
Tenth Suspect in Moscow Terror Attack Arrested

Tenth Suspect in Moscow Terror Attack Arrested

adminApr 2, 20243 min read

Tenth Suspect in Moscow Terror Attack Arrested

The Tajikistani national is accused of transferring funds to the gunmen believed to be responsible for the massacre.

A tenth suspect has been placed under arrest in relation to the March 23 terrorist attack on the Crocus City music venue near Moscow, Basmanny District Court announced on Monday. Yusufzoda Yakubjoni –a Tajikistani national– is to remain in custody until May 22 and faces accusations of being involved in organizing a terrorist act.

According to the Russian Investigative Committee, several days before the Crocus incident, Yusufzoda is believed to have transferred money to one of the suspects allegedly involved, to provide accommodation for the terrorists. After the attack, he transferred another sum of money to one of the perpetrators of the massacre, investigators also claim.

Local media reports, citing the court case files, have claimed that Yusufzoda was born in 1998 and has a wife and three children. During his arrest last week, he is said to have “actively resisted” the police and refused to provide identification documents.
On Sunday, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) also detained four militants in the southern Dagestan region who are accused of having a role in financing and providing equipment for the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack.

Read more Recently detained militants linked to Moscow terror attack – FSB

The Basmanny Court had previously approved the arrest of four men believed to have carried out the attack, as well as five others who are accused of aiding the terrorists by providing them with money, a vehicle and an apartment.

On the evening of March 22, a group of gunmen armed with assault rifles attacked the Crocus City Hall in the Moscow suburb of Krasnogorsk, just before a concert by the rock band Picnic was due to start. The venue, with an estimated capacity of 7,500, was almost full at the time of the attack. The terrorists killed the guards, shot concertgoers on sight, then started a fire that quickly spread throughout the building.

At least 144 people, including three children, were killed in the attack, Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko reported on Friday. Over 550 are believed to have been injured, according to the latest media reports.

EXCLUSIVE: Col. Douglas Macgregor Warns Attack On Iran Would Cause WWIII And Mass Migration

Poland Signs WEF ‘Hate Speech’ Treaty: 3 Years in Prison for Insulting MAPs

Poland Signs WEF ‘Hate Speech’ Treaty: 3 Years in Prison for Insulting MAPs

adminApr 2, 20241 min read

Poland Signs WEF ‘Hate Speech’ Treaty: 3 Years in Prison for Insulting MAPs

Poland has signed a new WEF treaty that will see citizens who violate harsh new “hate speech” laws spend up to three years in prison for “offensive” content against LGBTQ+ people. According to the WEF, […]

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Top 7 Myths About mRNA Covid-19 ‘Vaccines’ Propagated by Big Pharma And The CDC

Top 7 Myths About mRNA Covid-19 ‘Vaccines’ Propagated by Big Pharma And The CDC

adminApr 2, 20245 min read

Top 7 Myths About mRNA Covid-19 ‘Vaccines’ Propagated by Big Pharma And The CDC

Wouldn’t you want to take a closer look at all the “science” that’s supposedly behind the “safe and efficacy” of all the COVID-19 experimental, emergency use only injections?

Though we are four years deep into the “plandemic,” Big Pharma and the highly corrupt Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are still working hard to push propaganda, lies and untested “science” claims about the safety and effectiveness of the deadly Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA jabs.

For decades, the Western Medical Industrial Complex has claimed that all pharmaceutical medications and vaccinations are backed by peer-reviewed clinical studies based on mountains of empirical data.

However, upon closer examination, most of that “research” was conducted only by the manufacturers of those “medicines,” many of whom have conspired to alter and falsify data to justify the conclusions they needed for Food and Drug Administration approval, to maximize profits and to assure the populace it’s all 100 percent “safe and effective.”

