Docs Show Amazon Censored “Anti-Vax” Books On Behalf Of Biden Admin
GOP Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan posted to X on Friday, explaining House Judiciary Committee Republicans and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government obtained internal Amazon documents revealing the company essentially took orders from the Biden administration in March 2021.
Company emails show “criticism from the Biden administration” was “the impetus” for Amazon creating a new list of do-not-promote (DNP) books under the “anti-vax” label.
Since the email stated the matter “should be handled urgently,” Amazon quickly placed 43 books onto its DNP list.
One email even says the Biden administration’s National Security Agency could add books to the list after the initial 43.
Internal emails reveal that Amazon initially added 43 books to its newly created “Do Not Promote” class of allegedly anti-vaccine books.
These pro-censorship changes were being made “due to criticism from the Biden people.”— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) June 21, 2024
Included in the 43 titles were picture books for children, a top-selling book for parents, and a book reviewing scientific vaccine studies.
The Biden White House’s pressure led Amazon to censor CHILDREN’S BOOKS.
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) June 21, 2024
That’s right.
Picture books.
For children.
The picture book featured on the DNP list was created to help unvaccinated children deal with discrimination during Covid, mainly in blue cities and states.
The author said the book was meant to promote “love, understanding and kindness to everyone,” teaching readers unvaccinated and vaccinated children can still be friends.
The children’s book said the vaccinated & unvaccinated can be friends.
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) June 21, 2024
Instead of censoring it, Amazon should have sent the book to Fauci, @GavinNewsom, and @JoeBiden. Remember when they said everyone had to comply with their made-up rules and vax mandates or lose their jobs?
“There is nothing the Biden Admin and the elites hate more than parents making their own decisions about their children’s education, health, and values,” wrote Congressman Jordan.
And if these efforts weren’t enough to effectively deamplify opposing viewpoints, Amazon also censored books reviewing scientific papers.
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) June 21, 2024
The book also had the audacity to address whether Big Pharma’s funding of research has the potential to create conflicts of interest.
Jordan also noted, “These 43 books are only the tip of the iceberg,” explaining, “Amazon, YouTube, and Facebook each caved to the Biden White House’s censorship campaign.”
Don’t let the Biden Admin tell you that their censorship campaign was about concerns of misinformation going viral on social media. They were going after BOOKS too.
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) June 21, 2024
This is—and always has been—about suppressing disfavored views, not purported challenges of new technologies.
Ultimately, Jordan described the scheme as the Biden admin pressuring private companies “to censor constitutionally protected speech,” and vowed the two House committees behind the document dump “will continue this critical investigative work to further inform legislative solutions to dismantle the Biden Administration’s censorship regime.”
.@JudiciaryGOP and @Weaponization will continue this critical investigative work to further inform legislative solutions to dismantle the Biden Administration’s censorship regime.
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) June 21, 2024
Time will tell if America’s elected officials actually hold the corrupt individuals who engaged in this unconstitutional activity responsible.
MEGA! Biden DHS Scheme To Spy On Trump Supporters Ahead Of 2024 Election
America First Legal (AFL) released Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documents on Friday obtained via the group’s lawsuit with Ambassador Ric Grenell against the Biden DHS.
The documents are internal files from the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,” which deems military members, religious Americans and Donald Trump supporters as people who are likely to commit domestic terror attacks.
AFL founder Stephen Miller wrote on X, “We obtained internal intel docs as a result of our successful lawsuit against DHS. They reveal a shocking Biden plan to mobilize government power against Trump supporters ahead of the election.”
BREAKING: We obtained internal intel docs as a result of our successful lawsuit against DHS. They reveal a shocking Biden plan to mobilize government power against Trump supporters ahead of the election.
— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) June 21, 2024
The federal government claimed, “being in the military” or being “religious” are “indicators of extremists and terrorism,” adding, “we should be worried about these” people.

Another portion of the DHS documents stated, “most of the domestic terrorism threat now comes from supporters of the former president.”

These broad definitions would allow the feds to spy on over half the country under the guise of national security.
It’s also worth noting the scheme would mean the far-left Biden administration was abusing the power of the government in order to track its political opposition.
