
‘Our Favorite Snowflake’: DeSantis Handed ‘Participation Trophy’ at Iowa Campaign Event

‘Our Favorite Snowflake’: DeSantis Handed ‘Participation Trophy’ at Iowa Campaign Event

adminJan 13, 20243 min read

‘Our Favorite Snowflake’: DeSantis Handed ‘Participation Trophy’ at Iowa Campaign Event

“You’re probably not going to win the election, right? But we’re proud of you for trying,” voter tells Republican candidate.

A man mockingly bestowed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) with a participation trophy during an Iowa campaign event on Saturday.

Video from a campaign stop in Atlantic shows a man step up to the Republican presidential candidate and his wife Casey to hand him a participation trophy, saying he “probably won’t win the election.”

“Real quick, before we get started, thank you everyone. Governor DeSantis, I want to present to you this participation trophy,” the man said to a chorus of laughter.

?Atlantic, Iowa — a man came up to DeSantis at his town hall & tried to hand him a participation trophy. He said DeSantis he “probably won’t win the election.” He also called DeSantis “our favorite snowflake.”

— Samantha-Jo Roth (@SamanthaJoRoth) January 13, 2024

“Now, you’re probably not going to win the election, right? But we’re proud of you for trying,” he added.

“Sorry, buddy, sorry,” DeSantis said as he gestured the man to leave the stage.

“He’s special, he’s unique, and he’s our little snowflake,” the man quipped as security escorted him from the room.

If the boot (kinda) fits.

— Dr. Dawshawnderez Goldenstein (@TheOppressedest) January 13, 2024

This comes the day after DeSantis was seen fleeing from independent journalist Laura Loomer at his hotel in Iowa, where she asked him when he would drop out given he was polling at only 14% in the state.

“Are you going to be endorsing President Trump when you drop out?” she asked.



.@RonDeSantis Ron DeSantis just got LOOMERED at his hotel in Des Moines, Iowa, 3 days before the Iowa Caucus!

I confronted DeSantis as he was walking into his hotel, and he hid from me inside the hotel…

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) January 12, 2024

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump is on track to smash the Republican record for largest victory margin in the history of the Iowa caucuses.  

The Iowa caucuses begin on Monday, where Republicans will vote to decide who will be their preferred candidate for the 2024 presidential election.

Trump Is a ‘Clear Threat’ To Europe Says ECB Chief Christine Lagarde

Trump Is a ‘Clear Threat’ To Europe Says ECB Chief Christine Lagarde

adminJan 13, 20241 min read

Trump Is a ‘Clear Threat’ To Europe Says ECB Chief Christine Lagarde

The head of the European Central Bank raised concerns about a fresh trade war if Donald Trump is re-elected US president. According to ECP president Christine Lagarde Donald Trump’s potential election is “clearly a threat” […]

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Epstein and Gates Targeted ‘Vulnerable Children’ For ‘Disturbing’ Medical Experiments, New Court Docs Reveal

Epstein and Gates Targeted ‘Vulnerable Children’ For ‘Disturbing’ Medical Experiments, New Court Docs Reveal

adminJan 13, 20241 min read

Epstein and Gates Targeted ‘Vulnerable Children’ For ‘Disturbing’ Medical Experiments, New Court Docs Reveal

Jeffrey Epstein targeted vulnerable children for medical experiments and data harvesting, with the involvement of powerful individuals and organizations, raising concerns that we have yet to learn the full extent of his crimes against children. […]

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DHS Complains Border Patrol Can’t Bring Illegal Aliens into U.S. as Easily Due to Texas Blockade

adminJan 13, 20245 min read
“It’s amazing how upset Biden Admin officials get when BP agents are freed up to actually patrol the border instead of processing massive numbers of surrendering illegal aliens,” says Border Patrol Union.

Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security filed a supplemental memo to its lawsuit against Texas with the Supreme Court, arguing that the state’s new barricades along the border are hindering the Border Patrol’s efforts to aid and abet illegal aliens entering the U.S.

Texas on Wednesday began blockading Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, a popular point of entry for illegals, from federal border agents in an effort to stop Biden’s open-border illegal immigration pipeline which has exploded into an unprecedented crisis.