COVID-19 clot shots clog the vascular system with millions of prions that cause chronic inflammation, heart strain, turbo cancer and spontaneous miscarriages

What if you found out today that the opposite is true about all the theories and “science” purported by the vaccine makers and the CDC? Would you spread the word? Would you try to sue for damages if you suffered health atrocities due to the spike protein gene therapy injections? What if you lost a baby because of the clot shot jabs? Wouldn’t you want to take a closer look at all the “science” that’s supposedly behind the “safe and efficacy” of all the COVID-19 experimental, emergency use only injections?

A professor and statistician at the University of Lucerne, Dr. Konstantin Beck, studied the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine in Switzerland and directly linked it to a significant increase in spontaneous abortion among pregnant women. Dr. Beck was a former adviser to the German Minister of Health and the Swiss Parliament, and he analyzed findings from scientific publications, health insurance companies and the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics.

Dr. Beck went on the record saying that vaccine manufacturers and public health officials either knew or could have known this information at the time if they had simply studied the data.

Why won’t the CDC, Pfizer and Moderna recognize these dangers, this scientific research, and warn the American public? Maybe because they don’t want anyone to find out that the COVID clot shots cause a woman’s immune system to attack the fetus and kill it when the virus-mimicking spike proteins travel to the uterus and trick the body.

In another research arena regarding the dangers of the COVID-19 DNA-altering mRNA jabs, Dr. Charles Hoffe, a medical doctor of 28 years in British Columbia, Canada, ran PET/CT scans on cancer patients who had received the Pfizer mRNA booster shot just eight days prior, and found rapid progression of T-cell lymphoma, a dramatic increase of gastrointestinal lesions, and a turbo-effect of spreading of cells in the lymph nodes under the arms near the armpits.

This is called turbo-cancer, where spike proteins from mRNA jabs serve as a carcinogen – literally food that feeds the cancer, propelling it to multiply exponentially to invade the rest of the body. How can this be, you may be asking? The mRNA ingredients literally turn OFF your P-53 gene so your body can no longer fight against cancer.

Top 7 myths about mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” propagated by Big Pharma and the Centers for Disease Continuance (CDC)

  1.  “Vaccination helps prevent severe COVID-19 and the risk of hospitalization”
  2. “The 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine is safe and recommended for people who are trying to get pregnant and people who are pregnant or are breastfeeding.”
  3. “The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and recommended for people who have cancer now or who have been treated for cancer.”
  4. In order to reduce side effects from the vaccine, “You should wait until after being vaccinated to see how you feel.”
  5. “None of the vaccines interact with or alter your DNA in any way. They cannot cause cancer.”
  6. “Unvaccinated people should get this vaccine as their very first shot.”
  7. “You can safely get the flu and COVID-19 shot at the same time”

None of these CDC claims are backed up by clinical research that proves they are valid. In fact, it’s just the other way around. Science studies are now revealing these COVID-19 injections are not vaccines at all, but instructions for cells to produce toxic prions forever, that invade organs, clog the vascular system, cripple the immune system, disturb the central nervous system, and CAUSE cancer and miscarriages. Stick to the facts, not the myths repeated a thousand times over by the talking heads who claim to be “experts,” but who present zero validated science to back up their wild claims.

Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental gene therapy injections that lead directly to vascular clots, hypertension, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, strokes, PCVS, SPS and Long-Vax-Syndrome.

EXCLUSIVE: Col. Douglas Macgregor Warns Attack On Iran Would Cause WWIII And Mass Migration

US Surgeon General Quietly Backpedaled on Water Fluoridation 5 Years Ago, Emails Reveal

US Surgeon General Quietly Backpedaled on Water Fluoridation 5 Years Ago, Emails Reveal

adminApr 2, 202412 min read

US Surgeon General Quietly Backpedaled on Water Fluoridation 5 Years Ago, Emails Reveal

After decades of pushing water fluoridation as one of the greatest public health accomplishments in U.S. history, the U.S. surgeon general’s office stopped issuing public statements of support after a National Toxicology Program report linked fluoride to children’s lower IQs.

For more than seven decades, U.S. public health officials steadfastly supported water fluoridation, claiming the practice is a key strategy for maintaining and improving dental health.

Even today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls water fluoridation one of the “ten great public health achievements of the 20th century.”

