cows that contracted secondary infections. Instead of treating the cows and letting them recover, the farm put them all down. Russ Daly, a professor and veterinarian at South Dakota State University, said that digestive problems and pneumonia in some cows could be a chain reaction from the bird flu and indicate its presence among the herd. Just like during covid-19 hysteria, this means that any symptom of illness could be classified as bird flu, subjecting dozens of cows to euthanasia.
- In Michigan, a farm detected approximately 200 infected cows and euthanized at least 10%.
- In Colorado, a dairy farm reported numerous avian flu infections in their cows. When the cows could not resume adequate milk production during their healing process, they were all put down.
- In Ohio, cows that recovered after testing positive for avian influenza ultimately contracted other infections and died as a result. This is now a trend across the state, according to the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
- In Texas, the Texas Animal Health Commission also verifies that cows testing positive for avian flu are dying from secondary infections at dairy operations.
- In New Mexico, the state veterinarian, Samantha Uhrig, noted that farmers initially culled cows due to decreased milk production before it was confirmed that bird flu was infecting the cattle. However, the farmers stopped culling the animals after learning that most cows gradually recovered.
According to USDA rules, when a cow tests positive for avian flu, the entire herd is not allowed to be transported between interstate lines. This is a problem because these dairy farms are designed to constantly move animals. If the movement is halted, the dairy farms run out of space, pushing farmers to cull healthy animals. The USDA is currently expanding testing operations for dairy cows, and this will inevitably produce more positive test results, causing further pandemonium and further disruptions in shipping, which will lead to an even greater level of depopulation of dairy cows across the United States.
BREAKING: Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust
Idaho Parents Block Woke DEI Curriculum From Being Introduced to K-5 Students
GRANGEVILLE, Idaho (LifeSiteNews) — Concerned citizens successfully halted an Idaho school board from adopting a curriculum based on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) for students in grades K-5 earlier this month.
In May, a two-year, $5.8 million dollar levy was passed for Mountain View School District, located in Grangeville in Western Idaho. Voters in the area had shot down similar measures in each of the past four years.
According to the Idaho County Free Press, more than 50 residents showed up at a board meeting on May 28 to oppose the adoption of a math curriculum offered by an education company called Amplify. One man pointed out that Amplify’s mission statement proudly brags that it promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
“We help teachers craft rigorous learning experiences that reflect the diverse histories, cultures, and identities their students bring to the classroom,” the company’s website reads.
Homeschool parent Tiffany Shurtz issued a much harsher rebuke.
“Amplify sexualizes and desensitizes children, undermines traditional values, as well as parents and their parental rights, refers children to harmful resources and violates natural age appropriateness,” she exclaimed. “It does not represent true diversity and equity and is especially skewed toward non-Christian beliefs.”
The five-person school board (which was missing one member) voted to hold off on approving the curriculum until its June 10 meeting.
Rose Pogue spoke to LifeSiteNews via telephone last Thursday. A local home-schooling mother of six, she explained that at the June 10 meeting, the board voted to scrap the plan altogether after more than a dozen patriots opposed the measure during public comment. Pogue also noted that the victory was meaningful because the teacher’s union representative had fought to have it approved.
“Thanks to the board’s efforts to try and push this through after the levy, there is now a very serious, very vigilant group of people rising up to keeping watch on the school,” she said.
According to its website, Amplify was founded in 2000 and impacts over 15 million students in all 50 states. It also boasts that it partners with “minority and women owned business enterprises across the country.”
Pogue further told LifeSiteNews that the curriculum would have incorporated foreign or non-English names and some DEI-related examples into math lessons. She recalled that Amplify’s English curriculum was introduced to K-6 students last year and that “current teachers are admitting they are picking through and being very cautious with what they are allowing children to see and read out of fear it is inappropriate.”
Pogue, who previously lived in Eastern Oregon but fled due to the “communist” environment there, further revealed that of the three persons currently seeking to be the district’s superintendent, one is a liberal from the U.S.’s east coast, another is a local teacher who is liked by students and parents but is part of the union, and the third a woke former union president. The board will vote to fill the role on Wednesday, June 19.
BREAKING: Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust
‘Make Europe Great Again’ – Hungary Reveals EU Presidency Slogan
Hungary’s slogan for its six-month rotating presidency of the EU beginning on July 1 will be “Make Europe great again,” Minister for EU Affairs János Bóka said on Tuesday when detailing the country’s priorities during its six-month presidency.
“In Europe, the war in our neighborhood, the disengagement from global competitors, the fragile security situation, illegal migration, opposition politics, the effects of climate change, and the processes of self-protection are all common challenges,” Bóka said.
