
UK Spending Tens of Millions on Woke Research

UK Spending Tens of Millions on Woke Research

adminApr 4, 20243 min read

UK Spending Tens of Millions on Woke Research

One paper on “the Europe that gay porn built” was awarded nearly a million euros.

Britons struggling through the ongoing cost-of-living crisis might struggle to understand why more than £750,000 (€880,000) of taxpayers’ money has been handed to an academic research paper on “Comics and Race in Latin America.” But this is simply the tip of the iceberg.

A story is beginning to unfold in the British media about how “tens of millions of pounds” is being given to what GB News’ Patrick Christys described as “pointless woke academic research.” One project on “the Europe that gay porn built” has received particular criticism, although only after it was awarded £841,830 (€981,000)—again, from the taxpayers’ purse.

Funding has been handed down from the non-departmental UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) body of the UK government. Conservative Party ministers allow this to invest £8 billion (€9.33bn) of taxpayers’ money each year.

Journalist Charlotte Gill, who has spent recent weeks researching this area, found that the following research titles had received particularly vast sums of cash:

Meanwhile, supposed Conservatives are arguing for the old and infirm to be killed in order to save the state some money.

Gill’s full list can be found here. Sharing the titles soon prompted many on the online left to hound her for “stirring up more culture war nonsense.” Richard Bentall, a Psychology Professor at the University of Sheffield, even appeared to compare her work to that of the Nazis and Stalinists, who “tried to dictate what sort of science was acceptable.”

Both Nazis and Stalinists tried to dictate what sort of science was acceptable. The Nazis drove out the physicists and couldn’t make the bomb. The Soviets killed off the biologists and their own agriculture.

Allowing politics to dictate science doesn’t end well for either.

— Richard Bentall #FBPE Woke and proud (@RichardBentall) March 31, 2024

Responding to backlash, Gill wrote:

Think about what I’m doing. I am copying and pasting studies that the taxpayer has funded—with a little commentary. Then look at the vitriol. It’s not normal.

Twitter academics say these studies are *actually* brilliant. But are also apoplectic that they’ve been shared.

Dr. Joanna Williams, who wrote a book titled How Woke Won, recently told The Daily Telegraphthat the “UKRI should be using taxpayers’ money to fund academic research, not political activism.” The body itself responded to criticism, insisting that “funding decisions [were] made via rigorous peer review by relevant independent experts across academia and business,” which raises further questions regarding the political makeup of peer review groups.

CONVERGENCE: The Solar Eclipse, CERN, Lucifer, The Vatican, And Reptilian Venom Peptides

Princeton Homosexual Activist And ‘Queer Alumni’ President Arrested For Child Pornography

Princeton Homosexual Activist And ‘Queer Alumni’ President Arrested For Child Pornography

adminApr 4, 20243 min read

Princeton Homosexual Activist And ‘Queer Alumni’ President Arrested For Child Pornography

Roy ‘Trey’ Farmer, a board member of the New York Philharmonic, was arrested for downloading child pornography after an anonymous tip to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

(LifeSiteNews) — The head of Princeton University’s “Queer Alumni Club” and a prominent member of the art community has been arrested on child pornography charges, prompting the Ivy League school to scrub its website of his biography.

Fox News reports that 53-year-old Roy Farmer was arrested and charged with third-degree possession of child sexual abuse material, following a tip to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that he had downloaded illicit material.

READ: ‘Married’ homosexual arrested for child pornography allegedly planned to abuse surrogate baby

“On Friday the Mercer County Tactical Response Team, with assistance from the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office and Homeland Security Investigations Trenton searched Farmer’s Princeton apartment seizing ‘multiple items of evidentiary value,’” the Daily Mail adds. “Farmer was arrested without a struggle and was detained at Mercer County Jail pending a detention hearing on Wednesday.”

Farmer, a banker and entrepreneur who has been described as a “piano prodigy” and is involved in a wide variety of art festivals, is a board member of the New York Philharmonic and the former president of Princeton’s Glee Club. According to OperaWire, Farmer also “has served on the boards of the Classic Chamber Concerts, Istanbul State Opera and Ballet, London Symphony Orchestra, Naples Music Club, Opera Naples, and the StayInMay Festival.”

Queer Princeton Alumni describes its purpose as to “connect, engage, recognize and celebrate all queer Princeton alumni” as well as “partner[ing] with queer student groups on campus to support their activities and inspire and motivate them as the queer leaders of tomorrow.”

The group announced on March 28 that its board of trustees voted the day before to remove Farmer as its president and as a trustee. He had been president for several months.

LGBT activists being accused of sex crimes is far from unprecedented. Last month, drag queen Darius “Shangela” Pierce, who had been a guest of Vice President Kamala Harris at a “pride month” event the year before, was accused of sexual assault and rape by five different young men. In January, Gerad Slayton, the former executive director of a California LGBT group, was one of several men arrested in a sting operation for trying to solicit sex with children.

