
WEF Admits Disease X Will Be Leaked in 2025

WEF Admits Disease X Will Be Leaked in 2025

adminJan 23, 20241 min read

WEF Admits Disease X Will Be Leaked in 2025

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has declared that ‘Disease X’ will be unleashed onto the public by the year 2025 – and the consequences will be devastating for humanity. Last week, global elites met at […]

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TikToker Reveals He Was Offered K To Make Pro-Biden Content

TikToker Reveals He Was Offered $50K To Make Pro-Biden Content

adminJan 23, 20241 min read

TikToker Reveals He Was Offered K To Make Pro-Biden Content

Social media is being flooded with literal propaganda

A popular TikTok user recently revealed he was offered a large sum of money to create videos for the platform that are friendly to Joe Biden and paint him in a good light.

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Democrats To Erase Term ‘Sex Offender’ To Destigmatize Pedophilia

Democrats To Erase Term ‘Sex Offender’ To Destigmatize Pedophilia

adminJan 23, 20241 min read

Democrats To Erase Term ‘Sex Offender’ To Destigmatize Pedophilia

Democrats have vowed to destigmatize pedophiles and rapists by erasing the label “sex offender” that’s given to a person convicted of child rape. According to Washington Democrats, the term “sex offender” should be removed and […]

The post Democrats To Erase Term ‘Sex Offender’ To Destigmatize Pedophilia appeared first on The People’s Voice.

Watch: CCP Stooges Call Police On Major UK YouTuber Playing Piano In Public

Watch: CCP Stooges Call Police On Major UK YouTuber Playing Piano In Public

adminJan 23, 20244 min read
Commies feel entitled to push their dystopia on Western nations

One of YouTube’s most popular channels, operated by piano player Brendan Kavanagh, is going viral this week after Chinese Communist Party thugs tried to prevent him from filming in a public area in the UK.

Today in Britain the CCP demanded a piano player in a public place to stop filming because they were in the background ?

— non aesthetic things (@PicturesFoIder) January 21, 2024

When Kavanagh thought the Chinese visitors wanted to play some piano with him, he invited them to join but was told by one of the women in the group that he was not allowed to film them.

“We’re not allowed?” the shocked musician asked, with the woman responding, “No. You’re not allowed because we’re for Chinese TV. This is non-disclosable.”

“So, we’ll get in trouble with the Chinese government?” the YouTuber asked, with the woman answering, “Maybe not, I don’t know.”

A man in the group of CHICOM propagandists told Kavanagh it’s their “right” to not be filmed in public and threatened to take “legal” action, and the pianist explained, “In the UK it’s a free country and anyone” — but was cut off by another Chinese woman who claimed she had a “choice” whether or not to be on camera.

“But, we are in Britain, we’re not in China,” Kavanagh answered, adding, “We’re not in Communist China.”

At that point, the Chinese man said, “Alright, this is racist now,” and became extremely upset and threatened the YouTube piano player.

When the woman responded by saying she was British, the musician asked why she was carrying a Chinese flag and gently pointed at the banner which caused a man in the group of CCP stooges to suddenly shout, “Stop touching her! Do not touch her! You are not the same age, please do not touch her.”

Police eventually arrived, and the infuriated Chinaman assumed he’d get help from the authorities but was quickly told, “It’s a public space,” when pleading his case.

Meanwhile, a female officer exercised a bit of good old-fashioned British authoritarianism by asking Kavanagh’s cameraman to stop filming and telling the YouTuber, “Do not livestream this on your channel because this is a police matter.”

The woman bobbie would fit right into Communist China as she continued trying to suppress the pianist’s right to film and even tried getting him to delete the footage from his camera!

“You’re not their private security agent and we’re in a free country,” he told the officer. “The problem is not from us, the problem is they are coming over telling us what to do.”

The Community Notes feature of ? accurately noted underneath an upload of the confrontation, “British filming law specifically protects this type of content: ‘You do not need to ask passers-by for permission to feature their faces in a film. Under UK law, the copyright of film shot in a public place resides with the filmmaker.’”

See the full YouTube upload below:

Following the encounter, Kavanagh issued a call to action and asked his followers to download the video for safekeeping just in case it’s deleted from YouTube because the Chinese were allegedly trying to get it removed.

In a second update, Kavanagh confirmed the Communist Party of China is trying to get the video deleted and said he’d be going on some talk shows to further discuss the confrontation.

With secret police stations in nations across the globe and groups like this trying to suppress free speech, it seems as if the Communist Chinese are beginning to push their dystopia on the rest of the world.

Also, because Infowars will always resist tyrants, check out some screenshots of some of the Chinese agents who were so terrified of being outed below:

Watch: CCP Stooges Call Police On Major UK YouTuber Playing Piano In Public

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Illegals Defecating and Urinating All Over NYC Neighborhood

Illegals Defecating and Urinating All Over NYC Neighborhood

adminJan 23, 20243 min read

Illegals Defecating and Urinating All Over NYC Neighborhood

Manhattan park turned into “giant toilet” as illegals swarm nearby shelter

A Manhattan neighborhood has been turned into a “giant toilet” by hordes of illegal aliens who are urinating and defecating in public, according to reports.

