
SATANIC: Bayer’s Modified Soil Microbes Designed To Trigger Agricultural Collapse

SATANIC: Bayer’s Modified Soil Microbes Designed To Trigger Agricultural Collapse

adminJan 16, 20241 min read

SATANIC: Bayer’s Modified Soil Microbes Designed To Trigger Agricultural Collapse

The scientific elite are using humans as test subjects for their mad experiments

Alex Jones covers a shocking report as pharma giant Bayer’s modified soil microbes might create a “genetically engineered doomsday” that could ruin humanity’s food supply.

Chinese Researchers Create Deadly ‘Mutant Coronavirus’ 100% Fatal to ‘Humanized’ Mice

Chinese Researchers Create Deadly ‘Mutant Coronavirus’ 100% Fatal to ‘Humanized’ Mice

adminJan 16, 20244 min read

Chinese Researchers Create Deadly ‘Mutant Coronavirus’ 100% Fatal to ‘Humanized’ Mice

Is this ‘Disease X?’

Chinese scientists liked to the military have reportedly developed a mutant coronavirus strain cloned from a pangolin virus that’s 100 percent lethal to mice in lab testing.

The study, conducted by researchers at Beijing University of Chemical Technology, infected “humanized” mice with the GX_P2V virus discovered in pangolins in 2017, according to The Daily Mail.

More on the study from The Mail:

The mice had been ‘humanized’, meaning they were engineered to express a protein found in people, with the goal being to assess how the virus might react in humans.

Every rodent that was infected with the pathogen died within eight days, which the researchers described as ‘surprisingly’ quick.

The team were also surprised to find high levels of viral load in the mice’s brains and eyes – suggesting the virus, despite being related to Covid, multiplies and spreads through the body in a unique way.

While the study has not yet been released, The Mail reports researchers claimed the death of the lab mice “underscores a spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans.”

Links to the Chinese military reportedly come from study researcher Dr. Yigang Tong’s training at the CCP-run Academy of Military Medical Sciences.

The Mail writes Tong also “co-authored a paper in 2023 with ‘bat woman’ Zheng-Li Shi, who helps run the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

Members of the scientific community criticized the research as risky, and expressed concern over researchers’ failure to disclose safety standards undertaken throughout the study.

“I can see nothing of vague interest that could be learned from force-infecting a weird breed of humanized mice with a random virus. Conversely, I could see how such stuff might go wrong,” commented University College London Genetics Institute Prof. Francois Balloux.

I had a look at the preprint. It’s a terrible study, scientifically totally pointless. I can see nothing of vague interest that could be learned from force-infecting a weird breed of humanised mice with a random virus. Conversely, I could see how such stuff might go wrong …

— Prof Francois Balloux (@BallouxFrancois) January 10, 2024

Rutgers University Chemistry and Chemical Biology professor Richard Ebright expressed similar concerns, saying a potential lack of safety protocols could lead to a lab leak not unlike what happened with Covid-19 and the Wuhan lab.

“The absence of this information raises the concerning possibility that part or all of this research, like the research in Wuhan in 2016-2019 that likely caused the Covid-19 pandemic, recklessly was performed without the minimal biosafety containment and practices essential for research with a potential pandemic pathogens,” Prof. Ebright told The Mail.

The study’s findings compound concerns that “Disease X” could bring back authoritarian Covid-19 lockdowns and restrictions just in time to upend the pivotal 2024 presidential election.

here they come again for the election

— The White Rabbit ? (@WR_Samurai) January 16, 2024

Here we go again ?

— Irina ₿. Heaver (@IrinaHeaver) January 16, 2024

And there’s Disease X for you!

— Skonz (@theonlyskonz) January 16, 2024

The UN says brace for the arrived of disease X that they say will kill 20 times more people than Covid. At the same time they are ramming through their Global Pandemic Treaty that takes control of every facet of human life. This is conquests by fear. This is 5th generation…

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) January 14, 2024

Disease X is a catch all term for the massive illegal gain of function research going on around the planet. The UN and WEF are one and the same. Both groups are saying brace for a new ultra deadly virus. Their solution is handing over control of our nations and body’s to them. If…

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) January 14, 2024

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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Breaking: See Alex Jones’ Censored #DiseaseX Prediction

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) January 16, 2024

The Collapse of Credentialism

The Collapse of Credentialism

adminJan 16, 20245 min read

The Collapse of Credentialism

Much to the dismay of the credentialed class, Americans’ tolerance of this system began to wane about four years ago, when it became apparent to many that a) the experts don’t always know what they’re doing, and b) they don’t necessarily have our best interests at heart.

