
Woke Sports Illustrated Tells All Employees They’re Fired!

Woke Sports Illustrated Tells All Employees They’re Fired!

adminJan 19, 20244 min read

Woke Sports Illustrated Tells All Employees They’re Fired!

‘Go woke, Go broke… strikes again’

After 70 years, Sports Illustrated magazine is reportedly set to lay off almost all of its print and online employees.

The announcement comes on the heels of The Arena Group, the company publishing the magazine, missing a $2.8 million payment to the Authentic Brands Group (ABG).

ABG purchased Sports Illustrated for $110 million in 2019.

Arena sent an email to employees on Friday, stating, “Some employees will be terminated immediately, and paid in lieu of the applicable notice period under the [the union contract]. Employees with a last working day of today will be contacted by the People team soon. Other employees will be expected to work through the end of the notice period, and will receive additional information shortly.”

The magazine’s union also issued a statement Friday, promising to fight for the workers and urging the company to continue publishing issues.

Our statement on today’s mass layoffs at Sports Illustrated

— Sports Illustrated Union (@si_union) January 19, 2024

For decades, the sports publication dominated American media and became a staple in popular culture, including its famous annual Swimsuit Edition.

However, woke ideology being forced on readers may have been enough to put the company out of business, as many people pointed out the magazine recently began promoting fat women and trannies.

The establishment is commuting suicide! All we have to do is get out of the way and not let them suck us in to a civil war.

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) January 19, 2024

Popular ? account Wall Street Silver wrote, “How it started: Sports Illustrated put a trans dude in a swimsuit on the cover of their 2023 annual swimsuit edition. How it’s going: All of the staff at Sports Illustrated was fired today. Go woke, Go broke … strikes again.”

How it started:
Sports Illustrated put a trans dude in a swimsuit on the cover of their 2023 annual swimsuit edition.

How it’s going:
All of the staff at Sports Illustrated was fired today.

Go woke, Go broke … strikes again.

— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) January 19, 2024

2022: Sports Illustrated puts an obese woman on the cover.

2023: Sports Illustrated puts a trans woman on the cover.

2024: Sports Illustrated fires their entire staff.

Go woke, go broke?

— OutKick (@Outkick) January 19, 2024

Sports Illustrated engaged in woke virgue signaling by putting men with fake breasts in the swimsuit issue and giving Christine Blaisey Ford (Kavaugh’s accuser) a presentation role.

They changed their focus from sports to wokeness, the product suffered, now they’re broke.

— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) January 19, 2024

I remember being a kid and not being able to wait until the next issue of Sports Illustrated came in the mail.

Everything woke really does turn to shit.

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 19, 2024

Alex Jones recently went on a rant about how the establishment uses sports to distract the masses from the increasingly dystopian society being created around them:

Watch: Alex Soros Tells WEF Trump Ruined Democracy

Watch: Alex Soros Tells WEF Trump Ruined Democracy

adminJan 19, 20244 min read

Watch: Alex Soros Tells WEF Trump Ruined Democracy

More evidence leftists desperately fear return of Trump.

Alex Soros, the son of far-left billionaire George Soros, accused former President Donald Trump of destroying faith in institutions and democracy in the US.

Speaking to a panel Friday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Soros admitted Trump had gotten under the globalists’ skin, and claimed the former president had singlehandedly upended the checks and balances system that preserves democracy.

???? WEF – Alex Soros on Trump

Holy Crap – listen to spawn of George Soros himself Alex Soros – talk about Donald Trump in Davos 2024

“One man came in & took trust in institutions & democracy away”

This is preceded & proceeded by “eh,hmm, uh, hmmmm, ohh, hmmmm, ehhhh & so…

— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) January 19, 2024

“The United States, like, you know, has checks and balances…and one man, Donald Trump, literally came in and just took that all away,” stammered Soros.

The commentary came during a 45-minute discussion titled “4.2 Billion People at the Ballot Box,” where Soros also claimed the WEF already considers Trump president.

“In Davos, Donald Trump is already the president,” Soros said, according to CNBC, adding, “That’s a good thing, because the Davos consensus is always wrong.”

Elsewhere during his remarks, Soros joked “when” Trump loses he would try to run again in another four years, saying, “Donald Trump owns the Republican Party. We’re in something I like to call the Trump cycle, because I think even if — and I believe, if the institutions hold, when — he loses this election, he’ll also be the Republican candidate in 2028 and maybe even 2032 as well.”

“What’s the way out for him? He either winds up in prison or he winds up in power, he’s not going off on some beach somewhere and retiring,” Soros added.

