
Mexico Busts Coach Bus Packed With Nearly 200 US-Bound Migrants

Mexico Busts Coach Bus Packed With Nearly 200 US-Bound Migrants

adminJan 14, 20243 min read

Mexico Busts Coach Bus Packed With Nearly 200 US-Bound Migrants

Illegal migrants from Guatemala, Ecuador found stuffed inside coach bus at triple capacity on Mexican highway

Mexican authorities say they busted a coach bus carrying nearly 200 illegal migrants bound for the United States last week.

The incident unfolded on a highway near Las Choapas in the state of Veracruz.

Federal authorities conduction checks on vehicles passing through the area encountered a dangerously overload passenger bus.

In total, 182 foreigners hailing primarily from Ecuador and Guatemala were found inside the bus, according to the Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM), the Mexican government’s migration agency.

Even the largest coach buses generally only provide seating for up to 61 passengers, indicating the vehicle was likely traveling at around triple its capacity.

#Comunicado ?| Auxilia @INAMI_mx en #Veracruz a 182 personas migrantes originarias de Guatemala y Ecuador, que viajaban de manera hacinada en un autobús.

— INM (@INAMI_mx) January 9, 2024

“Among the citizens from Guatemala and Ecuador were eight unaccompanied minors and 15 family units made up of 39 people, as well as 28 women and 107 adult men traveling alone,” the INM explained in a statement.

None of the migrants could produce paperwork demonstrating they were in the country legally. They were transferred to various Mexican agencies for processing and possible expulsion.

The driver was taken into custody and the bus was impounded.

On the same day, the INM announced that another group of illegal migrants were found aboard a coach bus in the state of Oaxaca.

A group of 40 Chinese nationals were caught by authorities in the city of Tlacolula de Matamoros and taken into custody.

@INAMI_mx en coordinación federal y estatal, ubicó en Tlacolula, #Oaxaca, a 40 personas migrantes de origen chino??; 34 adultos fueron canalizados a instalaciones del INM y un núcleo familiar de 6 personas quedó bajo resguardo de la Oficina Administrativa de NNA en el estado.

— INM (@INAMI_mx) January 9, 2024

Migrants frequently perish or suffer serious injuries in bus crashes as they make their way to the U.S. through Mexico and Central America.

In October, a bus carrying more than 50 migrants crashed in Oaxaca, leaving at least 18 dead and dozens more injured.

In August, 16 people died and 36 were wounded in a bus crash on a highway in Oaxaca.

Days earlier, 17 people were killed when a bus transporting U.S.-bound migrants plunged into a ravine in the Mexican state of Nayarit.

Six of the deceased were identified as citizens of India while another was from Mauritania.

In February, at least 39 people died when a bus carrying more than 60 migrants flew off a cliff in Panama.

General Michael Flynn joins Alex Jones to give his expert analysis on the Pentagon’s fumbling leadership.

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Sanders: Dem Voters Will Return to Biden Because Trump Too ‘Dangerous’

Sanders: Dem Voters Will Return to Biden Because Trump Too ‘Dangerous’

adminJan 14, 20243 min read

Sanders: Dem Voters Will Return to Biden Because Trump Too ‘Dangerous’

“But there is no question, it is very hard for young, I think for most Americans to be excited about what is going on right now. The president has got to change course,” says socialist senator.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) claimed Democrat voters will ultimately rally around Joe Biden in the 2024 election because former President Donald Trump is “one of the most dangerous political figures in modern American history.

CNN’s “State of The Union” host Jake Tapper on Sunday pointed out how far-left voters are souring on Biden over his handling of the Israel-Hamas war and asked Sanders if he believes Biden has permanently damaged his “standing” with Democrats.

“Look, I think we will see what happens in November because the choice is pretty clear. Running against Donald Trump who I suspect will be the Republican candidate, is one of the most dangerous political figures in modern American history,” Sanders responded.

“So I think people will end up rallying around Biden. But there is no question, it is very hard for young, I think for most Americans to be excited about what is going on right now. The president has got to change course.”

Sanders argued that Biden must be more forceful with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who he claimed flouted Biden’s warnings not to indiscriminately bomb targets in Gaza.

“He has been very clear, he’s expressed his opinion about indiscriminate bombing. He’s asked Netanyahu over and over again to change course,” Sanders said. “And he said no, we’re going to continue doing what we’re doing. Unacceptable. You cannot give billions of dollars to a country that ignores your wishes, violates international law.”

