Germany Moves Closer to AfD Ban, Greens Claim Party is a ‘Security Risk for People and Democracy’
The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which is now the second most popular party in the country, is moving closer to being banned. Christian Democrat (CDU) MP Marco Wanderwitz says he has enough MPs in his corner to table a motion for an AfD ban in the Bundestag.
He noted that he has gathered 37 MPs who will support the ban while speaking with the far-left newspaper taz.
Wanderwitz is still waiting on the Münster Higher Administrative Court. That court has since agreed with the classification of the AfD as a “suspected right-wing extremist” organization in May; however, the court has not yet released a written justification behind its decision. Wanderwitz says he is waiting for the court to release its written report before moving forward with a ban proposal.
“Once the reasons for the ruling are available, we will take a close look at it and then submit our updated and well-founded application for a ban,” announced Wanderwitz. The court has at least five months from the date of its decision to release its written report, but it is unclear what the court will publish in its response.
If the Bundestag votes on a ban, the Constitutional Court, Germany’s highest court, would have the final decision on whether a ban is legal. In any case, an actual ban could throw the German political system into turmoil and raise questions about democratic legitimacy in Germany.
BREAKING: ??AfD politician Heinrich Koch STABBED in Mannheim. Here is the alleged video, showing Koch confronting an Antifa member tearing down AfD posters in the city.
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) June 5, 2024
The Antifa thug swings a knife multiple times, leaving multiple stab wounds on the 59-year-old Koch’s body.…
Notably, Wanderwitz lost his own seat to an AfD politician during local elections, making a ban personal for him. The AfD’s success in the east of Germany, where it is the number one party and likely to win several regional elections in the autumn, also means that the governing parties are facing the prospect of completely losing power in a number of German states. In some cases, their vote totals may be so low that they are completely kicked out of state parliaments, giving them a strong incentive to seek out a ban of the rival AfD. These eastern states may even become ungovernable without the AfD’s participation in government, which is upping the ante for the mainstream parties to fast-track a ban.
Other parties besides the CDU are racing to secure a ban of the party, which has surged on the popularity of its anti-immigration and anti-war proposals. Green politician Marcel Emmerich is calling on the conference of interior ministers to set up a task force against the AfD, which would collect evidence to support a ban.
“The AfD is a security risk for people and democracy,” he told the taz newspaper.
Migrant crime is exploding higher in Germany, with record levels of violent crimes recorded. Germany’s top police union chief is now slamming the federal interior ministry, ran by the far left Nancy Faeser.
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) April 9, 2024
Notably, the open borders policies of the ruling mainstream parties have fueled a huge increase in violent crime in Germany, with approximately 6 out of 10 violent crimes committed by foreigners in 2023, a record high. Violent crime also hit a record high in the same year. Recently, a wave of knife attacks has made constant headlines in Germany, including an Afghan radical who killed a German police officer in Mannheim and another Afghan who attacked German football fans while they were watching the European Football Championships in Wolmirstedt. The latter stabbed one 23-year-old man to death and then attacked another party where he wounded three men, two seriously, before being shot dead.
The AfD has long argued that these attacks are the real security threat in Europe.
Is this why Germany’s @AfD performed so well in EU elections?
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) June 10, 2024
A powerful speech from @Alice_Weidel breaks down why Germans are increasingly abandoning the left-liberal government.
The AfD is now the second-biggest political force in German politics.
The red-red-green government in Bremen is also supporting such a task force, and Social Democrat (SPD) interior ministers are looking to discuss the issue of an AfD ban at a conference on Wednesday.
??? After two schoolchildren, 9 and 10, were brutally stabbed by a German with a migration background in #Duisburg, a new trend is emerging.
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) March 7, 2024
Children in German schools are no longer safe due to mass immigration.
This @RMXnews short shows some of the most prominent attacks in…
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Christ Defeats Satan Every Time
On the Tuesday Alex Jones Show, Jones explained how in the end, God always prevails against the Devil.
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BREAKING: Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust
Biden Officially Announces Amnesty Plan for Illegal Alien Voters
On the Tuesday show, Alex Jones broke down the news that the Biden administration is setting the stage to legalize millions of aliens.