READ: Drag queen who danced for kids charged with 25 counts of child pornography


Wisconsin official arrested for child pornography is a ‘drag nun’ who victimized adopted son

Oklahoma school district accepts resignation of drag queen principal once arrested for child pornography

Homosexual ‘married’ couple faces life in prison for abusing, prostituting adopted boys

Homosexual mayor charged with child porn possession was a ‘buddy’ of Pete Buttigieg

CONVERGENCE: The Solar Eclipse, CERN, Lucifer, The Vatican, And Reptilian Venom Peptides

Russia Tells US To ‘Stop Lying’

Russia Tells US To ‘Stop Lying’

adminApr 4, 20241 min read

Russia Tells US To ‘Stop Lying’

Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov has claimed that the US mantra that Russia must change its behavior to improve relations with the West disregards the fact that Washington has for years willfully ignored Moscow’s core interests. […]

The post Russia Tells US To ‘Stop Lying’ appeared first on The People’s Voice.

Spain to Recognize Palestinian Statehood, Calls on Western Allies to Follow Suit

Spain to Recognize Palestinian Statehood, Calls on Western Allies to Follow Suit

adminApr 4, 20243 min read

Spain to Recognize Palestinian Statehood, Calls on Western Allies to Follow Suit

Western countries are beginning to depart from unwavering support for the Israeli regime amid the genocide in Gaza.

Spain has been foremost among European countries which have repeatedly condemned Israel’s ongoing military operation in Gaza and the resultant soaring Palestinian death toll. The EU country is also among those demanding answers for the drone strikes that killed a group of World Central Kitchen aid workers this week. “I expect and demand that the Israeli government clarify as soon as possible the circumstances of this brutal attack that has taken the lives of seven aid workers who were doing nothing but helping,” Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said in a fresh statement.

But Prime Minister Sanchez is also driving global headlines for his Tuesday statements declaring the Spanish government is moving forward with recognizing Palestinian statehood. The Financial Times reported that the country is ready to bestow formal recognition as early as July.

Sanchez said, “We have to seriously consider doing it in the first half of this year.” The declaration he made while on a Middle East tour is sure to rile Israeli leadership, which has condemned efforts to force recognition of a Palestinian state at a moment the Israeli military is in a fight with Hamas terrorists.

According to more details via regional media

State news agency EFE and newspapers El Pais and La Vanguardia cited Sanchez as making the informal remarks to the traveling press corps late on Monday in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on the first day of visits to Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

According to the reports, Sanchez said he expected events to unfold in the conflict ahead of the European Parliament elections in early June and highlighted ongoing debates at the United Nations.

Of course, Spain wouldn’t be the first to unilaterally recognize Palestine (outside of a broader UN move, for example). Those EU states to have previously done so include Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. Ireland and Malta have also recently said they are on board and plan to do so.

However, the UK, France, and Germany have expressed they will not recognize Palestine outside of a broader deal for a two-state solution that involves Israeli assent.

Spain and those European countries which have already made declarations of recognition want to see the Palestinian Authority (PA) take control of Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state.

Various two-state solution plans have been proposed over the past decades, but have never taken shape…


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, however, has vowed to block all of these efforts – and indeed the scenario would remain impossible without Israeli agreement, given IDF troops currently occupy all of these places.

CONVERGENCE: The Solar Eclipse, CERN, Lucifer, The Vatican, And Reptilian Venom Peptides

Lavrov Says Obvious That Ukraine Involved in Terrorist Attack in Crocus

Lavrov Says Obvious That Ukraine Involved in Terrorist Attack in Crocus

adminApr 4, 20244 min read

Lavrov Says Obvious That Ukraine Involved in Terrorist Attack in Crocus

According to this, the U.S. is essentially funding a terrorist state attacking Russian civilians.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – It is obvious that Ukraine was involved in the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall concert venue on March 22, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday.

“This terrorist attack, as you know, is now being actively investigated by the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor General’s Office, other competent authorities. It is already obvious … that there was a Ukrainian trace, especially since Ukraine’s involvement in many other terrorist attacks on Russian territory is no longer in doubt,” Lavrov said at the round table with ambassadors of over 70 countries dedicated to the Ukrainian crisis.

On March 22, several armed men broke into Crocus City Hall and started shooting at people. They also started a fire in one of the auditoriums, which was full of people ahead of a concert. The attack left 695 casualties, including 144 dead, according to the latest data from the Russian Emergencies Ministry. The four main suspects in the case — all of them citizens of Tajikistan — tried to flee the scene in a car but were detained and charged with terrorism. Russian authorities believe their plan was to flee to Ukraine, where the masterminds of the attack had arranged a safe haven for them. An investigation is underway.

Aid to Ukraine Planned to Be Made Obligatory for NATO Members

Providing aid to Ukraine is planned to be made obligatory for NATO members, Lavrov added.

