
‘My Views Have Changed’: Anti-Trump Actor Michael Rapaport Signals Political Shift Amid Disastrous Biden Policies

‘My Views Have Changed’: Anti-Trump Actor Michael Rapaport Signals Political Shift Amid Disastrous Biden Policies

adminMar 31, 20243 min read

‘My Views Have Changed’: Anti-Trump Actor Michael Rapaport Signals Political Shift Amid Disastrous Biden Policies

“I will not vote for Joe Biden. At this point when we’re doing this interview, voting for Trump is on the table,” he says.

Anti-Trump actor Michael Rapaport suggested he’s had a change of heart when it comes to the 45th president after enduring years of disastrous Democrat policies led by Joe Biden.

In an interview with the Visegrad 24 podcast last Thursday, Rapaport, a liberal who for years railed against former President Donald Trump and his supporters, said that voting for Trump is now “on the table.”

“My political views have changed immensely,” Rapaport said. “I will not vote for Joe Biden. At this point when we’re doing this interview, voting for Trump is on the table. People are like, ‘What are you talking about?’ That’s my reality. I will not support anybody who’s anti-Israel. I will not support anybody that is anti-making America safe.”

“I won’t vote for Biden. At this point voting Trump is on the table (…) I won’t support anyone anti-Israel or anti making USA safe,”

Visegrad24 spoke with @MichaelRapaport about his how his political views have changed since Oct. 7th.

Link to full interview in the comments ⬇️

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) March 29, 2024

Rapaport went on to lambast Biden’s open-border policies.

“I’m not down with that shit,” he said. “I’m not down with police officers in the greatest city on earth getting beaten up. You’re an illegal immigrant, and then you have no bail, [and then] flipping off the f***ing camera,” he continued.

“I’m not down with going into a Costco or a 7/11, cleaning out the spot,” he said of flash mobs looting retail stores in blue cities.

“So any of these people that support it, I’m not voting for them. I’m not getting caught up or suckered into these race politics or any of that bulls*** anymore,” he added.

Rapaport signaled a shift in his political views shortly after Israel was attacked by Hamas on Oct. 7 and has since come to realize the duplicitous nature of the corporate media.

Polls show Biden’s approval has fallen significantly among liberals who feel alienated by his stance on the Israel-Gaza conflict.

That disapproval has manifested in the Democrat primaries.

Michigan saw 13% of voters vote “uncommitted” in protest of Biden’s support of Israel, as well as 19% in Minnesota and 29% in Hawaii last week.

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The Era of Informed Consent is Over

The Era of Informed Consent is Over

adminMar 31, 20245 min read

The Era of Informed Consent is Over

Informed consent has been quietly revoked just 77 years after it was codified in the Nuremberg Code.

In a significant blow to patient autonomy, informed consent has been quietly revoked just 77 years after it was codified in the Nuremberg Code.

On the 21st of December 2023, as we were frantically preparing for the festive season, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a final ruling to amend a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act. This allowed..

…an exception from the requirement to obtain informed consent when a clinical investigation poses no more than a minimal risk to the human subject…

This ruling went into effect on January 22nd, 2024, which means it’s already standard practice across America. 

So, what is the 21st Century Cures Act? It is a controversial Law enacted by the 114th United States Congress in January 2016 with strong support from the pharmaceutical industry. The Act was designed to

…accelerate the discovery, development, and delivery of 21st-century cures, and for other purposes [?]…[emphasis added]

Some of the provisions within this Act make for uncomfortable reading. For example, the Act supported: 

High-risk, high-reward research [Sec. 2036].

Novel clinical trial designs [Sec. 3021]

Encouraging vaccine innovation [Sec. 3093].

This Act granted the National Institutes of Health (NIH) legal protection to pursue high-risk, novel vaccine research. A strong case could be made that these provisions capture all the necessary architecture required for much of the evil that transpired over the past four years.

Overturning patient-informed consent was another stated goal of the original Act. Buried under Section 3024 was the provision to develop an

Informed consent waiver or alteration for clinical investigation.

