
Putin: Past U.S. Elections Were Rigged

Putin: Past U.S. Elections Were Rigged

adminJan 16, 20242 min read

Putin: Past U.S. Elections Were Rigged

“They bought ballots for $10, filled them out, and threw them into mailboxes without any supervision from observers,” says Russian President.

Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed Tuesday that past U.S. elections were rigged because of the mail-in ballot schemes.

“In the United States, previous elections were falsified through postal voting…they bought ballots for $10, filled them out, and threw them into mailboxes without any supervision from observers, and that’s it,” Putin said, according to Reuters.

The mainstream media covering Putin’s remarks were quick to accuse Russia’s democratic process of being a “parody of democracy.”

Former President Donald Trump has consistently pointed out how the 2020 presidential election was rigged through mail-in ballot weaknesses, changing rules in violation of the Constitution, ballot harvesting, manipulating voter rolls, and much more.

Earlier this month, Trump cited The Federalist to lay out how the Democrats stole the 2020 election.

“The 2020 presidential election was unlike any in American history. Hundreds of laws and processes were changed in the months leading up to the electionPowerful tech oligarchs and corrupt propaganda press conspired to keep indisputably important news stories, such as allegations of corruption regarding the Biden family business, hidden from voters in the weeks prior to voting. Information operations were routinely manufactured about President Trump in the closing months of the campaign…The propaganda press have also downplayed Zuckerberg’s staggering $419 million expenditureThe funds were used mostly to register Democrats to vote, encourage Democrats to vote, harvest Democrat ballots, cure defective Democrat ballots, count Democrat ballots, etc. No right-wing billionaire could have gotten away with even thinking about such an operation, but had he, the media would be all over it.”

Putin’s remarks come amid reports Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky asked Switzerland to help broker peace negotiations with Russia — however Russia would not be included in those talks.

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Putin: Ukraine Bungled Counteroffensive, Faces Loss of Statehood If It Continues Along This Path

Putin: Ukraine Bungled Counteroffensive, Faces Loss of Statehood If It Continues Along This Path

adminJan 16, 20245 min read

Putin: Ukraine Bungled Counteroffensive, Faces Loss of Statehood If It Continues Along This Path

“The so-called ‘peace formula’ that’s being talked about in the West and in Ukraine is a continuation of the decree of the Ukrainian president banning negotiations with Russia,” Putin says.

Kiev launched a massive counteroffensive in June 2023, hoping to break through fortified Russian positions in Zaporozhye, Kherson and the Donbass and to reach the Crimean Peninsula. In November, Ukraine’s top general admitted that there would be no “deep and beautiful breakthrough,” and said the conflict had reached a “stalemate.”

Ukraine seriously bungled its summer counteroffensive and may face the loss of its statehood altogether if things continue in this direction, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

“If what is taking place right now continues, and it is now completely obvious that not only has their counteroffensive failed, but the initiative is in the hands of the Russian Armed Forces, if this continues, Ukraine’s statehood may face an irreparable and very serious blow,” Putin said at a meeting with heads of municipalities of Russia on Tuesday.

Blasting authorities in Kiev for rejecting peace talks with Russia early on during the crisis, Putin also lambasted the Zelensky government’s latest attempt to force Moscow to the negotiating table on prohibitive terms. “Zelensky’s formula for peace is a set of prohibitive demands for negotiations,” he said, referring to the formula, which calls for a series of one-sided Russian concessions, including giving up Crimea and the Donbass, ‘reparations’ payable to Kiev and a war crimes tribunal targeting Russian officials and the military.

“The so-called ‘peace formula’ that’s being talked about in the West and in Ukraine is a continuation of the decree of the Ukrainian president banning negotiations with Russia,” Putin said.

“As for the negotiating process, it’s an attempt to encourage us to abandon the territorial gains we’ve achieved over the past year-and-a-half. But this is impossible. Everyone understands that this is impossible,” Putin said.

Recalling the Russia-Ukraine peace talks held in the spring of 2022 in Belarus and Turkiye in the first weeks of the special military operation, Putin emphasized that it was the Ukrainian side that had refused to negotiate, while the Russian side expressed willingness to reach a deal.

“A day later they threw all the agreements into the trash, and now they are saying publicly (including the head of the Ukrainian negotiating group) that ‘yes, we were ready, but we missed the chance, because then-prime minister of Britain Mr. Johnson came and persuaded us not to implement these agreements.’ Fools, are they not? They’re admitting directly that if they had gone for it, everything could have been ended a long time ago, a year and a half ago,” Putin said.

