
Scottish Police Flooded With Complaints During First 24 Hours of ‘Hate Crime’ Law

Scottish Police Flooded With Complaints During First 24 Hours of ‘Hate Crime’ Law

adminApr 4, 20244 min read

Scottish Police Flooded With Complaints During First 24 Hours of ‘Hate Crime’ Law

“Many thousands” of minor crimes will now be ignored because of the new law, Scottish Tories warn.

Almost 4,000 ‘hate crime’ complaints were made to Police Scotland in the 24 hours after the country’s new public order act came into effect.

Calum Steele, the former general secretary of the Scottish Police Federation, said it was his “understanding” that the figure stood at around 3,800, suggesting many people are all too happy to make use of the anti-free speech legislation despite the rightful criticism it has received in the media.

Somewhere serendipitously it’s my understanding that’s also the number of online hate complaints recorded by police Scotland in the past 24 hours (with more than half of them still to be processed).

— Calum Steele (@CalumA_Steele) April 2, 2024

The news has prompted critics of the hard-left Scottish National Party government to warn of police officers being overstretched. Conservative Member of the Scottish Parliament Rachael Hamilton said that because of the law,

Many thousands of minor crime incidents will not be investigated and serious crime will bear the brunt of an already strained [police] service.

Hamilton added that “the Act must be repealed.”

The Hate Crime and Public Order Act, which came into force on Monday, makes a new crime of “stirring up hatred” based on protected characteristics, including age, disability, faith, sexual orientation, transgender identity, or being intersex. 

The legislation is not, however, designed to protect women—for instance, as Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling pointed out, those who speak out in favour of single-sex spaces for women and girls, which could be deemed ‘hateful’ by protected trans individuals.

On Monday, Rowling described a list of transgender individuals as men and invited Police Scotland to “arrest me.” Officers later said that it had received complaints about her online post but that they did not view it as criminal. The author responded:

I hope every woman in Scotland who wishes to speak up for the reality and importance of biological sex will be reassured by this announcement, and I trust that all women—irrespective of profile or financial means—will be treated equally under the law.

Journalist Charlotte Gill was impressed by Rowling’s stand for free speech, but is concerned that the author is something of a lone voice among cultural circles. Gill wrote: “There’s a shameful lack of artists speaking out against Scotland’s tyrannical hate crime act. How can J.K. Rowling be one of the few authors to challenge it? How did it suddenly become uncool to like free speech?!”

There’s a shameful lack of artists speaking out against Scotland’s tyrannical hate crime act. How can JK Rowling be one of the few authors to challenge it? How did it suddenly become uncool to like free speech?!

— Charlotte Gill (@CharlotteCGill) April 2, 2024

While Rowling avoided criminal action against her social media posts on Monday, she has stressedthat if the police “go after any woman for simply calling a man a man, I’ll repeat that woman’s words and they can charge us both at once.”

One of the transgender individuals named in Rowling’s first hate crime-critical post—Katie Neeves, who was appointed a UN Women UK delegate—voiced strong disappointment at Police Scotland for failing to act.

CONVERGENCE: The Solar Eclipse, CERN, Lucifer, The Vatican, And Reptilian Venom Peptides

Trans High School Basketball Player Who Knocked Down Female Rival Competes Against Girls in Multiple Sports

Trans High School Basketball Player Who Knocked Down Female Rival Competes Against Girls in Multiple Sports

adminApr 4, 20248 min read
Boys are now taking home the gold in every competition.

The trans-identified girl’s basketball player who was filmed knocking down a rival player in Massachusetts earlier this year, was allegedly kicked off a rowing team a couple of years ago for leering at, and commenting on a girl’s bare breasts in the locker room.

In addition to basketball and rowing, the 6-foot tall KIPP Academy senior has competed against girls in multiple other high school sports, including volleyball, hurdles, shot put and tae kwon do, predictably shattering records and leading his teams to victory, according to the Australian online magazine Quillette.

Lazuli Clark, the trans-identified student, can be seen in the middle of the volleyball promotional photo below:

Male athlete Lazuli Clark of KIPP Academy excels as a 3-sport athlete in girls’ sports:
? Girls’ basketball: playoff bound
? Girls’ volleyball: League All-Star led the team in kills, aces & digs
? Girls’ track & field: set meet records in 400m hurdles & shot put at the Lynn…

— ICONS (@icons_women) February 22, 2024

His gender-bending athletic exploits went viral in February after he injured three opponentsduring a girls’ basketball game and the opposing team had to forfeit the game after only 16 minutes of play.

A video posted on YouTube by “Inside Lowell” shows a Collegiate Charter School girl being dragged to the ground like a ragdoll while wrestling for a rebound with the much larger biological male player from KIPP Academy.

