
Court Rules Trudeau Freezing Civil Liberties Protesters’ Bank Accounts Violated Canada’s Charter

Court Rules Trudeau Freezing Civil Liberties Protesters’ Bank Accounts Violated Canada’s Charter

adminJan 24, 20243 min read

Court Rules Trudeau Freezing Civil Liberties Protesters’ Bank Accounts Violated Canada’s Charter

Declared as unjustified

In February 2022, amid the cross-country truck convoy civil liberties protests in Ottawa against COVID-19 precautions and vaccine mandates, Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister, made an overreaching decision. He invoked the Emergencies Act as a response to this challenge to his overarching policies in a widespread attempt to silence and crush his critics.

Under the Emergencies Act, Trudeau, and his Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, froze the bank accounts of protesters and their supporters in one of the biggest attacks on free speech and civil liberties that Canada has seen in recent times.

However, a Federal Court has now ruled that the Trudeau-led Liberal government overreached its powers. Their act was declared unreasonable, unjustified, and violating the Charter in a verdict published on a recent Tuesday.

We obtained a copy of the verdict for you here.

Related: Trudeau says he feels “serene and confident” over decision to freeze protesters’ bank accounts

Presiding over the case, Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley found that whereas these Freedom Convoy protests generated harm, they did not elevate to a threat against national security as per the legal definition.

Proclaiming the Emergencies Act in such a scenario, according to Mosley, lacked the attributes of sound decision-making, including justification, transparency, and intelligibility. Tracing the legal and factual constraints that must inform such a resolve illuminated this lack for Mosley.

“I have concluded that the decision to issue the Proclamation [of the Emergencies Act’ does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness – justification, transparency and intelligibility – and was not justified,” Mosley wrote.

Civil liberty groups, including the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) and the Canadian Constitutional Foundation (CCF), had challenged this historic precedent. They contended that the Liberal government stretched its power too far while dealing with the Freedom Convoy blockades in Ontario and Alberta in February 2022. The court’s verdict aligned with their argument.

Expressing a rare degree of self-reflection, Mosley confessed to initially leaning towards the counter-argument. He perceived the convoy’s actions as crossing the line of legitimate protest, constituting the erosion of public order. Were he present at the government’s decision-making table, he might have supported invoking the act. Over months of mulling over the evidence and different angles of the argument, Mosley swung towards the viewpoint presented by CCLA and CCF.

Nonetheless, the government remains convinced that invoking the Emergencies Act was necessary and has promised to appeal the verdict. Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland commented on Mosley’s decision by asserting their belief that public safety and national security, which include economic security, were under threat.

“The public safety of Canadians was under threat, our national security, which includes our national economic security, was under threat,” Freeland alleged. “I was convinced at the time. It was the right thing to do. It was the necessary thing to do.”

Alex Jones: We’ve Moved Beyond The Crossroads, It’s Time To Choose A Side

Alex Jones: We’ve Moved Beyond The Crossroads, It’s Time To Choose A Side

adminJan 24, 20241 min read

Alex Jones: We’ve Moved Beyond The Crossroads, It’s Time To Choose A Side

Watch & share this special analysis found nowhere else!

Alex Jones explains how now, in 2024, we’ve moved beyond the crossroads and are headed for a head-on collision with the globalists:

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Kari Lake Demands Resignation Of “Corrupt” GOP Chair Caught Trying To Bribe Her

Kari Lake Demands Resignation Of “Corrupt” GOP Chair Caught Trying To Bribe Her

adminJan 24, 20243 min read
“He’s gotta resign. We can’t have somebody who is corrupt and compromised running the Republican Party.”

Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake called on the state’s GOP chair Jeff DeWit to resign after a recording emerged of him trying to bribe Lake to stay out of politics for two years.

n the recording, first reported by the Daily Mail, DeWit, 51, can be heard asking lake to name her price not to run.

“There are very powerful people who want to keep you out,” he can be heard telling her in a conversation recorded last March.

He then, after asking her not to mention the conversation to anyone, makes his first offer:

“So the ask I got today from back east was: “Is there any companies out there or something that could just put her on the payroll to keep her out?

Lake is taken aback.

“This is about defeating Trump and I think that’s a bad, bad thing for our country,” she replied.

DeWit later framed it in a different way.

“Just say, is there a number at which –

“I can be bought?” Lake interjected. “That’s what it’s about?”

“You can take a pause for a couple of years. You can go right back to what you’re doing,” DeWit replied.

Lake repeatedly shuts him down, and says she wouldn’t pull out for a billion dollars.

“This is not about money, it’s about our country,” she says (one her own recording, we’re guessing).

Listen (via Collin Rugg):

BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party chair Jeff DeWit caught on secret recording trying to bribe Kari Lake not to run for the Senate.

Holy s***!

