
Spin-off DISEASE: Fully Vaccinated for COVID Manifesting New Disease Called VEXAS Syndrome

Spin-off DISEASE: Fully Vaccinated for COVID Manifesting New Disease Called VEXAS Syndrome

adminJan 19, 20244 min read

Spin-off DISEASE: Fully Vaccinated for COVID Manifesting New Disease Called VEXAS Syndrome

Autoinflammatory ailment was first discovered in 2020 around the time Operation Warp Speed was launched.

People who were injected with “vaccines” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are increasingly being diagnosed with a new type of disease they are calling VEXAS syndrome, an autoinflammatory ailment that was first discovered in 2020 around the time Operation Warp Speed was launched by the Trump regime.

VEXAS syndrome, short for vacuoles, E1 enzyme, X-linked, autoinflammatory, somatic syndrome, is said to be caused by mutations in the innate immune cells, as well as a somatic mutation in the UBA1 gene found on the X chromosome. Most inflammatory diseases, by the way, are caused by dysfunction that arises in adaptive immune cells.

“Somatic mutations cannot be inherited, meaning individuals acquire this mutation later in life,” explains The Epoch Times about the disease. “The mutation affects the stem cells in the bone marrow. The cells mature into specialized immune cells that circulate within the bloodstream.”

“Immune cells carrying the UBA1 mutation are highly inflammatory, and once enough of them accumulate, patients start developing symptoms.”

(Related: Be careful of the World Health Organization [WHO], which wants to control and rule over the world under the guise of protecting the world against COVID and other “threats.”)

Autoinflammation caused by COVID jabs

Back in April, French scientists reported on the case of a 76-year-old man who almost immediately after getting jabbed for COVID with Pfizer’s mRNA (modRNA) variety was diagnosed with VEXAS syndrome. His symptoms included tender bumps under the skin, rashes and purple spots on his limbs.

Skin problems are commonly reported among VEXAS patients, and the man was no exception. He was later determined by specialists to have the UBA1 mutation inherent to the disease.

“The rare incidence of VEXAS syndrome and the short delay of 3 days between vaccination and onset of symptoms were very suggestive of the vaccine’s role as a trigger,” the study authors, from Drôme Nord Hospitals, wrote.

Another patient, 72, developed similar symptoms, as well as a fever, fatigue, a cough and deep vein thrombosis. He was initially misdiagnosed with “long COVID,” only to later also show evidence of the same UBA1 mutation as the first patient.

“In my experience, it is unlikely that VEXAS syndrome could have been triggered by an infection or COVID-19 vaccination,” commented Dr. Sinisa Savic, an immunologist and associate clinical professor at the University of Leeds. “We know that as people age, they develop all sorts of mutations in the bone marrow … That is why VEXAS is largely found in the elderly population.”

Typically, VEXAS syndrome occurs in men over the age of 50. Both infections and vaccinations can trigger or worsen symptoms in people who are already on track to develop VEXAS syndrome.

“Anything that triggers an immune response can cause temporary worsening symptoms,” Dr. Savic added. “I don’t think there’s any particular argument about that.”

Among specialized immune cells, only innate immune cells have been found to carry the UBA1 mutation. Adaptive immune cells, meanwhile, form what is known as the “third” or last line of defense against disease, and these cells have not been found to carry the UBA1 mutation.

Dr. Savic believes that adaptive immune cells, including T and B cells, probably cannot survive long enough to become specialized if they carry the UBA1 mutation. Specialization of innate immune cells, conversely, appear to be less affected by the UBA1 mutation.

Both infections and vaccinations trigger responses in the immune system that are supposed to (in theory for vaccinations, anyway) form immune memory. This process does not occur in people with autoinflammatory conditions – in fact, an immune reaction can cause an imbalance that actually worsens a patient’s condition.

“This is the case with any autoimmune or inflammatory condition because the immune system tries to control itself, but if you’re then challenged by something else, then that level of control may be reduced,” Dr. Savic said.

More related news can be found at

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“Food Deserts” Rise In Democrat Run Cities As Grocers Leave In Droves

adminJan 19, 20244 min read
Companies have in some cases tried to hide the reason for shutting down (high crime) by suggesting that they are “improving” the area by opening land up for development, but locals know the real cause.

The panic is palpable. 

Democrat-controlled cities across the nation are experiencing something they might never have experienced before:  Consequences for their terrible criminal prosecution policies.  And, they don’t like.  Not one bit.

Democrats have argued for the past couple years that crime rates are actually falling in the US compared to previous decades, but this does not seem to be represented on the streets as retailers in numerous metro areas are closing up shop after many years of operations due to increasing theft.  If crime rates are falling, why are so many businesses leaving blue areas?

Boston, for example, has been bleeding retailers in recent months, with companies like Walgreens closing down four stores in the area in a single year.  Residents and officials are “outraged”, arguing that these companies have a civic duty to stay and service communities in need.  It’s estimated that Massachusetts retailers are losing more than $2 billion per year to criminal theft.  Maybe if the community stopped robbing them on a daily basis, these companies wouldn’t feel the need to shut down.

