
Feds SUE Developers of Massive “Colony Ridge” Illegal Immigrant Community in Texas

Feds SUE Developers of Massive “Colony Ridge” Illegal Immigrant Community in Texas

adminJan 12, 20245 min read

Feds SUE Developers of Massive “Colony Ridge” Illegal Immigrant Community in Texas

Colony Ridge currently houses some 70,000 illegal alien settlers who were drawn there using the lure of a special owner-buyer financing scheme.

Thanks to the hard work of Operation Burning Edge, we are finally seeing some action against Colony Ridge, a huge illegal alien community north of Houston that has been growing unrestrained for many months now.

Feds Sue Texas Developers of Huge Illegal-Immigrant Community


Team #OperationBurningEdge was critical in exposing this story and applying public pressure on the state of Texas to investigate and now sue the developer DESPITE the enormous amounts of money the…

— Ann Vandersteel (@annvandersteel) January 5, 2024

The federal government is suing the developers of Colony Ridge, which we now know contributed enormous amounts of bribe money to the Texas state legislature, including numerous U.S. congressmen and Gov. Greg Abbott himself, to rubber-stamp their approval for this massive illegal migrant development.

Located in Liberty County, Colony Ridge currently houses some 70,000 illegal alien settlers who were drawn there using the lure of a special owner-buyer financing scheme. That scheme allows illegals to purchase land in Texas without the usual mortgage requirements.

There are also rumors that Mexican drug cartels are operating in and out of Colony Ridge, hence the mounting reports of increased lawlessness there. There is no police presence in Colony Ridge, which means the development is operating more like the Wild West than a legitimate community of the United States.

(Related: Check out our earlier report about Colony Ridge, a 60-square-mile illegal alien encampment that is the “fastest growing development” in America right now.)

Developer Terreno Houston, Republican owners fight efforts to shut down Colony Ridge

The development firm, Terreno Houston, and its owners, Republicans Trey and John Harris, are fighting tooth and nail to keep Colony Ridge alive – but will it work?

Reports indicate that 2024 could be the year that the Harrises will face fresh challenges pertaining to the loan, marketing and sales model that spawned Colony Ridge in the first place. A recent special legislative session called for by Gov. Abbott conveniently failed to address the matter, which later prompted the filing of a complaint on December 20.

The 11-count civil rights complaint, which was filed by the U.S. Department of Justice‘s (DoJ) Civil Rights Division and the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, alleges that since at least 2016, Terrenos Houston and its affiliates have engaged in a large-scale “illegal land sales scheme” that used false statements and “predatory” owner-to-buyer loans to sucker tens of thousands of illegals into purchasing “flooding-prone home building lots despite extremely high interest, foreclosure and property-flipping rates,” to quote the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS).

In its 45-page charging complaint, the bureau alleges that Terrenos Houston’s operations in Liberty County represent a clear violation of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. The developer also used sophisticated “bait-and-switch” fraud tactics on victims based on their “national origin.”

Terrenos Houston also exploited language barriers that “turned their dreams into absolute nightmares,” referring to the hordes of illegals who were promised a better life and an “American dream” if they purchased homes there.

“Colony Ridge lies to buyers,” said Rohit Chopra, director of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in an announcement, adding that salespeople at Colony Ridge would tell interested buyers that lots they were purchasing never flooded, even though they frequently do because they are located in flood plains.

Then there are the predatory interest rates reaching as high as 12.9 percent that were intentionally used to generate high-frequency property foreclosures. Following foreclosure, the taken-back properties would then be flipped for extra profit.

According to the independent journal Houston Landing, of the 35,000 properties thus far sold in Colony Ridge, nearly half of them have already ended up back in the hands of the company.

“It’s a garbage dump and the crime from these developments spills out into the surrounding communities,” one upset commenter wrote. “I’ve lived out here since before any of these developments existed, and it was a very peaceful and safe area.”

The latest news about the illegal alien invasion of America can be found at

Sources for this article include:

Report: U.S. Army Sees ‘Sharp Decline’ in White Recruits

Report: U.S. Army Sees ‘Sharp Decline’ in White Recruits

adminJan 12, 20244 min read
‘Army’s recruiting of white soldiers has dropped significantly in the last half decade,’ reports

White men no longer want to join the Army to fight Israel’s wars and spread LGBTQism throughout the world.

Call it “white rage” if you must, we’re just not going to sign up is all (HAHAHAHA!)…

Far be it from us to take away opportunities from BIPOCs and LGBTQs who have been waiting decades to be fully represented on the frontlines!

???? An entitled American Zionist says Americans will get drafted to fight for Israel.

