
Will Globalists Assassinate Biden As An Election False Flag?

Will Globalists Assassinate Biden As An Election False Flag?

adminJan 26, 20241 min read

Will Globalists Assassinate Biden As An Election False Flag?

Deep State would take out clearly senile candidate while also having another excuse to crack down on conservative movement

Alex Jones says his mother has repeatedly warned him the Holy Spirit has told her the Deep State will assassinate Biden just before the election in an atrocious false flag to be blamed on patriots.

<div>American Economy Running on Fumes as Consumer Debt Binge Reaches Ominous & Historic Fever Pitch</div>

American Economy Running on Fumes as Consumer Debt Binge Reaches Ominous & Historic Fever Pitch

adminJan 26, 20244 min read

<div>American Economy Running on Fumes as Consumer Debt Binge Reaches Ominous & Historic Fever Pitch</div>

For many, the only way to continue surviving in this hellscape is to go into debt. The latest data from the Federal Reserve shows that consumer borrowing increased much faster than expected in December, which saw higher spending than normal.

Cost of living in the United States is so out of control that consumers are going into debt like never before in the nation’s history.

This historic debt binge seemingly has no end, especially because of the increasingly harsh economic environment that is making it next to impossible for many people to continue making ends meet.

Housing costs are through the roof. Employers are laying off workers in record numbers. Poverty and homelessness are becoming the norm rather than the exception. America’s southern border is wide open to limitless “asylum seekers” who are displacing and replacing American citizens. Where does it all end?

For many, the only way to continue surviving in this hellscape is to go into debt. The latest data from the Federal Reserve shows that consumer borrowing increased much faster than expected in December, which saw higher spending than normal.

“U.S. consumers did not rein in their spending this past holiday season, and now have near-record-breaking debt balances to show for it,” one report explained.

“Consumer borrowing spiked by $23.75 billion in November, more than doubling economists’ expectations for a $9 billion increase and sending outstanding credit balances north of the $5 trillion mark for the first time on record.”

Inflation, debt, collapse

Higher rates of revolving credit, mostly from credit cards, are behind the monthly increase in borrowing that occurred in December, soaring by nearly $19.5 billion. This represents the third-highest monthly increase on record since 1943.

Though rapidly rising debt levels have not yet become unmanageable, this is changing as the debt crisis is leading the country off a financial cliff.

“Credit card usage and Buy Now, Pay Later usage seemingly surged during the holidays, on top of already hefty debt loads,” said Ted Rossman, a senior industry analyst at Bankrate.

Looking back at what happened in 2012 when the country was just coming out of what came to be dubbed as the Great Recession, even what happened then pales in comparison to the nightmare that is unfolding today as credit card rates have reached an all-time high with an average of more than 20 percent.

Credit card rates are also rising at the steepest annual pace ever, aligning with the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike cycle.

“Most cardholders’ rates have risen five-and-a-quarter percentage points during that span as a result of the Fed’s rate hikes meant to combat inflation,” Rossman added. “It’s no wonder, then, that we’re seeing more people carrying more debt for longer periods of time.”

A recent survey found that a whopping 56 million credit cardholders in the U.S. have been carrying balances “for at least a year.” Roughly half of them now carry debt from month to month on at least one card.

More than 60 percent of America now lives paycheck to paycheck, and many of them are struggling just to pay their monthly bills, let alone having anything extra for a rainy-day emergency.

It is expected that things will worsen dramatically in 2024 as well. An economic downturn, as they are calling it, is sure to manifest – though many would argue that, based on pre-“pandemic” metrics, the U.S. has already been in a recession for some time now.

Cam Harvey, the economist who discovered the Treasury yield curve’s ability to forecast recessions, says that when yields on three-month Treasury bills remain higher than those on 10-year notes for at least three months, triggering an official inversion, a recession is sure to follow.

“The indicator has preceded each of the last eight recessions and has not produced any false positives,” reported Business Insider about Harvey’s model.

Very soon, the world as we currently know will change, forever. Learn more at

Alex Jones: We’ve Moved Beyond The Crossroads, It’s Time To Choose A Side
GOP Governors Issue Joint Statement Backing Texas In Its Border Fight With Feds

GOP Governors Issue Joint Statement Backing Texas In Its Border Fight With Feds

adminJan 26, 20241 min read

GOP Governors Issue Joint Statement Backing Texas In Its Border Fight With Feds

Republican governors from several states are supporting Texas in its constitutional battle with the Biden administration over the right to defend its borders. On Thursday, the Governors of 25 states issued a joint statement via […]

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WATCH: Bill Gates Trembles With Fear When Confronted About Deadly mRNA

WATCH: Bill Gates Trembles With Fear When Confronted About Deadly mRNA

adminJan 26, 20241 min read

WATCH: Bill Gates Trembles With Fear When Confronted About Deadly mRNA

During a recent interview with CBSN, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates visibly trembled with fear when the host confronted him about the deadly mRNA jabs. Gates’ body language speaks for itself, and his stuttering answer to […]

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Trump ‘Doesn’t Want to Solve the Border Problem’ Says Mitt Romney

Trump ‘Doesn’t Want to Solve the Border Problem’ Says Mitt Romney

adminJan 26, 20241 min read

Trump ‘Doesn’t Want to Solve the Border Problem’ Says Mitt Romney

RINO Mitt Romney has claimed that Donald Trump doesn’t want to solve the border problem that Joe Biden created. On Thursday Romney took aim at the former President for pushing Republican lawmakers to oppose a […]

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Homeland Security Insiders Warn Terror Attacks Imminent Due to Biden’s Open Border

Homeland Security Insiders Warn Terror Attacks Imminent Due to Biden’s Open Border

adminJan 26, 20241 min read

Homeland Security Insiders Warn Terror Attacks Imminent Due to Biden’s Open Border

Former national security experts and FBI insiders sent a letter to Congress this month warning of a series of imminent terrorist attacks in the U.S. due to Biden’s open border. According to multiple officials, there […]

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