“There are very powerful people who want to keep you out,” he said.

At one point during the secret recording, Lake was asked to name…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) January 23, 2024

Following the report, Lake called on DeWit to resign.

“He’s gotta resign. We can’t have somebody who is corrupt and compromised running the Republican Party,” she told an NBC reporter during Trump’s New Hampshire primary victory party.

Kari Lake calls for @AZGOP Chair Jeff DeWit to resign after release of audio in which he can be heard bribing Lake to not run for the U.S. Senate in exchange for a potential job (and its salary):

— Vaughn Hillyard (@VaughnHillyard) January 24, 2024

Just one question…

Hey @JeffDeWitAZ before you resign, would you mind sharing the names of the “very powerful people” who buy US politicians?

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) January 24, 2024

What say you now Eric Garcia, senior Washington Correspondent of The Independent?

Kari Lake Demands Resignation Of “Corrupt” GOP Chair Caught Trying To Bribe Her
NATO Officially Mobilizes 90,000 Troops To Prepare For War With Russia, Warns Jack Posobiec
WHO Europe Calls for ‘Urgent’ Measles Vaccination

WHO Europe Calls for ‘Urgent’ Measles Vaccination

adminJan 24, 20243 min read

WHO Europe Calls for ‘Urgent’ Measles Vaccination

The international health body pointed to a 40-fold jump in cases between 2022 and 2023

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called for an “urgent” vaccine campaign to combat measles outbreaks across Europe, after registering over 42,000 infections last year.

The agency’s European branch sounded alarms over the surge in cases in a press release published on Tuesday, noting that Kazakhstan has been among the hardest-hit nations.

”As in other countries of the region, the virus is spreading rapidly and the outbreak is attributed largely to an accumulation of susceptible children who missed routine immunization doses during the Covid-19 pandemic; 65% of the reported measles cases in Kazakhstan have been children under 5 years of age,” the statement said, adding that Kazakh authorities were implementing “extensive outbreak response measures,” including a major vaccination campaign.

WHO Europe went on to note that more than 42,000 measles cases had been registered across 41 countries in 2023 – a massive increase over the 941 cases reported in all of 2022.

In a previous notice issued in December, the health body called for “urgent action” to address the outbreak, with the WHO’s regional director for Europe, Hans Kluge, stressing that vaccines must be a top priority for any mitigation efforts.

”Vaccination is the only way to protect children from this potentially dangerous disease. Urgent vaccination efforts are needed to halt transmission and prevent further spread,” he said. “It is vital that all countries are prepared to rapidly detect and timely respond to measles outbreaks, which could endanger progress towards measles elimination.”

The rapid rise in measles infections is largely the result of a “backsliding in vaccination coverage” during the Covid-19 pandemic, which “significantly impacted immunization system performance” in Europe, according to the WHO. Children have accounted for much of the drop in vaccinations, with over 1.8 million infants missing their measles shots between 2020 and 2022.

To roll back the outbreak, the agency recommended that countries achieve at least 95% coverage with standard two-dose measles vaccines. In 2022, second dose coverage had dropped to just 91%.

Caused by a highly contagious airborne virus, measles symptoms typically include coughing and fever, and in rare cases can lead to brain inflammation, pneumonia, blindness and even death. Though palliative treatments are available to reduce the severity of symptoms, and vaccinations have led to major reductions in global infections in recent decades, there is currently no cure for the illness.

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WATCH: Is The Supreme Court Being Blackmailed?

WATCH: Is The Supreme Court Being Blackmailed?

adminJan 24, 20241 min read

WATCH: Is The Supreme Court Being Blackmailed?

Watch & share!

Alex Jones explains how blackmail operations are likely linked to the Supreme Court’s controversial ruling regarding Texas’ border:

Don’t miss:

Deep State To Remove Joe Biden At DNC In July
AP Calls New Hampshire Primary For Trump

AP Calls New Hampshire Primary For Trump

adminJan 24, 20247 min read
Nikki Haley refuses to drop out, despite loss.

Update (2002ET): With just under 20% of the votes counted, the Associated Press has called the New Hampshire primary for Trump – who so far has 54.2% of the vote to Haley’s 44.8%. The former president is performing roughly in line with expectations, and the former UN Ambassador doing better than expected so far.

Nikki Haley congratulates Donald Trump on his win in New Hampshire but says she’s not dropping out.

“This race is far from over.”

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) January 24, 2024

Fox News — “Donald Trump is now the only person ever to win the New Hampshire primary three times!”

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) January 24, 2024

0.6% of voters crossed their arms and voted for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis anyway, despite his dropping out of the race and endorsement of Trump.

