
Clown World: Canadian Police Warn Posting Videos of Package Thieves Could ‘Violate’ Their Privacy

Clown World: Canadian Police Warn Posting Videos of Package Thieves Could ‘Violate’ Their Privacy

adminJan 11, 20243 min read
‘You cannot post the images yourself because you have to remember, in Canada, we have a presumption of innocence,’ claims Quebec police officer.

Citizens of Quebec, Canada, are being told they can’t share footage of thieves stealing packages from their homes, with police claiming that doing so could violate the privacy of the criminals.

A CTV News report on an epidemic of package thieves warned residents against uploading and sharing footage from their home surveillance cameras showing “porch pirates” making off with home-delivered goods.

Clown World: Canadian Police Warn Posting Videos of Package Thieves Could ‘Violate’ Their Privacy

“Montreal West is known for its large porches, but around the holidays, those porches are a big target for thieves or ‘porch pirates,’” CTV News described in a video report aired Saturday, according to Fox News.

Speaking to CTV News, Montreal West public security council member Lauren Small-Pennefather admitted, “It’s something we deal with on a daily basis.”

“You have people that are following the vehicles, and when they see a parcel that’s dropped off, they then go and take the parcel if nobody comes to the door to retrieve the parcel,” she added.

“You cannot post the images yourself, you have to remember in Canada we have presumption of innocence.”

Quebec police urge the public not to post footage of thieves stealing packages from their houses because it can be a violation of private life.

— Alexandra Lavoie (@ThevoiceAlexa) January 10, 2024

Despite the pilfering of packages being a known issue, Montreal police are discouraging residents from sharing images of the thieves on social media, ridiculously arguing the thieves be considered innocent until proven guilty.

“You cannot post the images yourself because you have to remember, in Canada, we have a presumption of innocence and posting that picture could be a violation of private life,” claimed Sûreté du Québec communications officer Lt. Benoit Richard.

“If you get some proof that somebody might have stolen something, call the police, give that proof to the police,” he said. “We’ll do the investigation, bring that person to justice and file some charges.”

Moreover, police claim residents who share images could be sued for defamation.

The officer’s claims were rightly criticized on X, formerly Twitter, where they were highlighted as an example of Canada’s descent into a communist hellhole.

“Canada is the ultimate anarcho-tyranny state. The authorities will find any reason to arrest law-abiding citizens while letting criminals roam free,” remarked conservative commentator Scott Greer.

“It’s 2024, so of course the police care more about criminals than victims of crime,” commented Rebel News’ Ezra Levant.

“Because of course in #Canada, the government protects the criminals and threatens the innocent,” wrote Health Ranger Mike Adams.

Americans must remain vigilant to keep this type of backwards logic from infecting our legal institutions.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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The Collapse Is Here: Starvation, Immigration, And Inflation Are The Second Phase Of The Globalists’ Attack on Humanity

The Collapse Is Here: Starvation, Immigration, And Inflation Are The Second Phase Of The Globalists’ Attack on Humanity

adminJan 11, 20241 min read

The Collapse Is Here: Starvation, Immigration, And Inflation Are The Second Phase Of The Globalists’ Attack on Humanity

Get prepared because times are going to get rough

Alex Jones describes how we’re entering the second phase of the globalists’ total destruction of civilization.

Insane Footage: Journalist Sneaks Into NYC Migrant Center, Exposing Biden’s Border Crisis

Insane Footage: Journalist Sneaks Into NYC Migrant Center, Exposing Biden’s Border Crisis

adminJan 11, 20242 min read

Insane Footage: Journalist Sneaks Into NYC Migrant Center, Exposing Biden’s Border Crisis

Elon Musk asks, ‘Why are they hiding these centers?’

A concerned American provided the nation with a rare look into a New York City illegal immigrant holding facility this week by rushing past security and filming the Randall’s Island migrant center.

“Excuse me. Hey, sir!” shouted workers guarding a gate at the government-run illegal alien facility.

Inside a massive tent, which the video claims is one of many located on the grounds, hundreds of illegals were seen hanging out near the hundreds of beds provided for them by the Biden administration.



Randall’s Island, NYC

Video: #0001
Video taken: 01/08/24
Video length: 1 minute and 59 seconds

— Henry Facey (@InfoUncensored) January 10, 2024

Likely commenting on the security surrounding the facility, ? owner Elon Musk asked, “Why are they hiding these centers?”