This comes a day after hundreds of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched to the White House and breached the security fencing, demanding Biden broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

Even Biden’s Democrat colleagues on Capitol Hill condemned his authorization of air strikes against Houthi militants in Yemen on Friday, calling the action unconstitutional.

Biden’s approval among Democrats has been sliding in recent months over his handling not just of Israel but also the Ukraine war, the economy, and the collapsed southern border.

And because Biden has no accomplishments to run on for the 2024 election, Democrats are resorting to decrying Trump as a “threat to democracy” while they feverishly scramble to keep him off the ballot in multiple states.

Watch: Thousands of Pro-Palestinian Protesters Swarm White House Fence, Secret Service Intervenes

Watch: Thousands of Pro-Palestinian Protesters Swarm White House Fence, Secret Service Intervenes

adminJan 14, 20245 min read

Watch: Thousands of Pro-Palestinian Protesters Swarm White House Fence, Secret Service Intervenes

White House non-essential staff were evacuated as protesters forced back the fencing barrier in largest pro-Palestinian protest since Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel.

Pro-Palestinian protesters swarmed the White House perimeter on Saturday, forcing the Secret Service and D.C. Police to intervene.

Hundreds of thousands of protesters marched toward the White House in response to the U.S. and UK’s joint air strikes on Houthi militias in Yemen on Friday.


A massive protest as hundreds of thousands march towards the White House in solidarity with Palestine.


— sarah (@sahouraxo) January 13, 2024

The protesters were seen shaking the fence as they yelled, “Fuck Joe Biden” and “Allahu Akbar.”

?: DC police and Secret Service had to rush to one part of the security fence to prevent a breach from the Palestinian crowd.

— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) January 13, 2024

?: Palestinian protesters aggressively shake and hit the security fence outside the White House.@FrontlinesTPUSA@TPUSA

— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) January 13, 2024

Angry chants of “Allahu Akbar” and “F*ck Joe Biden” as protesters breach the protective fence around the White House don’t really give “peaceful protest” vibes.

— Cameron Khansarinia (@khansarinia) January 14, 2024

Protesters were seen shaking the fence so hard that parts of it were moved back.

Palestinian protesters have shaken the fence so hard that they have moved portions of it back.@FrontlinesTPUSA @TPUSA

— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) January 13, 2024

Secret Service agents dressed in riot gear were seen behind the fence. 

Secret Service agents behind the security fence are in riot gear.

— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) January 13, 2024

Non-essential staff were evacuated from the White House in response to the mostly peaceful protest.

Joe Biden was not at the White House, but at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland at the time.

????? The White House has been EVACUATED of non-essential staff due to a LARGE pro-Palestinian protest across the street.

I personally witnessed several snipers on the roof of the White House.

— Jackson Hinkle ?? (@jacksonhinklle) January 14, 2024

“White House staff ‘displaced’ after pro-Palestinian rioters damaged anti-Palestinian fencing and threw objects at police ,” Fox News said in a statement. It is clarified that the protests began after the United States and Great Britain launched strikes against the Houthis in…

— Mister J. – مسٹر جے (@Angryman_J) January 14, 2024

Mostly peaceful protest at the White House

— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) January 14, 2024

An individual was also spotted wearing a patch for Al Qassim Brigades, a Hamas terror group affiliate.

A DC cop working the protests outside the Whitehouse sent me this picture. This patch is Al Qassim Brigades, a Hamas terror group. He said the guys dressed like this were spotting and assessing (which is done to collect intel).

— Shoe (@samosaur) January 14, 2024

The protest was the largest pro-Palestinian demonstration in the U.S. since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, The Guardian reported.

The protest, called a march on Washington for Gaza, was promoted as likely to be the largest pro-Palestinian demonstration in the US since the 7 October attack on southern Israel by Hamas fighters emerging from Gaza, which killed almost 1,200 people and led to a massive military response from Israel, backed by the US government.

In light of protesters violently shaking the White House fence, it’s worth pointing out that the FBI and DOJ have declared from Jan. 6 that shaking a federal fence is an act of terrorism and punishable by jail time.

That’s what federal prosecutors argued during veteran Joe Biggs’s Jan. 6 case, who was subsequently sentenced to 17 years in prison.

FBI, DOJ, @USAO_DC & @USDC_DCCircuit have taught ?? from Jan 6 that shaking a federal fence is punishable by jail time & an act of terrorism

No exceptions.

