
Update: ‘Election Interference at the Highest Level’: Trump Blasts Sham NY Trial Outside Courthouse

Update: ‘Election Interference at the Highest Level’: Trump Blasts Sham NY Trial Outside Courthouse

adminJan 11, 20244 min read

Update: ‘Election Interference at the Highest Level’: Trump Blasts Sham NY Trial Outside Courthouse

‘It’s a disgrace. It’s in coordination with the White House and Joe Biden because he can’t win a campaign fairly.’

Update: Trump reportedly spoke up in court attacking Judge Arthur Engoron amid the trial, with the judge asking counsel to “control your client.”

Trump just spoke in court — a full stream of consciousness moment.

He attacked Judge Engoron to his face.

Engoron told Trump’s lawyer to “control your client.”

Engoron eventually cut off Trump.

— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 11, 2024

Wow Trump just called out Judge Engoron for being a political hack straight to his face:

“You have your own agenda, I certainly understand that. You can’t listen for more than one minute.”

— Alex Bruesewitz ?? (@alexbruesewitz) January 11, 2024

Original story continues below…

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday attended closing arguments in the New York City civil trial against him.

Trump showed up at the New York State Supreme Court just hours after participating in a town hall event hosted by Fox News in Iowa the night prior.

Trump flew back from his tour-de-force Iowa townhall last night and is already up in NYC in court this morning

DeSimps look so dumb for saying he’s lost his fastball

We’ve never seen stamina like this before

— Jack Poso ?? (@JackPosobiec) January 11, 2024

Before entering the courthouse, Trump gave remarks to the press slamming the trial as a political witch hunt targeting him for being the Republican frontrunner and Joe Biden’s strongest opponent.

President Trump at the New York courthouse this morning:

“It’s election interference at the highest level.”

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) January 11, 2024

“It’s election interference at the highest level,” Trump told reporters.

“It’s a disgrace. It’s in coordination with the White House and Joe Biden because he can’t win a campaign fairly. And we’re going through it. But, it is indeed a terrible witch hunt.”

The former president said he would give a full statement on the trial once it concludes citing a gag order, and proceeded to describe an Alex Jones-like prosecution where he’s been declared guilty without the benefit of a jury trial.

“It’s a very unfair trial. I don’t think anybody’s seen anything like this. I don’t think anybody’s ever seen anything like this,” Trump told the press. “We have a situation where a statute was used that doesn’t give me a jury, so I have no jury. I really have no rights.”

Trump, himself a former New York City resident, went on to accuse NY Attorney General Letitia James of orchestrating the litigation, saying she had repeatedly claimed she wanted to “get Trump.”

“This is a case that should have never been brought, and it was brought. And it’s very unfair, and it’s very bad for New York State,” Trump said.

“Companies are fleeing. People are fleeing. The streets are crime-ridden. And Letitia James, that’s all she thinks about is ‘Get Trump.’ She’s been dreaming about it for years. And it’s not the way a state should be run. Because this is a state that’s been in big trouble. You have all the businesses fleeing and you have the people fleeing — the people that pay taxes. People that don’t pay taxes are coming in. So that’s not what you want.”

The attorney general is pursuing $370 million in “damages” alleging Trump overstated the value of multiple properties to secure favorable bank loan terms, and wants Trump and his family banned from operating in the state.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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New VAXELIS Injection Jabs Children with Six Different Vaccines All At Once

New VAXELIS Injection Jabs Children with Six Different Vaccines All At Once

adminJan 11, 20245 min read

New VAXELIS Injection Jabs Children with Six Different Vaccines All At Once

Children expected to take six-in-one VAXELIS three times for a total of 18 vaccines.

A new six-in-one vaccine for children has hit the market. And Dr. Shannon Kroner, author of “I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK!” and executive director of Freedom of Religion – United Solutions (FOR-US), has the goods on what the new shot contains and entails for America’s children.

NEW CHILDHOOD VACCINE ALERT!! It’s called VAXELIS and it has 6 (yes SIX) vaccines in one shot.
Here are the facts:
?This is the first ever 6 in 1 shot.
?They are marketing it as preservative-free, yet the ingredients it has are still very toxic.
?Ingredients: aluminum (a…

— Dr. Shannon Kroner (@drshannonkroner) January 3, 2024

The jab is known as VAXELIS and it is the first-ever six-in-one vaccine shot, requiring no additional mixing or reconstituting. Its manufacturer, Sanofi Pasteur Limited, and its distributor, Merck Sharp & Dohne Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., claim it is “preservative free,” but as Dr. Kroner explains, the shot’s ingredients are still highly toxic.