Why are they hiding these centers?

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 11, 2024

The reporter also asked some NYC Park Officers if they’d comment on the nearby shelter, but they refused to speak.

Multiple NYC Park Officers have little to say about the Randall’s Island Migrant Shelter Disaster!

Randall’s Island, NYC

Clip: #0005
Clip taken: 01/08/24
Clip length: 13 seconds

— Henry Facey (@InfoUncensored) January 8, 2024

NYC Park Officer Khyer, Badge #618

EVADES my question when asked about…



Clip: #0004
Clip taken: 01/08/24
Clip length: 20 seconds

— Henry Facey (@InfoUncensored) January 8, 2024

The footage of the huge illegal migrant facility hit the internet just after news broke that a NYC school was shut down for the day so illegals could use the building as a safe haven from a storm.

Your country is being invaded and most politicians are complicit in helping with the traitorous scheme.

Democrat Insider Warns Michelle Obama’s History As a Man Is Being Exposed

Democrat Insider Warns Michelle Obama’s History As a Man Is Being Exposed

adminJan 11, 20241 min read

Democrat Insider Warns Michelle Obama’s History As a Man Is Being Exposed

Barack Obama has laid the groundwork to push Biden out and promote his wife Michelle Obama to the role of Democrat presidential nominee, as Biden’s disastrous 2024 re-election campaign continues to make dumpster fires look […]

The post Democrat Insider Warns Michelle Obama’s History As a Man Is Being Exposed appeared first on The People’s Voice.


‘His Age is an Asset’: MSM Trots Out Jill Biden to Run Cover for 81-Year-Old Sleepy Joe

adminJan 11, 20243 min read
MSNBC brings on Dr. Jill and Pelosi

MSNBC on Thursday attempted to run cover for Joe Biden and assuage voters’ concerns over his age by having his wife, First Lady “Dr.” Jill Biden, vouch for him.

Check out lowlights from the Morning Joe interview excerpted by RNC Research:

Jill Biden, Ed.D.: “I see Joe every day… I see his VIGOR!”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

Jill Biden, Ed.D., defends Biden’s record low approval rating: “I think what people don’t see is how hard Joe works every single day!”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

Jill Biden, Ed.D., says Biden is “unflappable:” “His integrity, his character, has not changed.”

TRUE: Biden has been a corrupt liar his entire life.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

Jill Biden, Ed.D., says “it’s hard to realize our country” when people call Joe Biden “a liar,” “mentally incompetent,” and part of “the Biden crime family”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

“To those who say, ‘I can’t vote for Joe Biden. He’s too old,’ what do you say?”

JILL BIDEN, ED.D.: “He is the right man, or person, for the job!”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

At one point, Jill also characterized the prosecution of crackhead First Son Hunter Biden as “cruel,” failing to mention he recently defied a congressional subpoena investigating shady foreign business dealings which may have been propped up by his father’s previous position as Barack Obama’s VP.

Jill Biden, Ed.D., says it’s “cruel” to hold Hunter Biden accountable for defying a lawful congressional subpoena

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

MSNBC continued its defense of Biden with a roundtable discussion featuring Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, who also gushed over Biden.

Nancy Pelosi delivers Oscar-worthy performance as she gushes over Biden: “He has a vision, he has knowledge of the issues, he has strategic thinking about legislating — all in the head! … He is the MOST empathetic person!”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

Pelosi also ridiculously claimed Democrats have “always been for controlling our border.”

DELUSIONAL NANCY PELOSI: “We’ve always been for controlling our border, for securing the border — there’s never been a question about that!”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

The establishment is panicking as Americans lose confidence in the Biden administration, with many observing his destruction of the economy firsthand at the gas pump and grocery store.

Democrats’ desperation is palpable, and if they can’t figure out a way to salvage Biden’s reputation, expect them to begin backing dark horse candidates like Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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Vivek Warns ‘The System’ Will Force Haley-DeSantis Ticket To Bring Down Trump

Vivek Warns ‘The System’ Will Force Haley-DeSantis Ticket To Bring Down Trump

adminJan 11, 20245 min read

Vivek Warns ‘The System’ Will Force Haley-DeSantis Ticket To Bring Down Trump

“This system will stop at nothing – and I mean nothing – to eliminate Donald Trump from contention.”

