
Experts Say That Arctic ‘Zombie Viruses’ Could Trigger New Pandemic

Experts Say That Arctic ‘Zombie Viruses’ Could Trigger New Pandemic

adminJan 23, 20241 min read

Experts Say That Arctic ‘Zombie Viruses’ Could Trigger New Pandemic

Scientists are now warning that so called climate change could cause ancient ‘zombie viruses’ in the Arctic permafrost to melt and potentially trigger a new pandemic. Should we be afraid?….thats climate change and pandemic both […]

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Colombian Killer Caught in New Jersey After Slipping Into US Illegally

Colombian Killer Caught in New Jersey After Slipping Into US Illegally

adminJan 23, 20242 min read

Colombian Killer Caught in New Jersey After Slipping Into US Illegally

Murderer escaped home country in middle of lengthy prison sentence and fled to U.S.

Immigration authorities in New Jersey arrested an illegal alien from Colombia who fled his homeland while serving a prison sentence for murder and entered the U.S. illegally.

On Monday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced the capture of the South American fugitive during a bust on December 27 by agents from Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in Newark.

In 2011, the man was sentenced to 22 years in prison for murder in Colombia.

However, in 2018, the man never returned from a “three-day furlough” and presumably fled the country.

He then illegally entered the U.S. as a “gotaway,” but authorities are unclear about when or where that took place.

While living in New Jersey, he was arrested for “simple assault and making terroristic threats” but was allowed to remain in the U.S.

On January 10, ERO Newark received confirmation that the Colombian is wanted in his home country to finish his prison sentence.

He will reportedly be held in ICE custody pending removal proceedings.

“This is clearly a case of an individual with a very dangerous criminal history who poses a threat to the community,” said ERO Newark Field Office Director John Tsoukaris.

ICE continues to apprehend dangerous illegal aliens – many of whom are set loose in the U.S. by federal authorities or officials in “sanctuary” jurisdictions.

Earlier this month, a Haitian illegal alien charged with raping a disabled person in Massachusetts was apprehended by ICE agents after being released from jail by a judge who ignored a detainer lodged by the agency.

In Fiscal Year 2023, ICE ERO reportedly arrested 73,822 noncitizens with criminal histories.

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Biden Border Invasion Overwhelming American Schools

Biden Border Invasion Overwhelming American Schools

adminJan 23, 20245 min read

Biden Border Invasion Overwhelming American Schools

American public schools being inundated with illegal alien students

American public schools face many problems. As a public school teacher myself, I’m well aware of that.

Both academic and disciplinary standards have declined. There are controversies over social issues, what should be taught, and how things should be taught.

Family disintegration and dysfunction produces children who are not prepared to be successful students. So teachers have to deal with that.

And, as if all these problems weren’t enough, our schools are being inundated with foreign students.

Thanks to the Plyler v. Doe Supreme Court decision in 1982, public schools can’t turn away illegal alien students.

The current inundation of public schools by foreign students is dealt with in the January 2024 issue of We Are Teachers, an e-magazine I received in my school email inbox.

It’s entitled, “Schools Across the U.S. Are Struggling To Keep Up With the Influx of Migrant Students.”

Here’s how the article begins: “The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) reports that 2023 saw a historic high of 2.5 million migrants at the U.S. border. It follows that many schools have reported a significant rise in the enrollment of migrant students. Shortages of teachers, bus drivers, and substitutes, not to mention the lingering effects of the pandemic, already take a toll on schools. Migrant students—especially those who have survived traumatizing journeys—require unique language, mental health, and educational services. With educational systems already under stress, schools in cities like New York, Denver, and Chicago are struggling.”

Yes, that’s all true, as taxpayer-funded public schools are required to take in more and more foreign students.

The article focuses on these three cities – New York, Denver and Chicago.

In New York City, the article tells us, “The city’s educators are grappling with the need to accommodate diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, posing challenges for both teachers and administrators.”