— Censored Men (@CensoredMen) January 11, 2024

Scoop: The Army’s recruitment of white soldiers has plummeted in the past 5 years, making up much of the recruiting shortfall.

— Steve Beynon (@StevenBeynon) January 10, 2024

From, “Army Sees Sharp Decline in White Recruits”:

The Army’s recruiting of white soldiers has dropped significantly in the last half decade, according to internal data reviewed by, a decline that accounts for much of the service’s historic recruitment slump that has become the subject of increasing concern for Army leadership and Capitol Hill.

The shift in demographics for incoming recruits would be irrelevant to war planners, except it coincides with an overall shortfall of about 10,000 recruits for the Army in 2023 as the service missed its target of 65,000 new soldiers. That deficit is straining the force as it has ramped up its presence in the Pacific and Europe: A smaller Army is taking on a larger mission and training workload than during the peak of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — leading to soldiers being away from home now more than ever.

A total of 44,042 new Army recruits were categorized by the service as white in 2018, but that number has fallen consistently each year to a low of 25,070 in 2023, with a 6% dip from 2022 to 2023 being the most significant drop. No other demographic group has seen such a precipitous decline, though there have been ups and downs from year to year.

In 2018, 56.4% of new recruits were categorized as white. In 2023, that number had fallen to 44%. During that same five-year period, Black recruits have gone from 20% to 24% of the pool, and Hispanic recruits have risen from 17% to 24%, with both groups seeing largely flat recruiting totals but increasing as a percentage of incoming soldiers as white recruiting has fallen.

The rate at which white recruitment has fallen far outpaces nationwide demographic shifts, data experts and Army officials interviewed by noted. They don’t see a single cause to the recruiting problem, but pointed to a confluence of issues for Army recruiting, including partisan scrutiny of the service, a growing obesity epidemic and an underfunded public education system.

The army tried to get their recruiting numbers up by offering free sex changes to no avail.

Internally, some Army planners are alarmed over the data trends, but see it as a minefield to navigate given increasing partisan attacks against the military for its efforts to recruit and support a diverse force, according to interviews with several service officials.

The Army declined’s request to share its regional recruiting data, which could show what specific parts of the country are struggling. had seen internal Army numbers that suggested that the shift in demographics was even more dramatic, but when presented with those figures, Army public affairs officials insisted that they were wrong and provided updated statistics included in this article, while blaming a system coding error.

The updated data provided by the Army did not break down recruit demographics by both race and gender at the same time, meaning that it’s unclear whether the sharp decline is worse among white women or white men, or if the drop was the same for both groups.

The author of the piece had to lock his Twitter post down and limit replies because the replies were too spicy.

Report: U.S. Army Sees ‘Sharp Decline’ in White Recruits

This is the future you chose!

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What Do You Call A War With China Plus A War With Russia Plus A Colossal War In The Middle East?

What Do You Call A War With China Plus A War With Russia Plus A Colossal War In The Middle East?

adminJan 12, 20247 min read

What Do You Call A War With China Plus A War With Russia Plus A Colossal War In The Middle East?

Unfortunately, the truth is that World War III is already here, and soon global events will spiral completely out of control.

Did you see that we just bombed the Houthis?  Each new day in 2024 seems to bring some sort of a new escalation, and for now most Americans can ignore all of the fighting because it is all happening on the other side of the globe.  But how are they going to feel when the U.S. is actively engaged in multiple wars simultaneously and those wars are directly affecting daily life inside the United States?  The time to speak out against the foolish policies of our leaders is before the entire world is engulfed in flames.  Once thousands of missiles start flying, it will be too late.

Most Americans don’t realize this, but this weekend Taiwan will hold an election which may determine whether the U.S. and China go to war.

In fact, China has literally framed this election as “a choice between war and peace”

Across the Pacific, Taiwan will this weekend hold one of the most closely watched polls globally and its outcome could impact rocky U.S.-China ties and dictate geopolitical trends in 2024. China has called it a choice between war and peace.

On January 13, 19.54 million people—83 percent of Taiwan’s population—will be eligible to vote, including 1.03 million possible first-timers, according to the Central Election Commission in Taipei. At stake are the promise of myriad social reforms, the future of Taiwan’s economic and energy policies, and, as always, its relationship with neighboring China, balanced against its decades-long closeness with America.

We shall see what happens, but the candidate that has been leading in the polls is the candidate that China hates the most

Taiwan presidential front-runner Lai Ching-te’s lead over his main opposition rival has narrowed significantly, setting the stage for a close race in the final weeks before the pivotal vote.