The negotiator Putin was referring to was David Arakhamia, the Zelensky ‘Servant of the People’ Party faction leader in the Rada, who recently admitted that Johnson had personally sabotaged the Russia-Ukraine peace deal. Johnson has denied doing so.

Putin suggested that the Kiev regime’s decision to stop negotiations on the instructions of foreign powers is an indication that Moscow is dealing with “people who are not independent.”

Commenting on the recent spate of Ukrainian attacks against civilian areas in Russia, Putin suggested that they were meant to show to Kiev’s NATO patrons that the Ukrainian military still has some ability to respond to the campaign of Russian strikes against military infrastructure. “But instead of solving military tasks, they are acting in this barbaric way, striking peaceful settlements using indiscriminate weapons. Multiple launch rocket systems are simply used to hit wide areas,” Putin said. There is no military rationale for such attacks, the president emphasized.

Delving into the roots of the current crisis, Putin said that unfortunately, Ukraine after 1991 and the collapse of the Soviet Union became a hotbed of nationalism, with these forces eventually overpowering forces in favor of continued close cooperation with Russia.

“It was obvious after the collapse of the Soviet Union that we would eventually come to this. Of course, I think that at the time of the collapse [its initiators] probably thought that the fundamental ties between Ukraine and Russia would be stronger than the opportunistic considerations of the nationalist-minded parts of society,” Putin said. But ultimately, “these nationalist elements turned out to be more aggressive and began to push through their agenda. That’s how it all led to today’s situation.”

Zelensky Headlines First Day Of WEF’s Annual Meeting At Davos

Zelensky Headlines First Day Of WEF’s Annual Meeting At Davos

adminJan 16, 20241 min read

Zelensky Headlines First Day Of WEF’s Annual Meeting At Davos

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is headlining the first full day of the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos campaigning to keep his country on the front pages. He warned that ‘predator’ Putin would pursue […]

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Houthis Hit US Ship With Missile

Houthis Hit US Ship With Missile

adminJan 16, 20243 min read

Houthis Hit US Ship With Missile

Strike on container ship came after American and British airstrikes reportedly failed to severely degrade the militia’s capabilities

Yemen’s Houthi militants struck an American container ship with a ballistic missile on Monday, US Central Command said in a statement. The militants have vowed to target merchant shipping in the Gulf of Aden in response to Israel’s war on Hamas.

On Monday afternoon, “Iranian-backed Houthi militants fired an anti-ship ballistic missile from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and struck the M/V Gibraltar Eagle, a Marshall Islands-flagged, US-owned and operated container ship,” Central Command, which oversees American military operations in the Middle East, said in a statement.

“The ship has reported no injuries or significant damage and is continuing its journey,” the statement continued.

Earlier on Monday, US forces detected the launch of an anti-ship ballistic missile from Yemen, Central Command added, noting that this earlier launch “failed in flight and impacted on land in Yemen.”

The strike came less than a week after the US and UK launched a military operation in the Red Sea, with the stated goal of keeping commercial shipping routes between the Arabian and Mediterranean Seas open via the Suez Canal. 

This passage accounts for around 15% of the world’s shipping traffic, and with Houthi forces launching 28 attacks on merchant vessels as of Monday, major transportation firms including Maersk, MSC, CMA CGM, and Hapag-Lloyd have rerouted their ships around the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, a far longer route between Asia and Europe.

Houthi forces have also targeted British and American military vessels operating in the region.

British and American warplanes launched a barrage of around 70 airstrikes on Houthi targets in Yemen last Thursday and Friday. US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby described the strikes as having a “good effect” on their targets, but a New York Times report claimed that only 25% of the Houthis’ military assets were destroyed in the operation.

In a speech to parliament on Monday, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that the UK is prepared to take further military action if necessary. American officials told the New York Times that the US could also launch a second wave of strikes.

The American and British bombing campaigns have been condemned by Russia and Türkiye. Moscow called the operations “illegitimate” due to the lack of UN Security Council permission, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the two nations of seeking to turn the Red Sea into a “sea of blood.”

General Michael Flynn joins Alex Jones to give his expert analysis on the Pentagon’s fumbling leadership.

Car Ownership Unaffordable for Majority as Most Say ‘American Dream’ Doesn’t Hold True

Car Ownership Unaffordable for Majority as Most Say ‘American Dream’ Doesn’t Hold True

adminJan 16, 20243 min read

Car Ownership Unaffordable for Majority as Most Say ‘American Dream’ Doesn’t Hold True

Price of a new car has reportedly increased by 30% since 2020

Two surveys released Monday provide troubling insight into Americans’ cost of living and overall faith in the country’s economic system.

The first, based on Census data and information from the car shopping app CoPilot, reveals that the cost of a new car has become unaffordable for most Americans.