Scholars of medical history understand that the concept of informed consent, something we all take for granted today, is a relatively new phenomenon codified in its modern understanding as one of the critical principles of the Nuremberg Code in 1947. It is inconceivable that just 77 years after Nuremberg, the door has once again opened for state-sanctioned medical experimentation on potentially uninformed and unwilling citizens.  

According to this amendment, the state alone, acting through the NIH, the FDA, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), will decide what is considered a “minimal risk” and, most concerning, will determine:

…appropriate safeguards to protect the rights, safety, and welfare of human subjects. 

Notice the term subjects, not patients, persons, individuals, or citizens…but subjects. In asymmetrical power relationships such as clinician/patient, it is understood that the passive subject will comply with the rulings and mandates of their medical masters. The use of the term subjects also serves to dehumanise. The dehumanisation of populations was a critical component of Nazi human experimentation and, as Hannah Arendt argued, is an essential step toward denying citizens “…the right to have rights.”  

This ruling also allows researchers and their misguided evangelical billionaire backers to potentially pursue dangerous experimental programs such as Bill Gates’ mosquito vaccinesmRNA vaccines in livestock, and vaccines in aerosols. This Act encourages these novel and high-risk programs, with medical studies approved as ‘minimal risk’ by the regulators no longer requiring researchers and pharmaceutical companies to obtain patient consent. Yet, the histories of pharmacology and medicine are plagued with clinical investigations and interventions that were thought to pose no more than minimal risk to humans but went on to cause immeasurable pain, suffering, and death.

This amendment represents merely a first tentative step as the US government tests the waters to see what it can get away with. Given the lack of attention this ruling received in both the corporate press and independent media, the government is likely to feel emboldened to widen its scope. Thus, this decision represents the beginning of a chilling revisionism in Western medical history, as patient autonomy is again forsaken. 

This ruling, to be actioned by potentially corrupt scientists, health bureaucrats, and captured health and drug regulators, is another step toward a dystopian future unimaginable just five years ago. No doubt the infrastructure to implement this decree is already being constructed by the same groupthink cultists responsible for the nightmarish pandemic lockdowns, continuing to place the pursuit of profit and the greater good above individual choice, bodily autonomy, and informed consent. 

Watch: Another US Bridge Hit By Cargo Ship

Watch: Another US Bridge Hit By Cargo Ship

adminMar 31, 20242 min read

Watch: Another US Bridge Hit By Cargo Ship

A cargo vessel damaged the supports of a bridge over the Arkansas River less than a week after a deadly incident in Baltimore

The Oklahoma State Patrol has completely closed a highway after a barge struck the US-59 Bridge over the Arkansas River on Saturday.

Law enforcement is diverting traffic away from the area, to the south of Sallisaw, until inspections of the structure can be made, the state highway service wrote on X (formerly Twitter). There were no reports of injuries on the road or the barge, AP news agency quoted patrol spokesperson Sarah Stewart as saying. 

It was not immediately known what led to the collision. Video circulating on X shows the moment the barge impacted the bridge supports.

Another bridge struck by a barge.
U.S. 59 Bridge in Sallisaw Oklahoma

Dayton Holland and her family captured this video as they were fishing near the bridge.

— HighImpactFlix (@HighImpactFlix) March 30, 2024

The incident comes less than a week after the cargo hauler MV Dali struck and completely collapsed the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, killing six people. The freighter struck a support of the 1.6-mile (2.6 km) long structure in the early hours of Tuesday, causing it to topple into the river, taking vehicles and people with it.

Operations to clear the bridge rubble weighing down the MV Dali are currently ongoing. While the cargo hauler and bridge rubble are blocking the way, the port city of Baltimore is unable to resume marine traffic, a key industry for the area. Crews have been working to cut up portions of the metal bridge, with the first section being lifted on Saturday.

US-59 south of Sallisaw at the Kerr Reservoir is completely shut down at this time due to a barge that has struck the bridge. Troopers are diverting traffic away from the area. The bridge is going to be shut down until inspections of the bridge can be made.

— OK Highway Patrol/DPS (@OHPDPS) March 30, 2024

By some estimates, the repair bill could end up running upward of $1 billion if a whole new bridge needs to be erected, the Washington Post wrote on Thursday.

YouTube Says It Has a ‘Responsibility’ To Manipulate Algorithms Leading Up to 2024 Election

YouTube Says It Has a ‘Responsibility’ To Manipulate Algorithms Leading Up to 2024 Election

adminMar 31, 20243 min read
YouTube has a plan to remove and suppress some content, and boost what it decides are “authoritative” sources.

“Responsibility” is a good word. It’s even better as an actual thing. But even just as a word, it’s a positive one. It signals that reliable people/entities are behind some project, or policy.

So no wonder then, that the thoroughly disgraced Google/YouTube – as far as censorship and biased political approach – are trying to use the word “responsibility” as a narrative fig leaf to cover what the giant platform is actually up to – and has been, for a long while.

Enter, YouTube’s newest chief product officer, Johanna Voolich. What are the priorities here? It could be summed up as, four R’s and One C – namely, YouTube’s “remove, raise, reward, reduce” content approach – that’s as per a blog post published by YouTube itself.

And then, C would be speculative, for “censorship” – which is what these supposedly fair and “uplifting” actions in reality end up achieving.

If you thought any of this could be achieved by YouTube without “boosting authoritative content” – think again. That is still a solid pledge, regurgitated by Voolich.

And if you thought somebody would finally come out and clearly spell out how, and according to whose definition, content gets to be dubbed “authoritative” or otherwise – just don’t hold your breath.

The sum total is that YouTube has a new product manager, but that nothing has changed.

Certainly not in this year of election.

And while Voolich made perfunctory references to creators benefiting from new features, and even being heard (via feedback), they also learn that when that’s convenient, AI is advertised as a tool to “empower creativity.” (Otherwise, AI is denounced as a scourge to democracy itself.)

But when all that’s said, there’s the overarching issue of YouTube’s “responsibility.” To do what, you might wonder – give its users/creators the best tools and opportunities – or act as proxy campaigner for a certain political and ideological option, in the US, but also, elsewhere in the world?

YouTube’s self-professed “4 R’s of responsibility” may or may not provide some insight into what the answer to that serious question might be.

YouTube Says It Has a ‘Responsibility’ To Manipulate Algorithms Leading Up to 2024 Election

R1 – “Remove content that violates our policy as quickly as possible.”

R2 – “Raise up authoritative voices when people are looking for breaking news and information.”

R3 – “Reward trusted, eligible creators and artists.”

R4 – “Reduce the spread of content that brushes right up against our policy line.”

And that, right there, is a solid foundation for continued, effective “C” – Censorship.

YouTuber Kidnapped In Haiti While Attempting to Interview ‘Barbecue’

YouTuber Kidnapped In Haiti While Attempting to Interview ‘Barbecue’

adminMar 31, 20243 min read

YouTuber Kidnapped In Haiti While Attempting to Interview ‘Barbecue’

Youngsters will do anything for those clicks…

A YouTube and Twitch star known as “YourFellowArab” was reportedly kidnapped by a ruthless Haitian gang. The Gen-Zer attempted to interview gang leader Jimmy ‘Barbecue’ Cherizier earlier this month amid the Caribbean nation’s descent into civil war

Local media outlet Haiti24 reports Addison Pierre Maalouf traveled from his home in Atlanta to interview Barbecue, the leader of the G9 Family and Allies, abbreviated as “G9” or “FRG9”, a coalition of over a dozen Haitian gangs based in Port-au-Prince. 

But on March 14, the YouTuber was kidnapped by a group of armed men from the “400 Mawozo” gang. 

Haiti24 reports

The incident took place when he was returning from Cap-Haïtien, accompanied by his Haitian colleague, Sacra Sean. Adisson Pierre Maalouf went to Delmas 6 to do an interview with Jimmy Cerisier, aka “Barbecue,” a spokesperson for Viv Ansanm.

