
BREAKING: NATO to Launch Largest Drills In Decades With Some 90,000 Troops

BREAKING: NATO to Launch Largest Drills In Decades With Some 90,000 Troops

adminJan 18, 20242 min read

BREAKING: NATO to Launch Largest Drills In Decades With Some 90,000 Troops

The drill reportedly biggest of its kind since the Cold War.

Approximately 90,000 troops will take part in NATO’s largest exercise for decades, known as Steadfast Defender 2024, according to reports.

The drill is scheduled to start next week and will continue into May, according to the alliance’s top commander Chris Cavoli.

“The Alliance will demonstrate its ability to reinforce the Euro-Atlantic area by a transatlantic movement of forces from North America,” said Cavoli Thursday.

Alex Jones is LIVE covering this and more:

Steadfast Defender 2024 will involve units from all 31 NATO member countries plus candidate-member Sweden.

It will be the biggest of its kind since the 1988 Reforger drill during the Cold War.

“The exercise, composed of a series of smaller individual drills, will span from North America to NATO’s eastern flank, close to the Russian border,” Reports Insider Paper. “It will involve 50 naval vessels, 80 aircraft and over 1,100 combat vehicles.”

This story is developing.

Holocaust Doesn’t Give Israel Impunity – Top Russian Official

Holocaust Doesn’t Give Israel Impunity – Top Russian Official

adminJan 18, 20243 min read

Holocaust Doesn’t Give Israel Impunity – Top Russian Official

The Soviet people were also subject to Nazi genocide, but Russia doesn’t have carte blanche in the global arena, Lavrov says

Israel should not think that the suffering of Jews during World War II gives it free rein in foreign policy, particularly when it comes to the hostilities in Gaza, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.

Speaking at a press conference on the results of Moscow’s diplomacy in 2023 on Thursday, Lavrov reiterated his support for the creation of a Palestinian state. The decades-long failure to do this is one of the key reasons for the current instability in the Middle East and tensions between Palestinians and Israelis, he added.

The foreign minister noted that Russia had immediately condemned the attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7. However, after the hostilities began, some Israeli officials went so far as to call the residents of Gaza “animals” without facing any backlash from the West, he added.

Israelis can’t… now do anything they want because they suffered during World War II. Yes, there was the Holocaust, it was a terrible crime, but there was also the genocide of all peoples in the Soviet Union.

Lavrov added that the Soviet people had suffered no less as they were exterminated in the same Nazi concentration camps as the Jews, with both people dying from starvation side-by-side in besieged Leningrad.

“According to this logic, we can do whatever we want. That won’t work if we want to systematically uphold international law,” he added.

Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, with the ensuing fighting killing more than 1,200 Israelis and 24,000 Palestinians. Since then, Israel started a ground operation in the Palestinian enclave, which has caused unprecedented destruction. It has vowed not to stop until Hamas is completely defeated and Palestinian society “deradicalized.”

Russia has repeatedly called on the two sides to agree to a ceasefire while urging Israel not to forget the laws of war.

The Holocaust claimed the lives of around six million Jews in Europe. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union lost some 27 million people during the war, including many Jews, with two-thirds of those losses among the civilian population.

Is the cult of sports killing America?

Journalist Uncovers “Shadowy Network” of NGOs Facilitating US Border Invasion

Journalist Uncovers “Shadowy Network” of NGOs Facilitating US Border Invasion

adminJan 18, 20245 min read

Journalist Uncovers “Shadowy Network” of NGOs Facilitating US Border Invasion

Where does defunding NGOs rank on the list of things to do for the GOP?

Journalist James O’Keefe uncovered a “shadowy network of secretive nonprofits” (some of which are funded by taxpayers) that are facilitating the invasion of illegals on the southern border. 

O’Keefe said “Alita’s Angels” is a “brand-new nonprofit with no tax records on file” that operates inside an old Bank Building in the Arizona border town of Nogales.

We just followed the trail of the migrant vans right to the source, visiting the Arizona border town of Nogales, where we encountered some rude and suspicious “Alita’s Angels” NGO (@alitasangels) workers who once again called the police on us. 

A volunteer with the American Red Cross, who wouldn’t give us his name, tried to prevent us from filming outside a migrant facility and kept sticking his hand over our cameras. Then, when we questioned a volunteer with the NGO, she said “I am your father” and stormed off. 

