
Texas National Guard Installs Vast Rows of Barbed Wire at Border

Texas National Guard Installs Vast Rows of Barbed Wire at Border

adminApr 2, 20242 min read

Texas National Guard Installs Vast Rows of Barbed Wire at Border

New wire comes as four illegal aliens were arrested last week for breaching a wire barrier.

Footage out of Eagle Pass, Texas, shows the Texas National Guard installing several rows of concertina wire at the border to deter illegal crossings.

Exclusive: first up-close look at Texas’ new wire fence and barrier going up in El Paso. Miles of it. Similar to the effective ‘wall’ in Shelby Park, Eagle Pass.

— Matt Finn (@MattFinnFNC) April 2, 2024

— Matt Finn (@MattFinnFNC) April 2, 2024

The installation of new wire comes as footage released by the Texas Department of Public Safety this week showed illegal immigrants breaching a wire barrier.

“Destroying state property is a crime—those responsible will be arrested & charged,” the Texas DPS wrote in an X post on Monday. “On 3/29/24, DPS arrested 4 illegal immigrants caught cutting C-Wire & attempting to breach the fence near Gate 36 in El Paso. All 4 have now been charged.”

Destroying state property is a crime—those responsible will be arrested & charged.

On 3/29/24, DPS arrested 4 illegal immigrants caught cutting C-Wire & attempting to breach the fence near Gate 36 in El Paso.

All 4 have now been charged. #OperationLoneStar

— Texas DPS (@TxDPS) April 1, 2024

Biden’s Latest Vote-Buying Scheme: Student Loan Cancellation

Biden’s Latest Vote-Buying Scheme: Student Loan Cancellation

adminApr 2, 20246 min read

Biden’s Latest Vote-Buying Scheme: Student Loan Cancellation

The concept of student loan forgiveness touches on the basic principle of fundamental fairness.

Student loans and government “forgiveness” has been a hot topic among progressives since the Occupy Wall Street movement began. The movement consisted of educated but underemployed urban progressives upset with the obvious corporatist corruption that ensued after the Great Recession. The central theme was that Wall Street operated a series of blatantly corrupt and risky financial schemes that tanked the economy, but the instrumental and systemically important Wall Street players were bailed out at taxpayer expense (i.e., socialism for the rich).

The Occupy Wall Street protesters sought to verbally oppose the Wall Street bailouts, while also expressing their support for a taxpayer bailout of the then-$1 trillion in outstanding student loans.

The concept of student loan forgiveness touches on the basic principle of fundamental fairness. Graduating high schoolers and professionals seeking associate, bachelor, graduate, or doctoral degrees are often sold degrees on the basis that the degree will provide them with an abundance of opportunity. Unfortunately, those opportunities are often exaggerated. According to recent reports, more than half of recent four-year college graduates are underemployed.

Worse, after a decade, nearly half of the recent four-year college graduates “still don’t hold a job that requires a four-year degree.” Separate research indicates that just over 54 percent of independent undergraduate students accepted federal student loans. When looking at these large discrepancies, one would expect the solution to be an evaluation around whether a degree is required to perform certain occupations.

Unfortunately, many of today’s most critical issues involve short-term solutions to potentially catastrophic long-term issues. These short-term solutions typically revolve around creating new government programs or throwing additional taxpayer funds at existing programs. Besides being short-sighted, these solutions are immoral.

First, as I have previously written, there is no way to forgive or cancel outstanding student loan debt. Instead, the debt burden would instead be placed on all taxpayers, many of whom neither accepted this debt nor agreed that forgiveness is a politically astute policy.

Second, writing off student loan debt at the taxpayers’ expense allows universities to continue inflating costs without providing sufficient guarantees that quality employment with a requisite wage will be available. Third, loan forgiveness continues to perpetuate the myth that “one’s best shot—perhaps only shot—at achieving success in life is to have a college degree.” These criticisms of student loan forgiveness, however true they are, ignore the political justifications for pursuing such a policy.

Student loan forgiveness, as a policy, is supported by a majority of young voters. Younger voters, an integral part of the Biden 2020 election coalition, were not fond of Joe Biden’s 2020 primary campaign, but the voting bloc swung decisively in Biden’s favor in opposition to then-President Trump. Today, younger voters view Biden as insufficiently progressive. No doubt the polling has triggered alarm bells within the Democrat Party power structure.

