
Heart Scarring Detected More Than a Year After Covid-19 Vaccination in Some Patients

Heart Scarring Detected More Than a Year After Covid-19 Vaccination in Some Patients

adminApr 3, 20244 min read

Heart Scarring Detected More Than a Year After Covid-19 Vaccination in Some Patients

Even mild myocarditis can cause fatal arrythmias.

When some people started experiencing myocarditis, or heart inflammation, after receiving COVID-19 vaccines, public health authorities and the media downplayed the severity of the problem and insisted that the protection offered by the vaccines was worth the risk. However, it is now emerging than the problem is more serious than vaccine supporters initially claimed.

new study by Australian researchers revealed that one third of patients who suffered from myocarditis after getting a COVID-19 vaccine still had heart scarring more than a year later. This is according to cardiac imaging that showed persistent late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), which is typically an indicator of heart scarring.

In the study, the median time between the day the person received the vaccine and when they underwent follow-up imaging was 548 days; the longest interval among those studied was 603 days.

The researchers wrote: “We found that the incidence of persistent myocardial fibrosis is high, seen in almost a third of patients at >12 months post diagnosis, which could have implications for the management and prognosis of this predominantly young cohort.”

They cautioned that we do not yet know what the long-term clinical implications of this are. However, given the fact that LGE tends to indicate a worse prognosis in myocarditis that is not connected to COVID-19 vaccines, particularly when it persists longer than six months, there is plenty of reason to be concerned.

Most of the patients in the study had received the Pfizer vaccine, while some received jabs from Moderna or AstraZeneca.

According to the British Heart Foundation, heart scarring caused by myocarditis means the heart needs to work harder to pump blood and oxygen throughout the body, which can cause the heart muscle to grow bigger and weaker over time. If enough scar tissue forms there, it can cause congestive heart failure or dilated cardiomyopathy, the Texas Heart Institute notes.

Another recent study, this one out of Canada, found that half of the patients with post-vaccination myocarditis still had persistent LGE during follow up imaging. They noted that this “likely reflects replacement fibrosis”, or heart scarring. They also cited papers showing that patients who have persistent LGE tend to have a greater risk of negative outcomes.

Even mild myocarditis can cause fatal arrythmias

Myocarditis emerged soon after vaccine rollouts as one of the more immediately visible side effects of the jab, largely affecting teens and young adult males within the first week after getting an mRNA vaccine. Interestingly, most of the cases occurred in young men following their second dose of the vaccine. Doctors aren’t sure why it mostly affects men, but they believe that testosterone may play a role in vaccine-induced myocarditis. It is treatable in some cases, but there are multiple forms of myocarditis, and each has its own prognosis. Some people may have to limit their activities and take medication for the rest of their lives.

Research from Japan shows that even mild cases of myocarditis can lead to fatal arrythmias. A group of doctors, scientists and academic experts known as the Health Advisory and Recovery Team (HART) published an advisory about the study, noting: “The possibility that inflammation affecting just the conductive system might result in fatal arrhythmia is a concern we have previously raised in relation to the mRNA products.”

The group added that this type of vaccine damage cannot be detected in a standard autopsy and may have been missed in the post-mortems of some people who died suddenly following vaccination.

Last year, a 28-year-old Dominican basketball player whose career was damaged by vaccine-induced myocarditis died of a heart attack while undergoing a stress test at a health center.

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Moderna Developing mRNA Vaccines For Diseases Linked to Covid Shots

Moderna Developing mRNA Vaccines For Diseases Linked to Covid Shots

adminApr 3, 202412 min read

Moderna Developing mRNA Vaccines For Diseases Linked to Covid Shots

As Moderna expands its mRNA vaccine pipeline to target Epstein-Barr, shingles, cancer and autoimmune diseases, scientists warn the company’s COVID-19 shots may be suppressing immune function, reactivating latent viruses and potentially causing the very conditions their new products aim to prevent.

During its Vaccines Day Event for investors on March 28, Moderna announced progress on multiple mRNA-based vaccines and therapeutic candidates in its “pipeline.”