Walgreens is closing its 4th location in Boston in the black area of Roxbury, a neighborhood plagued by theft.

Residents are outraged and shocked.

Former NAACP president to stores: “Do what’s right for these communities and beyond just your bottom line”

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 16, 2024

The series of closures in Boston is similar to what is happening in San Francisco, with some neighborhoods slowly but surely losing nearby access to grocers.  Companies have in some cases tried to hide the reason for shutting down (high crime) by suggesting that they are “improving” the area by opening land up for development, but locals know the real cause.

Conclusion – Crime is not falling at all in leftist run cities.  Crime rates rely on reports and arrests.  If leftist officials are making policies which discourage arrests and reporting, then crime rates go down – It’s like magic.

Due to changes in the way data is being collated by the FBI during the covid years, many major cities are not actually required to provide full crime rate information until 2024-2025, and quite a few are taking advantage (at least 30%).  San Francisco will not be reporting complete crime stats until 2025.   

This means that when Democrats argue that crime is going down (ostensibly because of their leadership), this is based on a false and incomplete picture of the data.  Lack of data, as mentioned, is also coupled with lack of arrests, lack of prosecution, and the consistent release of repeat offenders in blue cities.  Lack of arrests and convictions does not mean there’s less crime.  

Again, using San Francisco as an example, the police department’s closure rate on cases remains dismal because the city’s District Attorney refused to prosecute; for every 100 suspects arrested, three are charged and one is convicted.  Until he was recalled in a July 8, 2022, election, San Francisco’s DA was Soros-backed radical leftist Chesa Boudin.  The Soros connection is widely considered one of the prime indicators of crooked DA’s and prosecutors, as well as high crime rates for a city.

Soros DAs run several other major prosecutorial offices, including Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, St. Louis, New York, Baltimore, Albuquerque, Orlando, and three urban counties in Northern Virginia.  In Massachusetts, Soros-backed federal prosecutor Rachael Rollins was forced to resign after the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General and the Office of Special Counsel released devastating reports outlining her serious ethical lapses and partisan political activity.  It’s not surprising that wherever Soros influenced DAs and prosecutors run things, food deserts seem to follow.        

Once this dynamic of corruption is understood, it becomes clear why so many grocers and retailers are uprooting their stores and leaving.  It’s no longer profitable to stay because Democrat city governments have chosen criminals over businesses.     

NATO Officially Mobilizes 90,000 Troops To Prepare For War With Russia, Warns Jack Posobiec

No More Research on Cellphone Radiation and Human Health, Government Says

No More Research on Cellphone Radiation and Human Health, Government Says

adminJan 19, 20247 min read

No More Research on Cellphone Radiation and Human Health, Government Says

The National Toxicology Program said it no longer plans to study the effects of cellphone radiation on human health, citing technical challenges and lack of resources — even though its own $30 million study found evidence of cancer and DNA damage.

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) has no plans to further study the effects of cellphone radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on human health — even though the program’s own $30 million study that took about 10 years to complete in 2018 reported evidence of cancer and DNA damage.

The NTP said in an updated January 2024 fact sheet that it was abandoning further investigation because “the research was technically challenging and more resource-intensive than expected.”

For decades, the NTP has been the premier governmental testing program for pharmaceuticals, chemicals and radiation, according to Devra Davis, Ph.D., MPH, a toxicologist and epidemiologist who served on the board of scientific counselors for the NTP when it was launched in the 1980s.

Commenting on the news, Davis said, “It is the ultimate arrogance and folly to stop doing research on this major growing environmental pollutant, precisely when we have ample evidence of harm.”

Davis has authored more than 200 peer-reviewed publications in books and journals, ranging from The Lancet to the Journal of the American Medical Association.

In February 2023, she and her colleagues published a review of more than 200 studies that linked wireless radiation to negative biological effects including oxidative stress and DNA damage, cardiomyopathy, carcinogenicity, sperm damage, memory damage and other neurological effects.

They will soon publish a “major new article” in Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development journal about “new science” on RFR and call for precaution, she said.

Davis — who also is the founding director of the Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology of the U.S. National Research Council at the National Academy of Sciences and the founder and president of Environmental Health Trust — called out the U.S. government for failing to ensure that wireless radiation is safe:

“The government’s decision to stop funding research on cellphone radiation is consistent with the Chinese proverb ‘If you don’t want to know, don’t ask.’

“The US government has a variation of that in the policy of, ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’ If you don’t want to know whether cell tower radiation is having a biological impact, stop doing the research!”

Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia, director of Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and Wireless program, told The Defender:

“Discontinuing government-funded research because it is ‘technically challenging’ and ‘resource-intensive’ is not what we expect from government agencies that are supposed to protect people from the harms of big industry.

“This research is important so that people can make informed decisions when it comes to the use of technology.”

W. Scott McCollough, lead litigator for CHD’s EMR cases, agreed. “I am concerned that the absence of evidence will be contorted into a claim of evidence of absence.”

As of early last year, the NTP was still conducting RFR research. A February 2023 fact sheet said scientists had “overcome several technical issues” and developed a better system for exposing animals to RFR for their studies.