As such, President Biden has tried to unilaterally implement student loan forgiveness plans due to congressional opposition. On June 30, 2023, the Supreme Court struck down Biden’s first plan by a 6–3 majority vote in Biden v. Nebraska. Recently, Biden bypassed Congress and implemented new “fixed” programs, which he touted in his 2024 State of the Union speech. In late February 2024, Biden had the audacity to boast about his administration ignoring the Supreme Court ruling. He said, “And the Supreme Court blocked it. They blocked it. But that did not stop me. I announced we were going to pursue alternative paths for student debt relief for as many borrowers as possible.” Despite the shamelessness of these actions, Biden can promote himself as a champion of student loan forgiveness to voters.

The Biden administration, however, is fully aware that its student loan forgiveness programs will not withstand legal scrutiny by any objective measure. Presidents have often tried to bypass Congress with executive orders as performative measures to demonstrate that they are doing something. At Newsweek, John Yoo and Robert Delahunty write of the Biden administration’s initial student loans programs:

The Biden Administration’s student loan forgiveness program was a political ploy. Knowing from earlier judicial reversals that the program was illegal, Biden announced it in August 2022 to sway younger voters in the November 2022 midterm elections. But Biden also calculated that when the Court overturned his program, he could turn the debtors against the Court, and blame “conservative Justices” for their hardship.

That gambit may or may not work. Biden’s “loan forgiveness” was always a sham, characteristic of an administration steeped in contempt for law.

The Biden administration’s actions on student loan forgiveness have been deeply corrupt for all of the reasons noted. However, it is important to emphasize that student loan forgiveness is a vote-buying scheme. As stated earlier, Democrats rely on young voter turnaround as part of their winning coalition. Unsurprisingly, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has called out the Biden administration: “Not only has the Supreme Court ruled President Biden’s student loan socialism unconstitutional—the scheme is also profoundly bad policy.”

Though Republicans are eager to pile on the Biden administration for its illegal young voter vote-buying scheme, this example is merely symptomatic of a broader crisis of conscience. Politicians across the political spectrum have been corrupted to believe that most societal ills can be solved through taxpayer funds. As we continue to approach the 2024 general election, it is very likely that both the Democrat and Republican presidential nominees will promote policies designed to throw taxpayer funds at issues. As Benjamin Franklin said, “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”

Learn Why The Globalists Are Killing Their Own Monetary System
<div>“Hillary Clinton & What She Represents Is a Force Of Darkness” Says Steve Bannon</div>

“Hillary Clinton & What She Represents Is a Force Of Darkness” Says Steve Bannon

adminApr 2, 20241 min read

<div>“Hillary Clinton & What She Represents Is a Force Of Darkness” Says Steve Bannon</div>

Former Trump chief strategist Stephen Bannon has said that Hillary Clinton, and other leftists like her, embody a “force of darkness.” During his show he explained the evil spiritual forces behind Democrats like the former […]

The post “Hillary Clinton & What She Represents Is a Force Of Darkness” Says Steve Bannon appeared first on The People’s Voice.

Watch: RFK Jr. Tells Shocked CNN Anchor Biden Is More Of A Threat To Democracy Than Trump

Watch: RFK Jr. Tells Shocked CNN Anchor Biden Is More Of A Threat To Democracy Than Trump

adminApr 2, 20242 min read

Watch: RFK Jr. Tells Shocked CNN Anchor Biden Is More Of A Threat To Democracy Than Trump

‘What president in history has ever tried to censor political opponents? What president has weaponized the federal agencies?’ asks Kennedy.

During an interview with CNN this week, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposed the Biden administration as being greater threat to Democracy than ex-president Donald Trump.

The popular candidate told CNN viewers Trump’s questioning of the 2020 election is not a threat to Democracy in comparison with Biden’s censorship of political opponents.

RFK Jr. Schools CNN With Stunning Argument That Biden Is a ‘Worst Threat to Democracy’ Than Trump

#1 – “President Biden is the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech… 37 hours after he took the oath of office, he was censoring…

— The Vigilant Fox ? (@VigilantFox) April 2, 2024

The CNN anchor tried pushing the claim that Donald Trump “tried to overturn a free and fair election,” before admitting, “he’s still fighting in court.”

The establishment wants to paint a narrative that Trump intended on violently overturning the election while simultaneously admitting he’s taking the legal route to try and prove there was foul play.

Florida GOP Rep. Wishes Biden Admin Would Go To War With Iran

Florida GOP Rep. Wishes Biden Admin Would Go To War With Iran

adminApr 2, 20242 min read

Florida GOP Rep. Wishes Biden Admin Would Go To War With Iran

Another politician pushes America towards WWIII

Joining Newsmax to discuss the recent Israeli bombing of the Iranian consulate in Syria, Florida GOP Congressman Mike Waltz suggested the Biden administration should join Israel in bombing Iranian officials.