For many years, the United States has been effectively a technocracy, run by unelected “experts.” Former Harvard president Claudine Gay’s fall from grace may mark the end of that era.

Technocrats have long told us what we can and can’t do, what we’re allowed to own, what our kids must learn in school, and so on. For the most part, we never voted for any of that, yet we have gone along docilely, not noticing or not caring or, at best, unwilling to make waves.

The result has been the rise of self-selected “experts,” the credentialed class, who exist primarily to impose their will on others. Their ranks have swelled recently with the exponential growth of government and education bureaucracies and the emergence of “academic” programs designed not to increase knowledge but to feed those bureaucracies.

This is what I refer to as “credentialism:” the pursuit of dubious credentials, like degrees in pseudo-sciences and quasi-academic subjects, solely for the purpose of advancing one’s own career and personal policy preferences. The term might also apply to those with legitimate credentials who in their hubris believe being an “expert” gives them the right to tell everyone else how to live.

Much to the dismay of the credentialed class, Americans’ tolerance of this system began to wane about four years ago, when it became apparent to many that a) the experts don’t always know what they’re doing, and b) they don’t necessarily have our best interests at heart.

Anyone who was paying attention could see, as early as April 2020, that much of what the “experts” were telling us—about masks, “social distancing,” school closures—had no basis in science. Anonymous social media accounts routinely exposed the technocrats’ contradictions, statistical errors, and bold-faced lies.  

That trend continued into 2021, when the much-ballyhooed “vaccines” failed to prevent people from contracting or transmitting the virus—just as the “conspiracy theorists” had predicted. Attempts to suppress this information were to some extent stymied by lawsuits, FOIA requests, an aggressive alternative media (including Campus Reform), and Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter/X.  

The truth, bit by bit, came out. The “experts” were discredited. And credentialism began to implode as people realized that merely having a degree or title is no guarantee of anything.

The collapse was hastened by the medical and scientific establishment’s embrace of “transgenderism.” As the “transgender activists” constantly reminded us, virtually every major medical association in the country has endorsed the idea that people can change their sex.

But since literally everyone knows that’s not true–people can’t actually change their sex—the self-righteous harangues of the credentialed class fail to persuade. Instead, they just further discredit themselves and their entire profession.

Which brings us to the latest and perhaps pivotal episode in the slow-motion train-wreck that is the fall of credentialism: Claudine Gay’s resignation.

Gay was the quintessential “diversity hire,” a mediocre scholar by Ivy League standards who rose to power based on her race and gender, along with (apparently) a fair amount of ruthlessness.

She is also a classic example of credentialism—what academics sometimes refer to as “careerism”—parlaying her advanced degrees into a series of leadership roles as she climbed the administrative ladder. The derivative nature of her “scholarship,” combined with her meteoric rise, suggests that she was always focused more on her own ambition than on the pursuit of truth.  

Unfortunately for Harvard, for the Ivy League, and for the entire credentialed class, her appointment as president proved to be a disaster. When the leader of the most prestigious institution in the country, the one at the very top of the credentialism heap, turns out to be a proven plagiarist and a potential fraud—well, that doesn’t exactly inspire the rest of us to put much faith in degrees and titles.

Indeed, today people tend to trust higher education less than ever. They put less stock in credentials. And that is generally a good thing—unless you genuinely need a credential to work in your field. What should you do, in that case? I plan to talk about that in my next column, so stay tuned.  

Deep State To Remove Joe Biden At DNC In July
Inflation Persists as Fed Signals Rate Cuts

Inflation Persists as Fed Signals Rate Cuts

adminJan 16, 20244 min read

Inflation Persists as Fed Signals Rate Cuts

“The only way that the Fed is going to fight inflation successfully [is to] cut back on spending and increase savings. Credit needs to be contracting. People have to stop buying stuff on their credit cards and save their money. … Interest rates have not moved up nearly enough to discourage borrowing. It’s going on anyway!”

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) recently released two inflation reports highlighting inflation figures for December 2023. Here’s what they showed: 

The first report discusses changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures the change in prices of common consumer goods, such as food, shelter, and gasoline.

