

Video: Illegal Aliens Arrive Via Boat on CA Shore, Immediately Disperse Into Nearby Neighborhood

adminJan 25, 20242 min read
As soon as the boat reaches land, over 15 illegal immigrants begin pouring out, with one of them carrying a small child.

Footage circulating on social media purports to show a large group of illegal immigrants landing on a beach in Southern California, before they immediately flee into a shoreside neighborhood.

The video, shared on X Thursday by NewsNation correspondent Jorge Ventura, features a motor-powered boat landing ashore reportedly in La Jolla, around 12 miles north of San Diego.

As soon as the boat reaches land, over 15 illegal immigrants begin pouring out, with one of them carrying a small child.

NEW: A follower just sent me this video from earlier today of a group of migrants on a boat reaching the shores of a beach in La Jolla , CA.

Once the migrants reached the shore they immediately start running into the neighborhood

Unclear at this time if this group of…

— Jorge Ventura Media (@VenturaReport) January 25, 2024

After a police vehicle that happened to be on the scene as the illegals disembarked the boat sounded its siren, the illegals immediately took flight towards homes in the area.

“Unclear at this time if this group of migrants have been apprehended,” Ventura noted.

The incident is reminiscent of scenes from the European migrant invasion, where countless videos have depicted numerous boatloads of illegal migrants arriving ashore.

Illegal migrants waiting on their boats at Tunisia to cross mediterranean sea and in order to land in Italy. Europe is going to see a huge demographic and cultural change soon if they don’t act soon ? #illegalimmigration #Europe #italy Source @RadioGenoa ?

— The Poll Aunt (@ThePollAunt) September 30, 2023

Evidently this isn’t the first time time boats carrying migrants have arrived ashore in the area.

Just last year, 8 illegals were found dead after two boats carrying migrants capsized off the San Diego coastline.

HISTORIC! All Republican Governors Back Texas As They Stand Up Against The Fed’s Border Invasion

HISTORIC! All Republican Governors Back Texas As They Stand Up Against The Fed’s Border Invasion

adminJan 25, 20241 min read

HISTORIC! All Republican Governors Back Texas As They Stand Up Against The Fed’s Border Invasion

Republican governors back Lone Star State in historic battle with Biden administration over right to control its own borders.

Alex Jones covers the historic development in the border invasion as every Republican Governor backs Texas as it stands up to the Feds attempt to destroy this country.

HISTORIC! All Republican Governors Back Texas As They Stand Up Against The Fed’s Border Invasion

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) January 25, 2024

RELATED – Update: 25 GOP Governors Back Texas in Border Fight with Feds

Breaking: Trump Calls on ALL STATES to Deploy National Guard Troops to Texas Amid Biden Border Fight

Breaking: Trump Calls on ALL STATES to Deploy National Guard Troops to Texas Amid Biden Border Fight

adminJan 25, 20243 min read

Breaking: Trump Calls on ALL STATES to Deploy National Guard Troops to Texas Amid Biden Border Fight

‘We encourage all willing States to deploy their guards to Texas to prevent the entry of Illegals, and to remove them back across the Border.’

Former President Donald Trump has urged all states to mobilize their National Guard units to help Texas defend its border amid the Lone Star State’s fight with the Biden administration over razor wire barriers.

Read Trump’s statement posted to Truth Social on Thursday below:

When I was President, we had the most secure Border in History. Joe Biden has surrendered our Border, and is aiding and abetting a massive Invasion of millions of Illegal Migrants into the United States. Instead of fighting to protect our Country from this onslaught, Biden is, unbelievably, fighting to tie the hands of Governor Abbott and the State of Texas, so that the Invasion continues unchecked. In the face of this National Security, Public Safety, and Public Health Catastrophe, Texas has rightly invoked the Invasion Clause of the Constitution, and must be given full support to repel the Invasion.…

We encourage all willing States to deploy their guards to Texas to prevent the entry of Illegals, and to remove them back across the Border. All Americans should support the commonsense measures by Texas authorities to protect the Safety, Security, and Sovereignty of Texas, and of the American people. When I am President, on Day One, instead of fighting Texas, I will work hand in hand with Governor Abbott and other Border States to Stop the Invasion, Seal the Border, and Rapidly Begin the Largest Domestic Deportation Operation in History. Those Biden has let in should not get comfortable because they will be going home.