“I would only wish that the Biden administration had the same guts as the Israelis do because they know the heart of the problem,” said Waltz. “The real disease here is Iran. Iran is behind Hezbollah in Lebanon. It’s behind Hamas in Gaza, it’s behind the Houthis that are attacking international shipping in Yemen and it’s behind the militias in Iraq that have attacked our bases over 100 times.”

“I would only wish that the Biden administration had the same guts as the Israelis do because … the Israelis know the heart of the problem. The real disease here is Iran.”

— Florida Rep. Mike Waltz@michaelgwaltz @SharlaMcBride

— NEWSMAX (@NEWSMAX) April 2, 2024

Iran already vowed to avenge the attack after one of its top military generals was killed in the Israeli bombing.

For a dose of sanity regarding the Iran situation, check out the following Infowars exclusive discussion with Colonel Douglas McGregor:


Mass Layoffs Begin at California Fast Food Chains as $20 Minimum Wage Law Takes Effect

adminApr 2, 20244 min read
FAST Act will likely trigger yet another tsunami of businesses leaving California for other states with less bureaucracy and a less demanding labor market

This result shouldn’t surprise anyone. Inflation has driven up operational costs for businesses across the US and shrunk profit margins for major food chains in the past few years. 

This has led to higher menu prices (like the “$18 Big Mac”) and slowing sales for every major fast food company.  Another anchor dragging on the restaurant business in many regions was at least two years of covid stimulus coupled with rent moratoriums, creating aggressive labor shortages and raising wages in upwards of $16 per hour for brand new no-skill employees.

Small chains and mom-and-pop businesses simply can’t compete.  Larger chains raised prices but have also been forced to reduce employees and labor costs through automation, but the layoffs are just getting started. 

Enter California’s “FAST Recovery Act” passed into law in 2022 and going into effect in April of this year – The legislation requires a particular set of food chains dealing in certain kinds of products outlined in the law to raise their minimum wages (already at $16 an hour on average) to $20 an hour.  The income increase is limited to chains that have 60 or more locations in the state of California (meaning, the combined number of locations regardless of who owns them must be higher than 60)  Keep in mind that while many of these chains are associated with international corporations, they are owned and run by franchisees; they are still family run businesses.

“Restaurants are struggling to stay above water, and Democrats just threw them an anvil,” California Assembly Republican leader James Gallagher told FOX Business. “We warned Democrats this new mandate would cost jobs. They ignored us, and here we are with the highest unemployment rate in the country poised to get even worse.”

The “digital options” that many fast food franchises are referring to are automated ordering systems as well as robot workers which are slowly but surely becoming more cost effective than human laborers.  At least one fast food location in California is testing a fully robotic restaurant with no human workers.

Layoffs will accelerate along with the normalization of the technology, and the high wages that are crushing profit margins are making the decision easy for business owners.  Some chains have reported that they will be forced to cut working crews in half; meaning, those working will be paid $4 an hour more, but they’ll have to work twice as hard per shift.  The most probable end result in the next 5 years will be the majority of chain restaurants operating with a tiny crew of humans working alongside increasing automation.   

The political left is already accusing the fast food industry in California of “retaliation” for the wage increase which was negotiated in part with restaurant workers unions involved.  This is what they asked for, and now it’s happening; for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 

The problem that is typical among leftists is a lack of understanding when it comes to the basics of business operations.  Profit margins can be thin and money can still be made due to sheer scale, but revenues at that level are often calculated in cents or fractions of a cent per sale.

This kind of business model is beyond the comprehension of the average socialist.  They simply see workers whose wages are not keeping pace with the high cost of living in California and assume business owners are greedy.  Instead of confronting the state government that caused higher prices through extreme regulation and taxation, they want to give that very government even more power to punish businesses that are already under pressure.

Well, get ready for more job losses and get ready for the takeover of fast food robots because these are the only options franchise restaurants have left.  They might be able to force business owners to pay $20 an hour for no-skill labor, but they can’t force those business owners to keep hiring.  

Furthermore, it’s likely that the FAST Act will trigger yet another tsunami of businesses leaving California for other states with less bureaucracy and a less demanding labor market.  Meaning, more jobs for red states and more unemployment for California.    

Col. Douglas Macgregor Warns Attack on Iran Would Cause WWIII and Mass Migration