The BLS reported mostly price increases across the main categories it reports for the CPI. The cost of shelter increased the most from November out of these categories with a 0.5% increase. Transportation services and shelter rose the most over the last calendar year, rising 9.7% and 6.2%, respectively. 

The largest decrease in the CPI was associated with fuel oil at – 5.5%, although the index for all gasoline still rose slightly by 0.2%.

The second report covers changes in the Producer Price Index (PPI), which measures changes in the selling prices US producers receive for products they produce.

The PPI fell 0.4% for final demand goods (goods that businesses sell for final use, such as computers or construction equipment), and volatile food and energy prices seem to have driven this decrease. This is not surprising, considering the notable fall in gas prices over the last few weeks.

The PPI for final demand services (such as warehousing and publishing) neither rose nor fell since November, a possible signal that inflation is fading slower than anticipated. 

These reports come a month after the Federal Reserve signaled it may cut interest rates multiple times in 2024 after holding the current federal funds rate between 5.25 and 5.5%.

The market is currently hopeful that the Fed will start rate cuts in March of this year. The CME FedWatch Tool estimates a 76.9% chance of this happening, with only about a 19% chance of today’s federal funds rate persisting until May.

Both inflation reports, combined with recent data on ballooning consumer credit and high interest rates on credit cards, signal that the Federal Reserve’s efforts to rein in inflation may not be as successful as some hope.

Peter Schiff recently voiced this opinion on his January 11 podcast:

The only way that the Fed is going to fight inflation successfully [is to] cut back on spending and increase savings. Credit needs to be contracting. People have to stop buying stuff on their credit cards and save their money. … Interest rates have not moved up nearly enough to discourage borrowing. It’s going on anyway!”

While many consider the moderate inflation reported last week as confirmation of a so-called “soft landing,” there are several indicators that cast doubt on the US economy’s health and the future of the dollar. 

In addition to skyrocketing consumer debt, the federal government deficit as at its highest point ever. This coming March will also mark the end of the Fed’s emergency bank-loan program that was started last year to bail out a spiraling banking sector. Nearly $141 billion in loans are still outstanding, and banks will either have to pay up by April or extend their debt even further into the future.

Even more concerning is the United States’ $34 trillion national debt and the growing cost of maintaining it. With interest rates at the 22 year high, the Fed is stuck between two disastrous choices: keep interest rates high and increase the debt burden on consumers and the government, or cut interest rates and risk another episode of high inflation.

BREAKING: UN Planning New Pandemic To Establish Planetary Dictatorship
A Primer For American Patriots And Preppers Facing An Uncertain Future

A Primer For American Patriots And Preppers Facing An Uncertain Future

adminJan 16, 202410 min read

A Primer For American Patriots And Preppers Facing An Uncertain Future

It’s about realism, not pessimism. It’s not about living under a cloud of constant doom, only accepting that there are extreme problems in the world that may require extreme solutions.

The average patriot (or prepper) is usually a middle class conservative or libertarian with a tendency towards independent thinking and some experience with economic struggle in their past. Most of us have made something of ourselves from very little, or, we had parents that made something of themselves from very little and we watched as children while they climbed their way up the ladder through hard work and merit.

Our philosphy is based on experience and a willingness to look beyond the veil. Most of the western public is bombarded with endless messaging about how stable and safe and “prosperous” our society is. We are constantly slapped in the face with propaganda telling us that patriots are not only crazy, but also dangerous.  We are the bumbling bad guys in every film and TV show.  We’re the “extremists” that refuse to accept that the system works, and if we would just stop trying to be independent from the system, we will find safety and happiness.

We are told a lot of things that aren’t true, and this is really the first thing that sets the preparedness culture apart from everyone else – A healthy sense of skepticism when it comes to establishment claims and mainstream assumptions. We will NOT be sitting idle listening to the band play while the Titanic sinks. We understand, however, that there’s a considerable number of people out there that are content to do so…

There are numerous and unique motivations for people who delve into the patriot life and I think there’s a perception that it requires some kind of abnormal shift in routine or a complete upending of one’s existence.  If you become a patriot or prepper you have to live in a compound and wear army garb everyday and be suspicious of everyone.  It’s really a very simple addition to the daily grind, a hobby more than anything else.  No one is joining a cult; all we are doing is seeking self sufficiency wherever possible and taking a second look at the claims made by people in power.

Which behavior is more bizarre? Being prepared and aware? Or, being willfully ignorant and constantly vulnerable?