AP Calls New Hampshire Primary For Trump

According to AP:

The result was a setback for former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, who invested significant time and financial resources into winning the state. She was the last major challenger in the race after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ended his presidential bid over the weekend, allowing her to campaign as the sole alternative to Trump. Haley intensified her criticism of the former president, questioning his mental acuity and pitching herself as a unifying candidate who would usher in generational change.

The appeals failed to resonate with enough voters. Trump can now boast of being the first Republican presidential candidate to win open races in Iowa and New Hampshire since both states began leading the election calendar in 1976, a striking sign of how rapidly Republicans have rallied around him to make him their nominee for the third consecutive time.

Biden ‘insurgent’ rival and Bill Ackman pick Dean Phillips is garnering a shocking 20.4% vs. the sitting president, with thousands of write-in votes uncounted, Bloomberg reports.

Phillips, a US representative from Minnesota, told Bloomberg News Monday that anything less than 80% for the president would signal weakness for Biden as he appears headed for a rematch with former President Donald Trump.

Biden allies noted that the president didn’t campaign in the state, and that any win by a write-in candidate is extraordinary.

And what’s this?

Democrats are voting for Nikki Haley tonight in the New Hampshire primary. They’re Biden supporters

— Nuance Bro (@NuanceBro) January 24, 2024

BREAKING: New Hampshire exit polling shows that a majority of voters in the Republican primary tonight are NOT Republicans.

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 23, 2024

*  *  *

With record turnout expected in New Hampshire’s COP Primary, and despite the on-the-ground polls saying otherwise, the ‘uniparty’ and its establishment media puppets continue to push Haley as a potential spoiler of Trump’s triumphant return.

One member of the Washington elite (thouhg he’d likely not appreciate that association) who won’t be supporting her is Senator Rand Paul who appeared on Tucker Carlson tonight to make his feelings clear.

“…it’s one thing to find Nikki Haley distasteful, to acknowledge that she’s a bloodthirsty feminist harpy who should be nowhere near power. Most reasonable people have reached that conclusion. But to start a website: Never Nikki, suggests a level of anti-Nikki commitment that’s interesting and worth talking about,” Tucker Carlson says to Paul.

His response pulled no punches:

“Well nobody ever accused me of going halfway into anything. And it really, it gets to me at a very basic level, it gets to me when I see people who I think care more about the borders of Ukraine than they care about our own southern border.

And I see these people every day because they’re the entire Democrat caucus up here. But they’re half of my caucus, half of my Republican caucus is, as we speak, ready to sell out. And they’re ready to sell out fake border reform in exchange for what they really want, which is to send more of your tax dollars to Ukraine. I think Nikki Haley fits right in that camp.

I think she’s from the McConnell-Dick Cheney wing of the party. And this is the antithesis of everything I believe in. I’ve spent a few years trying to promote the ideals of liberty. There is a wing of the party that believes in that, and I wanted to make sure anybody that follows what I do knows that there’s no way, shape or form I could support Nikki Haley.”

Rand Paul is one of the few Republicans in the Senate who understands the threat of Nikki Haley. He may be the only one who cares where COVID came from. “Anthony Fauci should be in jail,” he says.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) January 23, 2024

And we suspect Paul won’t have to worry for long. Following Trump’s convincing 30-point win in last week’s Iowa caucuses and Ron DeSantis’ decision to drop out of the race and endorse the former president, it looks like tonight’s Republican presidential primary in New Hampshire is Trump’s to lose.

According to the latest polls (via RealClearPolitics), Trump holds over 55 percent support among likely GOP voters in the state, leading his closest competitor and former UN ambassador Nikki Haley by 1around 20 percentage points.

Florida Gov. DeSantis stood at just 6 percent in the poll, which was conducted before he announced the end of his presidential bid on Sunday. Assuming that many of his supporters follow his endorsement and support Trump going forward, the former president’s lead could be even bigger than the latest poll indicates.

As Statista’s Felix Richer notes, if the results from New Hampshire actually go Trump’s way, he would be the first non-incumbent Republican candidate to win in Iowa and New Hampshire, two states often considered crucial in the presidential primaries as they host the first contests in the nomination process.

Winning in Iowa and/or New Hampshire can make or break a candidate’s momentum and many presidential bids have hit an early wall in either of the two states.

As Statista shows in the chart below, the majority of Democratic and Republican candidates who won in Iowa and/or New Hampshire went on to win their party’s presidential ticket.

You will find more infographics at Statista

Since 1972, 9 out of 13 Democratic winners in the Iowa caucuses won the nomination, while 7 out of 12 Republican winners did the same.

New Hampshire appears to be even more decisive in the race for the Republican candidacy, as 11 out of 13 Republican winners in the state’s primary elections won the nomination since 1972.

Trump remains the strong favorite to win the Republican party nomination…

For Democratic candidates, the New Hampshire results aren’t quite as important, with “just” 7 out of 13 winners ending up winning the Democratic nomination.