The minister added that 2024 is the year of transition in the European Union, and the Hungarian presidency, in cooperation with the newly established European Parliament and the European Commission, must ensure the continuity of work within EU institutions and the European Council.
??‼️ “Make Europe Great Again”
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) June 18, 2024
Hungary unveils its logo and slogan for the country’s presidency of the Council of the European Union later this year.
János Bóka said that the Hungarian government sees the rotating presidency as an opportunity, adding that the peace and security of Europe is the most important thing.
Hungary’s EU presidency will have seven priorities: a new European competitiveness pact, strengthening European defense policy, consistent and merit-based enlargement policy, tackling illegal migration, shaping the future of cohesion policy, a farmer-centric EU agricultural policy, and combating declining demographics.
Minister Bóka stressed that an important part of the Hungarian presidency will be the fight against anti-Semitism and the promotion of sports and healthy lifestyles in view of the Olympic Games.
The minister concluded by saying that “the success of the Hungarian presidency means the success for Europe as a whole.”
BREAKING: Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust
Washington Governor Issues Directive Requiring Hospitals to Commit ‘Emergency’ Abortions
OLYMPIA, Washington (LifeSiteNews) — Washington Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee has issued a directive meant to force hospitals to provide “medically necessary” abortions in anticipation of a pending Supreme Court ruling about medical conscience rights that many in the abortion lobby fear will not go their way.
“I hereby direct the Department of Health to issue a policy statement reaffirming and clarifying the requirements under state law for hospitals to provide emergency abortion services,” reads Inslee’s June 11 directive. “Further, I direct the Department of Health to take enforcement action, in accordance with applicable law, against those hospitals that do not provide such required care.”
“Ideological politicians are relentlessly interfering with the most private and crucial health care decisions a doctor and their patient will ever make, and now they’re doing so even when the life of a mother hangs in the balance,” the governor added in a press release. “Fortunately, we’ve taken numerous steps in Washington to make sure patients in Washington are not subject to these horrors. Hospitals and clinics in Washington have become a haven for patients seeking the abortion care they can no longer access in other states. We will meet every challenge to women’s right of choice with an unwavering affirmation that Washington is and will remain a pro-choice state.”
The move is meant to prepare for the outcome of a current case at the nation’s highest court regarding the Biden administration’s efforts to force emergency room doctors in Idaho to participate in abortions under the guise of “medical necessity.”
In August 2022, the administration filed a lawsuit contending that the federal Emergency Medical Treatment & Active Labor Act (EMTALA) overrides Idaho’s pro-life laws and requires emergency room doctors to commit abortions that would otherwise be illegal under state law. A lower court sided with the White House, prompting the U.S. Supreme Court to take the case and allow Idaho to continue to enforce its pro-life laws until it is resolved.
In April, Idaho Republican Attorney General Raúl Labrador, along with attorneys from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and the law firm Cooper & Kirk, filed their reply brief laying out the case that the administration misreads and misapplies EMTALA in numerous ways, including that the law does not require procedures that violate state law, does not mandate services a particular hospital does not offer, and in fact requires hospitals to provide care for preborn children. The justices heard oral arguments later that month.
“We want the highest standard of care for women, and we do make an exception for abortion to save the life of the mother,” including in cases of ectopic pregnancy, Esther Ripplinger, president of Human Life of Washington, told NBC News in response to Inslee’s move. “But when you say ‘health’ is threatened — that’s an interesting proposal, because now, ‘health’ can mean, ‘Oh, I’ve got a headache, I need an abortion.’… We need to be very specific about what is that emergency and what is not.”
While some emergency situations in pregnancy can necessitate treatments indirectly resulting in a child’s death, numerous medical experts attest that intentionally killing a preborn baby is never medically necessary. Regardless, every state in the union with abortion prohibitions currently in effect also permits doctors to administer life-saving, non-abortive treatment to pregnant women even if it comes at the expense of a baby’s life.
Pro-abortion activists have long sought to keep abortion debates focused on such situations to divert attention from the vast majority of abortions that are sought for far less “sympathetic” reasons. They have gotten mileage out of that approach, which has helped defeat pro-lifers in recent state ballot referendums and convinced national Republicans to take a more moderate stance on life this year.
However, data released late last month by the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute, covering roughly 123,000 abortions across eight states in 2021 (the last full year that Roe v. Wade mandated legal abortion nationwide), found that alleged “risks to a woman’s life or a major bodily function” constituted just 0.3 percent of women’s reasons for abortion.
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