The DHS memo filed Friday complains that Border Patrol agents can no longer use its usual “staging area” to facilitate illegal aliens into the U.S., and must now do so in “suboptimal conditions” along a two-way highway, where there is “not a lot of space to safely intake migrants.”

The TNG Major further informed the Border Patrol agents that TNG would not allow any transport units to pick up the subjects under the port of entry, and that the agents would have to walk the migrants to Loop 480 to transport them outside of Shelby Park for further processing. Loop 480 is a two-way industrial highway, where there is not a lot of space to safely intake migrants.


Without access to the staging area, mobile intake and loading onto transportation must occur on the shoulder along Loop 480, a busy two-lane highway most frequently used by commercial traffic traveling at a high speed. Because of the lack of physical space, there is an increased risk to both migrants and agents of traffic-related injury. Further, there are suboptimal conditions for managing any large groups of migrants in such a small space along a road.

The Biden regime went on to note how it could easily “load migrants onto buses for transport to formal processing locations in Del Rio (Texas) and elsewhere” when it had access to Shelby Park.

“Border Patrol uses the staging area to complete mobile intake of migrant biographic information and to transport groups of apprehended migrants to Border Patrol locations where they may be processed more directly,” the filing states.

Notably, Border Patrol agents overwhelmingly support Texas’ effort to stymie Biden’s open-border policies.

“Shout out to Governor Abbott for enhancing Border Patrol operations!” the Border Patrol Union cheered on social media. “By taking control of an area where so many illegal aliens are simply surrendering, he’s freeing up BP agents to patrol areas with high numbers of illegal aliens who attempt to escape arrest.”

Shout out to Governor Abbott for enhancing Border Patrol operations! By taking control of an area where so many illegal aliens are simply surrendering, he’s freeing up BP agents to patrol areas with high numbers of illegal aliens who attempt to escape arrest.@GregAbbott_TX

— Border Patrol Union – NBPC (@BPUnion) January 12, 2024

“It’s amazing how upset Biden Admin officials get when BP agents are freed up to actually patrol the border instead of processing massive numbers of surrendering illegal aliens,” the BPU noted in a separate post.

It’s amazing how upset Biden Admin officials get when BP agents are freed up to actually patrol the border instead of processing massive numbers of surrendering illegal aliens.

— Border Patrol Union – NBPC (@BPUnion) January 12, 2024

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) and National Guard units told the Eagle Pass mayor on Friday they would take “full control” of Shelby Park “indefinitely” via an emergency declaration from Governor Greg Abbott (R).

“Texas will continue to deploy Texas National Guard soldiers, DPS troopers, and more barriers, utilizing every tool and strategy to respond to President Biden’s ongoing border crisis,” said Abbott spokeswoman Renae Eze on Thursday.  

The legal standoff between the Biden regime and the State of Texas could culminate into the most significant states rights battle in recent history, Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin noted Friday.

NEW: In overnight DOJ filing, Feds confirm that the TX National Guard “has deployed armed soldiers and vehicles to block federal gov from accessing the river” in Eagle Pass, & TX informed them no BP agents will be allowed to enter Shelby Park “in any operational capacity”.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) January 12, 2024

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WATCH: NYC Man Confronts Illegal Aliens Squatting In Cargo Trailer

WATCH: NYC Man Confronts Illegal Aliens Squatting In Cargo Trailer

adminJan 13, 20243 min read

WATCH: NYC Man Confronts Illegal Aliens Squatting In Cargo Trailer

Family of illegals take up residence in privately-owned trailer on Brooklyn street

A family of illegal aliens recently took up residence in a privately-owned cargo trailer in New York City, according to reports.

In videos uploaded to social media, a man claimed that illegals were living in a trailer owned by his uncle for weeks.

The trailer was reportedly parked on Sheffield Avenue in Brooklyn at the time the video was shot. 

Children can be seen standing in the open doorway of the trailer as the person filming approaches and confronts them. 

“No matter how many times we call child protective services or NYPD, they don’t show up,” the man narrating the videos says. “We can’t physically go into that trailer with children in there. We cannot physically lock the trailer because children are in there. And we definitely can’t drive away with the trailer because children are in there, as you can see.”