Three vaccines targeting Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Varicella-zoster virus (VZV, chickenpox and shingles) and Norovirus are advancing to “pivotal late-stage development,” the company said.

Moderna also announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expected to approve its respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine mRNA-1345 for older adults. This is part of an expected $52 billion market for Moderna’s infectious disease vaccines.

“We continue to explore the application of mRNA in the potential treatment of cardiovascular and other ischemic vascular diseases,” Moderna’s website states in its product plans for therapeutic areas.

The company also is developing mRNA solutions for cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Citing the well-documented and often serious adverse reactions to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, some scientists and doctors said they are concerned about the dangers of existing and new mRNA formulations.

They also question whether Moderna is attempting to profit from solutions for diseases its products are causing.

Blocking the ‘foot soldiers of the immune system’

Synthetic-modified RNA (modRNA) in the cells suppresses innate immunity that keeps latent viruses at bay and protects against new infections, according to Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief scientific officer at Children’s Health Defense.

“One of the mechanisms involves microRNAs that suppress the production of cellular interferon, which is extremely important for attack against viral infections as well as tumor suppression,” Hooker told The Defender.

Hooker pointed to the June 2022 paper by Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., Dr. Peter McCullough and others that explored innate immune suppression by mRNA vaccines.

The authors proposed that vaccine-induced interferon suppression blocks the proper functioning of CD8+ T cells — often called the foot soldiers of the immune system — allowing dormant viruses to reactivate and, in the case of VZV, to cause shingles, the “adult” version of chickenpox.

A 2021 paper reported 54 cases of herpes zoster (shingles) emerging an average of 7 days after COVID-19 vaccination. A 2022 paper reported 10 cases of herpes zoster reactivation within one to three weeks after COVID-19 vaccination.

Yet the authors of both papers claimed a definitive link between the vaccines and the symptoms could not be established.

French scientist Hélène Banoun, Ph.D., in “La Science face au Pouvoir: Ce que révèle la crise Covid-19 sur la biopolitique du XXIe siècle” (“Science versus Power: What the Covid-19 crisis reveals about 21st-century biopolitics”), wrote that the disorganization of the innate immune system and its receptors contribute to the reactivation of latent viruses — including herpes, shingles, human papillomavirus (HPV) and RSV.

Many people infected by EBV or VZV become healthy, asymptomatic carriers, according to Banoun.

“These viruses, as well as other viruses or bacteria — such as the Koch bacillus responsible for tuberculosis — can remain dormant throughout life, or be reactivated during immunosuppression,” Banoun told The Defender.

Banoun also cited leprosy reactions following mRNA injections observed in numerous countries. “Despite the sophistication of mRNA vaccines, some side effects apparently reactivate diseases thought to have been relegated to the past,” she wrote.

Numerous case studies (here, here and here) correlate the development of EBV-related symptoms and antibodies with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

Matthew Matlock, a combat veteran and Ironman athlete, self-reported at the April 2022 meeting of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee that he suffered from the reactivation of EBV, in addition to cardiac and mast cell disease issues, after receiving the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot.

Moderna is creating two versions of a vaccine for EBV: mRNA-1189 for prevention and mRNA-1195to address the long-term effects, specifically multiple sclerosis and a subcategory of lymphoma in solid organ transplant patients.

Moderna reportedly paused its EBV vaccine trial last year when a subject developed myocarditis.

Moderna does not mention other long-term EBV effects such as chronic active EBV, EBV-associated cancers, anemia, rupture of the spleen, thrombocytopenia, hepatitis, myocarditis and diseases of the nervous system including encephalitis, meningitis and Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said the market for the EBV vaccines is expected to be several billion dollars.

Turbo cancers and autoimmune diseases

Banoun noted the role of anti-spike IgG4 (immunoglobin subtype 4) in spike-induced immunotolerance, writing that it “takes over from other IgG after repeated vaccinations” and increases the expression of PD-L1 (programmed cell death ligand 1), which can prevent the immune system’s T cells from attacking and killing cancer cells.

IgG4 is an antibody the immune system produces in response to infections or vaccinations. It has anti-inflammatory properties but can also bind to the same targets as other antibodies, blocking their effectiveness.