Lai’s ticket, representing the ruling party, leads with 37.3% of support followed by Hou Yu-ih’s of opposition Kuomintang (KMT) with 33.4%, according to a survey conducted between Dec. 19 and Dec. 21 by pollster My Formosa. Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party trails with 17.7%.

If Lai Ching-te wins, a Chinese invasion becomes very likely.

And the moment that China invades Taiwan, the U.S. and China will be at war.

Meanwhile, the war in the Middle East just got even more “interesting”.  It is being reported that a “U.S.-led coalition” just struck more than a dozen targets in Yemen

A U.S.-led coalition has attacked sites in Yemen associated with Iranian-backed Houthi rebels who have been firing dozens of drones and missiles into Red Sea shipping lanes.

The U.S. strikes, a significant escalation of the U.S. involvement in Middle East fighting amid Israel’s war in Gaza, followed the 27th Houthi attack since late November earlier Thursday. The attacks deepen U.S. involvement in the region. In recent weeks, the Pentagon has attacked Iranian-backed militants in Iraq and Syria who have targeted U.S. troops there with rocket attacks.

“Today, at my direction, U.S. military forces — together with the United Kingdom and with support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands — successfully conducted strikes against a number of targets in Yemen used by Houthi rebels to endanger freedom of navigation in one of the world’s most vital waterways,” President Joe Biden said late Thursday.

In addition to being at war with Iranian-backed militias in Iraq and Syria, now we are essentially at war with the Houthis.

We are being told that the targets included “radar systems, drone storage and launch sites, ballistic missile storage and launch sites, and cruise missile storage and launch sites”…

The strikes were from fighter jets and Tomahawk missiles. More than a dozen Houthi targets were fired upon by missiles fired from air, surface, and sub platforms and were chosen for their ability to degrade the Houthis’ continued attacks on vessels in the Red Sea, a US official told CNN.

They included radar systems, drone storage and launch sites, ballistic missile storage and launch sites, and cruise missile storage and launch sites.

The strikes are a sign of the growing international alarm over the threat to one of the world’s most critical waterways. For weeks, the US had sought to avoid direct strikes on Yemen because of the risk of escalation in a region already simmering with tension, but the ongoing Houthi attacks on international shipping compelled the coalition to act.

Needless to say, this war in the Middle East is still only in the very early stages.

It is going to get so much worse.

The war in Ukraine is going to get a lot worse too, and in recent weeks Russian forces have been steadily gaining ground.

I feel so bad for those that have been forcibly conscripted to fight on the front lines.  The Russians are constantly pummeling the front lines with all sorts of weaponry, and that includes massive glide bombs that possess enormous destructive power

Ukrainian Army frontline personnel speaking to the New York Times have widely reported devastating damage from a new wave of Russian air strikes using glide bombs. Personnel told the American paper that while long having suffered from near constant artillery attacks, since the spring they had endured “the additional devastating power” of these glide bombs. They stressed that these bombs were obliterating their underground bunkers and carried up to 500kg of explosives each. One serviceman compared the impact of Russian glide bomb strikes to “hell’s gates,” stressing that the Russian Air Force “would send them two by two by two, eight in an hour… It sounds like a jet coming down on you.” The Russian Defence Ministry has reported the integration of gliding and correction modules onto FAB-500 500kg bombs against Ukrainian positions, with these having a range of approximately 70km depending on the altitude from which they are released. Such guided bombs can lay down fire at a small fraction of the cost of cruise or ballistic missiles, but still cost significantly more than unguided bombs.

Can you imagine sitting in a muddy trench hour after hour as tremendous explosions go off all around you?

The next round probably won’t have your number on it, but it might.

Hundreds of thousands have already died, and many of them never even receive a proper burial.

As the Ukrainians lose ground, they will become increasingly desperate.

Some Ukrainian leaders have suggested using U.S.-supplied weapons to strike missile launch sites inside Russia, and Dmitry Medvedev is warning that such a move could provoke a nuclear response

A senior ally of President Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday that any Ukrainian attacks on missile launch sites inside Russia with arms supplied by the United States and its allies would risk a nuclear response from Moscow.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, said that some Ukrainian military commanders were considering hitting missile launch sites inside Russia with Western-supplied long-range missiles.

This war should have been ended a long time ago.

At some point someone is going to push things too far, and then there will be no going back.

In my new book I have a chapter entitled “The 3 Wars Of The Apocalypse”, and two of them have already begun.

A lot of people out there still have faith that our leaders know exactly what they are doing and that they will be able to keep World War III from erupting.

Unfortunately, the truth is that World War III is already here, and soon global events will spiral completely out of control.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.

