
Red Alert: Investigative Journalist Michael Yon Warns Of Texas Border False Flag

Red Alert: Investigative Journalist Michael Yon Warns Of Texas Border False Flag

adminJan 26, 20241 min read

Red Alert: Investigative Journalist Michael Yon Warns Of Texas Border False Flag

Keep your heads on a swivel and don’t fall for the trap!

Michael Yon joins Alex Jones live via Skype and issues an emergency warning to those American and Texan patriots who wish to actively help protect the southern border.

Watch: Canada’s Climate Czar Accuses Tucker Carlson of ‘Inciting Violence’ Against Him

Watch: Canada’s Climate Czar Accuses Tucker Carlson of ‘Inciting Violence’ Against Him

adminJan 26, 20245 min read

Watch: Canada’s Climate Czar Accuses Tucker Carlson of ‘Inciting Violence’ Against Him

Carlson earns ire of prime minister and climate change minister for bringing free speech, MAGA movement to Canada.

Canada’s climate change minister Steven Guilbeault accused Tucker Carlson of inciting violence against him after his name was brought up during a recent event held by Carlson in Canada.

Joining Carlson on stage at a sold-out stadium in Alberta earlier this week, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith admitted she was trying to get Guilbeault fired.

Danielle Smith tells Tucker that she is trying to get climate minister and proud socialist Steven Guilbeault fired!


— Kat Kanada (@KatKanada_TM) January 24, 2024

“I wish you would put Steven Guilbeault in your crosshairs,” Smith told Carlson.

“He’s an environmental zealot. He happens to be our environmental minister federally. He believes he has the expertise and knowledge to tell us in Alberta how to run our power grid.”

Following the event, Guilbeault claimed Carlson “targeted” him and incited violence against him.

“This goes beyond me and the fact that I was targeted last night at this event this increases political violence against everyone who runs for office in this country, whether they’re doing it at the municipal level, at the provincial level, or at the federal level,” Guilbeault said.

BREAKING – FEAR OF TUCKER CARLSON IN CANADA: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) climate czar Steven Guilbeault accuses @TuckerCarlson of inciting violence in Canada last night with his speech and putting a target on his back. WATCH

— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) January 25, 2024

“…We can have difference of opinion. We can bang our fists on the table when when we meet we can have strong disagreement. But, but to incite violence against people who disagree with you, that’s not how things should be done in Canada.”

Asked to what “political violence” he was referring, Guilbeault clarified, “Well, to put a target on someone’s back for example.”

Of course, nowhere in Tucker’s speeches did he issue calls for political violence, or use violent rhetoric.

Elsewhere during his remarks, reporters asked Guilbeault if his own statements weren’t also contributing to the political divide that can lead to violence.

Guilbeault: We’re not comparing Poilievre to Tucker Carlson.

Reporter: You’re not? Have you looked at your own advertising for the Liberal Party?

— Mike Campbell ? (@Skeptical_Mike) January 25, 2024

“You do not summon the dogs of MAGA conservatism to come and somehow try to scare us, and to try to incite violence against politicians,” said Edmonton MP Randy Boissonnault of Smith’s decision to host Carlson.

Edmonton MP Randy Boissonnault says Premier Smith brought Tucker Carlson to his riding to “spew hate about LGBTQ2 people.”

“You do not summon the dogs of MAGA conservatism to come and somehow try to scare us, and to try to incite violence against politicians.”

— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) January 25, 2024

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also criticized Tucker this week, claiming opposition party leader Pierre Poilievre opposed Ukraine funding to appease “Putin apologists” like Carlson.

BREAKING: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) attacks Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson), calls him a “Putin apologist.” WATCH

— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) January 25, 2024

The criticisms toward Carlson come as the American broadcaster made stops in the Great White North part of his whirlwind “Sworn Enemy Tour.

TUCKER LEAVES A MESSAGE TO TRUDEAU: “We are coming to liberate Canada. We will be there soon.”

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 23, 2024

Check out clips from Carlson’s speeches in Canada below:

SHOCKING: Unprecedented massive crowd to see President Biden in Edmonton Canada..oh no, it’s for Tucker Carlson. WATCH

— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) January 25, 2024

?Tucker calls out Trudeau over systemic anti-Christian hate in Canada in SCATHING Alberta Speech:

“If you’re on the side of burning churches let me just say I don’t need any other facts of the case: You’re on the wrong side.”

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 24, 2024

I urge you all to listen to Tucker -he discuses subjects that most of our media and sadly most of our MP’s won’t !!

To save Canada from further insurmountable denigration we must adopt many of his alluded to political principles & ideology!

Thoughts ??

— Concerned Canadian (@Concern70732755) January 25, 2024

Tucker discusses the MAGA movement under Donald Trump to a MASSIVE Stadium in Canada.