“Now they want to turn voluntary military assistance to Ukraine withing NATO into mandatory military assistance. To force all NATO members through strict discipline to sign up for the mandatory provision of funding and weapons to the Kiev regime,” Lavrov said at the round table with ambassadors of over 70 countries dedicated to the Ukrainian crisis.

Western countries have been providing military and financial aid to Kiev since the start of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine in February 2022. The Kremlin has consistently warned against continued arms deliveries to Kiev, saying it would lead to further escalation of the conflict. In April 2022, Russia sent a diplomatic note to all NATO countries on the issue of arms supplies to Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned that any cargo containing weapons for Ukraine would become a legitimate target for Russia.

Kiev Has Nothing to tell UN About Protecting Human Rights in Ukraine

Ukraine will have nothing to report to the UN on the issue of respect for human rights, which is why it is shirking this duty, Sergey Lavrov has said.

“Until recently, no country evaded such a Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on its own. But now the principle of global coverage has been discredited by Kiev. …. Ukrainians do not want to report on how they observe human rights, especially since they have presented themselves as the ideal fighters against discrimination, because they know: they have nothing to report,” Lavrov said.

Lavrov stressed that under pressure from the West, the Human Rights Council decided to allow Ukraine not to report on the implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 2023, as it was supposed to do, the report was postponed to 2027.

West to Not Take Into Account Opinion of Global South on ‘Zelensky Formula’

The West will not take into account the opinion of global south countries during discussions on he peace plan proposed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, “only marginal changes” are possible, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday.

“All this is heard, but not taken into account in any way. And it will not be taken into account. Some marginal clarifications are possible, but the essence of the ‘Zelenskyy formula’ as an ultimatum remains unchanged,” Lavrov said at the round table with ambassadors of over 70 countries dedicated to the Ukrainian crisis.

CONVERGENCE: The Solar Eclipse, CERN, Lucifer, The Vatican, And Reptilian Venom Peptides

NASA Warns: Solar Storms Could Cause ‘Internet Apocalypse’ by 2025

NASA Warns: Solar Storms Could Cause ‘Internet Apocalypse’ by 2025

adminApr 4, 20244 min read

NASA Warns: Solar Storms Could Cause ‘Internet Apocalypse’ by 2025

Sun launches CMEs toward Earth at least 20 times a week.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) has warned that the Sun is entering a time of high volatility as it approaches the peak of its 11-year solar maximum cycle.

During this period, sunspots can produce intense solar storms, which if directed toward the Earth could create widespread outages to electronics and radio communications. The first two months of 2024 alone have witnessed a surge in solar activity, with sunspots producing numerous coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which are phenomena responsible for solar storms.

NASA, which has been watching the Sun’s activity using the Parker Solar Probe (PSP), warns the probability of a solar storm-caused “internet apocalypse” remains a cause for alarm through 2025.

Such an event could increase currents through the Earth’s infrastructure, destroying navigation, communications systems and the GPS-enabled time synchronization crucial to the operation of the internet.

Solar storms are an aspect of the solar system like any other, although they arrive with a severe amount of danger.

They can be attractive and harmless, with images showing awesome displays of auroral beacons. But they can also be destructive, as NASA has time and time again warned.

The PSP has successfully journeyed through solar winds in space to understand the phenomenon better. Scientists have long warned about the likely negative results of such storms, possibly the largest being what has been conceived as an “internet apocalypse” that could occur in 2025.

In simple terms, when a solar storm happens, magnetic fields tear through the Earth’s atmosphere and send current soaring through manmade infrastructure.

Sun launches CMEs toward Earth at least 20 times a week

The Sun launches CMEs toward Earth at least 20 times per week, based on where it currently is in its 11-year activity cycle. Nobody in living memory has experienced a burst that has seriously harmed human society.

The only recorded incident that caused some damage occurred in 1859, well before humans became dependent on electricity. The solar storm of that year was three times more powerful than the one that turned off power to a whole Canadian province in 1989.

If a CME on a comparable scale hit the Earth today as it did back then, electronics in orbiting satellites would be severely damaged, ruining navigation and communications systems, as well as the the GPS time synchronization that the internet depends on to work. Without power and the internet, society would come to a standstill. (Related: Solar storms could bring down modern civilization)

Some prediction models suggest that such an event could arrive as soon as 2025 when the Sun enters a specifically active period called the “solar maximum.”

Sangeetha Abdu Jyothi, a computer science professor at the University of California at Irvine, invented the term “internet apocalypse.”

“We’ve never experienced one of the extreme case events, and we don’t know how our infrastructure would respond to it. Our failure testing doesn’t even include such scenarios,” Abdu Jyothi said. He added that a solar storm could even interrupt things like submarine communication cables, which might obstruct long-distance connectivity.

The northern latitudes of the planet are especially vulnerable to such solar activity. There is no way to forecast how long the interruptions might last, but experts said they could go on for months.

Follow for more stories about activities in space.

CONVERGENCE: The Solar Eclipse, CERN, Lucifer, The Vatican, And Reptilian Venom Peptides