However, internal email communications shared with The Defender suggest that as early as 2020, officials at the highest levels of the U.S. Public Health Service — the Office of the Surgeon General — were having second thoughts.

“These emails show that despite public statements to the contrary, there is a lot of concern in the federal government about the potential link between fluoridated drinking water and lower IQs,” said Michael Connett.

Connett, an attorney, represents plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The suit seeks to end water fluoridation based on science linking low-level fluoride exposure to lower IQ scores in children.“The Wuhan Cover-Up” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.ORDER NOW

The emails were obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and shared with The Defender by plaintiffs in the lawsuit.

They reveal that in 2020, on the 75th anniversary of water fluoridation, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams declined to make a statement endorsing water fluoridation, despite strong encouragement and behind-the-scenes organizing by his Chief Dental Officer Timothy Ricks.

Adams’ office also stopped Ricks from co-signing, with eight previous chief dental officers, and releasing a letter supporting community water fluoridation and celebrating the anniversary.

The U.S. surgeon general’s public support for water fluoridation has been considered key to boosting water fluoridation since the practice began.

Until 2020, every surgeon general had made oral or written statements supporting water fluoridation, according to the communications among previous chief dental officers  — appointees who advise the surgeon general and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on the recruitment and development of oral health professionals.

However, on this important anniversary, Adams’ staff told Ricks the surgeon general was reluctant to make a pro-fluoridation statement because he knew government scientists at the National Toxicology Program (NTP) were about to publish a systematic review of the literature on fluoride and neurotoxicity in children.

The NTP report found that neonatal and childhood fluoride exposure had negative cognitive and neurodevelopmental effects for children.

“One thing these emails demonstrate is what is undiscussed in the public sphere is that the science on fluoridation is very troubling, not just in high doses but at levels applicable to water fluoridation in the U.S.”

“The fact that this concern is being expressed by an office that has historically been very supportive of fluoridation further highlights the serious implications of the NTP’s findings,” Connett said.

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, who also held the office under the Obama administration, publicly endorsed water fluoridation in 2016. That was after he officially lowered the recommended dosage for water fluoridation the year before from 0.7-1.2 milligrams per liter (mg/L) to 0.7 mg/L after considering “adverse health effects” along with alleged benefits.

The original draft version of Murthy’s revised water fluoridation recommendations included a summary of some research on fluoride’s impact on IQ and other neurological issues with a statement saying further research was needed on the topic and that reducing the recommended levels for water fluoridation maintains benefits yet “reduces the chance of unwanted effects.”

Those statements were not present in Murthy’s final draft.

The Defender could not locate any public statement by Murthy in support of water fluoridation during his current term, which began in March 2021. Murthy’s office did not respond to an inquiry about his latest position on the issue.

The Defender did not receive responses from the offices of Adams or Ricks.RFK Jr. and Brian Hooker’s New Book: “Vax-Unvax”ORDER NOW

NTP report raised concerns about fluoridation while CDC continues to ‘blindly support’ it, emails show

As the 75th anniversary of water fluoridation approached, Ricks — appointed chief dental officer by Adams — drafted a statement endorsing the water fluoridation for Surgeon General Adams to sign.

However, Rick discovered Adams “didn’t want to sign such a statement because NTP was developing a monograph on fluoride that would undercut our long-standing support,” Ricks wrote in an email to a member of the surgeon general’s office.

In a series of emails over the next several months to the surgeon general’s staff, Ricks rallied the support of previous surgeon generals and chief dental officers for a statement, and attempted to convince the office that the NTP report was flawed or that the findings on fluoride’s neurotoxicity ought not to raise concerns.

The NTP is an interagency program housed at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that investigates environmental toxins to determine if they threaten human health. Scientists there have been studying the neurological effects of fluoride on human health since 2016.

The NTP’s study was launched 10 years after the National Research Council concluded its own multi-year study, which determined fluoride is an endocrine disruptor that can interfere with brain function and mandated further research into the issue.