“Joe Biden wants anybody who’s basically gotten here who quote’s married to an American or has a kid, anchor baby, cannot be deported by Trump,” he said. “So they’re retroactively trying to get ready for Trump to get in.”
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BREAKING: Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust
Reports: Vatican Planning to Enforce a ‘Final’ Ban of Traditional Latin Mass, Likely on July 16
(LifeSiteNews) — Several “credible” sources informed a traditional Catholic media outlet that the Vatican is planning to issue a document “banning” the Traditional Latin Mass, and a source informed LifeSiteNews that this will likely occur on July 16.
“An attempt is being made to implement, as soon as possible, a Vatican document with a stringent, radical, and final solution banning the Traditional Latin Mass,” reported Rorate Caeli on Monday, which attributed the news to “the most credible sources, in different continents,” including from “circles close to” Cardinal Arthur Roche, the prefect for the Dicastery for Divine Worship.
These sources are reportedly “the very same… who first revealed that a document like Traditionis Custodes would come” and also “revealed to Rorate that the Vatican had sent out a survey to bishops” on their implementation of the TLM following Pope Benedict XVI’s 2007 motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, which allowed widespread use of the Latin Mass.
Those planning this “final” suppression of the TLM are said by Rorate to be “frustrated” with the “apparently slow results” of Pope Francis’ Latin Mass-restricting document Traditionis Custodes, particularly in the U.S. and France, and “want to ban it and shut it down everywhere and immediately.”
These Vatican prelates, which by implication include Pope Francis and at least require his consent, reportedly wish to make this Latin Mass ban “as wide, final and irreversible as possible.” Rorate Caeli is urging people in all states of life to “prevent the ban from becoming a concrete measure.”
LifeSiteNews has received information indicating that a likely date for these expected restrictions is July 16, the anniversary of the implementation of Traditionis Custodes.
Cardinal Raymond Burke recently highlighted the fact that Traditionis Custodes has in one sense backfired, because it has intensified and multiplied attraction to the Mass of the Ages. The cardinal stated:
If the intention with the latest legislation Traditionis Custodes and other documents which followed it was to discourage or to decrease the attraction of the holy liturgy according to the Usus Antiquior, it had, I would say, the exactly opposite effect.
“This,” he added, “should not be surprising. One has to think that a form of the Roman rite which has nourished so profoundly and produced so many saints, the declared saints, even let’s say hidden saints, it is not possible that this rite be canceled, that it be eliminated from the life of the Church.”
Pope Benedict XVI himself clarified through his motu proprio Summorum Pontificum that the Latin Mass was never abolished and that no priest needs his bishop’s permission to offer it, stating, “What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful.”
Following Traditionis Custodes, Cardinal Burke affirmed that the traditional liturgy is not something that can be excluded from the “valid expression of the lex orandi.”
“It is a question of an objective reality of divine grace which cannot be changed by a mere act of the will of even the highest ecclesiastical authority,” wrote the cardinal in 2021.
In accordance with this idea, liturgical scholar Dr. Peter Kwasniewski has written that priests must resist attempts to restrict the Latin Mass, including through Traditionis Custodes and its accompanying Responsa ad dubia “regardless of threats or penalties,” since obedience to these documents would undermine the very mission of the holy Catholic Church.
‘The traditional Mass belongs to the most intimate part of the common good in the Church. Restricting it, pushing it into ghettos, and ultimately planning its demise can have no legitimacy. This law is not a law of the Church because, as St. Thomas [Aquinas] says, a law against the common good is no valid law,’” he said in a speech during the 2021 Catholic Identity Conference.
True obedience “is always obedience to GOD, whether immediately or mediately,” explained Dr. Kwasniewski. Therefore, if any authority commands something contrary to God’s divine or natural law, “We must obey God rather than men,” as is declared in the Acts of the Apostles and affirmed by Pope Leo XIII.
Dr. Kwasniewski made the point that “the traditional liturgical worship of the Church, her lex orandi (law of prayer),” is a “fundamental” “expression of her lex credendi, (law of belief), one that cannot be contradicted or abolished or heavily rewritten without rejecting the Spirit-led continuity of the Catholic Church as a whole.”