It’s also about realism, not pessimism. It’s not about living under a cloud of constant doom, only accepting that there are extreme problems in the world that may require extreme solutions. All I can say is, as I balance the good with the bad I find that I still remain an optimist. I believe free people have a chance to turn the tide and dismantle the cabal of influence that has created the instabilities we now face.

But, to do this requires something beyond a vague understanding of freedom and a will to live. To change the path of our civilization requires a significant level of dedication to something greater. We need a personal foundation, a mantra, a philosophy that adds structure to our efforts. In other words, preparedness is not only about you.  Survival is not the end game. Preparedness is just a means to an end, which is why patriotism is also essential – We prepare so that we can fight for a better future, a future some of us may not live to enjoy.

To this point, I will list what I believe are the top most important ideals for the modern patriot/prepper. These are the rules that I plan to follow in the chaotic world going forward, and I think that if a majority of those dedicated to liberty do the same we may just make it through the pyre with the majority of our humanity intact.

Rule 1: Prepare For Others, Not Just Yourself

In the midst of crisis there will come a time when you will have to help other people. You may not like other people, you may not trust other people, you might feel better crawling into a bunker and never dealing with another living soul until the breakdown has run its course. It doesn’t matter. If you have a conscience then you will be faced with the reality of need – Other people’s need.

Do they deserve what they get? Maybe some of them do, while others do not. Knowing which is which will be up to you. Having the means to aid the innocent is paramount. Trust me on this – You DO NOT want to find yourself in a situation where good people need your help and you are incapable because you failed to plan ahead. You do not want that weighing on your spirit.

Rule 2: Survival Alone Is Not Victory

If you are alive but the rest of the world is enslaved, then you have ultimately lost. “Winning” is not possible until the root enemy is erased from existence. If the oligarchy that sabotages us is able to use a collapse to gain power while avoiding consequences, then they have prevailed and no matter how well you think you can hide eventually they will find you too.

Do not think for a second that your life is worth more than the freedom of humanity as a whole. It’s not.

Rule 3: Fear Is Transitory, Regret Is Forever

Many people’s lives are ruled by fear. They are incessantly worried about what they could lose if they take action, if they deviate from the norm, if they upset the wrong people or rock the wrong boat. Human beings naturally seek acceptance and validation from their peers and from society. We want to belong to a tribe. We also want to remain comfortable and secure, avoiding struggle and conflict at all costs.

But there are worse things than struggle and pain and disapproval, such as regret. Knowing that we could have done something profound, yet we chose instead to sit on our ass and do nothing because standing up is scary. That kind of regret is a poison that eats most people alive, especially in old age when we are less physically able to intervene in the course of history.

Personally, I don’t really understand the fear of death, or the fear of confrontation or conflict, or the fear of facing adversity. I don’t get it. None of us is going to live forever, so we do what we can to make this life count. What I do fear, perhaps more than anything, is being useless when I’m called to make a difference. Do not let fear hold you back from what you know is right.

Rule 4: You Do Not Need To Become The Monster To Defeat The Monster

War is hell, that’s not in question. And make no mistake, we are in the middle of a war right now. But, ask yourself what you are fighting for in the first place. Is it a set of principles and beliefs, or is it simply to win no matter the cost?

On the other hand, there are also people with a tendency to use the “turn the other cheek” mantra to argue against taking any action in self defense. Sometimes they are afraid, sometimes they truly believe that principles must be held to the letter, even to the detriment of everything else.

It’s a razor thin line to walk between righteous non-violence and monstrous indifference. My position? When someone declares war on you, you fight back and put them down flat. Just make sure you don’t lose your soul in the process.

Rule 5: Be Invisible When You Must, Be Visible When You Must

Many preppers and patriots are obsessed with the concept of invisibility; the concept of the “Gray Man” and the tactic of blending in and going unnoticed. While this serves a purpose in some situations there are also advantages to being seen, to being visible.

There is an old story of a Roman General talking to a Roman Senator as they walk around the markets of the capitol. The Senator takes note that many of the slaves within Rome looked like regular citizens and lamented the fact that he could not tell them apart from everyone else. He suggested to the General that they force the slaves to wear armbands as identification.

The General spoke up, saying that the idea was a foolish one.

The Senator was shocked by the General’s opposition and asked why? The General explained – “The slave population is vast, but the slaves have no idea. As you say, they blend in with the citizens and the leadership. If we give them all armbands they will see how many of them there are. They will realize they greatly outnumber us and will be tempted to revolt. Better that they not know.”