WATCH: Good Samaritan Bodychecks Porch Pirate Fleeing Police

WATCH: Good Samaritan Bodychecks Porch Pirate Fleeing Police

adminJan 12, 20243 min read

WATCH: Good Samaritan Bodychecks Porch Pirate Fleeing Police

Police praise quick-acting bystander for helping them take down suspect on the run

A Good Samaritan is being praised by authorities after helping police take down a fleeing suspect in New York.

The incident unfolded in Yonkers just after 2 p.m. on January 3, but police just released footage and details this week.

A local resident alerted Yonkers Police after observing a man taking packages off the stoop of a private residence and stuffing them into a bag.

Responding officers confronted the suspect nearby and he took off running.

Christmas may be over, but the spirit of the Grinch is still alive in some people, especially Francisco Jose EDER MATEO, 27, of the Bronx. EDER MATEO decided that he was going to steal some packages from the porch of one of our residents. Unfortunately for him, our 2nd Precinct…

— Yonkers Police HQ (@YonkersPD) January 8, 2024

A man sitting in an SUV observed the ensuing foot chase and stepped out of his vehicle in preparation to aid pursuing officers.

The driver placed himself directly in the path of the fleeing suspect and delivered a decisive bodycheck that sent the thief flying through the air and onto the pavement.

Officers quickly apprehended the suspect with the help of the driver.

He was identified as 27-year-old Francisco Jose Eder Mateo, a resident of the Bronx.

Eder Mateo was charged with a variety of misdemeanors and felonies, including Grand Larceny and Criminal Possession of Stolen Property, both in the Fourth Degree.

“This video shows what happens when everyone works together seamlessly to stop crime. A resident sees a crime and quickly calls it in allowing Officers to get on the scene quickly, Officers flood the area to ensure the suspect can’t get away despite his attempted fleeing, finished off by a Good Samaritan who saw an opportunity to help our Officers capture a suspect and took that opportunity- right to him,” Yonkers Police explained in a statement.

InfoWars has been documenting the surge of crime across the United States, including carjackings‘street takeovers,’ smash-and-grab loot mobshome invasions, and physical attacks on innocent victims.

General Michael Flynn joins Alex Jones to give his expert analysis on the Pentagon’s fumbling leadership.

Dan Lyman on X | Gab

US, UK Strike Houthi Militia Targets in Yemen

US, UK Strike Houthi Militia Targets in Yemen

adminJan 12, 20248 min read

US, UK Strike Houthi Militia Targets in Yemen

The blasts occurred in Sanaa, Hodeidah and other cities, the Iran-backed Shia group said

The US and UK began carrying out strikes on Houthi militia targets in Yemen in the early hours of Friday.

Washington and London had vowed to retaliate against attacks on shipping in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. 

The Houthis have pledged support for Gaza during the fighting between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas. They have been launching drones and missiles at merchant vessels, as well as warships patrolling the vital waterway. 

The Houthis are a Shia Islamist militia that rose to power following the wave of protests known as the Arab Spring, which swept the Middle East in the early 2010s.

One of the poorest countries in the region, Yemen has been plagued by an intermittent civil war for nearly a decade. It was further devastated by a Saudi-led intervention, which began in 2015 with the aim of expelling the Houthis.

12 January 2024 06:14 GMT The Houthis have insisted that airstrikes by the US and UK will not make them stop their attacks on vessels off Yemen’s coast. “The targeting was and will continue to affect Israeli ships or those heading to the ports of occupied Palestine,” Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam wrote on Twitter.

Speaking about the actions by Washington and London, Abdulsalam stressed that “there is absolutely no justification for this aggression against Yemen, as there was no threat to international navigation in the Red and Arabian Seas.”

05:46 GMT US Central Command has said that “over 60 targets at 16 Iranian-backed Houthi militant locations” were struck in Yemen. The facilities included “command and control nodes, munitions depots, launching systems, production facilities, and air defense radar systems,” according to CENTCOM.

05:34 GMT Tehran “strongly” condemns the strikes by the US and UK on targets inside Yemen, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani has said. “We consider it a clear violation of Yemen’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and a breach of international laws, regulations, and rights,” Kanaani stressed, as cited by the Nournews outlet.

04:45 GMT Anti-war protesters gathered at Times Square in New York and outside the White House in Washington, DC, chanting “Let Yemen live” and “Hands off Yemen.” They also expressed solidarity with Palestine.


— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman) January 12, 2024

04:06 GMT The US Central Command posted a video of its jets taking off from an aircraft carrier in the middle of the night. CENTCOM Commander, General Michael Kurilla, said that the Houthis “will be held accountable” for their “illegal and dangerous actions.”