The girl can be seen grabbing her back and wincing in pain as she tried to get back up off the floor.  Sources said the biological male player is “more than 6 feet tall with facial hair.”

KIPP reportedly withdrew from its next game after a backlash.

Clark’s inappropriate locker room behavior was mentioned in a report in the U.S. Senate last month as  a “direct case of harassment.”

The incident took place in 2021-22 while he was a member of a private girls rowing club, according to the report submitted by Senator Bill Cassidy (R-La.) to the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee on March 20.

During the course of this investigation, Committee staff discovered a direct case of harassment involving Massachusetts youth in a private, free-standing rowing league whose policies are governed by USA Rowing. In Massachusetts and New England, competitive rowing occurs mainly via private leagues as it is too expensive for high schools to offer. According to a parent who spoke with Committee staff, a male athlete was allowed to join the women’s varsity crew team, which caused many issues for the female athletes.

The male athlete was also allowed to use the women’s locker room in accordance with USA Rowing policy. The female athletes avoided using the locker room, but nonetheless a few months later, the male athlete was caught staring openly at one of the female athletes while she changed her clothes in the women’s locker room and remarked, “oooh [titties]!” When a female athlete nearby asked if it was the first time he had seen female breasts, the male responded, “uhh yeah” with a laugh. The male athlete was suspended for this incident.

Quillette received a copy of an October 12, 2022 letter written by 15 concerned parents to the United States Rowing Association (USRowing), the sport’s national governing body. USRowing reportedly allows men to opt into the women’s categories as a matter of policy.

According to the parents, the club’s 40 female competitors were ‘intimidated’ into silence.

Parents complained in the letter that their daughters were forced to share a room with Clark during team trips.

“The girls spoke to us about quitting rowing because of the intimidation of being forced to be in a hotel room alone with a male,” they said.

“Our daughters have stayed quiet because they are afraid. We tried to speak up for them, and we were shut down,” the letter read.

We tried to speak to leadership at all levels. [But] name-calling and the threat of mental health is being used as emotional blackmail to keep us all quiet while women are harmed and devalued…Our daughters also faced a locker room situation where they were uncomfortable…They stopped changing in the locker room and began to hide away.

These young girls should never have been put through being told they had to face a male body everyday as they undressed…It was a constant thought, a constant threat to submit and a constant awareness. Yet they dared not say anything (except privately to their parents). The rowing team also required the male athlete to room with them on trips. The girls spoke to us about quitting rowing because of the intimidation of being forced to be in a hotel room alone with a male.

One of the signatories told Quillette that Clark joined the female rowing club in 2021, after placing “near the bottom” with the club’s corresponding male team.

Clark “didn’t bother to shave or otherwise maintain the outward aesthetic pretenses of female gender identification, and even continued to wear the male club’s uniform,” Quillette reported.

After the locker room incident, team officials reported Clark to the U.S. Center for SafeSport, a congressionally mandated body dedicated to “ending sexual, physical, and emotional abuse on behalf of athletes everywhere.”

SafeSport took action in late 2022, and Clark “never rowed for the club again—in either gender category.”

A parent told Quillette that they had begun expressing their concerns about Clark to USRowing in the Spring 2022, but were ignored.

“These girls have all been rowing for years, and for many, the main goal is to get recruited to top universities with rowing teams,” a letter signatory said. “As soon as you express concerns about men rowing as women, you risk getting called out as a ‘transphobe.’ No one wants to risk that. These are girls who’ve been training for three hours a day, six days a week, 50 weeks a year. So when you’re told that the team is going out of town, and someone needs to share a hotel room with a [male] rower, they just look around, and it’s basically like, ‘okay, who wants to take one for the team.’”

Clark continues to compete against girls in several other sports however.

He was named a Commonwealth Atlantic Conference All-Star in Volleyball after after leading Kipp’s team in most statistics, including the most “Kills” (unreturnable shots).

He had more kills “than the rest of the team combined, and the most aces and blocks,” according to school statistics.

As a female competitor, Clark also reportedly smashed records in the 400m hurdles and shot put at the Lynn All-City Track Championship last May.

Clark is also a longtime Tae Kwon Do student at the Tiger Institute in Saugus, Massachusetts, where he is a black belt and competes against girls.

He reportedly won second place in 16-17 year old Black Belt Sparring at the Cervizzi’s Spring Invitational Tournament in March 2023, and went on to win the Fall tournament in October.

Trans High School Basketball Player Who Knocked Down Female Rival Competes Against Girls in Multiple Sports

The Tae Kwon Do gym promoted a fundraiser for Clark to tour Salzburg and Vienna in Austria in June with an opera ensemble.