After years of research, NTP’s report went through multiple rounds of peer review — more than any other publications put out by the NTP, because of the controversial or “sensitive” nature of their findings on fluoride’s neurotoxicity.

Documents obtained through public records requests also later revealed lobbying by the dental industry and coordination with government officials from other agencies within the NIH, including the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), to weaken the conclusions, delay the report or stop its publication went on behind the scenes for several years.

Ricks coordinated with the American Dental Association (ADA) on how to continue to advocate for community water fluoridation in response to the report’s anticipated findings.

In April 2022, when the NTP finally announced it was ready to publish its final report, the ADA and other organizations obtained copies of the report and lobbied federal officials to block its publication.

Dental officials at the CDC, the NIH and the NIDCR pressured HHS Assistant Secretary for HealthRachel Levine to prevent the review from being published.

Levine told the NTP to put the report on hold and send it for another round of peer review.

In March 2023, the draft NTP report linking prenatal and childhood fluoride exposure to reduced IQ in children was finally published under court order. In the process, many officials publicly and privately objected to the review process, which they claimed was politicized by agencies and individuals with a vested interest in water fluoridation.

The report is a key document in the ongoing lawsuit filed by Food & Water Watch, the Fluoride Action Network, Moms Against Fluoridation and private individuals against the EPA seeking to end water fluoridation.

Arguments in that lawsuit began in June 2020, but it was put on hold pending the publication of the NTP report. The landmark fluoride trial resumed in January of this year and the judge is currently deliberating on his final decision.

While the lawsuit and the political wrangling over the report were ongoing in 2020, Ricks reached out to his colleagues for help getting the surgeon general to maintain the office’s support for water fluoridation.

In an email labeled, “Not for dissemination; keep confidential,” Ricks shared a “bombshell” with former chief dental officers. He told them the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), the NTP and the NIDCR had informed the Office of the Surgeon General that the NIEHS/NTP report would “state that fluoride was definitely neurotoxic to children” and the surgeon general would be withdrawing the letter that Ricks had prepared.

Ricks and others planned for the dental officers, without Ricks’ signature, to issue their own letter and share it at the meeting of the ADA. Ricks would privately facilitate wide circulation of the letter, he said.

The impacts of the surgeon general’s decision raised concerns for Ricks. In another email, he worried the public would begin to think that the U.S. Public Health Service no longer backs water fluoridation.

When Ricks received a draft of the NTP report in August 2020, he again reached out to the surgeon general’s office to seek a signature, downplaying the report’s conclusions.

Ricks quoted the NTP report’s new summary statement, which said that at water fluoridation levels typically found in the U.S. “effects on cognitive neurodevelopment are inconsistent, and therefore unclear.”

He highlighted the sentence and contended that uncertainty over whether fluoride damaged cognitive development made it “safe for the Surgeon General to issue a statement of support.”

According to the excerpt highlighted by Ricks, “However, when considering all the evidence … NTP concludes that fluoride is presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans.”

Others at NIH voiced concerns that there would be public pushback, “since there is now preliminary early evidence about potential risks to fluoride.”

Ricks also wrote that the surgeon general indicated he would sign such a document only if he had full backing from both NIH and CDC. He wondered whether then-acting director Lawrence A. Tabak, Ph.D., also a dentist, and Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D., would support such a letter.

By the end of August, Ricks had given up on the letter. In an email to Deputy Surgeon General Erica Schwartz, he said what he called the “anti-fluoride movement” was “more organized than ever before.”

He added that the NIH was now “on the fence about fluoride” despite the fact that the CDC was “seemingly blindly supporting fluoridation.”

In his last email to Schwartz, Ricks expressed his concern that a “very well put together”  video would be aired at the next meeting of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology.

He also noted that the president of the largest dental public health organization in the U.S. “has contributed to anti-fluoride research.”

Ricks was referring to research published by E. Angeles Martinez Mier, Ph.D., professor and associate dean for Global Engagement at the Indiana University School of Dentistry and former president of the American Association of Public Health Dentistry.