To drive this home, he quoted the solemn words of St. Pius V’s bull Quo Primum, which he noted “is not ‘just a disciplinary document’ that can be readily set aside or contradicted by his successors; it is a document de rebus fidei et morum, concerning matters of faith and morals, and therefore not susceptible to being set aside by a later pontiff” – something acknowledged by “his successors who, whenever they published a new edition of the missal, were careful to preface it with Quo Primum, showing that they accepted and embraced that which Pius V had codified and canonized.”
Quo Primum states:
“In virtue of Our Apostolic authority, We grant and concede in perpetuity that, for the chanting or reading of the Mass in any church whatsoever, this Missal is hereafter to be followed absolutely, without any scruple of conscience or fear of incurring any penalty, judgment, or censure, and may freely and lawfully be used. Nor are superiors, administrators, canons, chaplains, and other secular priests, or religious, of whatever title designated, obliged to celebrate the Mass otherwise than as enjoined by Us. We likewise declare and ordain … that this present document cannot be revoked or modified, but remains always valid and retains its full force … Would anyone, however, presume to commit such an act [i.e., altering Quo Primum], he should know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.”
BREAKING: Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust
German School System Overwhelmed by Migrants, Warns President of German Teachers’ Association
The German education system is facing a serious crisis as increasingly more and more students are speaking little or no German at all, warns Stefan Düll, the president of the German Teachers’ Association.
“Due to immigration in 2015, the war in Ukraine and other immigration, new people are constantly coming into the system, but the system is slow to keep up because it is moving too fast,” said Dülli, who told new agency DTS that the school system was overloaded due to excessive immigration.
The president says that a high proportion of these children speak little or no German, which is putting an enormous burden on teachers.
“After all, they don’t speak Farsi or Ukrainian. How are they supposed to teach them?” he asked.
He said that students are also less motivated. “The higher the percentage of immigrants, the more difficult it is to motivate the class,” stated Düll. In his opinion, the high number of immigrants could also lead to “the group of illiterates becoming larger.” As Remix News reported last year, 25 percent of 4th graders cannot read in Germany.
Rising crime has led to German schoolgirls in some cities being warned to “walk to school in groups” due to a spate of sexual assaults and rapes.
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) March 21, 2024
“In the end, the lack of reading skills not only endangers the social participation of many people but also Germany as a whole as a business location,” said Susanne Lin-Klitzing, who serves as the chairwoman of the German Association of Philologists.
Remix News has reported on the crisis in German school systems before, along with other Western nations like France, due to mass immigration. Language is not the only issue, as multiculturalism has also led to conflicts in classrooms, social divisions, and even violence against teachers.
“Twenty-three different nations meet in the schoolyard, some of whom cannot understand each other at all and who sometimes come from hostile regions, such as Russia and Ukraine. We need a lot of parent-teacher talks, which mostly take place with interpreters. And that brings us to one of the reasons why the teaching profession has become less and less attractive: The psychological stress is enormous and it has increased significantly,” said principal Norma Grube during an interview with Welt last year.
A teacher was hospitalized after trying to protect a student subject to attack by the migrant gang.
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) April 24, 2024
While Grube is only one principal, the stress facing teachers and principals is a phenomenon seen across the country, and top teaching officials, such as Düll, are now joining the conversation as well.
Düll’s criticisms of mass immigration come after the National Education Report was presented on Monday, which showed many children do not meet even the minimum education requirements already in elementary school.
In Berlin, 40 percent of students do not speak German as their native language, and in cities like Hamburg, the majority of students have a migrant background. Overall, an astounding 38 percent of all children in elementary schools in Germany have migrant backgrounds.
Following the results of the EU elections, which saw the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party become the second-largest party in the nation, to explain their popularity, Mayor of Tübingen Boris Palmer said young people are dealing with the consequences of mass immigration, which is making them turn to right-wing parties.
“They experience what irregular migration means on a daily basis,” Palmer, who formerly served with the Greens but has since become independent, wrote on Facebook.
