
Spain to Recognize Palestinian Statehood, Calls on Western Allies to Follow Suit

Spain to Recognize Palestinian Statehood, Calls on Western Allies to Follow Suit

adminApr 4, 20243 min read

Spain to Recognize Palestinian Statehood, Calls on Western Allies to Follow Suit

Western countries are beginning to depart from unwavering support for the Israeli regime amid the genocide in Gaza.

Spain has been foremost among European countries which have repeatedly condemned Israel’s ongoing military operation in Gaza and the resultant soaring Palestinian death toll. The EU country is also among those demanding answers for the drone strikes that killed a group of World Central Kitchen aid workers this week. “I expect and demand that the Israeli government clarify as soon as possible the circumstances of this brutal attack that has taken the lives of seven aid workers who were doing nothing but helping,” Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said in a fresh statement.

But Prime Minister Sanchez is also driving global headlines for his Tuesday statements declaring the Spanish government is moving forward with recognizing Palestinian statehood. The Financial Times reported that the country is ready to bestow formal recognition as early as July.

Sanchez said, “We have to seriously consider doing it in the first half of this year.” The declaration he made while on a Middle East tour is sure to rile Israeli leadership, which has condemned efforts to force recognition of a Palestinian state at a moment the Israeli military is in a fight with Hamas terrorists.

According to more details via regional media

State news agency EFE and newspapers El Pais and La Vanguardia cited Sanchez as making the informal remarks to the traveling press corps late on Monday in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on the first day of visits to Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

According to the reports, Sanchez said he expected events to unfold in the conflict ahead of the European Parliament elections in early June and highlighted ongoing debates at the United Nations.

Of course, Spain wouldn’t be the first to unilaterally recognize Palestine (outside of a broader UN move, for example). Those EU states to have previously done so include Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. Ireland and Malta have also recently said they are on board and plan to do so.

However, the UK, France, and Germany have expressed they will not recognize Palestine outside of a broader deal for a two-state solution that involves Israeli assent.

Spain and those European countries which have already made declarations of recognition want to see the Palestinian Authority (PA) take control of Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state.

Various two-state solution plans have been proposed over the past decades, but have never taken shape…


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, however, has vowed to block all of these efforts – and indeed the scenario would remain impossible without Israeli agreement, given IDF troops currently occupy all of these places.

CONVERGENCE: The Solar Eclipse, CERN, Lucifer, The Vatican, And Reptilian Venom Peptides

More Details Have Come to Light About Feds’ Surveillance of Everyone That Watched Certain YouTube Videos

More Details Have Come to Light About Feds’ Surveillance of Everyone That Watched Certain YouTube Videos

adminApr 4, 20243 min read
More specifics on the wide-reaching demands.

Recently, it came to light that US courts are issuing orders to YouTube (Google) to hand over user information – a previously unreported form of dragnet investigation. And now additional details about the practice are emerging.

Forbes broke the story last month after seeing documents that showed a court order covering all YouTube users who watched certain videos over a period of time. Personal data required by law enforcement in these cases was very detailed.

Regarding Google users – that’s information from their Google accounts (name, address, phone number and records, online payments history, IP address, etc…), while everybody else visiting URLs listed in the order had their IP addresses surrendered.

A one-year gag order made sure Google could not make any of this publicly known, and now we’re hearing about it because that time period has expired.

However, the actual documents that the original article was based on were not published at that time; now, reports say they have been made available on the Bluesky platform.

The order covers the first 8 days of 2023, and three apparently obscure and in and of themselves harmless YouTube videos (the target of the investigation was a person suspected of illegal activity, while the video’s URLs were “exchanged” during communication between undercover investigators and their target).

More Details Have Come to Light About Feds’ Surveillance of Everyone That Watched Certain YouTube Videos

Virgil Abt posted the documents on Bluesky, noting that given that the three videos (about mapping software) didn’t have a wide reach, an estimated 200 people, whose personal details Google was then asked to turn over, clicked on the links – to end up collectively “suspected,” as happens in dragnet-style probes.

The affidavit that’s now public shows the court explaining the process and reasons first for going after the specific YouTube user, “ELM,” for their alleged bitcoin-and-drugs related activities – and then why the court thought it was fine to thoroughly unmask potentially hundreds of uninvolved YouTube users, and keep the whole thing secret for a full year.

“There is reason to believe that these records would be relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation, including by providing identification information about the perpetrators,” reads the affidavit.

The same problems related to other investigative methods based on dragnet surveillance such as geofencing apply here as well, mainly the fact law enforcement could achieve its goals by going down less legally controversial routes.

CONVERGENCE: The Solar Eclipse, CERN, Lucifer, The Vatican, And Reptilian Venom Peptides

Jill Biden Angry At Suggestion Joe Is Behind In Swing States Claims “It’s Obvious Joe Will Win”

Jill Biden Angry At Suggestion Joe Is Behind In Swing States Claims “It’s Obvious Joe Will Win”

adminApr 4, 20241 min read

Jill Biden Angry At Suggestion Joe Is Behind In Swing States Claims “It’s Obvious Joe Will Win”

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Dutch Gov’t To Euthanize Healthy 28-Year-Old Due to ‘Bouts of Melancholy’

Dutch Gov’t To Euthanize Healthy 28-Year-Old Due to ‘Bouts of Melancholy’

adminApr 4, 20241 min read

Dutch Gov’t To Euthanize Healthy 28-Year-Old Due to ‘Bouts of Melancholy’

A healthy, 28-year-old Dutch woman has been scheduled to be euthanized by the government due to her struggles with mild depression, according to a disturbing report. Zoraya ter Beek is scheduled to be killed by […]

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Flu Vaccine Increases Risk of Miscarriage by 800%

Flu Vaccine Increases Risk of Miscarriage by 800%

adminApr 4, 20241 min read

Flu Vaccine Increases Risk of Miscarriage by 800%

Pregnant women who take the influenza vaccine have an 800% increased risk of suffering a miscarriage, according to a disturbing report by Dr. Joseph Mercola. As noted by Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National […]

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Spain Officially Recognizes Palestinian Statehood: “Israel Is a Terrorist Nation”

Spain Officially Recognizes Palestinian Statehood: “Israel Is a Terrorist Nation”

adminApr 4, 20241 min read

Spain Officially Recognizes Palestinian Statehood: “Israel Is a Terrorist Nation”

The Spanish government is moving forward with officially recognizing Palestinian statehood, according to a Financial Times report. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said in a statement: “We have to seriously consider doing it in the […]

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