

“I Will Kill Them”: Store Owner Vows to Take Law into Own Hands Following String of Robberies

adminJan 12, 20243 min read
‘I promise you, somebody steps foot, try to do something, I will kill him, ’cause the city won’t do anything about it,’ says convenience store owner.

A convenience store owner in California fed up with a string of robberies says he’s going to resort to lethal force in order to protect his business.

Speaking to NBC Bay Area, Oakland-based store owner Sam Jebril noted he’d installed steel doors and locks in efforts to deter brazen criminals who have repeatedly targeted his store, to no avail.

“They cut the locks. They have the tool to cut the locks. They went inside. They caused so much damage,” Jebril said.

“There is no law and order in this town. The criminals running the show in Oakland.”

During a recent break-in, Jebril attempted to summon police but got a busy signal when he dialed 9-1-1, so he drove to his store and blocked the thieves’ vehicle using his own truck, minimizing their looting.

“I took my truck. I pushed their cars, was parking that on the front of the store, and they came out,” the store owner described.

Advisor & Executive Director of Oakland’s up-and-coming “Laurel” neighborhood business district Daniel Swafford told NBC the problem is “These are organized criminals. This is organized crime.”

“They have this brazen sense of they can do whatever they want anytime they want, and businesses are reeling from it,” Swafford admitted.

The store owner says he’s tired of waiting in vain for the city’s help, and says the next robber he encounters will meet his maker.

“[I’ll] shoot them,” he admitted.

“I’m well armed, legally armed, and I promise you, somebody steps foot, try to do something, I will kill him, ’cause the city won’t do anything about it. I will do something about it,” Jebril said, adding, “There is nothing. There’s no other choice for me to do.”

The out-of-control lawlessness running rampant in blue cities is illustrative of the mismanagement of Democrat city, state and federal legislators, but what do you expect when your elected representative is more concerned with virtue-signaling and race rather than the safety of her constituents.

Women of color have more political power than ever before. We are Governors, Senators, Attorneys General, and Members of Congress. I stand with all of my sisters in Congress and across the country – we’re not backing down and we aren’t going anywhere.

— Rep. Barbara Lee (@RepBarbaraLee) July 15, 2019


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HPV Vax Lies Exposed! Infowars Flashback

HPV Vax Lies Exposed! Infowars Flashback

adminJan 12, 20241 min read

HPV Vax Lies Exposed! Infowars Flashback

Alex Jones has been dropping truth bombs for decades

Take a trip back to 2009 when Alex Jones was warning the world about the future of vaccines as well as the dangers of HPV shots.

Top Lawyers Agree: Elon Musk Is Fighting For Humanity And Believes The Solution Is Bigger Population — Not Smaller

Top Lawyers Agree: Elon Musk Is Fighting For Humanity And Believes The Solution Is Bigger Population — Not Smaller

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Top Lawyers Agree: Elon Musk Is Fighting For Humanity And Believes The Solution Is Bigger Population — Not Smaller

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Jesse Lee Peterson: Return To The Natural Order Or Be Destroyed

Jesse Lee Peterson: Return To The Natural Order Or Be Destroyed

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Jesse Lee Peterson: Return To The Natural Order Or Be Destroyed

The elite have intentionally led humanity astray

Jesse Lee Peterson joins Harrison Smith on The War Room to call for a return to natural order as society crumbles under leftist manipulation.

As The Lawfare Against Donald Trump Collapses, Trump Turns To The Selection Of A Vice President

As The Lawfare Against Donald Trump Collapses, Trump Turns To The Selection Of A Vice President

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As The Lawfare Against Donald Trump Collapses, Trump Turns To The Selection Of A Vice President

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Roger Stone speculates on President Trump’s Vice President selection after the 45th President said earlier this week he already knew who it was.

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NWO Minions Crash And Burn

NWO Minions Crash And Burn

adminJan 12, 20242 min read

NWO Minions Crash And Burn

Will some of the global elite finally be brought to justice?

Corruption has run its course.

It’s 2024 and the Biden administration minions are inevitably being fed to the wolves. In hubris-riddled desperation, Hunter Biden yet again stormed the Hill to defend his privileged outpost as the bag man in a foreign pay-to-play family business scheme tied to the goals of the New World Order.

The child-man byproduct of a lifetime surrounded by federal goons and philandering politicians took his Benedict Arnold dog and pony show to his contempt of congress hearing to face a Country that is disgusted by the contents of his laptop.

Hunter held out as Democrats praised him, only to feverishly race for the exits once the rhetoric hurt the child man’s ears.

Despite Hunter’s inept efforts, the House Oversight and Judiciary committees each passed contempt charges against Hunter.

In an unprecedented outcome, the House will vote on recommending criminal charges against the child of a sitting U.S. President as the GOP enters the final stages of an impeachment inquiry into the president himself.

Meanwhile, Alejandro Mayorkas – dubbed “The architect of the devastation” – finally garnered an impeachment proceeding that laid out the brutal facts against him.

This game of semantics Mayorkas is playing is coming to an end. Mayorkas should be investigated further as to his knowledge and involvement in the massive foreign criminal operations infiltrating the American heartland under his watch.

The mockingbird media and the Uniparty establishment would have us all believe that this is merely business as usual. Just two sides of the aisle muckraking as the Election season ramps up. However, Hunter Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas are far more than pawns caught in the political storm. They are minions of a strategic globalist mafia threat to U.S. sovereignty commonly known as the New World Order. And they have each succeeded in harming the future and security of the Republic of the United States of America.