
Bill Gates Says Math Is ‘White Supremacy’

Bill Gates Says Math Is ‘White Supremacy’

adminApr 3, 20241 min read

Bill Gates Says Math Is ‘White Supremacy’

Globalists continue pushing racial division at every opportunity

During the Wednesday edition of The Alex Jones Show, guest host Owen Shroyer covered the leftist narrative that math is somehow racist.

Israel Building Altar For Red Heifer Sacrifice To Fulfill Biblical End Times Prophecy

Israel Building Altar For Red Heifer Sacrifice To Fulfill Biblical End Times Prophecy

adminApr 3, 20241 min read

Israel Building Altar For Red Heifer Sacrifice To Fulfill Biblical End Times Prophecy

Israelis have announced plans to conduct a red heifer sacrifice this month as significant Biblical prophecies are being fulfilled in Israel before our very eyes. A massive white altar is under construction in Jerusalem’s Old […]

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<div>WATCH: Alex Jones Exposes How Democrats Disrespect & Talk Down To Americans</div>

WATCH: Alex Jones Exposes How Democrats Disrespect & Talk Down To Americans

adminApr 3, 20241 min read

<div>WATCH: Alex Jones Exposes How Democrats Disrespect & Talk Down To Americans</div>

Hilarious footage shows sociopathic habits of Democrat politicians!

Watch & share this special compilation where Alex Jones breaks down how Democrats will shamelessly talk down to Americans during election season:

Don’t miss:

Watch: Democratic Leaders Tell America That Illegal Aliens Come First

‘You’re Actually The One Who’s Brainwashed’: Natalie Winters Savages Feminists

adminApr 3, 20242 min read
The left’s victimhood ideology fails to explain why women enjoy special privileges in modern society.

Conservative journalist Natalie Winters took feminists to the woodshed during a discussion on the “Whatever” podcast about the role of women in society.

After a couple of feminists labeled Winters as “brainwashed” while another argued there are “expectations for women to behave a certain way,” Winters educated them with some potent truth bombs.

“I would almost argue it’s easier to start a business in America as a woman. You have preferential treatment when it comes to loans, preferential hiring processes, literally just because you’re a woman,” Winters explained.

What happens when feminists call you “brainwashed”…

— Natalie Winters (@nataliegwinters) April 2, 2024

“Women are the majority of college graduates. Life being a woman, I feel like, in some ways, kind of life on easy mode,” she continued. “If you play into the corporate structure, they literally have empowerment programs that they don’t allow men, let alone straight white men, in. There’s literally a multibillion dollar corporate push to empower women.”

Turning her attention to the feminist who called her “brainwashed,” Winters pointed out that her defense of feminism was simply a regurgitated talking point with no coherent basis in fact.

“You think I’m brainwashed. You can think that but you also espouse an ideology that you can’t even give me literally one example why you actually believe it, let alone define it,” Winters said.

“But you just slap that label on because that’s what mainstream society’s told you to believe. So I think you’re actually the one who’s brainwashed,” she added.

Following the exchange that went viral, Winters told the Daily Caller that she was happy to debate the woke women.

“It’s always fun to get out of the conservative media bubble and talk to people who’ve fallen victim to the ideologies of the left. In most cases, just an ounce of pushback will cause their beliefs to shatter,” she said.

Watch the full episode:

Gen Z Frustration Over Bidenflation, Economy Surfaces in Polls

Gen Z Frustration Over Bidenflation, Economy Surfaces in Polls

adminApr 3, 20244 min read
Gen Z is frustrated with rising prices and being unable to afford anything in the Biden economy.

Zoomers’ discontent with Bidenomics is manifesting in polls showing members of the young age group are listing the economy as their top priority going into the 2024 election.

A recent Gallup poll highlighted by Bloomberg shows people under the age of 30, known as Gen Z, are frustrated with rising prices and being unable to afford anything in the Biden economy.

Gen Z Frustration Over Bidenflation, Economy Surfaces in Polls

“That’s Bad for Biden,” Bloomberg declared in a headline, noting in their article, “the growing list of grievances among those between the ages 18-29 is a worrying sign for Biden as he seeks a second term.”

“People in that age cohort are more than twice as likely to cite the economy as their top concern compared with older adults in recent Gallup data,” Bloomberg reoprts. “And while all voters are more worried about the economy now than they were heading into the 2020 presidential election, the pessimism has spiked the most among those under 30.”