The man points out that the squatters even chained motorized scooters to the bumper of the trailer.

He explains how he visited a nearby ‘migrant hotel’ to better understand the conditions in which illegal aliens are living and why they might choose to live in the trailer instead.

The man was told that the illegals brought “4 to 5 hot plates” into their hotel room to cook food which they were selling at construction sites and that the appliances were tripping the circuit breakers at the hotel and causing blackouts.

When city inspectors confiscated the hot plates, the illegals left the hotel in outrage and began squatting in the trailer, the man says.

The man’s uncle repeatedly contacted city authorities but was told nothing could be done to remove the family.

When the New York Post investigated the matter, a local worker said the squatters had been running a generator inside the trailer.

The trailer was reportedly moved this week but it is unclear what circumstances precipitated the relocation or what became of the family.

InfoWars has been documenting mounting chaos in New York City caused by the arrival of more than 160,000 illegal migrants since early 2022.

General Michael Flynn joins Alex Jones to give his expert analysis on the Pentagon’s fumbling leadership.

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New Vaccine Lab for ‘Disease X’ Unveiled in UK

New Vaccine Lab for ‘Disease X’ Unveiled in UK

adminJan 13, 20244 min read

New Vaccine Lab for ‘Disease X’ Unveiled in UK

Comes ahead of World Economic Forum meeting warning of possible emergence of new pathogen that could be 20x deadlier than Covid.

A new facility has been constructed in the UK that will conduct vaccine research for an unknown pathogen dubbed by the World Economic Forum (WHO) as “Disease X.”

The new facility is located at the secretive Porten Down science and technology campus in Wiltshire, England, which is best known for chemical and biological warfare research.

Experts at this facility are “preparing” for the emergence of a new “Disease X” virus, the BBC reported in August.

“Covid, of course, is not a one-off,” said Prof. Dame Jenny Harries, chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), which runs these laboratories.

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One of UK’s most secretive centres of scientific research, Porton Down is aiming to stop the next pandemic “in its tracks.”

Located in the Wiltshire countryside near Salisbury, UK, the new facility is one of the…

— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) January 11, 2024

“We say it [Covid] was the biggest public health incident for a century, but I don’t think any of us think it’ll be a century before the next,” she added.

She went on to claim that humanity faces a “rising tide of risk” from emerging pandemic-causing diseases due to “climate change, urbanization, and people living closer to animals.”

Scientists there have been developing vaccines for the Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever and new Covid variants.

But the new vaccine research center has shifted to the new priority of investigating “Disease X”, a term used by the WHO as “a placeholder” name to describe a disease that is as yet unknown to medical science that will take the world by complete surprise.

Experts do not even know whether they will introduce it as a virus, a bacterium, a fungus or other agent.

But the WHO have been warning of an “UNKNOWN and surprise disease outbreak” which they say “could spread across the world in as little as 36 hours, killing upwards of 80 million people,” the Express reported in 2019.

Dr. Harries insinuated gain of function research into deadly viruses has become part of the UKHSA’s public health strategy, claiming past policies have been reactionary to pandemics when in fact they need to “try and stop” pandemics before they even begin.

The WHO and medical establishment stooges like Dr. Peter Hotez have been warning of Disease X in recent months as public concern over Covid has waned.

“We have a likelihood that new pandemic threats that people call ‘Disease X’ are going to be arising on a regular basis. COVID-19 is just the warm-up act. The next pandemic may not be as severe, but it could be much more severe,” Hotez claimed in November.

? Dr. Peter Hotez Says Experts Are Predicting ‘Disease X’ is Coming Which Will Be Worse Than COVID-19

“We have a likelihood that new pandemic threats that people call ‘Disease X’ are going to be arising on a regular basis…I wrote for the Houston Chronicle a couple of months…

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) November 29, 2023

The WHO is set to hold a meeting called “Preparing for Disease X” on Wednesday, where a panel of international speakers, including pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and conglomerate Philips, will discuss which “novel efforts are needed to prepare healthcare systems for the multiple challenges ahead.”

Predictably, mainstream media outlets are already demonizing conservatives for raising concerns that the WHO’s Disease X preparedness measures could parallel oppressive Covid measures which included lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

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