

Watch: Rep. MTG Holds Hearing on ‘Blood-Related’ Injuries Caused by Covid-19 Vaccines

adminJan 18, 20242 min read
Dr. Peter McCullough lays out how American food supply could be in danger after USDA allowed pork injected with DNA and RNA vaccines.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) held a hearing last week where top doctors laid out evidence exposing how Covid-19 jabs have caused severe “blood-related injuries” in some recipients.

Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, and Dr. Kirk Milhoan delivered testimony at Rep. Greene’s second hearing on the matter, expressing how doctors were injecting healthy patients with jabs for financial benefit while ignoring safety data.

Big Pharma was offering huge bonuses to doctors who would carelessly inject their patients with the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

At the same time, doctors wanting to exempt a totally healthy patient from the experimental vaccines were supposed to IGNORE the safety data.

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene?? (@RepMTG) January 17, 2024

Dr. McCullough also laid out how the American food supply could be in danger after the USDA allowed pork to be sold that has been injected with DNA and RNA vaccines, which could potentially then be transferred to consumers.

The federal government should not be playing God.

The USDA has been allowing self replicating RNA and DNA to be injected into the American pork supply as a part of a genetic project.

The American people are not lab rats!@P_McCulloughMD

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene?? (@RepMTG) January 18, 2024

Watch the full hearing below:

Check out Part 1 of the hearing, held last November.

WATCH: NATO Officially Mobilizes 90,000 Troops To Prepare For War With Russia, Warns Jack Posobiec

WATCH: NATO Officially Mobilizes 90,000 Troops To Prepare For War With Russia, Warns Jack Posobiec

adminJan 18, 20241 min read

WATCH: NATO Officially Mobilizes 90,000 Troops To Prepare For War With Russia, Warns Jack Posobiec

Watch & share for exclusive analysis!

Jack Posobiec joins Alex Jones to break down how NATO is mobilizing troops to prepare for war with Russia, starting in Poland.

RELATED: NATO to Launch Largest Drills In Decades With Some 90,000 Troops

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Former NATO Commander Wants West To Supply Weapons For Ukraine To Attack Crimea

Former NATO Commander Wants West To Supply Weapons For Ukraine To Attack Crimea

adminJan 18, 20241 min read

Former NATO Commander Wants West To Supply Weapons For Ukraine To Attack Crimea

Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe Philip Breedlove says the West should be providing Ukraine with the weapons it needs to intensify attacks on Crimea. According to the US general, increasing pressure on the peninsula, […]

The post Former NATO Commander Wants West To Supply Weapons For Ukraine To Attack Crimea appeared first on The People’s Voice.

Will The Fed Sabotage Trump?

Will The Fed Sabotage Trump?

adminJan 18, 20247 min read

Will The Fed Sabotage Trump?

The Fed has always been highly political. It’s just that they’re very good at hiding it.

It’s an election year. Interest rates are high relative to current inflation rates and are the highest they’ve been since 2006.

Do those two conditions have anything to do with each other? The Federal Reserve would say no but history would say yes.

On the one hand, the Federal Reserve has always maintained they are above politics. According to Fed propaganda, members of the board of governors check their politics at the door of the Fed boardroom and act solely on the basis of economic data and what’s best for the U.S. economy in terms of inflation and unemployment.

Of course, that’s nonsense. The Fed has always been highly political. It’s just that they’re very good at hiding it.

A Long History of Political Interference

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, the Fed and the White House operated under a strict understanding that the Fed would keep interest rates low in order to help finance the war effort in World War II.

President Truman tried to perpetuate that deal into the Korean War years (1950-1953), but the Fed rebelled. An understanding was reached that the Fed would return to independence, but politics were never completely off the table.

In 1972, Fed Chair Arthur Burns revved up the money supply to help Richard Nixon win reelection that year. It worked. Nixon won by one of the greatest landslides in U.S. history. It wasn’t just because of the Fed, but it played a part.

But the legacy was horrendous, including inflation from 1977–1981 that cut the value of the dollar in half in just five years. What’s the situation today?

Before getting back to the Fed’s influence over this year’s presidential election, I want to briefly discuss the latest election developments.

Trump Wins Record Victory in Iowa Caucus

After yesterday’s record victory in the Iowa caucus, it’s even more clear that Trump will be the 2024 Republican presidential nominee.

Trump won 51% of the vote, 30 points ahead of the runner-up, Ron DeSantis. The previous record in Iowa was a 13% margin, established back in 1988. In all, Trump won 98 of 99 Iowa counties. Donor class favorite Nikki Haley came in third with 19% of the vote.