Nogales Police officers showed up and questioned us after Alitas and Red Cross workers falsely accused us of using racial slurs and inhibiting their movement. We tried to get the officer’s first name but he refused to give it. When we FOIAed the bodycam footage, we were told Nogales police don’t use them. 

A group called “Alita’s Angels” runs the facility, but they’re a brand-new nonprofit with no tax records on file. (We requested the documents, with no luck.) -O’Keefe

After Alitas, the migrants are crammed into busses like cattle to a processing facility an hour away in Tucson. 

Once the migrants were boarded on the bus, we got a head start to meet them at a processing facility an hour away in Tucson, but once again, we couldn’t get anywhere near the building. The staff of the facility, run by Casa Alitas, threatened to call the cops again, but we managed to interview a local driver who does business at the facility and he gave us even more information. -O’Keefe

O’Keefe said, “A WORKER with Casa Alitas CONFIRMED TO OUR UNDERCOVER journalist that Casa Alitas was getting federal money.” 

“These “Alitas” ( groups are part of a shadowy network of secretive nonprofits funding the mass migration of millions of people into the country, without truly vetting asylum seekers’ claims and determining if they are eligible for refugee status,” the journalist continued. 

“I’M YOUR FATHER!” @okeefemedia EXPOSES secret ‘Alitas’ facility at 1150 W. Drexel in Tucson as well as ‘Alitas Angels’ located at 112 Park street inside old Bank Building in Nogales

NOGALES — We just followed the trail of the migrant vans right to the source, visiting the…

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 17, 2024

Then Elon Musk chimed in on the X thread, asking: “Is the Red Cross supporting illegal immigration?” 

O’Keefe responded: 

“@elonmusk Here, @RedCross is working right alongside Alitas putting illegal immigrants on busses and shipping them to location in Tucson where they are then shipped to phoenix sky harbor. Also, the Red Cross are the first in at child camps. They leave once a NGO is contracted.” 

@elonmusk Here, @RedCross is working right alongside Alitas putting illegal immigrants on busses and shipping them to location in Tucson where they are then shipped to phoenix sky harbor. Also, the Red Cross are the first in at child camps. They leave once a NGO is contracted.

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 18, 2024

Musk responds: “What the heck is going on!?” 

I was told that not only is the Red Cross facilitating illegal immigration, they are being paid to do so by the Federal government, specifically the Dept of Homeland Security out of the FEMA budget!

What the heck is going on!?

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 18, 2024


Muckraker has obtained multiple maps, handed out by non-government organizations across South and Central America, that detail the routes to take to the U.S. and where to cross the…

— (@realmuckraker) December 23, 2023

Americans need to wake up. These chilling reports may indicate the federal government is using taxpayer dollars to facilitate the largest invasion of the southern border ever. It’s becoming increasingly apparent why the Biden administration has yet to ‘properly’ secure the border:

“A lot of NGOs are helping Biden open the border to unlimited illegal crossing. But none of this could happen without the president’s approval,” Byron York, the chief political correspondent at the Washington Examiner, recently said. 

Where does defunding NGOs rank on the list of things to do for the GOP? 

Is the cult of sports killing America?

Oil Prices Soar as OPEC Gets Bullish on Global Demand

Oil Prices Soar as OPEC Gets Bullish on Global Demand

adminJan 18, 20243 min read

Oil Prices Soar as OPEC Gets Bullish on Global Demand

Forecast is supported by disruptions in US oil production caused by a severe cold snap and increasing geopolitical tensions in the Middle East

Global oil prices surged on Thursday, driven by a promising outlook from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), projecting robust growth in global oil demand over the next two years.

Brent Crude futures experienced a 0.3 percent gain, rising 21 cents to $78.09 per barrel. Similarly, US West Texas Intermediate futures saw an uptick of 0.6 percent, climbing 40 cents to $72.96 by 0505 GMT, per press report.

According to the monthly report from OPEC, the cartel expects global oil demand to increase by 1.85 million barrels per day (bpd) and reach 106.21 million bpd by 2025. This projection remains consistent with the December forecast, which indicates an upswing of 2.25 million bpd for 2024.

Despite these positive indicators, market analysts noted that Brent crude prices were caught within a narrow range. “Brent crude prices remain broadly stuck in a range as they have been over the past two weeks, as market participants struggle to weigh mixed demand-supply dynamics with prevailing geopolitical tensions,” Yeap Jun Rong, a market strategist at IG, remarked.