The younger generation’s frustration has been palpable since they air all of their grievances on social media:

The struggle is real for the new generation, which is just now learning that working a 9-5 isn’t as easy as college.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) October 25, 2023

A lot of people seem to think this mindset is unique to Gen Z. It’s not.

Every generation goes through this. Watch Reality Bites, where a group of 20-somethings in the early 90s deal with the exact same struggles and emotions as described in this video.

— Matthew Kobach ? (@mkobach) October 20, 2023

The Gen-Z girl who complained about the 9-5 work schedule has a comment for Business Insider (which tried to find out where she works) about the stress of finding a job as a post-grad. She’s got a point.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) October 27, 2023

Woman defends Gen-Z not wanting to work a 9-5 for the rest of their lives

“I don’t want to work my tail end off, wasting all of my life working, just to barely be able to pay my bills”

— Unlimited L’s (@unlimited_ls) January 8, 2024

While a Biden campaign spokesman told Bloomberg he’s “fighting to lower costs for young Americans — forgiving student debt, lowering health and eliminating junk fees,” Trump’s team instead offered Gen Z “a safe, prosperous, and free nation that helps all young people achieve their American Dream.”

As the Biden admin attempts to appease young voters with things like student loan debt forgiveness, the mounting costs of inflation and high interest rates are counteracting those measures, as noted by Zero Hedge:

The Biden administration understands they desperately need Gen-Z and millennial support to win in November. They are trying everything in their power to buy votes by bailing out youngsters with student debt (despite the Supreme Court ruling). 

Youngsters are coming of age in one of the worst economic periods this nation has seen in a generation. Elevated inflation is crushing household finances.

With the election cycle well underway, there are mounting risks inflation could accelerate once again, and gas prices at the pump are rising.

Bidenomics has been a colossal failure, and young people are seeing that and are furious with the elderly, senile president who should be in a retirement home. Young people are beginning to understand they might never be able to afford the average American home as that dream died a long time ago. These frustrations are showing up in the polling data. 

<div>Biden WH ‘Monitoring’ Bird Flu Outbreak After Cow-To-Human Infection & Major Egg Producer Forced To Kill 2 Million Chickens</div>

Biden WH ‘Monitoring’ Bird Flu Outbreak After Cow-To-Human Infection & Major Egg Producer Forced To Kill 2 Million Chickens

adminApr 3, 20242 min read

<div>Biden WH ‘Monitoring’ Bird Flu Outbreak After Cow-To-Human Infection & Major Egg Producer Forced To Kill 2 Million Chickens</div>

How convenient for the global establishment hellbent on getting humans off animal-based diets

According to White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, senior Biden administration officials are “monitoring” the bird flu outbreak that recently resulted in a human being infected after eating beef from an infected cow.

Karine Jean-Pierre says Biden is “monitoring” the H5N1 bird flu outbreak

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 3, 2024

HHS and the USDA are keeping White House advisors in the loop regarding the outbreak, which could allegedly become the next pandemic akin to Covid-19.

“The White House is on red alert for bird flu after health officials revealed a Texan dairy farmer caught a deadly bird flu strain from a cow…Officials are now receiving regular updates from HHS and USDA.

Ashish Jha, who led the Biden administration’s Covid-19 response,…

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) April 3, 2024

On Tuesday, the nation’s largest chicken egg producer said it temporarily halted production at a Texas plant due to chickens coming down with Bird Flu.

The Texas plant was forced to cull almost 2 million hens thanks to the outbreak.

Major Egg Producer Detects Bird Flu, Must Kill Nearly 2 Million Chickens

— Larry Elder (@larryelder) April 3, 2024

An egg facility in Michigan was also reportedly hit with a Bird Flu outbreak this week.

So far, Texas, Kansas, Idaho, Ohio and Michigan are the only states Infowars can report have confirmed outbreaks in cattle.

Dairy cows in Ohio have tested positive for H5N1 bird flu, making it the 6th state to report cases.

The dairy operation received cows from a Texas dairy where bird flu was later confirmed.

— BNO News (@BNOFeed) April 3, 2024

If the outbreak spreads out of control, it will be a suspiciously convenient event for the global elite who want humans to consume less animal-based food and instead “Eat Ze Bugs.”

Companies are now using insect protein. You will eat the bugs.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) April 1, 2024