
Former ESPN Host Says Her Biden Interview Was Totally Scripted ‘To The Word’

Former ESPN Host Says Her Biden Interview Was Totally Scripted ‘To The Word’

adminApr 3, 20242 min read

Former ESPN Host Says Her Biden Interview Was Totally Scripted ‘To The Word’

Every Biden television appearance is a manufactured propaganda

Ex-ESPN host Sage Steele, who was suspended by the Disney-owned sports channel in 2021 after she criticized the network for mandating Covid jabs, recently exposed how every word coming out of Joe Biden’s mouth is controlled by handlers.

NEW: Former ESPN host Sage Steele says her interview with Joe Biden was completely scripted & she was ordered to not deviate from the script at all.

The president of the United States can’t answer a question by himself. Insane.

“It was so structured and I was told, ‘you will…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) April 3, 2024

Describing an interview she had with Biden in March of 2023, Steele said, “That was an interesting experience in its own right because it was so structured and I was told, ‘You will say every word that we write out, you will not deviate from this script, and go!’”

“To the word,” she continued, “Every single question was scripted, gone over dozens of times by many editors and executives. Absolutely, I was on script and was told not to deviate. It was very much, ‘This is what you will ask, this is how you will say it. No follow-ups. Next.’”

The account captures the true state of the Biden administration as he’s merely a puppet figure for the Deep State establishment being helmed by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and their acolytes.

The Transgender Weaponization Crisis

The Transgender Weaponization Crisis

adminApr 3, 20241 min read

The Transgender Weaponization Crisis

The Deep State is running a bizarre psyop

In the blink of an eye, we are suddenly asking, “Why the sharp uptick of gender dysphoric mass murderers?”

‘Murder Season’ Ramps up in China – Expert Warns

‘Murder Season’ Ramps up in China – Expert Warns

adminApr 3, 20244 min read

‘Murder Season’ Ramps up in China – Expert Warns

A violent crime wave is sweeping China as the communist country seeks to hide its cultural rot from international eyes.

Sino expert and former resident of China Winston Sterzel has been reporting on the violent crime wave sweeping Chinese streets in recent months.

While the Sino internet is highly censored, cut off from the rest of the world, those like Sterzel who speak and read the language can peruse Chinese posts to see what the government run propaganda agents try to hide as they paint a picture of communist utopia.

The hits keep on coming.. Murder season is ramping up in China

— Winston Sterzel (@serpentza) March 27, 2024

The act of running over people with a car is a common tactic used by the criminal element in China.

Content warning ⚠️ Yesterday in Beijing there was another mass murder as someone rammed into an intentionally drove over people in the bike lane, this is only one of a spate of these mass murders by vehicular homicide we’ve seen this month in China, why? @ShangguanJiewen

— Winston Sterzel (@serpentza) March 20, 2024

The very same day that a thug committed vehicular homicide in the nation’s capital, 19 students were killed when another murderer decided to purposefully drive over college kids.

Content warning ⚠️ This also happened on the same day as the Beijing mass murder, this time 19 students were murdered and scores injured when a driver deliberately drove over them on campus at the Taizhou! Vocational and Technical college. Why? @ShangguanJiewen

— Winston Sterzel (@serpentza) March 20, 2024

A Chinese driver is seen convulsing after an intentional vehicle ramming, a common violent attack strategy in the Asian country where civilian ownership of firearms is strictly prohibited in all cases with no exception.

Another driver crashing into a running over people in China, Chengdu this time.. Murder season continues

— Winston Sterzel (@serpentza) April 1, 2024

What looks like ‘accidents’ in China are sometimes ‘purposes’ as cars are the deadliest weapon citizens may own.

Another vehicle murder attack in Beijing, that’s far too many in a row, China’s murder season continues

— Winston Sterzel (@serpentza) March 31, 2024

A woman is seen being violently beat in the streets by a man. It is unknown if this is a domestic violence incident or a random act of street-side violence.


— 0 (@lammichaeltw) April 2, 2024

Related: Watch: TikTokkers Reveal Shocking Head Punch Attacks in NYC Streets

Another common violent act in China is that of ‘revenge against society’ attacks. In this video, a man who’s lost his investment rampaged through a crowded street.