Soros also told the global elite to pay attention to what happens in Wisconsin, which could swing for the less “polarizing” Biden.

“But, actually, if you want to look at one state which will really test where the election is, it’s Wisconsin, because if Joe Biden’s able to win Wisconsin, it should mean that he’s won Pennsylvania and Michigan,” he said.

“Biden actually has a particular advantage in a polarized electoral environment, which is that he’s not polarizing.”

In another segment of the discussion, BBC reporter James Harding claimed Trump running for president while being prosecuted is causing a competing interest “between democracy and the Constitution.”

Happening now at #WEF2024.

Session: ‘4.2 Billion People at the Ballot Box’

“This contest between democracy and the constitution is hard to interpret.” – James Harding

— L (@SomeBitchIIKnow) January 19, 2024

Evidently, the WEF made the discussion private after it aired live on YouTube around 2AM United States time, however, researcher “L” was able to archive the discussion and post it in full to X and Odysee.

Still live currently:

— L (@SomeBitchIIKnow) January 19, 2024

It’s just so weird that the World Economic Forum would take their election 2024 discussion off YouTube after it aired just once around 2am.

Anyways, here’s the entire segment.

— L (@SomeBitchIIKnow) January 19, 2024

Soros previously indicated in the 2024 election he would be supporting Joe Biden, who he’s visited numerous times in the White House during the puppet president’s tenure, and would be re-focusing his Open Society Foundations’ resources toward defeating Trump.

Trump in September labeled Alex Soros a “spoiled little degenerate” for funding the far left DAs and prosecutors behind his political persecution.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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China Stocks Hit Rock Bottom: After .3 Trillion Market Loss, Brokers Suspend Short-Selling

China Stocks Hit Rock Bottom: After $6.3 Trillion Market Loss, Brokers Suspend Short-Selling

adminJan 19, 20245 min read
China’s stock market is falling faster than its population.

Amid ‘snowball derivative liquidations‘, China’s stock market is falling faster than its population.

The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index crashed 6.5% this week – its worst weekly loss since March 2023 with Wednesday seeing the biggest daily loss since Oct 2022 as the index plummeted to key support levels around the Oct 2022 lows…

China Stocks Hit Rock Bottom: After .3 Trillion Market Loss, Brokers Suspend Short-SellingSource: Bloomberg

For context, Chinese and Hong Kong stocks have seen some $6.3 trillion of market value wiped out since a peak reached in 2021…

Source: Bloomberg

But, as we detailed earlier in the weekauthorities have ruled out the use of massive stimulus to revive the flagging economy, leaving traders wondering when things will improve.

“What we are seeing this year so far really is a continuation of what we saw last year,” John Lin, AllianceBernstein’s chief investment officer of China equities, said in an Jan. 17 interview on Bloomberg TV.

“These squeezing-the-toothpaste type of stimulus policies so far haven’t been able to turn around the underlying bottom-up fundamentals of areas like the property sector.”

It gets worse as China is setting grimmer and grimmer milestones by the day:

  • Tokyo has overtaken Shanghai as Asia’s biggest equity market…

  • India’s valuation premium over China has hit a record.

  • Locally, a meltdown in Chinese shares is wreaking havoc on the nation’s asset management industry, pushing mutual fund closures to a five-year high.

Most importantly, as we noted previously, the lack of stimulus (amid China’s real estate sector crisis and escalating tensions with Washington on trade) has had a very adverse impact on both economic and market sentiment at a time when China’s middle class is growing increasingly restless and pitchforky, resulting in a surge in labor strikes and (mostly peaceful) protests.

And while a quiet, painless sovereign suicide may be an option for Japan – with its demographic disaster and rapidly aging population where more adult than baby diapers have been sold for years; for China – which still has a young, vibrant and increasingly angry population – this is not an option as the coming tidal wave of unrest could easily result in the one thing the Chinese Communist Party dreads the most, a revolution.

For now, Beijing refuses to unleash a monetary bazooka – amid its longest period of deflation since 1998 – but that doesn’t mean it won’t step in to try and arrest the collapse of the stock market (which along with real estate) is a considerable source of ‘wealth’ for the Chinese.

“The government seems very sanguine about the economy,” said Xin-Yao Ng, an investment director for Asian equities at abrdn.

“The market might not even trust the 5% growth figure, it certainly has a much more negative view on the economy and definitely believes Beijing needs a big fiscal response.”

With that in mind, just a day after unleashing The National Team (China’s Plunge Protection Team), Bloomberg reports that China’s largest brokerage has suspended short selling for some clients in mainland markets, according to people familiar with the matter.