“Above all, the young men who have arrived alone are changing the living environment of young people. In the park, in the club, on the street, on the bus, at the train station, in the schoolyard,” he added.
His points are reflected in the data made available from the education system. Teachers in Berlin, for instance, required police intervention in the school system 5 times a day in 2023, with police interventions rising dramatically.
??? After two schoolchildren, 9 and 10, were brutally stabbed by a German with a migration background in #Duisburg, a new trend is emerging.
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) March 7, 2024
Children in German schools are no longer safe due to mass immigration.
This @RMXnews short shows some of the most prominent attacks in…
BREAKING: Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust
AI Candidate Running for UK Parliament to Appear on The Ballot for General Elections in July
An artificial intelligence character is about to participate in the United Kingdom general elections. AI Steve, alongside non-AI candidates running to represent constituents in the Brighton Pavilion area of Brighton and Hove, will appear on the ballot next month.
Steve Endacott, the man behind the AI candidate, is an entrepreneur from the south of England who wants his avatar to be present in the House of Commons as the Member of the Parliament (MP) for the said constituency. “I am setting up my own party after growing disillusioned with how much the others are out of contact with the U.K. population,” Endacott said in a LinkedIn Post. “I will try to use technology to connect directly with the views of my constituents.” In a separate interview, he said AI Steve is the AI co-pilot. “I’m the real politician going into Parliament, but I’m controlled by my co-pilot,” he said.
Endacott is the chairman of Neural Voice, a company that creates personalized voice assistants for businesses in the form of an AI avatar. Neural Voice’s technology is behind AI Steve, one of the seven characters the company created to showcase its technology.
On its campaign website, AI Steve asks users whether they want to join a team of “creators” that will help them create new policies. Potential voters do this by clicking on a “Speak to AI Steve” option and then filling out personal information before interacting with the bot. Supporters can also become validators, where Steve asks them to “spend just minutes a week” to “act as a control mechanism to stop daft policies” by giving each policy suggestion a rating from one to ten.
“You don’t have to know anything about AI as all you do is press a button to talk to the character,” Endacott said in a statement. “We expect to appeal to a wider audience who don’t want to talk to the AI via the quality of our policies.”
“We are asking them once a week to score our policies from 1 to 10. And if a policy gets more than 50 percent, it gets passed. And that’s the official party policy. Every single policy, I will say that my decision is my voters’ decision. And I’m connected to my voters at any time every week via electronic means.”
The AI candidate responded to NBC News when asked about its stance on Brexit: “As a democracy, the U.K. voted to leave, and it’s my responsibility to implement and optimize this decision regardless of my personal views on the matter.”
In 2022, Endacott unsuccessfully ran in a local election and received less than 500 votes. When his candidacy of “unique nature” was announced, it triggered a conversation on social media platform X. It prompted around 1,000 calls to the AI proxy in one night. (Related: Google’s AI is completely fabricating fake quotes to smear truth-tellers.)
Conservative Party trails Labor Party in polls ahead of U.K. general elections
With the British general elections coming on July 4, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pledged to cut taxes and reduce immigration if his Conservative Party is re-elected.
Sunak admitted that “people are frustrated with our party and frustrated with me.” But he argued that the Conservatives are “the only party with the big ideas to make this country a better place to live.” He also insisted he had not considered resigning and said he was “not going to stop fighting for people’s votes.”
According to surveys, the Conservative Party is trailing the left-of-center Labor Party.
Meanwhile, the Tories’ manifesto was launched on June 11 at the Silverstone motor racing circuit in central England, home of the British Grand Prix.
In its manifesto, the party pledged 17 billion pounds ($22 billion) in tax cuts by 2030, to be paid for largely by slashing welfare costs. The main tax cut is a two-percentage-point reduction in National Insurance. The Conservative government has already cut it twice, from 12 percent to the current eight percent.
On the other side, the Labor Party argues that the tax burden has risen to its highest level in decades during 14 years of Tory rule. Labor campaign chairman Pat McFadden called the Conservative manifesto “the most expensive panic attack in history.”
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