Given Donald Trump’s absolute dominance over the current 2024 GOP field, Vivek Ramaswamy has a prediction:

Nikki Haley will become the establishment’s ‘puppet’ candidate, and Ron DeSantis will be forced to join her ticket as VP.

“Here’s the plot: 1. Narrow this to a 2-horse race between Trump & a puppet they can control. 2. Eliminate Trump. 3. Trot their puppet into the White House. Prediction: next up, Ron DeSantis joins Nikki Haley’s ticket as VP. Ron may not know it yet, but he won’t have a say in the matter,” Ramaswamy posted on X.

Here’s the plot:
1. Narrow this to a 2-horse race between Trump & a puppet they can control.
2. Eliminate Trump.
3. Trot their puppet into the White House.

Prediction: next up, Ron DeSantis joins Nikki Haley’s ticket as VP. Ron may not know it yet, but he won’t have a say in the…

— Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) January 10, 2024

Of course, Chris Christie thinks Haley is ‘gonna get smoked‘ because ‘she’s not up to this,’ but we digress.

Haley and DeSantis take shots at Trump

On Wednesday, and we don’t blame you if you missed it, Haley and DeSantis took shots at the former president (and each other) at a debate hosted by CNN in Des Moines, Iowa – after two other contenders, Gov. Asa Hutchinson and Vivek Ramaswamy, failed to meet the heightened requirements to participate.

At the start of the debate, Mr. DeSantis said—as he often has—that the former president is “running to pursue his issues.” Ms. Haley soon said that she doesn’t think the 45th president “is the right president to go forward,” touting herself as “a new generational leader.”

Mr. Tapper, one of CNN’s moderators, noted that President Trump had not accepted their invitation to take part in the pre-caucus debate. The former leader of the United States instead held a town hall elsewhere in Des Moines that aired on Fox News.

DeSantis tried to capitalize on his comments via X following the debate. 

Donald Trump is running to pursue his issues.

Nikki Haley is running to pursue her donors’ issues.

I’m running to pursue your issues, your family’s issues, and to turn this country around.

— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) January 11, 2024

Haley, meanwhile, is right on course to piss off the more than 1/3 of US adults who say the 2020 election was illegitimate.

“That election—Trump lost it [and] Biden won that election,” said Haley, adding that Trump would “have to answer” for Jan. 6, without specifying what she meant.

HALEY: “That election — Trump lost it — Biden won that election.”

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 11, 2024

Haley and DeSantis also slammed Trump’s claim of presidential immunity in a DC federal appeals court considering his 2020 election case, with DeSantis saying: “I think the D.C. circuit is going to rule against Trump on that issue,” and that “a stacked, left-wing D.C. jury of all Democrats” is going to give Trump the business.

Haley suggested Trump’s immunity argument is “absolutely ridiculous.”

“What has President Trump done? You look at the last few years, and our country is completely divided,” Haley said, apparently unaware that Trump hasn’t been president ‘the last few years.’

For a deeper dive into the Haley – DeSantis slap fight, the Daily Caller has a good writeup here.

Trump, meanwhile…

While Haley and DeSantis traded barbs, Trump sat down with Fox News hosts Bret Baier and Martha MacCalllum for a live town hall event, also in Iowa.

When asked by Baier about his plans for “retribution and looking backwards” during a second term, Trump said: “Well, first of all, a lot of people would say that’s not so bad,” adding “Look, what they did: Russia, Russia, Russia hoax; the FBI/Twitter hoax; the 51 intelligence agents hoax – all of these different hoaxes that they did. You know, a lot of people would say that’s probably quite normal.”

I’m not going to have time for retribution,” the former president continued. “We’re going to make this country so successful again, I’m not going to have time for retribution. And remember this: our ultimate retribution is success.

HOST: “How much of a Donald Trump presidency…would be about RETRIBUTION…and how much would be about looking forward?”

TRUMP: “I’m not going to have time for retribution. We’re going to make this country so successful again, I’m not going to have time for it.”

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 11, 2024

Trump has taken flack for March comments at CPAC, in which he told the crowd: “In 2016, I declared, ‘I am your voice.’ Today I add: I am your warrior, I am your justice, and for those that have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution. I am your retribution.”

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