Meanwhile, the nation is being invaded by military-aged men from hostile nations across the globe and the Biden administration is facilitating the illegal human trafficking network.
The documents were Part 2 of AFL’s Deep State Diaries series.
Read Part 1 below:
/7 Read the first installment of #DeepStateDiaries here:
— America First Legal (@America1stLegal) June 21, 2024
Holy fu—-
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) June 21, 2024
they explicitly set up the DHS unit to go after Trump supporters
Violent Rape of Jewish Teenager Shakes French Politics
Less than two weeks before the first round of parliamentary elections, a new tragedy of exceptional violence has shaken the French: the rape―accompanied by death threats, beatings, and injuries―of a 12-year-old girl by three minors, on the grounds that she was Jewish.
These horrendous events took place on Saturday, June 15th in Courbevoie—a rather quiet suburb to the north-west of Paris. The assailants were particularly young. Two of them, aged 13, were indicted on Tuesday, June 18th for the gang rape of a 12-year-old girl involving “violence, death threats, and antisemitic insults,” while the third, aged just 12, was placed under witness protection for the rape.
While playing with a friend in a park near her parents’ home, the young victim was dragged by two boys into a disused building, where a third boy was waiting. There, the three assailants began a full-scale interrogation of the teenager, punctuated by blows and the threat of burns from a lighter—all of which was photographed by one of the boys. She was called a “bloody Jew” (sale Juive) and asked questions “about Israel and her Jewish religion,” which she was accused of “hiding.”
According to the account she later gave to the police, the three boys then attacked her, gang-raping her, and threatening to kill her if she spoke to the police. Her ordeal lasted two hours. Still threatening to kill her and her parents, they arranged to meet her the next day and asked her to bring €200. On her return home, traumatised, the child was able to tell her parents what had happened. They immediately informed the police. The assailants were easily identified thanks to the presence of surveillance cameras in the area and were arrested on Monday.
The brutality of the offences is exceptional given the youth of the accused, who have so far expressed “regret” for the victim, without going into their involvement in the acts of which they are accused.
In a politically charged context―the run-up to the first round of snap parliamentary elections―political emotions are running high, especially given the alleged antisemitic nature of the attack. The theme of antisemitism is very present in the campaign, on both the Right and the Left. The left-wing alliance of the New Popular Front is accused by the centre and the Right of guilty complacency towards antisemitism of Muslim origin, rampant in the French suburbs.
In contrast, the demonstrations organised against the ‘far right’ since the elections were announced have taken place against a backdrop of pro-Palestinian agitation. In Courbevoie, the commune’s Les Républicains (LR) mayor Jacques Kossowski points to the obvious responsibility of the far left in the deteriorating climate affecting French Jews. “As far as antisemitism is concerned, I’m sorry to say it, but when you see the European election campaign, it doesn’t help matters,” said the mayor, targeting in particular the France Insoumise (LFI) party and its pro-Palestinian activism. LFI leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon recently declared that antisemitism was only “residual” in France.
For Marine Le Pen, the Left’s responsibility for the rise in antisemitism is self-evident. “The antisemitic attack and rape of a 12-year-old child in the Hauts-de-Seine department appalled us,” she was quoted as saying by Le Figaro, going on to criticise
the stigmatisation of Jews for months by the far left through the instrumentalisation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
“Everyone should be fully aware of this on June 30th and July 7th,” she added.
The Left accuses the Rassemblement National (RN) of searching for redemption by defending the Jews of France, contrary to the allegedly antisemitic past of the party and its previous leaders. It is nonetheless true that today, French Jews are turning significantly towards the right-wing parties Reconquête—Éric Zemmour’s party—and the RN. Within the Jewish community, the arrival of the far left allied with the Left in power is increasingly perceived as a danger: according to a recent poll, 92% of French Jews blame La France Insoumise for the rise in antisemitism in France.
The reaction of the President of the Republic seems lacklustre: on Wednesday, June 19th, Emmanuel Macron proposed to the Council of Ministers the organisation of a “discussion time” in schools on racism and antisemitism—though this kind of measure has proved totally inefficient in the past. That same evening, a demonstration against antisemitism was organised in Paris, attended by Justice Minister Éric Dupont-Moretti, who condemned antisemitism and declared it anything but “residual.”
