
Pfizer Covid Vaccine Inventor Struck Down By Facial Paralysis – Media Blackout

Pfizer Covid Vaccine Inventor Struck Down By Facial Paralysis – Media Blackout

adminJan 12, 20241 min read

Pfizer Covid Vaccine Inventor Struck Down By Facial Paralysis – Media Blackout

The co-creator of the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA Covid vaccine has been struck down by facial paralysis – a known side-effect of the vaccine – and mainstream media is doing its best to cover up the situation. […]

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Trump Mocks Senile Biden with ‘White House Senior Living’ Video

Trump Mocks Senile Biden with ‘White House Senior Living’ Video

adminJan 12, 20242 min read

Trump Mocks Senile Biden with ‘White House Senior Living’ Video

Hilarious attack ad depicts 81-year-old Biden as nursing home resident.

Former President Donald Trump reprised his role as troll-in-chief by sharing a hilarious new video mocking senile puppet president Joe Biden as a nursing home resident.

The video is a fake ad for a senior residential facility dubbed “White House Senior Living,” and features clips of 81-year-old Biden essentially being himself, an aging, inept, cognitively-challenged politician who mainly cares about eating ice cream.

President Trump posted this on Instagram LMFAO

— Suhr Majesty ™ (@ULTRA_MAJESTY) January 12, 2024

“At White House Senior Living, our residents feel right at home,” says the ad shared on Trump’s Truth Social account Friday.

“Our vibrant facility offers delightful activities and outings, round-the-clock professional care, and exquisite house-made meals,” the ad claims, cutting to Biden admitting, “Well, I’ve been eating everything that’s put in front of me. I’ve been eating all Italian foods basically.”

“And ice cream,” adds wife Jill Biden. “And ice cream,” Biden chimes in, clarifying, “chocolate chip ice cream.”

The ad concludes: “White House Senior Living: where residents feel like presidents.”

The comical video underscoring Biden’s advanced age is a throwback to Trump’s troll-like antics from previous presidential campaigns which have endeared him with MAGA supporters and lovers of humor alike.

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WOW! CNN Admits NY AG Letitia James’ Trump Witch Hunt Politically Motivated

WOW! CNN Admits NY AG Letitia James’ Trump Witch Hunt Politically Motivated

adminJan 12, 20243 min read

WOW! CNN Admits NY AG Letitia James’ Trump Witch Hunt Politically Motivated

‘This doesn’t even make sense!’ says Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary.

A pair of videos from recent CNN segments are going viral online as they provide a rare example of a left-leaning mainstream media outlet allowing its viewers to receive a dose of reality.

Both clips focused on GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s ongoing fraud trial witch hunt over his business practices in New York.

First, CNN legal analyst Elie Honig admitted Donald Trump is right when he says New York Attorney General Letitia James is “coming after” him in a politicized manner.

Honig said:

“It is a fact that Letitia James campaigned for Attorney General in 2018 specifically on a promise of ‘Vote for me and I’ll get Donald Trump.’ That’s not something she said once, she said it dozens of times. She said it in writing, she fundraised off it and she wasn’t even specific… The day after she got elected, she said, ‘We’re definitely going to sue his ass. He’ll know my name.’ When you make statements like that, how can you say there is no political angle to this?”

During another CNN segment, Shark Tank judge Kevin O’Leary, AKA “Mr. Wonderful,” was asked for his opinion on James’ Trump case.

“You’ve been doing real estate for decades. Does this case strike you as odd?” asked CNN’s Laura Coates.

The popular businessman answered by leaving out Trump and politics, opting instead to explain how real estate development typically operates.

He then described how developers barter with banks over the appraisal of assets before constructing new buildings, saying developers usually try to promote their assets as being worth as much as possible.

“Forget about Trump,” O’Leary said. “Every single real estate developer everywhere on Earth does this. They always talk about their asset being worth a lot and the bank says, ‘No.’ That’s just the way it is.”

He continued:

“So in this case what I’m trying to figure out, and I’m not pro or con – I don’t care about the politics – who lost money? Nobody! The bank got paid back the construction finance loan and the building was built. If you’re going to sue this case and win, you’ve got to sue every real estate developer everywhere. This is all they do. This is what they do all day long, every day. So, I don’t think this thing will ever survive appeal regardless of what the fine is. This doesn’t even make sense! Now, I know Trump has other problems with other indictments and everything else, but if you’re a real estate developer, you’re watching this and you’re saying, ‘What is this? This is ridiculous.’”