The former president’s call comes as the governors of over 15 GOP-led states pledged to support Gov. Greg Abbott’s efforts asserting constitutional authority over the right to erect razor wire boundaries in Eagle Pass.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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<div>Biden & Forgotten Federal Financial Tyranny</div>

Biden & Forgotten Federal Financial Tyranny

adminJan 25, 20246 min read

<div>Biden & Forgotten Federal Financial Tyranny</div>

Laws and regulations remain on the books that could permit federal agencies to deny due process to any business or industry that politicians seek to scourge.

Americans were jolted last week to learn that the Joe Biden administration viewed purchasing a Bible as a potential terrorist warning sign. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, revealed that the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network stretched its “suspicious behavior” definition to include purchasing a Bass Pro Shop hat, as well as items sold by Cabella’s and Dick’s Sporting Goods.

If you’ve bought a gun or ammo since 2021, Team Biden bureaucrats may have automatically classified you as a “potential active shooter.” Or maybe your plane ticket purchases triggered the latest “lone actor/homegrown violent extremism” indicators.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of Washington precedents for this type of idiocy. The vast array of federal levers enable politicians to squeeze any target they choose. The sheer power of covert federal financial dictates was revealed by one of the most corrupt schemes of the Barack Obama administration.

In 2011, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) sent banks a new list of “high risk” industries and clients. Banks were told to avoid providing services to firearms and ammo companies, pornography stars and producers, coin dealers, online tobacco retailers, payday loan operators, and other targets. Many observers were mystified at the categories of companies the FDIC denigrated. A congressional report later complained that the FDIC jumbled together legitimate businesses “with inherently pernicious or patently illegal activities such as Ponzi schemes, debt consolidation scams, and drug paraphernalia.”

In 2013, the Justice Department launched Operation Choke Point, a quasi-covert campaign to “choke” politically disfavored businesses. The Justice Department “radically and unjustifiably expanded” its subpoena authority under a 1989 antifraud law, according to a 2014 congressional report. The Department issued fifty subpoenas to banks and financial institutions which had failed to banish accounts on the FDIC “high risk” list. American Bankers Association president Frank Keating complained, “If a bank doesn’t shut down a questionable account when directed to do so, Justice slaps the institution with a penalty for wrongdoing that may or may not have happened. The government is compelling banks to deny service to unpopular but perfectly legal industries by threatening penalties.” Former FDIC chief William Isaac declared, “Bankers are being cowed into submission by an oppressive regulatory regime.” Issac wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal headlined “Don’t Like an Industry? Send a Message to Its Bankers” showing how the Operation Choke Point was targeting firearm and firework vendors.

Federal threats swayed banks to blindside thousands of their business customers. Cigar sellers and manufacturers were clobbered as collateral victims. A Daily Beast story headlined “The Banks’ War on Porn” reported that “hundreds of current and former porn stars” received “curt letters of account termination without further explanation” from their banks. A top FDIC official insisted that the agency’s letters to Congress on the crackdown “always mention pornography when discussing payday lenders and other industries, in an effort to convey a ‘good picture regarding the unsavory nature of the businesses at issue,’” according to a 2014 congressional report.