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How German Teenagers Became Fair Game
They choke him, they mock him, they beat him again and again. In Gera, 20 Syrians and Afghans gather to torture a German schoolboy. They proudly post the video on social media. And what happens? Nothing. Bodo Ramelow—politically responsible for such excesses of violence as Minister-President—instead prefers to ponder how his dying party can somehow cling on to power in Thuringia.
When an eight-year-old girl from Ghana is tripped up in Grevesmühlen, the entire country gets turned upside down. Even when police accounts of racial violence and kicks to the face are disproven, there are still calls for demonstrations. The Minister-President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Manuela Schwesig, warned against “trivializing” anything—even though there had been no attack at all. Mind you, this was after she had shamelessly exploited the false report for her own political agenda.
What would happen in Thuringia and the rest of the country if 20 German schoolchildren tortured a foreign boy for several minutes? Television’s Tagesschau would be all over it—and so would the Minister of the Interior. Clad in a black suit, the chancellor would publish video messages while hordes of left-wing journalists made a pilgrimage to the scene of the crime and wrote articles deploring life in the “baseball bat years.”
Nothing to see here
But this? It’s just a local German. Collateral damage. It just happens. Please move on, there’s nothing to see here. This political double standard—if you can still speak of ‘morality’ at all—is of course nothing new and is in the blood of this country’s political so-called elite.
Take the government’s anti-discrimination commissioner, for instance. A woman who distinguished herself above all by defaming the locals as “potatoes.” She probably wouldn’t have it any other way. They will also shout “potatoes” in Neukölln schoolyards when the last Germans there are harassed and beaten.
Grevesmühlen here, Gera there. That is also remarkable. While the police in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are taking the precaution of publishing the worst version of the story they have heard, the beating of the boy in Gera—including the choking attacks—is described in the statement as causing a “minor injury.” After all, he is not in a coma.
Why young people vote for right-wing parties
There is a lot of discussion at the moment about why young people are increasingly voting for the AfD. There are many attempts at explanations: the climate issue is no longer as dominant; the AfD is more present on TikTok; coronavirus measures linger on; blah blah blah.
But no one seems to be stating the obvious. Reality. The reality is that schools are failing across Germany. Even in East German cities like Gera. There, young Germans disarmed by society meet their peers, most of whom have been socialized in rather broken violent societies. Where the law of the jungle applies. Where people get kicked in the head. Where twenty against one is not a sign of cowardice, but of the culturally accepted assertion of power. Malte and Stefan will probably get a spanking at home if they get into a fight at school. Their immigrant classmates, on the other hand, probably won’t.
An impotent state
“Crime prevention measures” are now to be taken in Gera. What are they supposed to be? ‘Sharing circles,’ talks with left-wing youth workers? A serious discussion? You don’t have to be an expert to diagnose the futility of this undertaking. The uninhibited perpetrators of violence encounter a justice system that is tailored to a largely pacified society in which the idea of punishment takes a back seat to all sorts of other things. A justice system in which the first rape is frequently punished with probation. None of this is a serious deterrent. In fact, offenders under the age of 14 generally get off scot-free.
This cocktail of hypocritical politics, overstretched police, and a justice system on the verge of collapse is toxic. It turns the weak into fair game and ultimately encourages a social radicalization that will have a serious impact on this country and, above all, on all those who are not driven through the streets behind bulletproof glass and whose children cannot escape these conditions by quickly moving to “less unfavorably socially-mixed neighborhoods”—as an editor of the taz once euphemistically put it.
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Friday Live: Two Illegals Charged With Rape & Murder Of Young TX Girl
“The American Journal” is live every weekday from 8-11 am CST.
SCOOP: One of the Venezuelan migrants charged with the murder of 12yo Jocelyn Nungaray was released into US just weeks ago, DHS sources tell me.
Agents put a GPS tracker on Pena Ramos, which was only set to monitor his location for 21 days.— Jennie Taer ?️ (@JennieSTaer) June 20, 2024
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WARNING: Globalists are Only Winners of New US Civil War
Alex Jones warned the nation on Thursday that the global government is the only group which will benefit from a race-based civil war.
Don’t miss:
BREAKING: Japan Dumps U.S. Treasuries