Kevin O’Leary, “Mr. Wonderful” went on CNN and absolutely DESTROYS Letitia James’ case against Trump:

“Every single real estate developer everywhere on Earth does this…Who lost money? Nobody! If you’re gonna sue this case and win, you gotta sue every real estate developer…

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 12, 2024

Perhaps some of the normies watching CNN this week will begin questioning the blatantly political attacks against Trump after witnessing this smidgeon of truth.

Top Trends Forecaster Warns WWIII Has Already Begun, Learn How To Stop It!

Top Trends Forecaster Warns WWIII Has Already Begun, Learn How To Stop It!

adminJan 12, 20241 min read

Top Trends Forecaster Warns WWIII Has Already Begun, Learn How To Stop It!

Share this censored link to join the information war and help save humanity!

Gerald Celente lays out how every region and every major nation has already entered into a world war. However, Celente and Jones gameplan how We The People can stop the madness and save humanity.

Also, find out what financial turmoil may lie ahead:

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Pentagon Breaks Silence About ‘Evidence’ Taylor Swift ‘Psy-Op’ Pushing Globalist Agenda

Pentagon Breaks Silence About ‘Evidence’ Taylor Swift ‘Psy-Op’ Pushing Globalist Agenda

adminJan 12, 20241 min read

Pentagon Breaks Silence About ‘Evidence’ Taylor Swift ‘Psy-Op’ Pushing Globalist Agenda

A Pentagon spokesperson has labelled claims that Taylor Swift is being used as an “asset” as part of a psychological operation pushing the globalist agenda is nothing more than a “crazy conspiracy theory.” Given the […]

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Shock Claim: Spike Protein REPLACES Sperm in Vaxxed Men

Shock Claim: Spike Protein REPLACES Sperm in Vaxxed Men

adminJan 12, 20244 min read

Shock Claim: Spike Protein REPLACES Sperm in Vaxxed Men

German pathologist discusses how he found significant spike protein contamination in male reproductive organs of men who died after Covid-19 injection.

Sperm cells in males who have received a Covid-19 injection are being replaced by spike proteins, a German medical examiner has disturbingly claimed.

During a recent lecture, the late pathologist Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt explained how after examining tissue samples from both young and old men who died following vaccination, he discovered spike proteins had overtaken sperm producing organs and the sperm itself.

Sperm Is Replaced Completely By Spike Protein In “Vaccinated”

Dr. Arne Burkhardt shows a medical slideshow of two individuals that confirmed spike proteins replacing sperm entirely or almost entirely in the testes.

— Red Walrus (@_RedWalrus_) April 10, 2023

“Here you see the case where we show the testes,” Burkhardt said, pointing to a slide, “and you can see that in this 28-year-old man who had a healthy son and who died 140 days after injection, the spike protein is in the strongly expressed in the spermatogenic organ in the testes, and you can see there are almost no spermatozides in here, but it’s strongly expression of spike protein in the spermatoconic tissue.”


Professor Arne Burkhardt shows that they are finding spike proteins being produced all over the body after mRNA vaccination, including the testicles.

All the brown dots are spike proteins in the prostate.

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) January 22, 2023

Dr. Burkhardt next described the same issue with the older patient, saying, “So also in the older person, this is an old man, and you can see here also a strong expression in the spermatogonia, there’s not one single spermatozoon in this, and a strong expression of the spike protein.”

The forensic pathologist went on to caution women against producing offspring with vaccinated males, saying, “If I were a woman in fertile age, I would not plan a motherhood from a person, from a man who has been vaccinated.”

RELATED — Demand for ‘Unvaxxed’ Sperm Soars: Women Looking For Donors Who Refused Experimental Covid Jab

The research coincides with other data showing female ovaries are also destroyed by the spike protein present in the mRNA shots, suggesting the jabs prompt a complete overhaul of the human reproduction system.

COVID Vaccine-Induced Infertility? Every Man and Woman Should Be Concerned@P_McCulloughMD: “[Spike protein] almost certainly is causing death and destruction of those precious ovarian cells.”

“Those lower in range will be rendered infertile through each injection period.”

— The Vigilant Fox ? (@VigilantFox) February 26, 2023

Dr. Burkhardt’s observations demonstrate how Covid vaccines are having a devastating impact on humanity and the reproduction of our species. At the very least, his discoveries warrant further investigation on the subject.

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