For some federal regulators and prosecutors, guns were even worse than smut. The FDIC notified banks to “‘prohibit’ payment processing for firearms merchants” and described “loans to firearms dealers as ‘undesirable,’” according to a 2014 congressional report. The National Rifle Association complained that banks were “refusing to do business with legitimate law-abiding companies in the firearm industry . . . without regard to the specific company’s credit, criminal or financial history.” Hundreds of firearms and ammo companies saw their bank accounts frozen or terminated. Representative Sean Duffy (R-WI) complained that federal officials were “weaponizing government to meet their ideological beliefs.” Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) declared, “Unelected bureaucrats at the Department of Justice, the FDIC and other agencies set out to kill legal businesses by starving them of access to financial institutions.”

The Obama administration acted as if its regulatory targets did not deserve due process, and the program ravaged far and wide before it was exposed. Emails from FDIC officials showed they were “scheming to influence banks’ decisions on who to do business . . . [to ensure] banks ‘get the message’ about the businesses the regulators don’t like, and pressuring banks to cut credit or close those accounts, effectively discouraging entire industries,” according to an analysis published in the Daily Signal.

Federal officials continually denied the extent of the crackdown, but congressional and media investigations exposed their deceit. In 2015, FDIC chairman Martin Gruenberg admitted to Congress that “bank examiners had misinterpreted regulatory guidance to suggest that entire categories of businesses [including firearms dealers] should be barred from traditional banking services.” But the program continued plugging along until the Donald Trump administration ended the witch hunt.

Unfortunately, legions of laws and regulations remain on the books that could permit federal agencies to deny due process to any business or industry that politicians seek to scourge. The House Judiciary Committee will likely soon reveal other follies and outrages committed by Biden’s financial regulators. When it comes to Uncle Sam, “no matter how cynical you get, it’s never enough to keep up,” as comedian Lily Tomlin said.

Alex Jones: We’ve Moved Beyond The Crossroads, It’s Time To Choose A Side
<div>Middle East Uncertainty & Its Effects on Global Markets</div>

Middle East Uncertainty & Its Effects on Global Markets

adminJan 25, 20245 min read
“Anything that happens over there with Israel, we’re going to get dragged into it. We’re going to be funding it. It’s going to be increasing our deficits, more fiscal stimulus which is inflationary, and that it is going to result in bigger deficits and more money printing — all of this just accelerates the problem now.”

As the conflict continues to accelerate in Gaza and beyond, 2024 is set for a somewhat terrifying boom in global uncertainty — and will take gold prices with it.

The conflict has escalated to involve neighboring regions, with the potential for further regional destabilization. Israel’s military operations are now focusing on Hamas’ southern and central strongholds, while regional tensions are heightened by the involvement of non-state actors such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Iran-aligned Houthis. This threatens regional stability and could also put further pressure on global supply chains if it interferes with Red Sea shipping routes. In response, gold is holding strong after rocketing upward from its October 2023 lows when fighting broke out:

<div>Middle East Uncertainty & Its Effects on Global Markets</div>

The Biden Administration has vowed to strike back against the Houthis, promising a “sustained campaign” in Yemen that definitively ups the ante on US involvement in the conflict from a proxy war to a direct one. Having barely just finished handing billions to Ukraine in an already-widening fiscal deficit, the escalations in the Middle East carry all the signs of a protracted conflict. Without lenders to finance US involvement, more war that the US can’t afford means more money printing to fund it. As Peter Schiff said late last year:

“Anything that happens over there with Israel, we’re going to get dragged into it. We’re going to be funding it. It’s going to be increasing our deficits, more fiscal stimulus which is inflationary, and that it is going to result in bigger deficits and more money printing — all of this just accelerates the problem now.”

He predicted as much at the start of the Ukraine war and in the Middle East, it’s looking like more of the same. With parallels to 9/11, the October attacks in Israel that launched the conflict could prove to be a 9/11-type “no going back” moment for the region, leading to potentially years of fighting and reshuffling the global chessboard. As Peter Schiff said last October on his podcast, soon after war broke out and gold resumed an upward trajectory:

“The stakes are high, and the implications are serious. Iran’s motives in the background, seeking to disrupt the Israel-Saudi deal. The peace treaty now hangs in the balance, a significant development in an already tense region.”