Martinez Mier co-authored an NIH, NIEHS and EPA-funded study published in Environmental Health Perspectives on a group called the ELEMENT cohort in Mexico that found that higher prenatal fluoride exposure was associated with lower cognitive function in children tested at age 4 and ages 6-12.

That 2017 article is just one of several recent studies that have identified the neurotoxic effects of fluoride exposure on children.

The study Martinez Mier worked on was part of one of four major recent studies on fluoride neurotoxicity done examining birth cohorts, which are considered the “gold standard” of epidemiological studies. In cohort studies, researchers collect epidemiological data during pregnancy and then from children over their lifetimes to study a variety of health outcomes tied to environmental exposures.

A significant body of scientific research has cast doubt on the dental health benefits of ingesting fluoride — and demonstrated negative health consequences of fluoride exposure, ranging from dental and skeletal fluorosis to developmental neurotoxicity.

However, the media, public health officials and even other researchers have until recently systematically discredited anyone, including scientists, who raised concerns about fluoride, going so far as to label them “conspiracy theorists.”

EXCLUSIVE: Col. Douglas Macgregor Warns Attack On Iran Would Cause WWIII And Mass Migration

Israel Passes Law Giving Itself Power to Temporarily Shut Down Al Jazeera

Israel Passes Law Giving Itself Power to Temporarily Shut Down Al Jazeera

adminApr 2, 20242 min read
Israel alleges a security threat. Others have free speech concerns.

On April 1, 2024, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a sweeping statement indicating the immediate ceasing of Al Jazeera’s operations within Israeli territory. The Prime Minister’s staunch decision followed the legislative green light enhancing the authority of senior ministers to terminate the operations of non-domestic news agencies that are perceived as a potential threat to national security.

Emphasizing his intention to immediately commence action according to newly approved legislation, Netanyahu proclaimed, “Al Jazeera will no longer broadcast from Israel.” The declaration, which received widespread publicity through a post on X, was made right after the final iterations of the law received parliamentary approval.

Israel Passes Law Giving Itself Power to Temporarily Shut Down Al Jazeera

Netanyahu’s decision can be traced back to an ongoing conflict with the Qatar-based media house, which he accuses of biased reporting against Israel. With a 70-10 majority vote in the Knesset, the legislation empowers the Prime Minister, alongside the Communications Minister, to order the closure of foreign networks in Israel and seize their equipment if identified as a security hazard.

An immediate international reaction to the news came from the White House, where spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre opined that restricting Al Jazeera’s operations in Israel would be “deeply concerning.”

Al Jazeera has denied allegations that its coverage jeopardizes Israel’s security, labeling these claims as “dangerous and ridiculous lies.” The network, known for its critical stance on Israel’s military actions in Gaza, has accused Israeli authorities of deliberately targeting its offices and staff.

EXCLUSIVE: Col. Douglas Macgregor Warns Attack On Iran Would Cause WWIII And Mass Migration

Gavin Newsom Applauds Rollout of AI Surveillance Network in California

Gavin Newsom Applauds Rollout of AI Surveillance Network in California

adminApr 2, 20246 min read

Gavin Newsom Applauds Rollout of AI Surveillance Network in California

The Flock cameras also represent the ongoing merger between governments and corporations in an effort to assert greater control over the populace.

If you’re not a criminal then you have nothing to hide, right?  This is the perpetual argument used in favor of state mass surveillance throughout history.  It’s the underlying justification at the birth of every surveillance agency from the Soviet Cheka to the German Stasi and beyond.  Don’t commit crimes and “you have nothing to worry about.”

Of course, this argument requires the public to overlook a simple and universal truth – That which is legal today can be made illegal tomorrow, and the people who make these decisions are often not good people.  With the ability to track and trace the behavior and movements of the citizenry in real time, the temptation to abuse that technology to increase government power is exponential.  That is to say, mass surveillance tends to inspire governments to abuse their authority and treat people like criminals even when they are innocent.