Overexpression of IgG4 can lead to IgG4-related disease, a chronic inflammatory condition with lesions that can dysregulate organ functioning and even cause death.

According to a 2023 study, IgG4 antibodies induced by repeated vaccination may generate immune tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, rendering the mRNA vaccines ineffective.

Mikolaj Raszek, Ph.D., a genomics sequencing specialist and founder and director of Merogenomics, in a recent tweet cited a January 2024 article in Viruses showing abnormal IgG4 antibodies in nearly all mRNA-vaccinated Individuals:

“They’re suggesting that having too much antigen eventually will lead to T cell exhaustion, and if you have T cell exhaustion this is how you might start correlating that with development of autoimmunity …

“More and more scientists are becoming leery of these IgG4 antibodies that basically seem to be observed in almost all of the mRNA vaccinated individuals.”

The authors of the Viruses article noted that a high level of IgG4 in the serum is considered pathogenic as it could trigger autoimmune diseases, cancer and other illnesses.

They speculated this could be due to the long-lasting spike protein produced by the vaccines and suggested this could lead to the desensitization of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, leading to immune system exhaustion.

“The induction of immunological tolerance by repeated vaccinations could perhaps explain the large number of deaths occurring in vaccinated people who received a third dose compared with unvaccinated individuals in some European countries,” they wrote.

In their paper, Seneff and McCullough linked vaccine-induced immunosuppression to neurodegenerative diseases, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, cancer and other impairments.

Geert Vanden Bossche, Ph.D., also warned that vaccine-induced elevated levels of IgG4 could lead toturbo cancers. Many oncologists have reported rapidly developing cancers, often in younger people, that have already progressed to Stage 3 or 4 by the time they are diagnosed.

Banoun said that until a few years ago, Moderna developed mRNA vaccines solely to fight cancer. “It is certain that we are witnessing an increase in the incidence of cancer certainly due to anti-COVID RNAs,” she said.

Banoun said the mRNA-6981 product under development by Moderna is designed to increase PD-L1levels to prevent the progression of autoimmune hepatitis by limiting the immune system’s self-reactivity.

However, as already noted, elevated PD-L1 can block the immune system’s cancer-fighting properties.

“This therapy is a double-edged sword, as it will not be specific and risks inducing immunotolerance to other pathologies such as infections and cancers,” Banoun said. “Moderna will then be able to develop other mRNAs against induced cancers.”

Other cancer-targeting mRNAs in Moderna’s pipeline include mRNA-4157 for melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC); mRNA-5671 for NSCLC, pancreatic and colorectal cancers; mRNA-4359 to “stimulate effector T cells that target and kill suppressive immune and cancer cells that express high levels of target checkpoint antigens”; and mRNA-2752 for direct injection into tumors and lymphomas.

Moderna also said it is developing several mRNA therapeutics that it believes “have the potential to help the millions of patients battling autoimmune diseases.”

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can cause many of the same diseases

Moderna may also be responding to diseases caused by the spike protein in the original SARS-CoV-2 virus itself.

There is ample evidence at this point to suggest that the virus was engineered specifically to be more virulent to humans.

Researchers in this 2022 study of COVID-19-infected people found elevated levels of EBV-related antibodies as well as herpes virus 6A and human endogenous retrovirus K antibodies.

Symptoms attributed to “long COVID” (which may include symptoms attributable to the mRNA vaccines) include difficulty breathing, chest pain, heart palpitations, fatigue, brain fog, sleep problems, dizziness, pins-and-needles feelings, post-exercise malaise, a change in smell or taste, depression or anxiety, stomach pain or diarrhea, joint or muscle pain, rashes and changes in menstrual cycles.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website states that these symptoms are similar to those reported by people with chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis.

Dr. Michelle Perro, an integrative medicine pediatrician and executive director of GMO Science, told The Defender that because people with long COVID may have an exacerbation of underlying chronic infections, “the production of mRNA vaccines, which are problematic from the experience with COVID, is faulty at best.”

“These vaccines were in the pipeline way before COVID and got a pass with the EUA [emergency use authorization] to unleash the technology,” Perro said.