The article’s report on Denver quotes an NPR article stating, “The basic needs of families are tremendous. Some kids live in shelters. The clinic at the school has a waitlist for students needing mental health services. In essays, some students wrote about dead bodies or dangerous animals they saw on their journey to Colorado. Thirteen-year-old Ashley, with long, curly brown hair, arrived from Venezuela in September. She says one time in Mexico, the bus made a detour, and they were handed over to people who told them to pay or be detained or kidnapped.”

The situation in Chicago is so dire that the governor has to deal with it: “Governor J.B. Pritzker allocated over $30 million directed to Chicago in response to the migrant student influx. However, faced with the escalating arrivals, Pritzker made a direct appeal to President Joe Biden in early October, deeming the situation ‘untenable’ for Chicago and Illinois.”

Yes, this is all true and it’s a big problem.

So what does the We Are Teachers article propose as a solution?

“Migrant students offer so much to American schools and communities. Their experiences and cultural perspectives enhance the social fabric of a school, and the value of bilingual education benefits the entire school community. But in order to fully appreciate and utilize this diversity, we must ensure they have what they need to be successful.”

The article suddenly declares, with no supporting evidence, that having all these foreign students dumped on the public school system helps us! How can that be?

Migrant students have unique educational needs that require more support from every level. Their teachers need training on cultural responsiveness, bilingual support, and best practices to support these students. Schools need to hire more teachers to create smaller classrooms, more counselors to offer mental health services, and more community liaisons to support migrant families and their needs. Districts need to hire experts to facilitate, guide, and evaluate schools on their response to this unique population. States need to put action behind their values and fully fund schools as well as raise teacher pay and benefits to ensure a talented, competitive candidate pool.”

The article’s solution is yet more taxpayer money to educate students who have no right to be here.

Why should American citizens have to put up with this?

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Germans Told to Prepare for Another War With Russia

adminJan 23, 20243 min read
Moscow has previously dismissed claims that it plans to strike NATO as “complete nonsense”

Germany should be ready to respond to a possible Russian attack, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has warned. He said that to prepare for such a scenario, Germany and its NATO allies must commit to strengthening their military capabilities.

In an interview with German public broadcaster ZDF on Monday, the defense chief pointed out that while Germany is not currently under a direct threat of attack, the country should do its best to be prepared for it.

If Germany wants to be ready for an attack “that you don’t know if and when it will occur, then that means you have to arm yourself – and that’s what we’re currently doing together with allies in NATO,” he explained.

Pistorius went on to say that “deterrence is the only effective means of positioning oneself against an aggressor from the outset” as it signals to a potential adversary that the target is capable of striking back. To achieve such a posture, however, Germany must have “a credible deterrent” and be able to “wage a war that is forced upon us,” he noted.

Commenting on a potential scenario in which Russia attacked the Baltics, Pistorius remarked that Berlin was setting up its “Lithuania Brigade” specifically to address those concerns. The unit, composed of about 4,800 soldiers is expected to be ready by 2027 and will be the first German force to be permanently stationed abroad since World War II.

Pistorius suggested that amid the Ukraine conflict it would take Russia at least several years to be ready for a full-scale offensive, and that Western countries should use the time to intensively arm themselves.

The German tabloid Bild reported earlier this month, citing a classified document, that Germany is preparing for a scenario in which Russia launches an “open attack” on NATO in mid-2025, following major victories in Ukraine. Moscow mocked the prediction as a “zodiac forecast.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has dismissed claims that Russia could attack NATO as “complete nonsense,” arguing that Moscow has “no geopolitical, economic… or military interest” in doing so. Still, the Kremlin has for decades voiced concerns about the US-led military bloc’s expansion towards Russian borders, viewing it as an existential threat.

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Davos Admits Possibility Of Ukraine Defeat – Claims Putin Will Target EU Next

adminJan 23, 20247 min read
“What If Ukraine Loses?” panel represents admission by globalists that Ukraine could be defeated by Russia despite deluge of money, armaments and intel assets

In a move that would have been unthinkable a year ago, the WEF has formed a discussion panel at their annual Davos conference titled “What If Ukraine Loses?” 