The “tour of a lifetime” fundraiser included a photo of him dressed in a tuxedo while singing, and resulted in $2,550 in donations.

“It’s sure to be an amazing and life-changing opportunity that will allow me to experience a new culture, enhance my performing skills and become a cultural ambassador through the sharing of music,” the promotion read.

“With the help of my family, friends and other supporters, I know I can make it happen. Please consider supporting my performance and travel dreams with a donation.”

Clark was featured in a Center on Reinventing Public Education report last November titled: “To Be a Student in 2023: 10 Teens Open Up About Mental Health, the Age of AI and the Long Shadow of the Pandemic.”

He told the organization that laws passed by states to protect women made it difficult for him to focus on school.

“Going to school is the least of people’s concerns at this point for a lot of people,” Clark said. “There are days where I’m like, oh yeah, I have to worry about my AP U.S. history project and yesterday another state basically made it so that I can never exist in that state. And it’s like, how’s anyone supposed to think about anything at all when there’s all of that going on? Even if you’re not directly impacted by it. Most people in my generation know somebody who’s impacted in one way or the other.”

CONVERGENCE: The Solar Eclipse, CERN, Lucifer, The Vatican, And Reptilian Venom Peptides

Venezuela Says US Is Building ‘Secret Military Bases’ In Oil-Rich Latin American Region

Venezuela Says US Is Building ‘Secret Military Bases’ In Oil-Rich Latin American Region

adminApr 4, 20241 min read

Venezuela Says US Is Building ‘Secret Military Bases’ In Oil-Rich Latin American Region

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has claimed that the United States has installed “secret military bases” in the oil rich disputed region of Essequibo. Maduro made the claim on Thursday while speaking at a ceremony commemorating […]

The post Venezuela Says US Is Building ‘Secret Military Bases’ In Oil-Rich Latin American Region appeared first on The People’s Voice.

1 in 10 Poles Would Fight in Any Future War, New Survey Reveals

1 in 10 Poles Would Fight in Any Future War, New Survey Reveals

adminApr 4, 20243 min read

1 in 10 Poles Would Fight in Any Future War, New Survey Reveals

New polling revealed 59 percent of Poles would definitely remain in the country if war broke out.

A recent survey shows that just over 11 percent of Poles are prepared to take up arms and engage in combat should war break out, amidst rising concerns over global conflicts.

In polling conducted for the weekly magazine Wprost, Poles were asked how they would react should the country become involved in a future war.

When asked what they would do if war broke out in Poland, 59 percent said they would definitely remain in the country.

In terms of involvement in any conflict, 11.3 percent would be willing to fight on the frontline, 30 percent expressed a willingness to assist in national defense by other means, and 17.7 percent preferred to avoid any form of involvement. 

Additionally, 20.2 percent admitted they would leave the country if war were to erupt, while 20.7 percent remained uncertain of their course of action.

The survey also shed light on traditional gender divisions in attitudes towards conflict: Only 3.8 percent of women were willing to engage in armed actions compared to 19.9 percent of men, illustrating a significant disparity in the willingness to take up arms between genders.

In light of growing geopolitical tensions, a statement by Poland’s PM Donald Tusk highlighted the grim reality facing the nation. “I don’t want to scare anyone, but war is no longer a concept of the past. It’s real, in fact, it started over two years ago. What’s most worrying now is that literally every scenario is possible. We haven’t faced such a situation since 1945,” he said in a recent interview.

According to the head of the Polish government, Poland should get accustomed to the advent of a new era: the pre-war era.

He is not the only one expressing such views lately, with experts warning of an impending war emerging all the time. However, emotions have been cooled by, among others, retired General Waldemar Skrzypczak, who stated that the Kremlin fears confrontation with NATO. “A military struggle with NATO would be a disaster for Putin and the end of the era of Russia as a whole,” he emphasized.

CONVERGENCE: The Solar Eclipse, CERN, Lucifer, The Vatican, And Reptilian Venom Peptides

UK Spending Tens of Millions on Woke Research

UK Spending Tens of Millions on Woke Research

adminApr 4, 20243 min read

UK Spending Tens of Millions on Woke Research

One paper on “the Europe that gay porn built” was awarded nearly a million euros.

Britons struggling through the ongoing cost-of-living crisis might struggle to understand why more than £750,000 (€880,000) of taxpayers’ money has been handed to an academic research paper on “Comics and Race in Latin America.” But this is simply the tip of the iceberg.