NTP said researchers were “now making progress” on four research goals:

  • Determining the impact of RFR exposure on behavior and stress.
  • Conducting physiological monitoring, including evaluation of heart rate.
  • Investigating whether RFR induces heating.
  • Further evaluating whether RFR exposure causes DNA damage.

In its January 2024 fact sheet, the NTP reported the researchers had “tested the new exposure system … in vivo rodent studies” and that their research was “complete.”

The NTP did not say whether the researchers had achieved those four research goals and, if so, what the results were. It did, however, make clear that its previous studies — which used 2G and 3G cellphones — “do not apply” to 4G or 5G technologies.

The Defender reached out to NTP’s press office for clarification about why the new fact sheet appears to contradict the NTP website (updated Jan. 8, 2024) on cellphone radiation research which says NTP still has “current research efforts,” however NTP did not respond by our publication deadline.

The NTP’s discontinuation of its RFR research suggests the U.S. government has no intention of studying the possible biological effects of 5G.

Meanwhile, researchers such as Davis continue to say there is reason for concern. Davis pointed out that infertility clinics ask men about their wireless devices and cellphone habits:

“They tell them to take these phones off their bodies and out of their pockets because there is evidence … where the greater the exposure, the lower the sperm count, and the poorer the sperm quality.

“This has been repeatedly shown in studies with human sperm done under controlled conditions, as well as cross-sectional studies.”

“In fact,” she added, “whether the government stops doing the research or not, there is a massive study underway because we have billions of people being exposed to ever-increasing levels of wireless radiation throughout the world. Millions of American children are exposed every day in classrooms.”

“The only problem is there is no control group anymore, which will make it difficult, but not impossible, to discern the impacts of wireless radiation,” Davis said.

What NTP’s 2018 study found 

As The Defender previously reported, NTP researchers in 2018 concluded there was “clear evidence” that male rats exposed to high levels of RF similar to those emitted by 2G and 3G cellphones developed cancerous heart tumors, and “some evidence” of tumors in the brain and adrenal gland of exposed male rats.

Davis said NTP’s conclusions were consistent with and corroborated dozens of other studies. “It wasn’t like it [the NTP study] was a one-off study,” she said.

Once the word got out that the findings of the NTP study were positive — meaning the government researchers had found an association between cellphone radiation and the growth of cancerous tumors — the telecommunication industry “started its tactics” to suppress the findings, Davis said.

Davis has been researching those tactics for more than a decade. She is the author of “Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Is Doing to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family.”

Instead of the NTP study report being released in 2016, when it was first ready, she said, the telecom industry exerted pressure to subject the study’s conclusions to an unprecedented level of scrutiny.

“When the first drafts began to circulate internally, it was elevated for a peer review unlike any that has ever been conducted in the history of the entire program — and I can say that with great certainty. No other compound or substance [studied by the NTP] has ever been subject to this level of peer review,” Davis said.

A panel of external scientific experts convened for a three-day review of the study and its conclusions in March 2018.

However, rather than downplaying the study’s conclusions, the experts concluded that the scientific evidence in the study was so strong they recommended the NTP reclassify some of its conclusions from “some evidence” to “clear evidence” of carcinogenic activity.

To date, more than 250 scientists — who together have published more than 2,000 papers and letters on the biologic and health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produced by wireless devices, including cellphones — signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which calls for health warnings and stronger exposure limits.

NATO Officially Mobilizes 90,000 Troops To Prepare For War With Russia, Warns Jack Posobiec
VIDEO: WEF Calls For Criminalization Of Farming and Fishing

VIDEO: WEF Calls For Criminalization Of Farming and Fishing

adminJan 19, 20241 min read

VIDEO: WEF Calls For Criminalization Of Farming and Fishing

Environmentalists going out of control

Jojo Mehta – founder of ‘Stop Ecocide Now’ – called for the “mass damage and destruction of nature,” to be legally recognized as, “a serious crime” during a recent World Economic Forum speech.

Alex Jones describes how the video highlights the left-wing insanity we’re currently dealing with.

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Trump To Pick UFC Champion Sean Strickland for VP?

Trump To Pick UFC Champion Sean Strickland for VP?

adminJan 19, 20241 min read

Trump To Pick UFC Champion Sean Strickland for VP?

Could the no-nonsense fighter help lead the nation back from near death?

Alex Jones plays a viral video clip of UFC superstar Sean Strickland dominating a weak Canadian “journalist” and calls for the fighter to be Donald Trump’s vice president selection.

Trump To Pick UFC Champion Sean Strickland for VP?

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) January 18, 2024

Klaus Schwab Admits ‘Political Revolution’ Against The ‘Great Reset’ Is Destroying His Agenda

Klaus Schwab Admits ‘Political Revolution’ Against The ‘Great Reset’ Is Destroying His Agenda

adminJan 19, 20241 min read

Klaus Schwab Admits ‘Political Revolution’ Against The ‘Great Reset’ Is Destroying His Agenda

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has admitted the people of the world have rejected his “Great Reset” plan for humanity and have risen up against the establishment. However, rather than admit that his anti-human […]

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