“There is nothing good to be said about using this process [mRNA] in ‘vaccine’ development,” she said. “This technology should be abandoned immediately until further data is available.”

Moderna has recently been pushing a vaccination campaign aimed at long COVID prevention.

‘Hello shingles!’ Existing vaccines may be cause of diseases

The mRNA shots may not be solely responsible for the reemergence of viruses like chickenpox. In her March 29 Substack post, Jennifer Margulis discussed the chickenpox vaccine and its relationship to the rise in shingles cases.

Until the chickenpox vaccine was added to the childhood vaccination schedule in 1995, the virus was associated with “only 100 deaths each year out of nearly 4 million cases,” she wrote.

Margulis questioned why such a relatively mild disease would need a vaccine if the purpose of the scheduled vaccines was to prevent serious disease. She noted that fewer than one-third of European countries even recommend universal vaccination for children.

Citing a 2022 study, Margulis highlighted some of the serious adverse reactions to the chickenpox vaccine, including meningitis, encephalitis and death. Other adverse effects reported includethrombocytopenia, pneumonia, severe rashes, skin infections and seizures.

Margulis argued that removing the wild virus from circulation through wide-scale vaccination campaigns had reduced the natural immunity of adults who in times past were allowed to fight the infection as children.

“This natural immunization boost is pretty much gone,” she said, adding, “Hello shingles!” and pointing out that “mRNA-1468 is the vaccine Moderna is developing to help protect adults from shingles.”

More products in Moderna’s pipeline

Other products in Moderna’s pipeline include an HIV vaccine, a combined RSV-HPV vaccine, a pediatric RSV vaccine, a pandemic flu shot, a cytomegalovirus vaccine and an endemic HCoV (human coronavirus) vaccine; vaccines for Lyme disease, Zika, Nipah and Mpox; a therapeutic to promoterelaxin, a naturally occurring cardio-protective hormone; and a combined COVID-19-flu shot.

Blackstone Life Sciences has agreed to invest $750 million in Moderna’s flu vaccine in exchange for milestone payments and royalties, Yahoo Finance reported.

The stock value of Moderna rose 3% after the announcements, approaching $111 per share, bringing the 2024 increase to 11.2% as of March 28, which is well above the industry average.

The current price is still well below the $450 price per share Moderna enjoyed in mid-2021 at the height of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

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Somali Migrant Accused of Strangling Pregnant Girlfriend Because His Mother Wouldn’t Accept White, Non-Muslim Partner

Somali Migrant Accused of Strangling Pregnant Girlfriend Because His Mother Wouldn’t Accept White, Non-Muslim Partner

adminApr 3, 20244 min read

Somali Migrant Accused of Strangling Pregnant Girlfriend Because His Mother Wouldn’t Accept White, Non-Muslim Partner

Saga, a 20-year-old woman who was seven months pregnant, was found dead in her apartment last April. Text messages found on her Somali boyfriend’s phone helped to piece together what they believe to be an honor killing.

A Somali migrant is due to stand trial in Sweden next week for the murder of his pregnant girlfriend he is suspected of strangling to death to hide from his family the fact he was in a relationship with a non-Muslim, non-Somali woman.

Mohamedamin Abdirisek Ibrahim, 21, was arrested in Örebro on May 2 last year after his girlfriend, 20-year-old Saga, was found dead in her apartment. She had died from asphyxiation and had been seven months pregnant with Ibrahim’s child.

“I believe the murder took place in the context of an honor killing because the man wanted to preserve or restore his honor and that of his family by killing the woman who was carrying his child,” said public prosecutor Elisabeth Anderson in a statement to journalists shortly after the arrest.

The suspect has been in pre-trial detention for 11 months while police officers conducted their investigations into the murder.

An examination of text messages on Ibrahim’s phone revealed the disgust his Somali mother, also living in Sweden, had toward the notion her son was in a relationship with a White woman.

“Take the bus or stay with your loved one. Don’t come home. I am no longer your mother. I am Muslim and Somali,” one message from his mother read after her car often used by Ibrahim was spotted outside Saga’s address.