A story is beginning to unfold in the British media about how “tens of millions of pounds” is being given to what GB News’ Patrick Christys described as “pointless woke academic research.” One project on “the Europe that gay porn built” has received particular criticism, although only after it was awarded £841,830 (€981,000)—again, from the taxpayers’ purse.

Funding has been handed down from the non-departmental UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) body of the UK government. Conservative Party ministers allow this to invest £8 billion (€9.33bn) of taxpayers’ money each year.

Journalist Charlotte Gill, who has spent recent weeks researching this area, found that the following research titles had received particularly vast sums of cash:

Meanwhile, supposed Conservatives are arguing for the old and infirm to be killed in order to save the state some money.

Gill’s full list can be found here. Sharing the titles soon prompted many on the online left to hound her for “stirring up more culture war nonsense.” Richard Bentall, a Psychology Professor at the University of Sheffield, even appeared to compare her work to that of the Nazis and Stalinists, who “tried to dictate what sort of science was acceptable.”

Both Nazis and Stalinists tried to dictate what sort of science was acceptable. The Nazis drove out the physicists and couldn’t make the bomb. The Soviets killed off the biologists and their own agriculture.

Allowing politics to dictate science doesn’t end well for either.

— Richard Bentall #FBPE Woke and proud (@RichardBentall) March 31, 2024

Responding to backlash, Gill wrote:

Think about what I’m doing. I am copying and pasting studies that the taxpayer has funded—with a little commentary. Then look at the vitriol. It’s not normal.

Twitter academics say these studies are *actually* brilliant. But are also apoplectic that they’ve been shared.

Dr. Joanna Williams, who wrote a book titled How Woke Won, recently told The Daily Telegraphthat the “UKRI should be using taxpayers’ money to fund academic research, not political activism.” The body itself responded to criticism, insisting that “funding decisions [were] made via rigorous peer review by relevant independent experts across academia and business,” which raises further questions regarding the political makeup of peer review groups.

CONVERGENCE: The Solar Eclipse, CERN, Lucifer, The Vatican, And Reptilian Venom Peptides

Princeton Homosexual Activist And ‘Queer Alumni’ President Arrested For Child Pornography

Princeton Homosexual Activist And ‘Queer Alumni’ President Arrested For Child Pornography

adminApr 4, 20243 min read

Princeton Homosexual Activist And ‘Queer Alumni’ President Arrested For Child Pornography

Roy ‘Trey’ Farmer, a board member of the New York Philharmonic, was arrested for downloading child pornography after an anonymous tip to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

(LifeSiteNews) — The head of Princeton University’s “Queer Alumni Club” and a prominent member of the art community has been arrested on child pornography charges, prompting the Ivy League school to scrub its website of his biography.

Fox News reports that 53-year-old Roy Farmer was arrested and charged with third-degree possession of child sexual abuse material, following a tip to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that he had downloaded illicit material.

READ: ‘Married’ homosexual arrested for child pornography allegedly planned to abuse surrogate baby

“On Friday the Mercer County Tactical Response Team, with assistance from the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office and Homeland Security Investigations Trenton searched Farmer’s Princeton apartment seizing ‘multiple items of evidentiary value,’” the Daily Mail adds. “Farmer was arrested without a struggle and was detained at Mercer County Jail pending a detention hearing on Wednesday.”

Farmer, a banker and entrepreneur who has been described as a “piano prodigy” and is involved in a wide variety of art festivals, is a board member of the New York Philharmonic and the former president of Princeton’s Glee Club. According to OperaWire, Farmer also “has served on the boards of the Classic Chamber Concerts, Istanbul State Opera and Ballet, London Symphony Orchestra, Naples Music Club, Opera Naples, and the StayInMay Festival.”

Queer Princeton Alumni describes its purpose as to “connect, engage, recognize and celebrate all queer Princeton alumni” as well as “partner[ing] with queer student groups on campus to support their activities and inspire and motivate them as the queer leaders of tomorrow.”

The group announced on March 28 that its board of trustees voted the day before to remove Farmer as its president and as a trustee. He had been president for several months.

LGBT activists being accused of sex crimes is far from unprecedented. Last month, drag queen Darius “Shangela” Pierce, who had been a guest of Vice President Kamala Harris at a “pride month” event the year before, was accused of sexual assault and rape by five different young men. In January, Gerad Slayton, the former executive director of a California LGBT group, was one of several men arrested in a sting operation for trying to solicit sex with children.

READ: Drag queen who danced for kids charged with 25 counts of child pornography


Wisconsin official arrested for child pornography is a ‘drag nun’ who victimized adopted son

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CONVERGENCE: The Solar Eclipse, CERN, Lucifer, The Vatican, And Reptilian Venom Peptides