Judge Tim Kelly sentenced Joe Biggs with a terrorism enhancement

Kelly declared shaking a fence was an act of terrorism

— NOVA Campaigns (@NoVA_Campaigns) January 14, 2024

Will the Secret Service or the D.C. Police apply that same standard in this case?

The crowd is now mostly gone. Here’s the aftermath of all the different items people in the crowd threw at DC police and Secret Service who were guarding the White House.

— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) January 14, 2024

That’s doubtful given no arrests were reportedly made.

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WATCH: Rioters Breach White House Security Fence During “March for Gaza”

WATCH: Rioters Breach White House Security Fence During “March for Gaza”

adminJan 14, 20243 min read

WATCH: Rioters Breach White House Security Fence During “March for Gaza”

Massive pro-Palestine protest spirals out of control in nation’s capital

A “March for Gaza” in Washington D.C. spiraled out of control over the weekend as rioters breached a safety fence outside the White House before being repelled by police.

Tens of thousands of protesters descended on the nation’s capital ahead of the gathering, which kicked off with an Islamic call to prayer.

The call to prayer rings out in Freedom Plaza

— Wid Lyman (@Wid_Lyman) January 13, 2024

Demonstrators waved Palestinian and jihadist flags and wore keffiyehs to cover their heads and faces.

A Jihadist flag was seen and caused an additional confrontation

— Wid Lyman (@Wid_Lyman) January 13, 2024

Metropolitan Police apprehended a man after a knife was pulled during an altercation.

?Washington D.C.
?️ 1/13/24

Protestors are marching towards the White House when an altercation breaks out – a knife was seen and the person was taken into custody quickly

— Wid Lyman (@Wid_Lyman) January 13, 2024

Tensions rose as protesters converged on the White House and began shaking a security fence on the outer perimeter.

Protestors are shaking the outer fence at the White House

— Wid Lyman (@Wid_Lyman) January 13, 2024

Complete chaos outside the White House as protestors converge

— Wid Lyman (@Wid_Lyman) January 13, 2024

After nightfall, a riot broke out and participants began hurling projectiles at law enforcement as they struggled to maintain order.

At one point, rioters broke a section of the fence, forcing police to hold the barrier in place until it could be repaired.

?The White House:


Protestors have breached the reinforced gate and riot police have confronted them – other protestors began scaling the fence


— Wid Lyman (@Wid_Lyman) January 14, 2024

?The White House

WATCH: Police work to repair a security fence outside the White House after rioters breached the barrier during the March for Gaza on Saturday – Police were not able to fix the broken fence and had to attach makeshift clamps

— Wid Lyman (@Wid_Lyman) January 14, 2024

Authorities eventually dispersed the crowd.

Border Hawk did not witness any arrests during or after the riot.

General Michael Flynn joins Alex Jones to give his expert analysis on the Pentagon’s fumbling leadership.

Americans Identifying As Democrats Hits Record Low

Americans Identifying As Democrats Hits Record Low

adminJan 14, 20245 min read
Independents, meanwhile, take the cake – with 43% of Americans identifying as such.

Gallup poll released on Friday reveals that a record low percentage of Americans who identify as Democrats in 2023 hit a record low, when independent ‘leaners’ are excluded.

Just 27% of Americans self-identify as Democrats, the smallest figure in the party’s history according to the survey. That said,self-identifying Republicans also hit 27%, though it did not mark the lowest figure in the party’s history – which was in 2013 when just 25% of Americans identified as such. The previous low for Democrats was in 2017 and 2015 at 29%.

Independents, meanwhile, take the cake – with 43% of Americans identifying as such.

Gallup 2023 average: Do you consider yourself a Republican or a Democrat? (with Indie leaners)

Republican: 45%
Democrat: 43%

Best numbers for GOP since 1991

Without leaners:

43% identified as independents, tying 2014 record

27% identify as Democrats (record low)…

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) January 12, 2024

More via Gallup:

Independent Leanings Give Republicans a Slight Edge in Party Preferences

All Gallup survey respondents who identify as independents are then asked whether they lean more toward the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. Last year, slightly more independents leaned Republican than leaned Democratic. As a result, a combined 45% of U.S. adults identify as Republicans or lean toward the GOP, while 43% are Democrats or Democratic leaners.

The 2023 figures are similar to those from 2022, when Republicans had a one-point advantage (45% to 44%). Republican advantages have been rare since Gallup first began measuring independent political leanings on a regular basis in 1991. In fact, 2023 is just the third time Republicans have had even a slight edge, along with 1991 and 2022.