Tomkins Square Park and the surrounding area have been overrun by illegal aliens who congregate daily outside an overwhelmed shelter in the East Village.

Hundreds of illegals, a large number of whom are men from Africa and South America, can regularly be found loitering in the park, which only offers very limited public toilet options at the moment.

Locals and city workers are now finding piles of feces and cups full of urine everywhere, including in the streets and on private residential property.

“There was a cup of what I thought was somebody’s discarded hot chocolate that turned out to be not hot chocolate,” a street cleaner told the New York Post.

“On warmer days, it can smell like a toilet over here — and not a well kept-toilet.” 

Portable toilets that were previously installed while the park’s field house undergoes a lengthy renovation were removed last week because they were being defiled “to the point they could not be maintained,” a local official told the Post.

The Biden Administration’s open border policies continue to result in an endless stream of illegal immigrants/migrants to sanctuary cities, straining resources.

African migrants, mostly men at Tompkins Square Park near a migrant re-intake center for housing in East Village NYC…

— NJEG Media (@NJEGmedia) January 17, 2024

“Most of them want to pee in plastic cups rather than the ground, and they leave them on people’s door steps,” said one longtime resident.

A reporter from the Post who visited the park observed a male migrant urinating in public.

“I’ve cut this part of the park out of my [daily] walk because of the filth,” one local resident said.

“There’s several thousand people [coming to] this end of the park with no place to use the bathroom.”

InfoWars has been documenting mounting chaos in New York City caused by the arrival of more than 160,000 illegal migrants since early 2022.

Video UFC Owner Dana White Kills the Censorship Cult in 2 Minutes

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Why Did Congress Help Craft a Bill Last Summer Called the “Disease X Act” – Do They Know Another Bioweapon is About to Be Released?

Why Did Congress Help Craft a Bill Last Summer Called the “Disease X Act” – Do They Know Another Bioweapon is About to Be Released?

adminJan 23, 20244 min read

Why Did Congress Help Craft a Bill Last Summer Called the “Disease X Act” – Do They Know Another Bioweapon is About to Be Released?

Does Congress know something America doesn’t?

In June 2023, the United States Congress quietly passed a piece of legislation called House Resolution 3832, also known as the Disease X Act of 2023, that references a mystery contagion that just so happens to be the subject of a World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting that took place on Jan. 17, 2024.

At the WEF meeting, it was discussed that Disease X “could have 20 times more fatalities than COVID.” We also know that talk of Disease X started at least as far back as 2018 when the WEF mentioned it in an article.

What we are more than likely witnessing with this new revelation is the stage being set for another round of COVID-like lockdowns, mask mandates and whatever else the powers that be throw at the world once they unleash their next pre-planned bioweapon, known as Disease X.

You can check out the contents of the Disease X Act of 2023 at this link.

(Related: For the next fake pandemic, the World Health Organization [WHO] hopes to abolish the First Amendment, according to Bret Weinstein.)

Does Congress know something America doesn’t?

In short, the Disease X Act of 2023 reveals plans to establish a new program at BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) to develop medical countermeasures for any future viral threats that have pandemic potential. In other words, there are more COVIDs coming down the pike.

The legislation is intentionally vague, which is certainly no accident. Vague legislation tends to be wide reaching in its scope once executed, which means the severity of its intentions are likely vast and far-reaching.

One report from UnHerd covering what took place at the WEF meeting on Disease X described what was discussed there as “worrying,” noting that it shows “signs of the acceleration of technocratic tendencies in pandemic preparedness, which have only consolidated since Covid.”

The panel-style meeting opened with a statement from WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who tried to clarify all the “misinformation” about the panel itself, so-called misinformation being the number-one global threat right now, according to the WEF’s Global Risks Report 2024.

Ghebreyesus insisted that nobody should be worried about Disease X, which is simply a placeholder name for future biological threats. He continued to ramble from there about strengthening healthcare and education and supporting communities as they prepare for a coming Disease X pandemic.

Only once did anyone on the panel even mention the word lockdown, and it came from a health executive from India by the name of Preetha Reddy who recommended that the next pandemic response should pull a page from how the army operates.

“At any time, anything can happen and we don’t know what side it can come from,” she said.

“Unfortunately, the focus on Disease X is indicative of a broader phenomenon: the rise of our new biomedical security state, best represented by the technocratic governance structures that drove emergency laws on lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, quarantines, school closures and censorship,” reported UnHerd about the WEF meeting.

“This is interwoven into the semantic origins of Disease X, which was christened in the WHO R&D Blueprint in 2017 to assist prioritising research and development particularly for vaccines, treatments and tests. It has since become a core driving force for the proliferation of public-private partnerships (PPP) in the global pandemic preparedness industry.”

In addition to serving as a placeholder name for future threats, Disease X is also a catalyst for transforming the future health response to be dominated by corporate, technological and state power rather than individual liberty and freedom.

Is another COVID-like “pandemic” about to be unleashed? Find out more at

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