To repeat, Trump will win the nomination, regardless of his legal challenges (some of which may be falling apart) and opposition from the Republican establishment.

Trump’s landslide win in Iowa comes amidst a nationwide campaign by Democrats to strip Trump from the ballot based on the allegation that he was an “insurrectionist” as a result of the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol.

No Coincidence

The word “insurrection” was used by Nancy Pelosi the day after the riot, which provides strong proof that the entire insurrectionist plot was planned in advance by Democrats. It wasn’t just a coincidence that she invoked that specific term. It was carefully chosen.

Under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, insurrectionists who took an oath as officers of the United States are barred from seeking federal office.

That was designed to prevent Confederates from becoming senators or representatives after the Civil War.

It’s rarely been used since the 1870s, and the last time it was used at all was a 1921 court case, which the government lost. The candidate seeking election won and was reelected for several terms.

So Section 3 is practically a dead letter. Never mind. The Democrats are bringing it back to keep Trump off the ballot.

Challenges are pending in about 20 states. If Trump is kicked off the ballot in even a few states, it could tip the election in favor of Biden. Smart move by Democrats, right? Not at all.


It’s backfired in the Democrats’ faces. The two states where Trump was kicked off the ballot, Maine and Colorado, involve decisions headed to the U.S. Supreme Court that are likely to be overturned with Trump put back on the ballot.

The Maine and Colorado cases are so constitutionally dubious that you could even potentially see a 9-0 Supreme Court ruling against them.

Meanwhile, Trump’s standings in the polls go up every time the Democrats try another desperation play like this.

The 14th Amendment ploy confirms the Republicans’ worst suspicions about Democrat election-rigging and causes them to go on the offensive to stamp it out. Democrats are stoking so much outrage that they’re practically guaranteeing that Trump will be the nominee.

That’s not good news for Democrats because far from being easy to beat, Trump is ahead of Biden in the polls, especially in the swing states.

At the same time, Republicans are fully mobilizing to fight all kinds of election fraud including ballot harvesting, drop boxes, unverified mail-in ballots, rigged voting machines and much more.

Despite what you hear in the media, these were legitimate issues in the 2020 election. They may or may not have tipped the election to Biden in key swing states, but fraud and other voting irregularities certainly existed.

Now let’s get back to the Fed and its potential role in this year’s presidential election.

Stop Him!

To be sure, Fed Chair Jay Powell is a Republican — but he’s definitely a Bush Republican. That wing of the party despises Trump just as much as the Democrats, if not more in some cases. So you can count Powell as a Trump-basher, even though he’s a Republican.

Now, one of the top Democrat members of Congress, Ro Khanna, a radical progressive, has called upon Jay Powell to cut interest rates to help Biden win the election.

Khanna went so far as to say that if Powell doesn’t cut interest rates, “he may be the person most responsible for the possible return of Trump.”

Something similar happened ahead of the 2020 election, only then it was Bill Dudley, the former president of the New York Fed. Dudley suggested that the Fed should actively attempt to prevent Trump’s reelection by not cutting rates.

So much for the Fed not being political!

It Won’t Be About Politics After All

Powell is too smart to take the bait on this latest challenge, but he is listening. And the Fed might actually be right this time when it says it’s independent of politics.

The truth is, Powell may end up cutting interest rates in June or July anyway, regardless of politics. He won’t do this to help Biden or hurt Trump. He’ll do it because the U.S. economy will be headed for a severe recession by then and Powell will be getting the blame for the recession.

So Powell may be able to finesse his way through this political minefield. He’ll get to cut rates this summer (because of recession), keep the Democrats happy (because he cut rates) and keep the Republicans happy (because he caused a recession in the process).

It’s not that the Fed doesn’t care about politics. They do.

It’s simply the case that they’re good at keeping their heads down and leaving no fingerprints at the scene of the crime.

The NWO’s 2024 Black Swan Tell
Did MSM Use AI-Generated Audio To Frame Roger Stone As Violent?

Did MSM Use AI-Generated Audio To Frame Roger Stone As Violent?

adminJan 18, 202410 min read
Media promoting questionable audio clip claiming Stone advocated political violence against Democrat politicians

On Wednesday, longtime Donald Trump insider and political guru Roger Stone claimed the mainstream media has been distributing an AI-generated audio file using his voice to claim he threatened to murder Democrat politicians.