State-owned Citic Securities Co. has stopped lending stocks to individual investors and raised the requirements for institutional clients this week after so-called window guidance from regulators, said the people, asking not be identified discussing a private matter.

Of course, as we have pointed out numerous times (most recently here for example), research has consistently shown that banning short selling during stretches of particularly volatile equity market activity intensifies the volatility.

Such prohibitions impede investors from determining accurate prices of assets and reduce market liquidity.

Moreover, short-selling bans in one market can increase volatility in other markets as some investors try to circumvent the ban.

But since when has historical evidence of the failure of policies ever stopped any politician from ‘doing something’ or blaming someone.

Everything that Chinese authorities have tried has failed to convince money managers that the worst is behind us. As Bloomberg reports, Asian funds have cut their allocation to China by 12 percentage points to a net 20% underweight, the lowest in more than a year, according to the latest Bank of America survey.

Managers of benchmark-tracking funds have sold a net $300 million of shares traded in mainland China and Hong Kong this month, according to a Morgan Stanley analysis.

That’s a reversal from the last half of 2023, when they bought $700 million on a net basis even as stock indexes declined.

“China is a waiting game and we continue to be waiting,” said Mark Matthews, head of Asia research at Bank Julius Baer & Co., which is mostly avoiding Chinese equities.

How much longer can Beijing wait?

The NWO’s 2024 Black Swan Tell
Musk Shocked Insurance Company Bribed Health Providers To Push Covid Shots

Musk Shocked Insurance Company Bribed Health Providers To Push Covid Shots

adminJan 19, 20243 min read
‘Your primary care provider was bribed to get you to take the jab,’ wrote Kentucky GOP Rep. Thomas Massie.

Kentucky GOP Rep. Thomas Massie posted a screenshot to ? Friday exposing Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s scheme to provide financial incentives to healthcare providers for administering Covid shots.

? owner Elon Musk responded to the post with “!!” to express his shock about the disturbing news.

“Your primary care provider was bribed to get you to take the jab. ‘Oh, but Congressman Massie, these were incentive payments, not bribes.’ As always, follow the money,” Massie wrote, along with a document showing the insurance company was paying doctors to push the jabs.


— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 19, 2024

The Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield document explains, “The COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive program is open” to qualifying Kentucky healthcare providers.

Under a section titled, “How you can qualify for a bonus,” the paper told health practitioners they’d receive payments for meeting certain thresholds provided by the insurance giant.

For example, doctors who were able to get 75% or more of their patients to take the experimental Covid shots before September 1, 2021, received $125 per person they jabbed.

Musk Shocked Insurance Company Bribed Health Providers To Push Covid Shots

According to the American Association for Physician Leadership, a primary care provider could care for up to 3,000 patients, but the ideal average is estimated at 1,000.

If a doctor reached the 75% threshold and had 1,000 patients, they’d get a $93,750 bonus.

Between September 1 and December 31, 2021, doctors who reached the 75% threshold received $250 per vaccination.

That means practitioners with 1,000 patients would have been paid a $187,500 bonus in a four-month period.

The establishment has been trying to hide the fact doctors were paid to push the shots because it is a massive red flag, and would promote even more vaccine hesitancy and distrust in medical professionals.

In a 2022 article “fact-checking” the claim that “Blue Cross Blue Shield pays doctors bonuses based on the number of patients vaccinated,” USA Today played word games with their readers by claiming the insurance company “doesn’t provide incentives solely based on the number of patients vaccinated.”

However, as the Kentucky congressman’s post showed, doctors were being provided incentives specifically focused on the COVID-19 shots.

The American people deserve to know how widespread incentive schemes were and if they’re still in operation.

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BREAKING: Americans Being Infected With Live Ebola By Secret Bill Gates Project

BREAKING: Americans Being Infected With Live Ebola By Secret Bill Gates Project

adminJan 19, 20241 min read

BREAKING: Americans Being Infected With Live Ebola By Secret Bill Gates Project

Top medical experts break down dangerous Ebola vaccine experimentation being conducted inside the US.

Dr. Richard Bartlett and Jon Fleetwood join Alex Jones to lay out how live ebola is being administered via a vaccine.

Netanyahu: ‘Israel Must Govern the Entire Middle East’

Netanyahu: ‘Israel Must Govern the Entire Middle East’

adminJan 19, 20241 min read

Netanyahu: ‘Israel Must Govern the Entire Middle East’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared on Thursday that Israel plans to control the entirety of Palestine “from the river to the sea” and told the rest of the world to get out of the […]

The post Netanyahu: ‘Israel Must Govern the Entire Middle East’ appeared first on The People’s Voice.