— The TRUMP PAGE ?? (@MichaelDeLauzon) January 26, 2024

SEE IT: Here is Tucker Carlson’s full speech in the Oilers arena in Edmonton, Canada, as Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau and others claim he’s a Putin apologist and incited violence with his words last night. I cannot really see any violence here.

— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) January 25, 2024

Top Doctor Blows The Whistle, Admits Vaccinated People Are Developing Full Blown AIDS

Top Doctor Blows The Whistle, Admits Vaccinated People Are Developing Full Blown AIDS

adminJan 26, 20241 min read

Top Doctor Blows The Whistle, Admits Vaccinated People Are Developing Full Blown AIDS

A world renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist has blown the whistle, revealing that staggering numbers of vaccinated people around the world are now being diagnosed HIV positive. During a recent interview, Dr. Peter McCullough warned that […]

The post Top Doctor Blows The Whistle, Admits Vaccinated People Are Developing Full Blown AIDS appeared first on The People’s Voice.

Illegal Crossings Plummet In Eagle Pass as Mexico Cracks Down on Migrants In Surrounding Area

Illegal Crossings Plummet In Eagle Pass as Mexico Cracks Down on Migrants In Surrounding Area

adminJan 26, 20243 min read

Illegal Crossings Plummet In Eagle Pass as Mexico Cracks Down on Migrants In Surrounding Area

Migrant shelter in Mexican border city nearly empty weeks after tens of thousands were funneling through on way to U.S.

Illegal crossings into Eagle Pass, Texas, have substantially declined amid a crackdown by Mexican authorities in the state of Coahuila.

Border Hawk correspondent Efraín González visited a nearly-empty shelter in the border city of Piedras Negras through which tens of thousands of migrants were funneling just weeks ago.

Now, only around 100 migrants can be found at the shelter at any given time, with most preparing to present themselves at a port of entry on the international bridge with an appointment arranged via the CBP One app.

Migrants at the shelter are hesitant to leave its confines until their designated crossing times as Mexican authorities have been aggressively patrolling the immediate area and even flying illegals back to southern Mexico or their homelands — likely as part of a deal struck by the Biden and AMLO administrations at the end of 2023.

Groups of migrants are still crossing illegally into Texas via Coahuila, but many are now being forced to do so at remote points along the Rio Grande — and at far higher cost, as corrupt authorities have raised extortionate fees from around $50 to more than $1,500 per person.

It is unclear how long the clampdown will continue or why it wasn’t implemented long ago, but Border Hawk will be monitoring the situation on the ground as it develops.


Biden Regime Deploys Heavy Machinery to LIFT Razor Wire for Massive Mob of Illegals at Rio Grande

Border Hawk cameras captured the moment Border Patrol used heavy machinery to raise concertina wire erected by Texas authorities – just as a…

— Border Hawk (@BorderHawkNews) October 31, 2023


Mexican Soldiers Supervise Migration Route as Illegals Rush US Border

Mexican soldiers are being deployed to oversee pathways used by masses of migrants who are given GPS coordinates identifying predetermined crossing points along the Rio Grande.


— Border Hawk (@BorderHawkNews) January 4, 2024

Video UFC Owner Dana White Kills the Censorship Cult in 2 Minutes

Joy Reid Tells MSNBC Viewers Texas Securing Border Akin To Southerners Resisting Integration

Joy Reid Tells MSNBC Viewers Texas Securing Border Akin To Southerners Resisting Integration

adminJan 26, 20243 min read

Joy Reid Tells MSNBC Viewers Texas Securing Border Akin To Southerners Resisting Integration

Professional race-baiter continues dividing the public with inflammatory claims

MSNBC propagandist Joy Reid said this week the “massive resistance” to Joe Biden’s open borders by GOP-led states “sounds like the old Southerners who said that ‘we will resist integration by any means necessary.’”

25 Republican governors on Thursday signed a letter supporting Texas Governor Greg Abbott in his quest to stop the invasion of the state.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid says Texas wanting to secure their border “sounds like the old Southerners who said that we will resist integration by any means necessary”

— TheBlaze (@theblaze) January 25, 2024

Responding to Reid, ex-Deputy Director of Hispanic Media for Hillary Clinton Paola Ramos claimed GOP governors like Abbott are “essentially telling local authorities to break the law” by securing the border.

However, as former GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy accurately noted on ? Thursday, “The claim that Texas is defying the U.S. Supreme Court is flat-out *false.* The Court held that feds can remove the razor wire that TX is installing on the border, but that does NOT stop TX from still continuing to install the razor wire.”