In my latest video I showed that sensless “revenge against society” attacks are on the rise in China, well no sooner had I posted my video, another incident happened, this time because a man lost his personal investments

— Winston Sterzel (@serpentza) March 25, 2024

While the U.S. is gripped by a violent crime wave, China, a nation that claims to be a safe bastion of orderly society and cultural values is breaking down in a similar fashion, yet the state-sponsored censors of the communist state seek to hide this reality from the international audience.

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ICE Arrests Suspected Fentanyl Trafficker Wanted for Murder in Dominican Republic

ICE Arrests Suspected Fentanyl Trafficker Wanted for Murder in Dominican Republic

adminApr 3, 20243 min read

ICE Arrests Suspected Fentanyl Trafficker Wanted for Murder in Dominican Republic

Dangerous illegal alien has remained on loose in U.S. despite being arrested twice by Massachusetts authorities in 2021

A suspected fentanyl trafficker who is wanted for murder in his home country was arrested by federal immigration authorities.

On Tuesday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced the recent apprehension of the suspect, a 27-year-old illegal alien from the Dominican Republic, at his residence in the town of Saugus in Essex County.

Federal authorities have no idea when or where the Dominican entered the United States, but say he was charged with trafficking fentanyl by a district court in Essex County in December of 2021.

In the same month, he was arraigned in West Roxbury District Court for strangulation or suffocation and assault and battery of a household family member, but those charges were later dismissed.

However, mere days or weeks prior to both incidents, “he became the subject of a criminal police warrant for the charge of homicide issued by a criminal court in the city of Bani in the Dominican Republic’s state of Peravia” in November of 2021, ICE explained in a press release.

ICE finally took the suspect into custody on March 21, but it is unclear why he remained on the loose in the U.S. for well over two years following his prior arrests in Massachusetts.

#Fugitives #ImmigrationCrime Accused fentanyl trafficker who’s wanted for murder in Dominican Republic is arrested by @EROBoston. Read more here :

— ERO Boston (@EROBoston) April 2, 2024

“This unlawfully present Dominican national fled his home country to avoid a murder trial,” ERO Boston Field Office Director Todd M. Lyons said in a statement.

“He made his way to Massachusetts and has been repeatedly apprehended by local authorities and charged with crimes of violence and drug crimes. ERO Boston will not allow the world’s offenders to take refuge in our communities.”

Authorities continue to catch dangerous foreign criminals illegally present in the U.S.

Last month, a Guatemalan citizen who entered the U.S. as an ‘unaccompanied minor’ and was later ordered deported was arrested in Florida for sex crimes in Oregon.

Weeks prior, a known MS-13 gang member with three prior deportations who is wanted for murder in his home country of El Salvador was arrested by ICE agents in Foxboro, MA.

In February, another MS-13 gangbanger from El Salvador with multiple convictions for sex crimes in the U.S. was arrested in Riverdale, Maryland.

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Learn How to Save America’s Soul With Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne

Learn How to Save America’s Soul With Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne

adminApr 3, 20241 min read

Learn How to Save America’s Soul With Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne

Spiritual problems can’t be solved with political solutions.

Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne discussed how America’s spiritual problem within politics must be solved with spiritual solutions when he guest hosted the Alex Jones Show Tuesday.

Don’t miss:

World War III: The Big Advancement Of Potential Nuclear War That The MSM Won’t Talk About

The American Journal: White House Worried Bird Flu May Be ‘Next Pandemic’

The American Journal: White House Worried Bird Flu May Be ‘Next Pandemic’

adminApr 3, 20241 min read

The American Journal: White House Worried Bird Flu May Be ‘Next Pandemic’

Senior Biden administration officials reportedly monitoring outbreak in fear of supply chain and agricultural disruptions

“The American Journal” is live every weekday from 8-11 am CST.

“The White House is on red alert for bird flu after health officials revealed a Texan dairy farmer caught a deadly bird flu strain from a cow…Officials are now receiving regular updates from HHS and USDA.

Ashish Jha, who led the Biden administration’s Covid-19 response,…

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) April 3, 2024

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