I am also Muslim and Somali, and I do not go home to a white person,” Ibrahim replied, denying the relationship with Saga, a Swedish woman of Thai origin.

In another row over the relationship, the suspect vowed to return to Somalia with his mother to make amends for upsetting her. “Whatever you decide, I follow, mom,” he wrote.

Following the indictment, Anderson said it was the prosecution’s case that the murder was an honor killing to save Ibrahim the ignominy of revealing the truth about Saga’s pregnancy to his family.

“He has tried to keep the relationship a secret. The suspect’s family did not accept that he was with a White girl and believed he had been exposed to strong emotional influence,” the prosecutor told Swedish media.

Further communications found between the suspect and his victim on the night before the murder revealed how Ibrahim had agreed to tell his family about the relationship.

“Feels like I can almost feel my heartbeat all the way down to my stomach walla,” he sent to Saga.

“Just take it easy, they’ll be fine babe,” she replied.

However, over the course of the evening, it is the prosecution’s case that the suspect changed his mind and visited his girlfriend’s apartment before strangling her to death.

In a composed message that was never sent, Ibrahim wrote, “Forgive me, I really feel sick from all this, sorry, but I can’t handle this, I can be there and help if something is needed, but I can’t tell my family.”

The suspect has denied the murder, and his mother told police officers she would have no issue with the ethnicity of her son’s girlfriend or future child.

Elisabeth Fritz, a lawyer for the relatives of the deceased, vowed to “work hard for a conviction, a life sentence, and compensation” for the “cruel murder.”

The trial begins on April 10.

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Cyprus Grapples With Record Number of Migrants

Cyprus Grapples With Record Number of Migrants

adminApr 3, 20244 min read

Cyprus Grapples With Record Number of Migrants

“We are at our limit,” the government noted after convening an emergency meeting.

The government of Cyprus convened a special emergency meeting—involving the ministers of the interior, foreign affairs, justice and public order, defense, and other high-ranking officials—at the presidential palace on Tuesday to discuss migration. Speaking to reporters, government spokesman Konstantinos Letymbiotis described the meeting’s “exclusive topic” as “the discussion of the immigration flows of the last days.”

Like many other Mediterranean islands, Cyprus is hard hit by wave after wave of migrants. Since Sunday afternoon, 476 have arrived on Cypriot shores in ten boats, setting a new record. 

Following a meeting with European Parliament President Roberta Metsola on Tuesday, Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides called the higher influx of migrants of recent weeks “deeply concerning,” adding that while he fully understands the challenges Lebanon—where most of the migrant boats originate—is facing, “exporting migrants to Cyprus should not be the answer and cannot be accepted. To that end, the EU should also stand by Cyprus in tangible ways.”

Metsola sought to assure Christodoulides, saying that the EU had prepared a “big unprecedented legislative package that will hopefully go through the European Parliament.” With it, she added, they would “be able to answer both in the short and medium term, but also hopefully in the longer term, the individual national challenges that countries such as yours are facing with regards to migration.”

On March 22nd, EU commissioner Margaritis Schinas suggested that the EU could strike a deal with Lebanon to bring a halt to the flow of migrants, but added that this would require considerable preparation. A similar deal with Egypt has yet to prove its worth.

Nicosia is not waiting for Brussels to step up its efforts, however, as it is “already in contact with Lebanon,” according to Letymbiotis. 

“New contacts will be made with the authorities of the country so that they can also stop these high migration flows that have been observed in the last few days,” he added.

With a population of just over one million, Cyprus is one of the smallest EU member states, with the current highest migrants-to-indigenous-population ratio. 

According to Eurostat, within the EU, the island also has the highest proportion of asylum applications relative to its population. 

The government representative told the Cyprus Times that, in recent months, Cyprus had “succeeded in reversing the migration data with deportations for the first time outnumbering arrivals” and that they wanted “to maintain this.”

However, he said, the situation in Lebanon “is difficult” and something the Cypriot government should be prepared for. 

Lebanon, which is in a deep economic crisis, hosts hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria, which has been mired in a civil war since 2011. Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7th has pushed the entire region into even greater instability.