The election year factor adds another wrench, with an incumbent administration set to embrace war with the hopes of artificially juicing GDP with rising defense stocks. Though disastrous for the people in these countries and terrible for the dollar, all of this meddling points to record highs for gold in 2024 as the world dumps dollars and exposure to US debt and flees to monetary safety.

Record domestic oil production in 2024 might be helping provide a small temporary buffer between Americans and higher gas prices as a result of the war and OPEC’s supply cuts last year. Combined with other non-OPEC countries like Brazil and Guyana pumping record amounts, the pressure is on OPEC to get some of that market share back, which could drive oil prices lower still in the near term. However, OPEC still expects demand to skyrocket as it contemplates further cuts due to economic development in China, and pushback on quixotic “net zero” policies driving up the need for fuel between now and 2025.

But current highs in domestic oil production won’t solve the growing US debt bubble and isn’t enough on its own to keep gold prices down. That was true before the fighting started, and it’s even truer as the conflict appears solidly on track to escalate and rip through an already unstable region. Any relief in the price of oil is likely to be temporary, especially as demand increases and money printing to fund the war puts further stress on the dollar.

While the USD is still the “best of the worst” compared to alternatives like the euro, before the war, foreign countries like China were already offloading US Treasuries, and trillions more will soon need to be refinanced. That’s just one wad of gunpowder in the global debt keg that was already looming before the outbreak of war made a bad situation worse:

“In short, the US Treasury is ensnared in a debt trap which can only result in foreigners spurning US Treasuries and the dollar itself.”

In fact, China’s Treasury holdings dropped a whopping 40% last year to prop up the yuan, marking just one factor in the increasing trend of global de-dollarization threatening the USD’s status as the global reserve currency. While some of China’s debt holdings were replaced with mortgage-backed securities, those could encounter trouble as well if the US housing market dumps in the wake of a frothy year for real estate.

The logical outcome of more war, more global uncertainty, a supply crunch for oil, and election year madness? A financial crisis and accompanying global gold rush as dollars get dumped and scores of desperate investors and central banks move to protect their wealth with history’s favorite yellow metal.

Alex Jones: We’ve Moved Beyond The Crossroads, It’s Time To Choose A Side
<div>Alex Jones: Should Texas Secede & Elect Elon Musk As First President?</div>

Alex Jones: Should Texas Secede & Elect Elon Musk As First President?

adminJan 25, 20242 min read

<div>Alex Jones: Should Texas Secede & Elect Elon Musk As First President?</div>

There has never been this much support for Texas independence

Infowars founder Alex Jones released a message on ? Thursday, asking, “Should Texas secede from the US and become its own country? Should we elect @elonmusk as its first president?”

Should Texas secede from the US and become its own country? Should we elect @elonmusk as its first president?

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) January 25, 2024

Musk has been living in Texas for a few years now after leaving the Democrat hellhole of California in 2020 and moving several of his lucrative businesses to the red state.

The world’s wealthiest person has proven to be a man of the people by bringing free speech back to the Internet via ? and calling attention to topics the NWO would like to prevent the public from discussing.

Meanwhile, Texas is the largest continental state in America, the 8th largest economy in the world, produces more oil than all but four nations, and has already been an independent nation in the past.

Of course, the invasion of America via the wide-open southern border is an emergency alone worth removing Texas from being under the control of the globalist-captured federal government.

The video Jones commented on was a year-old interview between The American Journal host Harrison Smith and the President of the Texas Nationalist Movement Dan Miller making the case for the Lone Star State to leave the union.

With “secede” and “TEXIT” recently trending on social media due to the ongoing feud between Texas and the Biden administration, it was perfect timing for Miller to make another appearance on the Infowars transmission.

Miller and Smith discussed the latest explosion of support for Texas secession on Thursday’s exclusive broadcast of The American Journal: