
Iranian Embassy In Syria Targeted By Large Israeli Airstrikes In Major Escalation

Iranian Embassy In Syria Targeted By Large Israeli Airstrikes In Major Escalation

adminApr 1, 20244 min read
Amid unverified early reports, a regional monitor has said the death toll is at eight killed in the strikes on the Iran embassy annex in Damascus.

There are emerging reports and accompanying video confirmation that an Israeli airstrike destroyed part of the complex of the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital on Monday.

Syrian state media is also reporting that Israel conducted a rare daytime strike in the vicinity of the Iranian embassy in Damascus. Video shows that the entire front of the embassy complex and drive along with a side annex building have been destroyed. 

Watch: Airstrikes target a building near the Iranian embassy in Syria’s capital Damascus. Syrian state media says that Syrian air defenses intercepted “hostile targets” in the vicinity of the capital.#Iran #Syria

Read more:

— Al Arabiya English (@AlArabiya_Eng) April 1, 2024

However, the embassy building itself is standing and appears to have not been directly struck in the attack. Regional reports say an annex of the main embassy was taken out.

This may have been a targeted strike on a top Iranian security official, given Reuters is now reporting that the strikes killed the leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in Syria, Mohammad Reza Zahedi…


Below is local footage showing a row of vehicles on fire in the attack aftermath:

Did Israel miss the Iranian embassy or is this a warning?


— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) April 1, 2024

Amid unverified early reports, a regional monitor has said the death toll is at eight killed in the strikes on the Iran embassy annex in Damascus.

According to Israeli media, the attack occurred during a meeting of top-level officials:

Initial reports citing Iranian media say senior IRGC official Mohammad Reza Zahedi was killed in the alleged Israeli strike. 

The strike occurred during a meeting involving senior regional figures, adding a layer of complexity to the incident. New images released by Syrian media outlets depict the aftermath of the airstrike, revealing significant damage to the targeted building and its surroundings.

Reuters cites Iran’s SSN news website, which alleges that the Israeli airstrike specifically targeted Iran’s consulate and ambassador’s residence in Damascus.

Earlier on Monday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed damage to Eilat navy base on the Red Sea, in what appeared to be an unprecedented targeted drone launch by Iran-backed Iraqi militia.

Oil prices are already reacting to this increased geopolitical tension…

Iranian Embassy In Syria Targeted By Large Israeli Airstrikes In Major Escalation

This was a very high risk strike also given the Iranian embassy is right next door to the Canadian embassy. 

The building that was hit is literally in the middle between the embassy of Iran and the Canadian embassy. For Israel to go for such a strike there’s possibly a senior target.

— Ali Hashem علي هاشم (@alihashem_tv) April 1, 2024

The Mezzeh area of Damascus is also lined with restaurants, malls, and bars — and also is home to an important military airport and some key government facilities.

There’s a lot of daily foot traffic at the Iranian embassy too, given that Damascus has long been a Shia pilgrimage spot and sees a constant influx of Iranian visitors.

An Al Jazeera correspondent, Zeina Khodr, has highlighted international law and norms regarding banning aggression against countries’ sovereign diplomatic sites in the following…

“Killing of top Iran Quds Force commander in Damascus is a major blow … but Iranian media says bldg destroyed was part of Iranian consulate – Israel hit a diplomatic mission which should enjoy immunity – Israel has crossed red lines – how will Iran react?

This now opens up the possibility that Tehran could strike back at Israel’s embassies and consulates abroad, in yet more worrying and unpredictable escalation.


Jailing Kids For Cash: The Lucrative Destruction of America’s Youth

Jailing Kids For Cash: The Lucrative Destruction of America’s Youth

adminApr 1, 20241 min read

Jailing Kids For Cash: The Lucrative Destruction of America’s Youth

Nurses are trained to interrogate new parents in order to try and find an excuse to take their children away!

Alex Jones exposed the dark underbelly of bureaucratic revenue generation, jailing kids for cash, a practice contributing to the drug crisis, crime crisis, homeless crisis and the spate of broken homes.


Illegal Alien Robbery Crews Making Their Rounds Across the Country

adminApr 1, 20241 min read
Illegal alien crimewave headed to a town near you!

Local news in Detroit, Michigan, reports on gangs of illegal aliens making mass-scale coordinated break-ins of high-end residential properties.

Watch the report highlighting the alarming rise in illegal alien robberies from Click on Detroit Local 4 below:

Ron Paul: Senate Calls Out-of-Control Spending a National Security Threat, Keeps Spending Anyway

Ron Paul: Senate Calls Out-of-Control Spending a National Security Threat, Keeps Spending Anyway

adminApr 1, 20244 min read

Ron Paul: Senate Calls Out-of-Control Spending a National Security Threat, Keeps Spending Anyway

The only way out of this is for Congress to begin winding down the welfare-warfare state.

Last month, the US Senate passed a resolution saying the over 34 trillion dollars (and growing) national debt threatens national security. A few days later, a bipartisan majority of the Senate voted for a 1.2 trillion dollars spending bill. In addition to the usual increases in war and welfare spending, the bill funds gender transitioning for minors without parental consent and red flag laws, which allow law enforcement to seize an individual’s firearms without due process.

Before passage of the latest spending bill, the Congressional Budget Orifice (CBO) released a report predicting that the national debt would exceed the prior record of 106.4 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) by 2028. Interest payments on the national debt are estimated to reach 870 billion dollars this year, more than the government will spend on the military. The CBO estimates that, unless Congress cuts spending (which is highly unlikely), by 2051 interest on the debt will exceed not just military spending but spending on the two biggest items in the federal budget — Social Security and Medicare.

As Eric Boehm of Reason magazine points out, the CBO report understates how much federal spending will grow in the next several decades since it cannot predict what “crises” future congresses and presidents will exploit to ramp up federal spending. As Boehm suggests, someone projecting 30 years ago how much government would spend in the future would not have included the increase in spending due to 9/11, the subsequent creation of a homeland security-industrial complex, the “forever” wars in Afghanistan and Iraqi, the housing meltdown, or the covid lockdown. The hypothetical budget projection would also not have predicted legislation like the Medicare prescription drug benefit or Obamacare.

The large and growing interest on the national debt puts pressure on the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates low. The Federal Reserve’s rate increases, though relatively small, are one reason national debt payments rose by 32 percent since last year. The need for the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates low will further erode the dollar’s purchasing power, subjecting more Americans to the insidious inflation tax. It will eventually cause a loss of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. This will result in a major economic meltdown that will likely lead to widespread civil unrest, the further growth of authoritarian movements on both the left and right, and new restrictions on liberty.

The only way out of this is for Congress to begin winding down the welfare-warfare state. A good place to start is by cutting spending on militarism and forgoing interventionism. Savings from these cuts could be used to ensure those dependent on entitlement and welfare programs are not harmed as Congress winds down these programs. Responsibility for providing support for the truly needy should be returned to local and religious charitable institutions, while responsibility for education should be returned to local communities and parents. Congress should also pass legislation requiring any new spending to be offset by cuts in other federal spending and forbidding the Federal Reserve from purchasing federal debt instruments. These steps will be opposed by the special interests that benefit from the current system, but they are the only way to ensure the blessings of liberty and prosperity to our posterity.

This article first appeared at

Niagara Falls Declares State Of Emergency Ahead Of Upcoming Total Eclipse

Niagara Falls Declares State Of Emergency Ahead Of Upcoming Total Eclipse

adminApr 1, 20241 min read

Niagara Falls Declares State Of Emergency Ahead Of Upcoming Total Eclipse

Niagara Falls in Ontaria, Canada has declared a state of emergency ahead of the total soalr eclipse on April 8 as around a million people are expected to gather in the area to witness the […]

The post Niagara Falls Declares State Of Emergency Ahead Of Upcoming Total Eclipse appeared first on The People’s Voice.

JK Rowling Challenges New UK ‘Hate Crime’ Law – “I Look Forward To Being Arrested”

JK Rowling Challenges New UK ‘Hate Crime’ Law – “I Look Forward To Being Arrested”

adminApr 1, 20246 min read

JK Rowling Challenges New UK ‘Hate Crime’ Law – “I Look Forward To Being Arrested”

Authoritarian government may make an example out of the author after new hate crime laws went into effect Monday

According to a Scottish Parliament member, police could arrest “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling over an X thread she posted in protest of a recently-passed hate speech law.

Scottish Parliament member Siobhian Brown commented on the social media posts, telling the Telegraph, “It could be reported and it could be investigated. Whether or not the police would think it was criminal is up to Police Scotland for that.”

Slamming the Scottish Hate Crime Act, Rowling began her lengthy post by sharing screenshots of biological men posing as “women.”

Lovely Scottish lass and convicted double rapist Isla Bryson found her true authentic female self shortly before she was due to be sentenced. Misgendering is hate, so respect Isla’s pronouns, please. Love the leggings! 2/11

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 1, 2024

Some of the individuals Rowling singled out were reportedly transgender sexual predators.

Samantha Norris was cleared of exposing her penis to two 11-year-old girls. Hooray! Unfortunately she was then convicted for possession of 16,000 images of children being raped and sexually assaulted. Be that as it may, Sam’s still a lady to me! 4/11

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 1, 2024

Scottish woman and butcher Amy George abducted an 11-year-old girl while dressed in female clothing. No idea why this was mentioned in court – of course she was wearing women’s clothing, she’s a woman! Amy took the girl home and sexually abused her over a 27-hour period. 5/11

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 1, 2024

After posting about a few alleged sex offenders, Rowling added a transgender athlete to the list, writing, “But most women aren’t axe-toters or sex offenders, so let’s talk role models! Guilia Valentino (in red) wanted to play on the women’s team ‘because of sisterhood, validation and political visibility’. Naturally, she was given some boring cis girl’s place. Yay for inclusion!”

Mridul Wadhwa, head of a Scottish rape crisis centre, says, ‘sexual violence happens to bigoted people as well.’ She has no gender recognition certificate, but was still appointed to a job advertised for women only. Time to be ‘challenged on your prejudices’, rape victims! 7/11

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 1, 2024

Rowling went on to call out a pair of United Nations appointees who are biological men living as “women.”

Katie Neeves has been appointed as the UN Women UK delegate. She switched from straight man to lesbian at the age of 48 and, in a leaked 2022 webinar, described how she used to enjoy stealing and wearing her sister’s underwear. A truly relatable representative! 9/11

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 1, 2024

News broadcaster India Willoughby was the last trans person Rowling called out in the thread, pointing out he still gets airtime despite a checkered and controversial past.

Last, but least, TV’s India Willoughby proves we women can call a black broadcaster a ‘nasty bitch’ who ‘wouldn’t be anywhere without woke’, dub lesbians men, insult the looks of a female Olympic swimmer, ‘joke’ about kidnapping feminists, and STILL get airtime! What a gal! 10/11

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 1, 2024

Willoughby responded by calling everyone in the thread a sex offender and crying out Rowling had committed a “#HateCrime.”

Wow. @IndiaWilloughby calling everyone on the list a sex offender, excluding only himself, was the twist I didn’t see coming.

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 1, 2024

Concluding her message, Rowling wrote, “April Fools! Only kidding. Obviously, the people mentioned in the above tweets aren’t women at all, but men, every last one of them.”

“In passing the Scottish Hate Crime Act, Scottish lawmakers seem to have placed higher value on the feelings of men performing their idea of femaleness, however misogynistically or opportunistically, than on the rights and freedoms of actual women and girls,” she continued.

The novelist-turned activist suggested the trans community will use the law as a shield against biological women who are speaking out against issues such as male-on-female crimes being labeled female crimes, males competing in female sports and other trans-related topics.

“The re-definition of ‘woman’ to include every man who declares himself one has already had serious consequences for women’s and girls’ rights and safety in Scotland, with the strongest impact felt, as ever, by the most vulnerable, including female prisoners and rape survivors,” she wrote.

Rowling declared, “It is impossible to accurately describe or tackle the reality of violence and sexual violence committed against women and girls, or address the current assault on women’s and girls’ rights, unless we are allowed to call a man a man. Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal.”

Ending her spunky rant, Rowling dared police to arrest her under the new “hate speech” law, writing, “I’m currently out of the country, but if what I’ve written here qualifies as an offence under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment.”

???April Fools! ???

Only kidding. Obviously, the people mentioned in the above tweets aren’t women at all, but men, every last one of them.

In passing the Scottish Hate Crime Act, Scottish lawmakers seem to have placed higher value on the feelings of men performing their…

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 1, 2024

Will the Scottish government make Rowling a martyr by charging her with a crime or allow her to continue rallying support by defying the ridiculous new “law”?