The panel represents, at the very least, an admission by the globalists that Ukraine could be defeated by Russia despite the deluge of money, armaments and intel assets that Ukraine has been given access to by western governments.

Since 2022, the narrative has shifted from talk of complete victory over Russia including the retaking of the Donbas and even Crimea, to merely holding the current front and keeping a steady supply of ammo and recruits.  

The realities on the ground cannot be denied.  The long vaunted “counter-offensive” that was supposed to crush Russian forces was a complete failure.  No significant ground was gained and no significant victories have been won.  It was a considerable propaganda error to hype up the counter-offensive the way Ukraine did, because when it turned out to be a dud all their other claims quickly came under suspicion.    

At the end of 2023, the average age of Ukrainian soldiers was older than 40 (compare this to the US where the average age is 27).  Rumors out of Ukraine abound that most younger soldiers are dead and that collection teams (government enforcers) now prowl the streets of cities like Kiev.  They search for and kidnap any fighting age men they find, only to send them to the front with little or no training.  

These are the kinds of stories that go mostly ignored by the wider western media.  When they are mentioned, it is usually in support of the Ukrainian government, chastising people who don’t want to fight and die in a globalist proxy war as “draft dodgers.”  The level to which journalists have acted as a propaganda arm of NATO and Ukraine has been grotesque, but it does help to explain why so many Americans and Europeans were deluded about the war for so long.  All they have heard about for the past two years is that Ukraine is on the verge of imminent victory.

It’s simply not true.

This is likely why the WEF is now forced to address the issue at Davos – The situation is becoming undeniable and the fact that the elites are allowing discussion about a Ukraine loss suggests that defeat might be closer than we know.

The panel itself is largely made up of Ukrainian representatives who are there to spin the facts, not have a frank discussion about the realities in the trenches.  Journalist Niall Ferguson seems to be the only member with a modicum of honesty on the panel, as he admits the situation in Ukraine has degraded dramatically.  He does, however, join with the Ukrainians in admonishing the American public’s growing opposition to monetary and military support.

The underlying message?  If Ukraine loses, it will be your fault.     

Why should Americans be relied upon to dump hundreds of billions of dollars into a losing war against an opponent that has nothing to do with them?  The same question should be considered by Europeans, but their proximity is used as leverage against them.  The primary argument from political warhawks like Lindsay Graham and puppets like Zelensky is that when Ukraine falls, Putin intends to invade Europe next.  

It’s the old Vietnam era “domino effect” narrative, repeated ad nauseum.  The problem is that warhawks along with Zelensky and his propagandists are caught in a Catch-22:  They have been promoting the idea that Russia’s military is in shambles and that US and EU aid is bringing Ukraine to victory.  At the same time, they want to frighten Europeans and Americans with the prospect that Russia is strong enough to invade the EU.  They can’t have it both ways – Either Russia’s armies are crippled and ripe to be overrun, or, they are incredibly strong and capable of leaping into a series of invasions against Ukraine’s neighbors.  

The notion that Vladimir Putin intends to blitz Eastern Europe and that Ukraine is the only thing stopping him has never been supported by any significant evidence.  Putin has never made this threat and there is no hard intel that confirms this is his strategy.  There was a multitude of reasons for Russia to invade Ukraine and take the Donbas region; there is no strategic reason for them to engage in conflict with any other nation.  

Rather than going into the ugly facts about Ukraine’s chances, the Davos panel comes off more as a sales pitch for continued shipments of cash and weapons.  A disturbing cost/benefit analysis is offered up to the audience – For the cost of a couple hundred billion dollars and the lives of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens, here is what you get in return…

The speakers even refer to this dynamic as an “investment.”  Some of the more revealing comments include…

1)  Panel members demand that more needs to be done to give Ukraine the means to strike into the heart of Russia (meaning long range missiles), which would only open the door to total bombardment of Ukraine’s civilian population centers (which Putin has so far kept to a minimum, especially when you compare operations by the US in places like Iraq).  Escalation could include nuclear strikes, which Putin has mentioned on multiple occasions.   