As we witnessed around the world during the pandemic lockdowns, authoritarianism can rear its ugly head without much warning and with incredible speed.  Some western countries (and even a few American states) aggressively sought to make resistance to covid restrictions criminal, to the point that authorities were legislating and even building “camps” designed to lock up covid offenders.  These plans were of course denied by political leaders even as they were putting the pieces in place to implement them

All of this was done in the name of a virus with a 99.8% survival rate.  What might they do when a legitimate crisis comes along?

We have seen how far our governments are willing to go to go to secure greater power over the populace; they have proven they’re not trustworthy enough to handle unilateral oversight. With real-time AI based surveillance in place the dangers are far greater.  Across the country there has been a quiet rollout of a new algorithm driven camera network from a company called Flock Safety.  

Flock offers AI integrated cameras with off-grid options (solar) that they say are meant primarily for license plate reading and vehicle identification.  California Governor Gavin Newsom recently applauded the creation of a new 480 camera network from Flock that will ostensibly focus on the Oakland metro area.

480 new high-tech cameras are being installed along freeways and in Oakland to make the area safer.

These will help law enforcement identify vehicles linked to crimes using real-time information and alerts.

We’re building safer, stronger communities for all Californians.

— California Governor (@CAgovernor) March 29, 2024

First, it’s clear that Newsom’s ongoing claims that California crime rates are dropping are not accurate.  There are a number of ways states and cities manipulate this data to hide rising crime, but they can’t hide the increasing public complaints or the measures they are forced to take to appease the public.  Installing hundreds of AI cameras are, in a way, an admission that all is not well in the Golden State.

Second, it’s also clear that this is an attempt by Newsom to address the exploding crime concerns within California without necessarily increasing law enforcement budgets.  The expansion of AI cameras is funded in large part by the Biden Administration’s infrastructure legislation passed in 2022. Biden authorized states to utilize up to 10 percent of the bill’s $15.6 billion highway safety funds to purchase cameras and other “automated traffic enforcement” tools. 

Similar to Amazon’s “Ring” cameras and Alexa devices, these cameras combine to create a vast connected system of private and government surveillance that can be legally accessed by local law enforcement as well as federal agencies.  The difference with the Flock cameras is that they are connected to cell phone towers and use AI to identify pre-designated vehicles, immediately alerting authorities to their presence.  In other words, it’s a live centralized tracking system that is always watching.

Flock in an effort to mitigate public concerns states that their cameras are not to be used for simple traffic violations and do not contain facial recognition software.  However, law enforcement agencies can easily run Flock footage through their own facial recognition systems and the potential for abuse is high.  

The ACLU has recently opposed the cameras, and though some of their complaints are based on ridiculous far-left talking points like “racial profiling” or cameras being used to “track people leaving red states to get abortions,” some of their arguments are valid. 

The danger of AI mass surveillance being used as a traffic citation machine and revenue generator for cities that are broke is one concern.  Another is the constant interstate tracking of individuals simply because they ended up on a government list for the wrong opinions.  The ACLU notes that the fine print within Flock’s contract allows them to use collected data for essentially any purpose they see fit.  They deny this would happen, but there’s nothing legally stopping them from selling data or disclosing data to malicious parties.      

Because the system is owned by a private corporation, cities and states are able to dodge a large number of regulations and restrictions on surveillance which has made the option enticing to politicians and police departments.  The next obvious step (which is likely already in place at least in limited form) is a comprehensive real time national biometric tracking system integrated into already existing cameras.  This is exactly what has been put in place in Orwellian societies like China, and the west is not very far behind.

The Flock cameras also represent the ongoing merger between governments and corporations in an effort to assert greater control over the populace.  The problem is not only relegated to Big Tech and social media platforms censoring speech at the request of politicians; there’s also the problem of governments using corporate partners to circumvent legal restrictions on surveillance.  Closing this loophole is a difficult issue dealing with the rights of private companies vs the rights of individuals and the public, but it needs to be addressed all the same. 

EXCLUSIVE: Col. Douglas Macgregor Warns Attack On Iran Would Cause WWIII And Mass Migration