While vague on specifics, the spokesman added that “various measures” had been discussed, hinting at “various actions that the Republic of Cyprus can take, but also in cooperation with the EU and European partners.”

When asked whether Cyprus’ infrastructure is adequate for receiving such migrant flows, the spokesman admitted: “at the rate at which the flows are increasing in recent days we are at the limit and this is something we have communicated repeatedly.”

“A country like the Republic of Cyprus,” he continued, “cannot continue at this rate and it is for this reason that it was considered crucial to convene [the security meeting] … and, if necessary, to reconvene.”

World War III: The Big Advancement Of Potential Nuclear War That The MSM Won’t Talk About

Nationally Funded Database Classifies Students For Life as a ‘Terrorist Group’

Nationally Funded Database Classifies Students For Life as a ‘Terrorist Group’

adminApr 3, 20245 min read

Nationally Funded Database Classifies Students For Life as a ‘Terrorist Group’

A University of California-Berkeley law professor said that if the researchers in question ‘want to be taken seriously,’ they should reconsider their definition of terrorism.

(LifeSiteNews) — A government-funded “radicalization” database has labeled Students for Life of America (SFLA) a “terrorist” group, prompting criticism from terrorism experts.

The College Fix reported on Monday that SFLA “appears under a ‘Terrorist Group’ label in the raw dataset” of the University of Maryland’s “Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States” (PIRUS). 

The project, which is an initiative of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), tracks “ideologically motivated criminal activity” as well as “violent extremist groups,” which it defines as being led or founded by an individual who has been “indicted for an ideologically motivated violent offense.”

The PIRUS database lists two individuals associated with SFLA who match the description of student members who were arrested in 2020 for attempting to chalk “black pre-born lives matter” on a sidewalk outside of a Planned Parenthood center. The pro-lifers were arrested despite being told verbally by police that they would not be prevented from painting and having been instructed to use tempura paint. 

Meanwhile, the city permitted its streets to be widely vandalized in permanent paint with Black Lives Matter messages just before the pro-lifers’ arrests.

National security expert Elizabeth Neumann, who joined the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2017, denounced START’s labeling of SFLA as a “terrorist” group in a conversation with the Fix. 

“They made an error and they should correct it,” Neumann told the media outlet in a phone interview, adding that “vandalism” by college students would not be of concern to the DHS.

Neumann “tracked terrorist threats” as a member of President George W. Bush’s Homeland Security Council before developing “protocols for reporting suspicious activity” for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. She went on to serve as the assistant secretary for counterterrorism and threat prevention for the DHS from 2018 to 2020.

In 2020, Neumann resigned from the Trump administration, claiming that the president’s words and actions were “racist” and fanning the flames of “white supremacy.” 

Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo also slammed START’s categorization of SFLA as a terrorist group in an email to the Fix.

“Researchers of course can create and apply any definition of ‘terrorism’ that they like. But if they want to be taken seriously, they should use something like the U.S. government’s definition,” said Yoo, a University of California-Berkeley law professor.

He pointed out that the FBI’s definition of domestic terrorism is “violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences.”

​​“It seems obvious that writing messages in chalk on the sidewalk does not come close to fitting this definition,” Yoo wrote. “If so, we have many more terrorists roaming the streets of Berkeley than are known to the FBI.”

The University of Maryland has not responded to the Fix’s questions about the PIRUS data, which were sent to three different offices. The Fix asked why PIRUS has logged peaceful pro-life students cleared of charges but not crimes committed by Black Lives Matter supporters that same year.

The PIRUS database shows an overwhelming bias against “right wing” groups, with an under-reporting of crimes by those associated with left-wing movements. For example, 1,700 “far right” radical offenders are logged by PRIUS while only 537 “far left” offenders have been recorded. 

An example of PIRUS’s remarkable bias — and data gaps — is its tracking of “anti-abortion” and “anti-LGBTQ” “radicals,” but not pro-abortion or pro-LGBTQ criminals, despite the fact that the U.S. has just seen an epidemic of criminal and violent activity motivated by leftist, and particularly pro-abortion, ideology.