“Mediaite MSNBC and CNN lie about fake AI generated audio in which they allege I threatened Democrats – it’s a fugazi !!” Stone wrote on ?.

.@Mediaite MSNBC and CNN lie about fake AI generated audio in which they allege I threatened Democrats- it’s a fugazi !!

— Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) January 17, 2024

The ordeal began when Mediaite in early January published an article titled, “Exclusive: Roger Stone Spoke With Cop Pal About Assassinating Eric Swalwell and Jerry Nadler.”

Did MSM Use AI-Generated Audio To Frame Roger Stone As Violent?

In the original piece, Mediaite’s Diana Falzone claimed an anonymous source provided her with audio of Stone talking to ex-NYPD Officer Sal Greco about Democrat politicians needing to “die before the election.”

Since the Falzone article included no audio, Stone responded by asking for proof of the alleged discussion.

Stone asked the Daily Mail, “If there is such an audio, why don’t they post it? Why won’t they send it to me? If there is such an audio, it would have to be illegally obtained and if there is such an audio it would have to be an AI generated fraud since I never said any of the words attributed to me.”

After Stone questioned the existence of the audio, Falzone released the recording allegedly provided to her by the anonymous source.

In the audio clip, a person who sounds like Stone says, “It’s time to do it. Let’s go find Swalwell. It’s time to do it. Then we’ll see how brave the rest of them are. It’s time to do it. It’s either Swalwell or Nadler has to die before the election. They need to get the message. Let’s go find Swalwell and get this over with. I’m just not putting up with this shit anymore.”

See Falzone’s video report including the audio below:

However, Stone again contended on social media that AI-created audio was likely used to fake the conversation and frame him, writing, “Total Bullshit.”

The same people who insisted that the Steele dossier was real, and that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation now insist that a provably AI created audio shows I threatened to kill two Democrat members of Congress. Total Bullshit #RogerStoneSTILLDidNothingWrong

— Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) January 18, 2024

In a article shared by Stone on ?, author Troy Smith pointed out Falzone admitted in her video report the audio was “lightly-edited” while claiming on social media the “contents were not edited” in a now-deleted post.

Next, Stone shared a screenshot showing an AI-detecting technology concluded there was a 92% chance the audio file used an AI-generated voice.

.@ZcohenCNN audio in which it is claimed I threatened members of Congress is a AI Fugazi. Next time you report on me take the time to call for comment that’s what real journalists do.

— Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) January 17, 2024

A second analysis reportedly concluded there was a 96% chance the Stone voice was an AI-created fake.

Yet another forensic analysis of the audio in which @Mediate alleges I threaten Democrat members of Congress proves that there is a 96.80 likelihood it an AI created fraud . Still waiting for comment from @dianafalzone #RogerStoneDidNothingWrong

— Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) January 17, 2024

Proving how easy it is to create an AI-generated audio clip of someone famous, Stone reposted an ? user’s video where a fake Joe Biden says, “Let’s go find Swalwell and get it over with. And yes, I stole the 2020 election.”

This is how easy it is to make an AI generated audio and put words in the mouth of someone who never said them

— Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) January 18, 2024

Audio expert and top sound technician Hitesh Ceon talked with Rare about the audio, telling the outlet, “When I heard the recording of Roger Stone, there was something that immediately struck me as unnatural about the tonal flow, especially on the part that starts just after ‘how brave the rest of them are’ on the recording. The background noise and the filtered/low quality sound of the recording is very useful for masking any very obvious flaws in the AI generated voice.”

Ceon continued, explaining he then created the “AI generated ‘recording’ with Joe Biden’s voice,” explaining, “I put similar background noise behind it, using a similarly, rather dull, frequency response and mono audio, like the ‘recording’ of Roger Stone. Very easy to do and took me only around five minutes—demonstrating how easily a fake ‘recording’ like this can be produced.”

Despite the likelihood that Mediaite was sent fake audio, or the potential that the outlet itself created an AI-generated “recording,” dozens of political pundits and media outlets have shared the audio as if it was confirmed to be real.

According to CNN on Wednesday, US Capitol Police and the FBI have opened investigations into the audio file.

Never Trump “pro-democracy organization” The Lincoln Project shared the audio on ?, writing, “Roger Stone on tape discussing the assassination of two prominent Democrats, which he denied ever doing,” as if it were the gospel truth.

BREAKING: Roger Stone on tape discussing the assassination of two prominent Democrats, which he denied ever doing.

— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) January 12, 2024

The Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson stated, “Roger Stone will die in prison.”

Roger Stone will die in prison.

— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) January 16, 2024

A Trump Derangement Syndrome-suffering Democrat attorney also shared the audio.

Roger Stone aiming to assassinate two members of Congress — on tape

The tape is more devastating than I thought it would be — because it’s clear he’s not joking at all

— Tristan Snell (@TristanSnell) January 13, 2024

Let’s go find Roger Stone and get this over with. Lock his ass up. It’s time to do it. Then we’ll see how brave the rest of them are.
They need to get the message. We shouldn’t put up with this sh*t anymore.

— ???????  (@billyd3_) January 12, 2024

California Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell joined CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360° this week to respond to the audio clip, telling viewers, “I was stunned that he was so brazen about it. Maybe I shouldn’t be stunned because the truth is when it comes to Donald Trump and his henchmen like Roger Stone, they prefer violence over voting.”

For the first time, Congressman Eric Swalwell speaks about Roger Stone’s alleged assassination threat against him and Congressman Nadler. Here’s the AC360° exclusive.

— Anderson Cooper 360° (@AC360) January 18, 2024

Also responding to the audio, Rep. Nadler (NY) wrote, “Political violence has no place in our democracy. I am alarmed by Roger Stone’s threats against my life, but I will not be deterred by Mr. Stone or anyone else who seeks to intimidate me from holding Donald Trump and those in his orbit accountable.  I am grateful to the Capitol Police and FBI for taking these allegations seriously and I know that the authorities will follow the facts where they lead.”

Political violence has no place in our democracy. I am alarmed by Roger Stone’s threats against my life, but I will not be deterred by Mr. Stone or anyone else who seeks to intimidate me from holding Donald Trump and those in his orbit accountable.  I am grateful to the Capitol…

— Rep. Nadler (@RepJerryNadler) January 17, 2024

Both Roger Stone and NYPD Officer Sal Greco provided exclusive comments to Infowars regarding the story.

Read Stone’s statement below:

“Once again, I have been targeted by the Democrat/Mainstream Media Cabal. How coincidental that the same people who insisted, falsely, that I was involved in ‘Russian collusion’ with the Trump campaign in 2016, insisted, falsely, that I was involved in the illegal actions at the Capitol on January 6th, also reported incorrectly that I was involved in the efforts to delay the certification of the Electoral College vote in the U.S. Senate: now use an indisputably fabricated audio created with AI to accuse me of saying things I never said.”

“It’s particularly outrageous that the usual suspects such as CNNMSNBCThe MessengerSalonThe Daily Beast and The Independent just take falsehoods and an unverified audio by Mediaite and report the accusations as if they are factual.

“Interestingly, none of these so-called ‘journalists’ contacted me for comment and most of them exclude my denial and the results of the forensic examination experts have done of this bogus audio which I posted online in their reporting.

“Needless to say, I have to seriously contemplate suing Mediaite and other news organizations that have defamed me. Unfortunately, under the New York Times v. Sullivan decision, the bar is extraordinarily high in order to win a judgement for defamation because I would be required to prove malice. Also, such a lawsuit would be extraordinarily expensive and Mrs. Stone and I have not yet fully financially recovered from our devastating two-year assault in the Mueller witch-hunt. Patriots who want to HELP ME finance a lawsuit against these demons can GO TO”

Also, read Greco’s statement:

“The NYPD Internal Affairs Bureau did an extensive investigation on me personally establishing a few things. A) I was not involved with starting a civil war. B) I have no liability either civil or criminal in regard to the events of January 6, 2021 or any other nefarious conduct on any other date. The only thing I keep being falsely accused of repeatedly is guilt by association being a friend of Roger Stone. This audio nonsense is just another version of political fodder.”

Watch Stone’s most recent appearance on The Alex Jones Show below:

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VIDEO: Syphilis Rumor Spread By Desperate Democrats Afraid Of Another Trump Presidency

VIDEO: Syphilis Rumor Spread By Desperate Democrats Afraid Of Another Trump Presidency

adminJan 18, 20241 min read

VIDEO: Syphilis Rumor Spread By Desperate Democrats Afraid Of Another Trump Presidency

The Democrats are beyond desperate! Cause of Trump’s hand rash discovered, and it’s not syphilis!

Alex Jones reports on the mysterious red spots seen on President Donald Trump’s hands, which many in the fake news mainstream media are claiming is syphilis.

The Democrats Are Beyond Desperate

Cause of Trumps Hand Rash Discovered, It’s Not Syphilis

Watch LIVE

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) January 18, 2024