There are times when visibility is more important that invisibility. There are times when invisibility is the path to defeat.

Rule 6: In Every Moment Of Chaos There Is A Moment Of Peace

Chaos is mostly a product of a mental reaction, a subconscious decision to panic instead of remaining calm and lucid. Chaos is created by people more than events; it’s how we process those events that makes them a disaster or a moment of triumph. That is to say, in every moment of chaos there is a moment of peace. The question is, can you restrain your impulse to panic and instead act with conscious and deliberate calm?

To be sure, preparedness has a lot to do with this. There is a common misconception about preppers that we are “always afraid and paranoid.” The reality is the opposite – We are rarely afraid or paranoid because we have trained ourselves to be ready for most dangers. The people that are afraid, the people who usually panic, are those that are unprepared.

Beyond this, though, is a deeper mindset that has embraced the inevitability of chaos. We know that the world is built upon a precarious house of cards and history shows us that this house of cards will inevitably fall. To assume otherwise is naive or insane.

Rule 7: What We Do Now Echos In Eternity

I can’t help but quote this piece of wisdom from Marcus Aurelius; I don’t think I could say it any better. Understand that the future is a summation of the actions we take today. Whether we are personally remembered or not is irrelevant; tomorrow is decided by what we do or don’t do. There is nothing that can stop this. We are the decision makers – Not the globalists, not governments, WE are the people who decide what the next era will look like.

There are moments in history, rare moments, when the confluence of events and crises rest at the point of a fulcrum. It is a nexus, a crossroads that will determine the course of civilization for centuries to come. There are people who will encounter this storm and do nothing more than sit back and drift along with the tides of fate. There are others who are battling for the chance to control the rudder of the ship, aiming humanity to either free shores or the depths of the abyss.

When all our lives are tallied in the great beyond we each may be faced with the terrible question: “What did you contribute?” As patriots and freedom fighters, I hope when that moment comes we will be able to say that we left nothing undone. That we conducted ourselves with honor. That we set the world right again.

The NWO’s 2024 Black Swan Tell

Arctic Blast Leaves Many Electric Vehicle Drivers Stranded As Batteries Drain Faster, Charge Slower

adminJan 16, 20243 min read
Tech being forced onto the public obviously not up to standards of gas vehicles

Electric car and truck owners in America faced reality this week as the Arctic blast brought freezing conditions across the country that rendered many EVs useless.

In the Chicago area, dozens of residents had to wait for hours to try and charge their cars with the electric vehicles taking longer to charge and losing battery faster than normal due to the cold weather.

One man told NBC Chicago, “You have to come up here, wait two hours to get into the charger. They tell you it’s fast, but then it takes two hours to charge your car.”

Another driver told Chicago’s WGN he had to have his electric car towed to a power station, saying, “I saw my battery was getting low 20 to 25%. Went to the gas station there was a long line. By that time my battery drained down to 5%, which is faster than normal. Long story short here I am. We had to tow it out this way.”

An upset Uber driver who owns a Tesla told the outlet, “They definitely have to work on it because I’m out of this Tesla after today. I’m not going to ride it again.”

Some vehicles had to be towed because their batteries died while waiting in line for electric charging stations, resulting in “car graveyards” at the locations.

Up in Canada, a man posted an image of an EV at a charging station along with a story.

In the viral social media message, the Canadian explained the driver spent about $100 and sat in the car for two hours with the battery only being 2/3 charged after all that waiting.

“His trip to Saskatoon from Kelowna takes about 3 times longer for charging time (sitting time),” the post stated. “So, if you live in Canada, and are considering buying an EV, make sure your pockets are deep and you’re NEVER on a schedule.”

Took my wife into work today for safety sakes. It’s -45 this morning.

Saw a fellow sitting in his EV at a charging station. The businesses were still closed for him to stay warm and dawdle while his car charged.

I briefly spoke with him as he went into the store. He said…

— Mark Bohaichuk (@m_bohaichuk) January 13, 2024

A news report out of Calgary, Canada also confirmed many people are not getting the normal mileage out of their electric cars due to the cold temps.

Calgary Canada: EV owners comment on how their cars wont go, wont charge, won’t go any distance, basically suck.

Appears we need more global warming, no?

— Dane (@UltraDane) January 16, 2024

While the technology is clearly far from satisfactory, governments around the world are obeying their globalist masters by forcing EVs on the public.