For example, the report “Demonstrations & Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020 indicates that 88 percent of the 633 incidents classified as riots involve Black Lives Matter activists. This number rises to 95 percent for riots in which the perpetrators’ affiliation can be identified. Yet, the PIRUS database conspicuously lacks mention of BLM-affiliated violence and illegal activity.

A wave of pro-abortion violence also swept the country in the wake of the 2022 Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, prompting the FBI to open “nearly 10 times as many investigations into cases of abortion-related domestic terrorism as it had in 2021,” according to The Intercept

START is now working to expand the PIRUS database with new funding from the Department of Justice (DOJ). However, the Biden DOJ’s markedly disproportionate prosecution of pro-life activists, versus pro-abortion and leftwing activists, seems to quell any hope that PIRUS will remedy its bias against conservatives. 

World War III: The Big Advancement Of Potential Nuclear War That The MSM Won’t Talk About

Bidenomics Failure Shows up at Polls as Gen-Z Revolts Against Democrats

Bidenomics Failure Shows up at Polls as Gen-Z Revolts Against Democrats

adminApr 3, 20244 min read

Bidenomics Failure Shows up at Polls as Gen-Z Revolts Against Democrats

President Joe Biden’s wrecking of the economy is costing him young adult voters who can barely afford to not be on the streets.

It is no surprise that a new Gallup poll shows a growing number of Gen-Zers and millennials are becoming increasingly frustrated with the failure of ‘Bidenomics‘ as they struggle with the cost-of-living crisis. 

We didn’t need a poll to reveal the frustrations of youngsters working two or three jobs just to afford rent, auto payments, and avocado and toast. The writing has been on the wall, especially on social media feeds of TikTok and X: 

The struggle is real for the new generation, which is just now learning that working a 9-5 isn’t as easy as college.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) October 25, 2023

A lot of people seem to think this mindset is unique to Gen Z. It’s not.

Every generation goes through this. Watch Reality Bites, where a group of 20-somethings in the early 90s deal with the exact same struggles and emotions as described in this video.

— Matthew Kobach ? (@mkobach) October 20, 2023

The Gen-Z girl who complained about the 9-5 work schedule has a comment for Business Insider (which tried to find out where she works) about the stress of finding a job as a post-grad. She’s got a point.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) October 27, 2023

Woman defends Gen-Z not wanting to work a 9-5 for the rest of their lives

“I don’t want to work my tail end off, wasting all of my life working, just to barely be able to pay my bills”

— Unlimited L’s (@unlimited_ls) January 8, 2024

Woman defends Gen-Z not wanting to work a 9-5 for the rest of their lives

“I don’t want to work my tail end off, wasting all of my life working, just to barely be able to pay my bills”

— Unlimited L’s (@unlimited_ls) January 8, 2024

The new Gallup poll of 18-29-year-olds validates the Biden administration, which seemingly cares more about illegal aliens and the LGBTQQIP2SAA community (not sure what all those letters mean), is quickly losing the young vote. 

People in that age cohort are more than twice as likely to cite the economy as their top concern compared with older adults in recent Gallup data. And while all voters are more worried about the economy now than they were heading into the 2020 presidential election, the pessimism has spiked the most among those under 30. –Bloomberg


It’s a wake-up call for the Biden administration. A recent Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll reveals a surprising trend: Former President Trump is leading President Biden 47% to 40% among voters 18-34 in swing states. This is a significant shift from the last presidential cycle when Biden won 61% of voters under 30. 

The Biden administration understands they desperately need Gen-Z and millennial support to win in November. They are trying everything in their power to buy votes by bailing out youngsters with student debt (despite the Supreme Court ruling). 

Youngsters are coming of age in one of the worst economic periods this nation has seen in a generation. Elevated inflation is crushing household finances.

With the election cycle well underway, there are mounting risks inflation could accelerate once again, and gas prices at the pump are rising.

Bidenomics has been a colossal failure, and young people are seeing that and are furious with the elderly, senile president who should be in a retirement home. Young people are beginning to understand they might never be able to afford the average American home as that dream died a long time ago. These frustrations are showing up in the polling data. 

World War III: The Big Advancement Of Potential Nuclear War That The MSM Won’t Talk About