Challenges, such as an unforeseen increase in US crude stockpiles and the recent series of attacks on ships in the Red Sea by Yemen’s Houthis, have led businesses to reroute their cargo shipments around the African continent. As a result, cargo delivery times have become longer and operational costs have risen. In addition, North Dakota, the leading oil-producing state in the US, has had to substantially decrease oil output from 650,000 to 700,000 bpd due to the freezing temperatures (-18oC) that the state is currently weathering.

Further uncertainty looms as the American government’s data on oil inventories is set to be released at 11 a.m. ET (1600 GMT) on Thursday. Preliminary figures on Wednesday from the American Petroleum Institute indicated a rise in domestic crude stockpiles by 480,000 barrels.

Despite the challenges, the International Energy Agency (IEA) expressed optimism, foreseeing oil markets being in a “comfortable and balanced position” for the year. Fatih Birol, the executive director of the IEA, communicated this during the Reuters Global Markets Forum on Wednesday.

Is the cult of sports killing America?

Speaker Johnson Throws Cold Water on Ukraine Funding, Prioritizing Border Security

Speaker Johnson Throws Cold Water on Ukraine Funding, Prioritizing Border Security

adminJan 18, 20243 min read

Speaker Johnson Throws Cold Water on Ukraine Funding, Prioritizing Border Security

“We need to know that Ukraine would not be another Afghanistan,” said Johnson on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, US House Speaker Mike Johnson revealed his determination to continue with a stalemate between Democrats and Republicans regarding legislation that would pave the way for continued funding to Ukraine.

The deal is currently being worked on in the Senate with the aim to pair border and immigration policy changes (what Republicans want) alongside funding for Ukraine (what Democrats are asking for).

“I don’t think now is the time for comprehensive immigration reform because we know how complicated that is,” Johnson said early Wednesday. “You can’t do that quickly. I do think it’s past time to secure the border.”

Biden called for the top four congressional leaders and other lawmakers, including Johnson to the White House in an effort to move forward with an agreement on legislation for border security and funding for Ukraine. The Senate has been working for weeks in an effort to craft some common ground legislation, but some senators last week said significant disagreements remain an issue.

“With regard to Ukraine, we have needed, we have requested publicly and privately in every form, answers to critical questions: What is the end game and the strategy in Ukraine? How will we have accountability for the funds?” said Johnson, seeming to suggest that a bipartisan deal may not be enough to encourage their support of continued funding for Ukraine. “We need to know that Ukraine would not be another Afghanistan.”

“And you see a lot of the American people scratching their heads, having real questions about why that would continue without these appropriate answers. So I’m going to push for those. But before we even talk about Ukraine, I’m going to tell the president what I’m telling all of you and we’ve told the American people: border, border, border, we have to take care of our own house,” the house speaker said at a conference on Wednesday.

“We have to secure our own borders before we talk about doing anything else. And that’s the message I’ve had since day one. It’s the message we’ll continue to have.”

Senator Mitch McConnell—who was reported to be one of the people invited to Wednesday’s meeting—said voting on the supplemental legislation could take place as soon as next week.

“I am more optimistic than ever before that we come to an agreement,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, told reporters after Wednesday’s meeting.

“There was a large amount of agreement around the table, that we must do Ukraine, and we must do border. There was tremendous focus on Ukraine, and an understanding that if we don’t come to Ukraine’s aid, that the consequences for America around the globe would be nothing short of devastating,” Schumer said.

Johnson said that the meeting was “productive” and that he had emphasized that US border security should be prioritized before Ukraine.

“We understand the necessity about Ukraine funding and we want to say that the status quo is unacceptable,” Johnson said on Wednesday. “We need the Commander-in-Chief of this country, the President of the United States, to show strength on the world stage, and not weakness. We cannot continue with the current status quo.”

Is the cult of sports killing America?


WATCH: Alex Jones Has Shocking Revelation — Is The Devil Here?

adminJan 18, 20241 min read
Alex Jones & Gerald Morgan figure out how to save our souls from spiritual wickedness in high places, churches of Satan, demons attacking the army of God, and more!

Watch & share this monumental encounter where Alex Jones and Gerald Morgan of Louder With Crowder break down the world we live in today and the devil’s role in it.

Don’t miss:

Alex Jones Reveals Spiritual Awakening Of Major Players Against The NWO