One of the main ingredients in VAXELIS is aluminum, a known neurotoxin used in many childhood vaccines. There is also polysorbate 80, a known carcinogen that triggers inflammation in the gut.

VAXELIS also contains glutaraldehyde, a toxin that triggers respiratory problems, as well as formaldehyde, a known carcinogen used in cadaver embalming. Bovine serum from cow blood is also found in VAXELIS, along with:

  • Neomycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic
  • Streptomycin, another aminoglycoside antibiotic
  • Polymyxin B, an antibiotic
  • Ammonium thiocyanate, a chemical used in the manufacturing of crop herbicides

(Related: If you have ever taken a vaccine, studies show that you are more likely to suffer from diseases of the ear and blood, as well as hair loss.)

Children expected to take six-in-one VAXELIS three times for a total of 18 vaccines

One particularly disturbing aspect to VAXELIS and its prescribed use is that drug manufacturers want each child to take the six-in-one shot three separate times: the first at two months, the second at four months and the third at six months.

This means that every child who receives VAXELIS will receive a total of 18 vaccines (three times six, or 6+6+6=18) by the time he or she reaches six months of age. That is a lot of vaccines in a very short period of time.

As of June 2023, the government-run Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has logged a total of 501 adverse events associated with VAXELIS.

One of the marketing ploys being used to push VAXELIS on parents is to pretend as though the shot, which covers diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), poliomyelitis, hepatitis B and invasive disease due to Haemophilus, comes as a single shot, even though each shot contains six different vaccines.

media report out of Australia further brands the shot as “a one-step job,” calling it “new” and “easy to use.”

Australia’s National Immunization Program has already added VAXELIS to its childhood vaccine schedule, with the aforementioned media report claiming that the shot was “designed to avoid preparation errors and cut time for busy GPs (general practitioners) and other providers.”

VAXELIS is being pushed as an alternative to the currently listed Infanrix hexa shots from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), which also covers the same six conditions but that requires an extra step of reconstituting a pre-filled syringe and a freeze-dried pellet.

“Where a dose of hepatitis B vaccine is given at birth, Vaxelis can be used for supplementary doses of hepatitis B vaccine from the age of six weeks,” the product information sheet for VAXELIS states.

“If a second dose of hepatitis B vaccine is required before this age, monovalent hepatitis B vaccine should be used. Vaxelis can be used for a mixed hexavalent/pentavalent/hexavalent combined vaccine immunization schedule.”

Because of the serious risks involved with taking VAXELIS, children with uncontrolled neurological disorders, epilepsy, or a history of allergic reaction or encephalopathy to components of the injection, especially for whooping cough vaccines, should not take the shot, according to reports.

The latest news about childhood vaccines can be found at

Sources for this article include:

17 Million Murdered By COVID Vaccines and Voodoo Death

17 Million Murdered By COVID Vaccines and Voodoo Death

adminJan 11, 20241 min read

17 Million Murdered By COVID Vaccines and Voodoo Death

The people and groups responsible for this attack on humanity must be brought to justice before they kill again

Watch and share this epic Greg Reese report diving into the groundbreaking research of Denis Rancourt.

SHOCK VIDEO: New York Schools Closed To House Illegal Aliens

SHOCK VIDEO: New York Schools Closed To House Illegal Aliens

adminJan 11, 20241 min read

SHOCK VIDEO: New York Schools Closed To House Illegal Aliens

YOU are now second class citizens

Alex Jones covers the news of a NYC school being closed for students to house illegal immigrants instead.

No One Is Coming To Save You: Alex Jones Tells America The Hard Truth, “Our Military Is Captured”

No One Is Coming To Save You: Alex Jones Tells America The Hard Truth, “Our Military Is Captured”

adminJan 11, 20241 min read

No One Is Coming To Save You: Alex Jones Tells America The Hard Truth, “Our Military Is Captured”

It’s time to take personal responsibility for yourself and your family by getting prepared for a Black Swan event as the media keeps warning

During Wednesday’s edition of The Alex Jones Show, the eponymous host detailed how the globalists captured the U.S. military at top levels and are actively weeding out all true patriots within the armed forces.

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Ramaswamy Demands Media Apologize For Spewing Misinformation

Ramaswamy Demands Media Apologize For Spewing Misinformation

adminJan 11, 20241 min read

Ramaswamy Demands Media Apologize For Spewing Misinformation

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has asked members of the press to apologize for spewing misinformation about a Trump-Russia collusion to the American people. He also went on to ask if they felt responsible for […]

The post Ramaswamy Demands Media Apologize For Spewing Misinformation appeared first on The People’s Voice.