2)  The panel asserts that the “global community” needs to collectively approve the use of more aggressive strikes on Russia.  The nature of these strikes is not really discussed but this could include anything from bombardment of Russian cities, manufacturing, energy and agriculture to terror attacks on civilian populations.  One could say that all is fair in war, but this is not the point.  The point is that escalation is assured and many civilians (most of them Ukrainian) will die should Ukraine be armed with high tech weaponry or use tactics that risk much higher collateral damage.  This is not a scenario that the majority of Americans want to facilitate.

3)  Possibly the most interesting and disturbing comment of the panel came from politician Yehor Cherniev, who noted that the problem with America is that the government is forced to “listen to the people,” which slows down decisions on Ukraine.  In other words, a dictatorship in the US would serve Ukrainian interests better.  Given that Ukraine is essentially a dictatorship right now, this sentiment is not surprising but still interesting to hear in a public forum.       

The clinical manner in which the war is being handled and sold suggests a sociopathy beyond reckoning, but it also lets us know that the war is intended to last.  So far, there has not been a single serious gesture from NATO leaders to engage in diplomatic negotiations or peace talks with the Kremlin.  And (if it hasn’t happened already) eventually Ukraine will run out of soldiers to fight.  Under the circumstances, a devastating loss is assured, to the point that it appears to be the only outcome that is allowed to happen.     

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US Names Yemen Operation, Suggesting Longer-Term Campaign Against Houthis

US Names Yemen Operation, Suggesting Longer-Term Campaign Against Houthis

adminJan 23, 20243 min read

US Names Yemen Operation, Suggesting Longer-Term Campaign Against Houthis

Operation Poseidon Archer being treated as entirely separate from Operation Prosperity Guardian in same region

The Pentagon has dubbed its campaign of air and missile strikes against the Houthis of Yemen ‘Operation Poseidon Archer’, CNN reported on Monday, citing two unnamed officials.

The name has been applied retroactively to the January 11 attacks carried out by the US and UK, as well as seven more rounds of strikes since, the officials said.

They also said that Poseidon Archer is being treated as entirely separate from Prosperity Guardian, an operation announced in December that officially involves personnel and ships from 20 countries. 

The US launched Prosperity Guardian to secure the passage of merchant ships through the Red Sea and the Bab-el-Mandeb, after the Houthis said they would interdict any “Israeli-linked” ships in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza. After the January 11 attacks, the Yemeni group said that British and American vessels would be fair game as well.

The naming “suggests a more organized, formal, and potentially long-term approach” by the Pentagon to the situation in the Red Sea, according to CNN. 

The US military has long used names intended to influence international and domestic perceptions about its operations. The practice of using “heroes of antiquity” and “figures from Greek and Roman mythology,” was introduced by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in WWII. Poseidon is the Greek god of the sea, known in the Roman pantheon as Neptune. 

US President Joe Biden admitted last week that the Anglo-American strikes failed to deter the Houthis, but said they would continue anyway.

“When you say ‘working’, are they stopping the Houthis? No. Are they going to continue? Yes,” he told reporters outside the White House.

The US is “clear-eyed about who the Houthis are” and doesn’t expect them to stop their attacks “immediately,” but hopes to “degrade and destroy their capabilities,” the Washington Post reported on Saturday, citing anonymous US officials. Rather than invading Yemen, the US wants to hit “infrastructure” that enables the Yemeni group to fire missiles and drones at merchant vessels, one unnamed diplomat explained.

The Houthis have said they would continue targeting ships until Israel stops its offensive and lifts the blockade of Gaza. West Jerusalem has vowed to “eradicate” Hamas after the Palestinian group’s October 7 raid that claimed the lives of an estimated 1,200 Israelis. 

The attacks have impacted the global shipping industry more than the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the maritime advisory firm Sea-Intelligence. Roughly 15% of the world’s sea trade uses the Red Sea and the Suez Canal to deliver goods from Asia to Europe and vice versa.

Facing skyrocketing insurance premiums, major Western carriers such as Maersk, MSC, CMA CGM, and Hapag-Lloyd have chosen to reroute their vessels around Africa, at the cost of time and fuel.

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