On Jan. 11 at 2:30 a.m. (Sanaa time), U.S. Central Command forces, in coordination with the United Kingdom, and support from Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, and Bahrain conducted joint strikes on Houthi targets to degrade their capability to continue their illegal and…

— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) January 12, 2024

Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Bahrain, and South Korea voiced their support for the US-British bombardment. 

“Our aim remains to de-escalate tensions and restore stability in the Red Sea, but let our message be clear: we will not hesitate to defend lives and protect the free flow of commerce,” they countries said in a joint statement released by the White House.

03:32 GMT American and British aircraft targeted Al-Dailami Air Base, north of Sanaa, local Al-Masirah TV station said. 

Lebanese news channel Al Mayadden cited its reporter on the ground as saying that the Hodeidah Airport was also targeted. 

Fadel Abu Taleb, a senior Houthi official, wrote on X that the bombardment “will not achieve any results and will not be able to discourage the Yemeni people from continuing their support for the Palestinians.” 

Another senior Houthi official, Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, described the coalition’s attack as “the greatest folly in their history,” according to Al Jazeera.

03:01 GMT Riyadh has called for “restraint” and urged to “avoid escalation.” 

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is following with great concern the military operations taking place in the Red Sea and the raids on a number of sites in the Republic of Yemen,” the kingdom’s Foreign Ministry said in statement, as quoted by Al Jazeera.

02:10 GMT The strikes targeted “sites associated with the Houthis’ unmanned aerial vehicle, ballistic and cruise missile, and coastal radar and air surveillance capabilities,” US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said. He added that the US reserved the right to “take follow-on actions” to protect its forces.

UK Secretary of Defense Grant Shapps announced that four Eurofighter Typhoon jets “conducted precision strikes on two Houthi military sites.”

Four @RoyalAirForce Typhoons have conducted precision strikes on two Houthi military targets alongside US forces.

The threat to innocent lives and global trade has become so great that this action was not only necessary, it was our duty to protect vessels & freedom of navigation

— Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP (@grantshapps) January 12, 2024

01:38 GMT Russia has requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council on Friday to discuss the ongoing escalation in Yemen.

01:38 GMT Russia has requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council on Friday to discuss the ongoing escalation in Yemen.

01:27 GMT UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak released a statement in the early hours of Friday, saying that the Royal Air Force “has carried out targeted strikes against military facilities used by Houthi rebels in Yemen.”

The PM accused the Houthis of “destabilizing” commercial shipping in the Red Sea. “Their reckless actions are risking lives at sea and exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in Yemen,” Sunak said. 

“This cannot stand,” he added, describing the strikes as “limited, necessary and proportionate action in self-defense.”

• 12 January 2024 01:18 GMT

Yemeni news agency SABA reported that the strikes occurred in the country’s capital Sanaa, as well as the provinces of Saada, Hodeidah, Taiz and Dhamar.

Unverified videos posted to social media show powerful explosions on the ground.


American-British raids targeting the Yemeni governorate of Saada, a short while ago.

— Palestine Now (@PalestineNW) January 11, 2024

00:59 GMT Houthi spokesman Abdulsalam Jahaf claimed that “a number of American and British warships have been hit” during “a major battle in the Red Sea.” 

“Whoever is involved, will pay the price,” he wrote on X. “We will not stop our attack until you leave the area.” 

00:44 GMT US President Joe Biden said that the Western coalition has “successfully conducted strikes against a number of targets in Yemen used by Houthi rebels to endanger freedom of navigation in one of the world’s most vital waterways.”

“Today’s defensive action follows this extensive diplomatic campaign and Houthi rebels’ escalating attacks against commercial vessels,” Biden said in a statement released by the White House. He added that the military action sends “a clear message that the United States and our partners will not tolerate attacks on our personnel or allow hostile actors to imperil freedom of navigation” in the region.

00:32 GMT Several Western outlets quoted unnamed American and British officials as confirming the strikes. The White House and Downing Street are yet to make official statements on the matter. 

The sites in Yemen were targeted by fighter jets and hit with Tomahawk cruise missiles, CNN reported.

Houthi spokesman Abdulsalam Jahaf earlier wrote on X (formerly Twitter) that blasts occurred in Sanaa, Hodeidah and other cities.

VIDEO: Trump Labels Biden ‘The Manchurian Candidate’

VIDEO: Trump Labels Biden ‘The Manchurian Candidate’

adminJan 12, 20241 min read

VIDEO: Trump Labels Biden ‘The Manchurian Candidate’

Top presidential candidate tells public the sitting president is a controlled puppet of the elite

Alex Jones plays and discusses a video clip of Donald Trump calling Joe Biden a Manchurian Candidate during his Wednesday Fox News town hall.