In most years, there have been more Democrats and Democratic leaners than Republicans and Republican leaners, though the two partisan groups were tied in 2002, 2003 and 2011.

Americans Identifying As Democrats Hits Record Low

Conservatives, Moderates Tie for Top Ideological Identification

In addition to measuring their affiliation with either of the major political parties, Gallup asks Americans in each survey to describe their political views on a liberal to conservative spectrum. In 2023, on average, 36% of U.S. adults described their political views as conservative, 36% as moderate and 25% as liberal. Ideological identification has changed little in recent years; the latest figures essentially match the averages over the past 10 years.

From a longer-term perspective, the notable change has been the increase in liberal identification, which was under 20% from 1992 to 2000 and in 2002 and 2004. Both conservative and moderate identification have dipped slightly over the past two decades, but there has been a larger drop for moderates than conservatives since the trend began — moderates were the biggest group from 1992 to 2002.

As Gallup has previously documented, the increase in liberal identification reflects big shifts in how Democrats describe their political views. Last year, 53% of Democrats identified as liberal, 35% as moderate and 11% as conservative. While similar to the level in 2022, the 53% liberal figure is up from 43% in 2013, 32% in 2003 and 25% in 1994 (the first year Gallup analyzed ideology by party identification).

Nearly three-quarters of Republicans, 73% (essentially unchanged from 2022, but also up long term), describe themselves as conservative, with most of the rest, 22%, saying they are moderate.

Following the normal pattern for independents, the plurality of this group, 48%, identify as political moderates, while 30% are conservatives and 20% liberals.


As 2024 begins, the parties are closely matched based on political party identification and leanings. However, Democrats are clearly in a weaker position than they have been in any recent election year. This is based on the new low percentage of U.S. adults identifying as Democrats, as well as the Republican advantage in leaned party identification. In the past four presidential election years, Democrats had at least a five-point advantage in leaned party identification. They won the popular vote each of those years, though Republican Donald Trump won the 2016 election based on the Electoral College vote.

This presidential election year is likely to see a drop in the percentage of political independents, as has occurred in six of the past seven presidential election years (all but 2012), amid intense focus on national politics and the two major parties. Still, even with a slight election-year drop — which has ranged from two to five points — independents will remain the largest, and arguably most persuadable, group of voters. In what is expected to be a close election contest, it is critical for each party, but especially Democrats, to nominate a candidate who can appeal to independent voters.

Report: Western Strikes on Houthis Mostly Failed

Report: Western Strikes on Houthis Mostly Failed

adminJan 14, 20243 min read

Report: Western Strikes on Houthis Mostly Failed

The US-led group hit almost all targets but knocked out only about 25% of the militia’s assets, the report claims.

The US-led strikes on alleged positions of Houthi militias in Yemen have failed to significantly weaken their military potential and prevent them from further attacks on shipping routes in the Red Sea, the New York Times reported on Saturday, citing sources.

According to the first assessment of Friday’s barrage cited by the paper, the attacks hit 90% of designated targets. However, two US officials suggested that while the strikes had destroyed or damaged more than 60 drone and missile sites, the Houthis still retained about 70-80% of their military capability. The article added that some of the militia’s assets are also mobile, meaning they could be hidden if necessary.

Meanwhile, The Times noted that locating Houthi targets is proving more difficult than expected, as Western efforts picked up steam only after the start of the Hamas-Israel conflict on October 7. The Houthis, who control most of Yemen, have rallied to the support of the Palestinian armed group, attacking both Israeli targets and what they describe as Israeli-linked ships in the region in recent weeks.

US officials interviewed by the NYT have suggested that Washington may launch another barrage on Houthi targets after it analyzes the damage from the recent strikes. The outlet’s sources also noted that while the militia’s response to the Western attack has so far been muted, they are bracing for a Houthi retaliation.

The US and UK launched what they called “defensive” strikes against the Houthis in the early hours of Friday morning, backed by Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlands, with President Joe Biden declaring them a success and accusing the militia of “endangering freedom of navigation”.

According to Reuters, the barrage has caused mixed reactions in the EU, where several members would have preferred a calmer policy towards the security crisis in the Middle East. Meanwhile, Moscow has called the strikes “illegal,” noting that they had violated the UN Charter.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has also suggested that the latest development risks derailing the Yemen reconciliation process and triggering a “destabilization of the entire Middle East.”