The claim that Texas is defying the U.S. Supreme Court is flat-out *false.* The Court held that feds can remove the razor wire that TX is installing on the border, but that does NOT stop TX from still continuing to install the razor wire. There, constitutional crisis averted. ??

— Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) January 25, 2024

Human Events Senior Editor Jack Posobiec pointed out, “Joy Reid always says the quiet part out loud Today she admitted it is about the mass ‘integration’ of 3rd world migrants.”

Joy Reid always says the quiet part out loud

Today she admitted it is about the mass ‘integration’ of 3rd world migrants

— Jack Poso ?? (@JackPosobiec) January 26, 2024

Popular ? account Western Lensman honed in on the establishment’s new playbook of painting the GOP states resisting Biden’s open borders as “The New Confederacy.”

“The red border state alliance is about to be branded as the ‘New Confederacy’ — a racist coalition of states resisting the ‘moral arc of history.’ We will see many maps of comparing the new alliance with the old Confederacy. We will see Greg Abbot compared to George Wallace and other Old South segregationists. The media onslaught will be relentless.”

The account added, “This a prediction. Do you agree? What other regime narratives are about to unfold?”


This Joy Reid clip was from a couple days ago, but feeling more and more like this was foreshadowing the Democrat/media narrative we will see start to unfold.

“This massive resistance…sounds like the old Southerners who said that…

— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) January 26, 2024

We The People can see right through the globalist-controlled media’s agenda to divide the nation while flooding it with third-world citizens.

<div>Invasion Of US Underway: Top Ex-FBI, DHS & Other Agency Officials Pen Urgent Warning To Congress</div>

Invasion Of US Underway: Top Ex-FBI, DHS & Other Agency Officials Pen Urgent Warning To Congress

adminJan 26, 20244 min read

<div>Invasion Of US Underway: Top Ex-FBI, DHS & Other Agency Officials Pen Urgent Warning To Congress</div>

‘Military age men from across the globe, many from countries or regions not friendly to the United States, are landing in waves on our soil by the thousands’

Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) posted a letter sent to him and other members of Congress by former law enforcement officials warning Joe Biden’s open-border policies have put America in grave danger.

The cautionary message comes as every GOP governor in the country signed a joint letter Thursday supporting Texas in the battle to secure its border despite Biden admin efforts to keep the floodgates open.

This sobering letter from former FBI, Homeland Security, and other law enforcement officials describes the chilling reality of why @POTUS’s open border is a clear and present danger to America.

— Senator Ron Johnson (@SenRonJohnson) January 25, 2024

Ten retired FBI directors and experts in counter intelligence sent a letter to GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson (La.), Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (N.Y.), and the chairs of House and Senate intelligence and homeland security committees on Jan. 17.

The letter stated Biden’s open borders are a “specific threat that may be one of the most pernicious ever to menace the United States.”

The former senior executives of US intelligence continued, “The threat we call out today is new and unfamiliar. In its modern history the U.S. has never suffered an invasion of the homeland, and, yet, one is unfolding now. Military age men from across the globe, many from countries or regions not friendly to the United States, are landing in waves on our soil by the thousands – not by splashing ashore from a ship or parachuting from a plane bur rather by foot across a border that has been accurately advertised around the world as largely unprotected with ready access granted.”

“It would be difficult to overstate the danger represented by the presence inside our borders of what is comparatively a multi division army of young single adult males from hostile nations and regions whose background, intent, or allegiance is completely unknown. They include individuals encountered by border officials and then possibly released into the country, along with the shockingly high estimate of ‘gotaways,’ meaning those who have entered and evaded apprehension.

“In light of such a daunting, unprecedented penetration by uninvited foreign actors, it is reasonable to assert that the country possesses dramatically diminished national security at this time. The nation’s military and laws and other natural protective barriers that have provided traditional security in the past have been thoroughly circumvented over the past three years.”

The group pointed out that in 2021, the demographics of people coming across the border began to shift as Border Patrol saw countless military-aged men from around the world illegally enter the nation.

“This is particularly alarming in light of the Hamas terror attack on Israel last October 7,” the letter continued. “Those of us who have fought terrorism know that, historically, successful terror attacks invite mimicry.”

In fact, the retired intelligence experts alerted the congressmen that an imitation of the October 7 terror attack taking place in America “must be considered a distinct possibility.”

“Additionally, they are not just from terror linked regimes, but from China and Russia as well – hostile adversaries of the U.S. with aspirations to devastate national infrastructure,” they added.

In conclusion, the intel experts wrote, “The country has been invaded, an invasion that will continue as long as the nation’s enemies perceive it will be tolerated. … The government will have failed grievously in its duty to protect.”

HISTORIC! All Republican Governors Back Texas As They Stand Up Against The Fed’s Border Invasion

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) January 25, 2024