
Congressional Leaders Secure Two-Step Funding Deal to Avert Shutdown Until March

Congressional Leaders Secure Two-Step Funding Deal to Avert Shutdown Until March

adminJan 14, 20242 min read

Congressional Leaders Secure Two-Step Funding Deal to Avert Shutdown Until March

Speaker Johnson previously vowed to avoid short-term funding resolutions

Congressional leaders have successfully negotiated a temporary solution to avoid a government shutdown, opting for a two-part stopgap funding strategy.

The agreement, reached just days before the shutdown deadline, extends federal operations into March. The first critical deadline is set for March 1, followed by a second on March 7.

The deal, which must be approved by the House and Senate by Friday, is intended to provide additional time to finalize the twelve appropriations bills. Despite the agreement on overall spending levels, lawmakers will continue discussions to iron out specific funding details, as reported by sources quoted by US media.

The situation presents a challenge for Chairman Mike Johnson (R-La.), who had previously vowed to avoid short-term funding resolutions. Despite his earlier stance, Johnson’s recent comments suggest a willingness to consider various options under the pressing deadline.

House Republicans had considered various versions of a stopgap spending bill, including a long-term resolution that would impose a one percent budget cut. This approach is in line with a previous debt limit agreement with President Biden, but faced opposition from moderate Republicans.

General Michael Flynn joins Alex Jones to give his expert analysis on the Pentagon’s fumbling leadership.

WEF-Funded Lab in UK Begins Experimenting With Deadly ‘Disease X’

WEF-Funded Lab in UK Begins Experimenting With Deadly ‘Disease X’

adminJan 14, 20241 min read

WEF-Funded Lab in UK Begins Experimenting With Deadly ‘Disease X’

A new WEF-funded lab has opened in the UK that will conduct controversial vaccine research for the deadly and highly contagious ‘Disease X.’ The new facility is located at the top-secret Porten Down science and […]

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Heart Disease Found To Be Leading Cause Of ‘Excess Deaths’ In UK

Heart Disease Found To Be Leading Cause Of ‘Excess Deaths’ In UK

adminJan 14, 20241 min read

Heart Disease Found To Be Leading Cause Of ‘Excess Deaths’ In UK

Research published by scientists at Oxford University shows that deaths from heart and circulatory problems are spiralling. Due to concerns over the increase in excess deaths there will be a debate in Parliament next week, […]

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Australia Shows Why Americans Should Not Give Another Inch On Gun Rights

adminJan 14, 20244 min read
In Australia, the few firearms that are allowed in civilian hands are being scrutinized once again.

In 1996 in the Tazmanian city of Port Arthur a man by the name of Martin Bryant killed 35 people using semi-automatic rifles in what would later be known as the Port Arthur Massacre. 

This singular event was quickly used as a rationale for the banning of most firearms for Australian civilians, but the new regulations were not a product of Port Arthur.  Rather, anti-gun politicians had been pushing for restrictions and confiscation for many years prior; Port Arthur simply gave them enough public panic to get their legislation passed.

This is the modus operandi of the typical anti-gun lobby – Wait for a tragedy and then exploit it to punish all law abiding citizens for the crimes of a handful of deranged people.  It doesn’t make much sense unless you realize that gun control laws are not meant to thwart criminals, they are meant to thwart good people who might object to government trespasses.

The difference between Australia and America is, of course, that the right to arms and the right to self defense are codified in the US Constitution.  There is no legal right to guns in Australia, it is treated as a privilege subject to the whims of authorities.  However, regardless of the laws of men or constitutional protections, self defense is also a natural right.  Anyone trying to take it away is in violation of natural law.     

Outside of the perfect timing of a Port Arthur scenario, most anti-gun measures are incremental as a means to trick good citizens into believing their rights are not being diminished.  Once these rights are sufficiently whittled down and the public has been conditioned to give ground to the government over time, the violations will never stop.  Give them an inch and they will take a mile.  

They will argue that there’s no need for civilians to have semi-automatic rifles, then they will come for the pistols, then they will come for the lever action rifles, the bolt action rifles, the shotguns, until there is nothing left.  Gun grabbers deny this agenda at every turn, but all we have to do is look at countries where gun rights have been cut down to see what the overall strategy is.  The end game is total confiscation.

In Australia, the few firearms that are allowed in civilian hands are being scrutinized once again.  This time around, pump action rifles that would be considered a joke or a novelty in the US are being portrayed as potential tools for mass shooters.  The Australian government has sought to squeeze the Port Arthur attack for every last drop of anti-gun sympathy, even though it happened almost 30 years ago.

One could argue it was the lack of firearms owners in places like Australia that made it possible for the national government to enforce insane and draconian measures during the covid pandemic.  These measures included threats of mandatory vaccination, mandatory reporting of vaccination, denying people the right to travel more than 3 miles from their homes, the use of official intimidation and arrest to silence contrary information online, and the installation of “covid camps” which were used for everyone, not just people traveling from overseas.

It makes sense that governments with this level of disrespect for the civil rights of the populace would want to erode whatever means of protection citizens have left, if only to ensure full compliance during the next manufactured crisis.  They are doing it in Australia and they desperately want to do it in the US. 

General Michael Flynn joins Alex Jones to give his expert analysis on the Pentagon’s fumbling leadership.

Poland’s New PM Won’t Tolerate ‘Anti-Ukrainian Sentiment’

Poland’s New PM Won’t Tolerate ‘Anti-Ukrainian Sentiment’

adminJan 14, 20243 min read

Poland’s New PM Won’t Tolerate ‘Anti-Ukrainian Sentiment’

Every Polish patriot must understand the importance of backing Kiev in its conflict with Moscow, Donald Tusk said

Newly-installed Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has insisted that he won’t tolerate any kind of “anti-Ukrainian sentiment” in the ranks of his government.

Tusk claimed in an interview with TVN24 on Friday that in the run-up to last October’s election the right-wing Law and Justice Party (PiS) “tried to play an anti-Ukrainian note” to remain in power and that nothing of this kind will happen on his watch.

“I will never allow anyone in my government to build their position on some kind of anti-Ukrainian sentiment,” the pro-EU politician, who headed the Polish government between 2007 and 2014 and was president of the European Council from 2014 to 2019, vowed.

Kiev needs the backing of Warsaw and the entire West because “as long as Ukraine is fighting Russia, we are relatively safe,” he explained.

“There can be no doubts about… our involvement and the involvement of the entire Western world in support of Ukraine… Every Polish patriot must absolutely recognize these reasons,” Tusk stressed.

The PM called upon Europe to “rise to the occasion” and invest more money in assisting Kiev because Poland “won’t be able to cope financially” with such a task on its own.

Poland has been one of Ukraine’s prime backers in the EU after the outbreak of the conflict with Russia in February 2022, supplying Kiev with arms, accepting around 1.5 million Ukrainian refugees, and consistently advocating for more sanctions on Moscow.

However, a falling out between the neighbors occurred in September 2023 after Ukraine filed a now-suspended complaint to the World Trade Organization (WTO) over Poland and some other EU states for banning Ukrainian grain deliveries. The PiS government in Warsaw said it would focus on Poland’s own security and would not be sending weapons to Ukraine anymore, except for some old, decommissioned ones.

Polish truckers continue to block border crossings with Ukraine in protest against the EU’s decision to exempt their Ukrainian counterparts from needing permits to enter the bloc.

When addressed on the issue, Tusk acknowledged that “there is a second dimension” in relations between Warsaw and Kiev. “The Poles want to help Ukraine, but they can’t be harmed by the Ukrainians,” he explained.

The PM said that he will visit Ukraine in the coming days and, among other things, discuss ways to resolve what he called “pathological situations” on the border.

General Michael Flynn joins Alex Jones to give his expert analysis on the Pentagon’s fumbling leadership.

FBI Stonewalls Over Seth Rich Laptop Production

FBI Stonewalls Over Seth Rich Laptop Production

adminJan 14, 20244 min read

FBI Stonewalls Over Seth Rich Laptop Production

Agency asks federal court for second delay after being ordered to produce information from Seth Rich’s computer to Texas resident who has sued the bureau

The FBI has asked a federal court for a second delay after being ordered to produce information from Seth Rich’s computer to a Texas resident, Brian Huddleston who has sued the bureau.

Huddleston says that the court should force the agency to produce the information before the 2024 presidential election, as it may show that Rich, not Russians, was Wikileaks’ source of leaked emails which were damaging to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US election.q

On Thursday, the FBI asked Obama-appointed US District Judge Amos Mazzant to reconsider their request not to produce the documents, and should be withheld under exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The filing was a response to Mazzant’s Nov. 2023 order to hand over images of Mr. Rich’s personal computer, as well as an index of his work computer.

It gets better; the FBI initially claimed that they didn’t have said records – only to later admit to being in possession of Rich’s personal and work computers, along with other items.

As if it wasn’t suspicious enough that the FBI is stonewalling on information related to a ‘mugging gone wrong.’

According to Ty Clevenger, Huddleston’s attorney, the judge should deny the FBI’s latest bid for a production delay.

“A presidential election is fast approaching, and voters have the right to know (1) whether the FBI knowingly framed one of the frontrunners, i.e., former President Trump; and (2) whether the FBI is still trying to cover up its partisan political activities,” he wrote.

“It is bad enough that FBI personnel took opposition research from the Hillary Clinton campaign and used it to open a bad-faith investigation of Mr. Trump, thereby sabotaging him for more than two years,” Clevenger added. “It would be considerably worse and considerably more scandalous, however, if FBI personnel knew all along that Seth Rich—not Russian hackers—was responsible for leaking DNC emails to Wikileaks.

Many believe that Rich was indeed the source of the leaked DNC emails provided to WikiLeaks – a rumor which was fueled by the odd circumstances surrounding his death, the sudden retirement of D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier five weeks after the murder, and an email John Podesta sent to Hillary’s inner circle about ‘making an example’ of a suspected leaker, written more than a year before Rich’s death.

Troves of emails were published by Wikileaks giving insight into the corrupt inner machination of the Democratic National Committee. While Rich was never officially revealed as the source of the leaked emails, it has been heavily suggested. Julian Assange was one key figure who made that suggestion when he highlighted Rich’s murder during a 2016 interview in which he was asked about the risks that come with operating WikiLeaks. Megavideo founder and entrepeneur Kim Dotcom said in May of 2017 that he worked with Rich to connect him with Assange.

I knew Seth Rich. I know he was the @Wikileaks source. I was involved.

— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 20, 2017

At one point, Assange heavily implied Rich was his source for the DNC emails. Meanwhile, WikiLeaks offered a $130,000 reward for information leading to the murderer of Rich.  

Julian Assange on Seth Rich
h/t @KristinaDawn7

— Te?asLindsay™ (@TexasLindsay_) November 29, 2023

General Michael Flynn joins Alex Jones to give his expert analysis on the Pentagon’s fumbling leadership.