The outlet continued: 

According to information, the kidnappers, acting under the orders of the fearsome gang leader “Lanmò 100 jou”, member of the “Viv Ansanm” coalition, demanded an exorbitant ransom of $600,000 for the journalist’s release. Despite the payment of an initial tranche of $40,000, the kidnappers demanded a much larger sum for his complete release.

Addison makes videos about his experiences with gangsters all over the world. In one recent video, he lived with the Mexican cartel for days. He’s hunted pirates in the Red Sea and toured the favelas in Rio de Janeiro. 

Earlier this month, the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince urged all American citizens still in the country to “leave as soon as possible” while other embassies restricted services. The US State Department placed the nation on the “Do not travel” list for Americans. 

Another Twitch streamer, Lalem, said on X, “Tried keeping it [kidnapping] private for 2 weeks, but it’s getting out everywhere now. Yes Arab has been kidnapped in Haiti, and we’re working on getting him out. Love ya’ll, he’ll be out soon.”

Here are some of the YouTuber’s last posts on X:

Going on another one of those trips ?

If I die, thanks for watching what I’ve put out. If I live, all glory to God.

— Arab (@YourFellowArab) March 11, 2024

My taxi just got in an accident in the middle of the Dominican while I was asleep.

Everything good, just another sign that God is watching over ??

— Arab (@YourFellowArab) March 12, 2024

Dominican Republicans are by far the worst drivers in the entire world.

Worse than Indians, worse than Asians, worst in the world ??

— Arab (@YourFellowArab) March 12, 2024

Imagine all the shit I’ve done that should’ve killed me & I die to a car accident ?

I’d be the biggest pussy of all time. Light scratches keep moving.

— Arab (@YourFellowArab) March 12, 2024

Youngsters will do anything for those clicks… 

Special Report: Illegal Aliens Given Everything for Free While Americans Starve

Pentagon Overspent 0 Million in Ukraine Aid – Audit

Pentagon Overspent $400 Million in Ukraine Aid – Audit

adminMar 31, 20243 min read

Pentagon Overspent 0 Million in Ukraine Aid – Audit

The US Navy “did not have adequate internal controls to prevent overexecution” of allocated funds, the department’s watchdog has said

The US Navy has overspent hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Ukraine due to recurring accounting errors, according to a Pentagon watchdog’s report that warned the service branch may not have the funds to cover the shortfall next time.

The report released on Tuesday by the US Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (OIG) stated that “the Navy overexecuted its funding three times during fiscal year 2022” when it came to Ukraine supplemental assistance.

While the US Navy appropriated around $1.7 billion in funds to Ukraine, the watchdog found that the branch “overexecuted its allotment of Ukraine assistance funds… totaling $398.9 million.” The overspending was due to the Navy’s failure to address long-standing problems with its automated accounting system.

As a result, accounting errors had to be corrected manually on several occasions, leading the OIG to stress that “the Navy did not have adequate internal controls to prevent over-execution of funds from reoccurring.” It added that the military branch also focused on identifying errors after they had already taken place, rather than preventing them.

The OIG warned that while the Navy had resources to cover the difference, “such funds may not be available in the future.”

While the US has become one of Ukraine’s most prominent donors, with Washington allocating around $113 billion to the embattled nation since the start of the conflict, major concerns have arisen about misuse of the funds.

An OIG report in January found that the Pentagon did not properly track $1 billion worth of weapons and other military equipment. This came amid the White House’s long-standing assurances that there was no evidence that weapons had been stolen, despite Ukraine’s reputation for rampant corruption.

Moreover, the Pentagon watchdog announced last month that it had opened more than 50 cases into possible “theft, fraud or corruption, and diversion” of military aid to Ukraine. One of the cases highlighted by Robert Storch, the OIG head, involved items arriving in Poland before disappearing from a shipping manifest once they were sent across the border into Ukraine.

Russia has consistently denounced the arms shipments and repeatedly warned of weapons spillover, alleging that the equipment finds its way onto the black market and into the hands of organized crime and terrorists.

Special Report: Illegal Aliens Given Everything for Free While Americans Starve