The conclusion was arrived at by examining the average cost of a new automobile, which has risen substantially since the COVID-19 pandemic. Supply chain issues and a shortage of chips shut down manufacturing in 2020. Pent-up demand surged the next year, driving prices sky high.

The price of a new car has reportedly increased by 30% since 2020 as automakers’ focus on more expensive vehicles with luxury amenities has also played a role in the rising cost. Americans in the used car market are also experiencing sticker shock as the average cost of second hand vehicles has risen 38%.

“Prices saw a substantial run-up in the spring, driven by confident consumers at the upper end of the market, and they never fully recovered,” said Pat Ryan, the CEO of CoPilot. “Across most brands and segments, car prices have barely moved from the levels at which they started the year. When you also factor in multiple interest rate hikes, there were not many deals to be had for car shoppers.”

Meanwhile a new poll finds that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe the so-called “American dream” is only a myth.

The survey asked respondents whether the statement “if you work hard you’ll get ahead,” held true in the country in 2024. A full 69% of Americans said it did not.Included in that number were 18% who said the “American dream” was always a myth.

The figure has changed substantially since the first time the polling firm asked the question in September 2010. Although the survey was conducted in the shadow of the housing crisis and the Great Recession, half of Americans at that time still said the American dream was a reality. Some 43% said it didn’t hold true, and only 4% said it never did.

Since then, much of the financial precarity that was commonplace at the time has become a permanent feature of the US economy, with so-called “gig work” – Uber driving, food delivery, etc. – taking the place of more traditional jobs.

Certain demographics are more pessimistic than others – only 21% of both Black Americans and people between the ages of 18 to 29 believe the American dream holds true. 18% of Americans in households making less than $50,000 annually say it does.

But even only a third of Americans making over $100,000 per year said the American dream is real. A belief in the notion was a minority opinion among every demographic group polled, regardless of race, income, education, or partisan affiliation.

In light of the negative economic picture, world powers are increasingly hedging their bets by ditching the US dollar in global trade and seeking expanded cooperation with countries like Russia and China.

General Michael Flynn joins Alex Jones to give his expert analysis on the Pentagon’s fumbling leadership.

Thousands of Tractors Blocks Berlin Traffic Over Plan to End Diesel Subsidy

Thousands of Tractors Blocks Berlin Traffic Over Plan to End Diesel Subsidy

adminJan 16, 20243 min read

Thousands of Tractors Blocks Berlin Traffic Over Plan to End Diesel Subsidy

Germans rage against government’s “green” agenda

Thousands of German truck drivers, farmers, and agricultural workers have parked in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin in protest over the government’s ‘green’ plan to end tax breaks on diesel fuel.

Approximately 3,000 tractors had arrived for the protest on Monday according to police, who said that another estimated 2,000 were on their way in what may be the climax of weeklong protests. Berlin Police Chief Barbara Slowik told city leaders that a total of 1,300 officers had been deployed.

Major service delays were reported by Berlin’s public transit agency, after around 10,000 people registered for demonstrations against the plan by Chancellor Olaf Scholz to cut subsidies.

The people clearly want change

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 15, 2024

Not making things better, Finance Minister Christian Lindner told thousands of protesting farmers that the country has run out of money for further subsidies. The government announcement is part of a plan to try and fix a 17-billion-euro (US$18.6 billion) hole in Germany’s 2024 budget, AP reported last week.

I can’t promise you more state aid from the federal budget,” he said, adding “But we can fight together for you to enjoy more freedom and respect for your work.”

The head of the farmers union, Joachim Rukwied, snatched the microphone from Lindner to ask the crowd to stop booing, telling them: “I have respect for every politician who is prepared to come to us … The finance minister is here, it makes no sense to boo him.”

Of course, the government also justified the cuts as ‘required’ after the country’s highest court annulled an earlier decision to redirect nearly US$66 billion originally meant to mitigate fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic in order to combat climate change and modernize the country.

?? German Farmer Anthony Lee @AnthonyLeeLsvD is on his way to Berlin from West Germany.

He is saying Berlin apparently already packed and there’s a 50km convoy of farmers and truckers making its way to the city from where he’s driving right now.

This is crazy.

— Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar) January 15, 2024

According to a Saturday message from Scholz, “we took the farmers’ arguments to heart,” adding that he thinks the government has arrived at “a good compromise.”

No according to the farmers.

The biggest protests in modern German history. What’s happening? Eva Vlaardingerbroek is there.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) January 10, 2024

General Michael Flynn joins Alex Jones to give his expert analysis on the Pentagon’s fumbling leadership.