
Whistleblowers: IDF Has Established Kill Zones in Gaza Where Soldiers Can Freely Shoot Palestinians Who Are Then Counted as Dead Hamas Fighters

Whistleblowers: IDF Has Established Kill Zones in Gaza Where Soldiers Can Freely Shoot Palestinians Who Are Then Counted as Dead Hamas Fighters

adminApr 5, 20244 min read

Whistleblowers: IDF Has Established Kill Zones in Gaza Where Soldiers Can Freely Shoot Palestinians Who Are Then Counted as Dead Hamas Fighters

IDF denies allegations of “kill zones”.

Several members of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have come forward to reveal that the IDF has created free-fire “kill zones” in Gaza where their superiors allow them to kill civilians who unknowingly enter these areas. These deaths are then counted as IDF kills of Hamas fighters.

To date, the Gaza Health Ministry said nearly 33,000 Palestinians have been killed since the war began. The IDF claims that 9,000 of those deaths are Hamas fighters. However, several permanent and reserve commanders disputed this claim.

“It’s amazing to hear the reports after each activity about how many terrorists the forces have killed. After six months of fighting, you don’t need to be a great genius to realize that today there are not hundreds or dozens of armed men running around the neighborhood in Khan Yunis or Jabaliya, with weapons in [their] hands, and fighting the IDF. In every combat space, the commanders define extermination areas. No one who is not part of the IDF forces is allowed to enter, in order not to allow damage to the forces on the spot,” a reserve officer said.

According to testimonies provided to Israeli paper Haaretz, the IDF designates “extermination areas” within combat zones, where people not affiliated with the military are prohibited from entering. In the beginning, Army Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi was instructing the IDF not to simply kill anyone in the combat zone. But this order has seemingly been countermanded by commanding officers on the ground in Gaza. 

(Related: Israel accused of targeting aid workers and deliberately provoking famine in Gaza.)

“From the point of view of the commanders, if we spotted someone in the area we were operating in and he was not one of our forces, it was just shooting to kill. We were specifically told that even in the case where the suspect flees into a building, and there are people in it – then we should open fire to kill the terrorist, even at the cost that the other people may be hurt,” a soldier from one of the reserve brigades testified.

Furthermore, soldiers allegedly received instructions to shoot suspects even if there was a risk of high collateral damage, including the potential harm to innocent bystanders.

“For our commanders, if we identified someone in our area of operation who was not part of our forces, we were told to shoot to kill,” said one soldier. “We were explicitly told that even if a suspect runs into a building with people in it, we should fire at the building and kill the terrorist, even if other people are hurt.”

IDF denies allegations of “kill zones”

In its defense, a spokesperson from the IDF has denied claims that its soldiers established “kill zones” in combat areas.

“The IDF is in the midst of a war against the Hamas terror organization and is acting to foil threats against its forces,” said the spokesperson. “The IDF constantly calls on civilians to evacuate intense combat zones and is investing efforts into allowing civilians to evacuate as safely as possible.”

“In contrast to claims being made, the IDF has not defined ‘kill zones.’ Support for this comes from the fact that the IDF has arrested a large number of terrorists or suspected terrorists during the fighting, without inflicting damage in intense combat zones,” the spokesperson added.

Meanwhile, Amos Yadlin, the former head of Israel’s military intelligence, who serves as a consultant to members of the government’s war cabinet, did not deny the existence of such zones, but argued that the allegations lack “understanding of the rules of engagement in a war against terrorists who don’t wear uniform [and] use civilians as human shields.”

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UCLA Medical Students Forced to Take Woke ‘Structural Racism’ Class Featuring Prayer to ‘Mama Earth’

UCLA Medical Students Forced to Take Woke ‘Structural Racism’ Class Featuring Prayer to ‘Mama Earth’

adminApr 5, 20243 min read

UCLA Medical Students Forced to Take Woke ‘Structural Racism’ Class Featuring Prayer to ‘Mama Earth’

One medical student who failed to stand for a ‘prayer’ was intimidated into compliance by a UCLA administrator.

(LifeSiteNews) — First-year medical students at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) must submit themselves to a “Structural Racism and Health Equity” course featuring prayers to “mama earth,” benedictions to racial minorities, condemnation of free market economics, and more, according to an exposé by the Washington Free Beacon.

The report, based on published audio of the class, text messages, and conversations with students, details how the mandatory course is led by Lisa “Tiny” Gray-Garcia, a self-described “formerly unhoused, incarcerated, revolutionary journalist, lecturer, poet, visionary, teacher and single mama” who co-founded various homelessness and poverty-related projects, condemns American police officers as murderers, and praised as “justice” the October 7, 2023 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

Classes reportedly begin with what Gray-Garcia calls a “non-secular prayer” to “the ancestors,” in which students must kneel and touch the floor while she delivers a “benediction” to “black,” “brown,” and “houseless people” allegedly killed by the so-called “crapatalist lie” of “private property,” and proclaims that “mama earth was never meant to be bought, sold, pimped, or played.”

As the class goes on, Gray-Garcia leads the medical students in chants of “Free Palestine,” condemnations of modern medicine (which the students are ostensibly there to learn) as “white science,” and calls to end the “occupation” of the United States (which she dubs “Turtle Island”).

One student reportedly declined to stand for a second prayer session, at which point the student was questioned by an unidentified UCLA administrator.

“The net effect was that UCLA staff intimidated first-year medical students into participating in a religious service in derogation of their own personal beliefs,” UCLA’s Jewish Faculty Resilience Group said in a letter to UCLA chancellor Gene Block.  “There needs to be an urgent and thorough external review and investigation of the [medical school’s] curriculum and systemic antisemitism.”

Last month, it was reported that the class’s course syllabus was full of controversial material about “settler colonialism,” “indigenous womxn’s” health, and more, all from a far-left “social justice” viewpoint. 

The mandatory class was launched as part of an “anti-racism roadmap” adopted by UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine in the wake of the 2020 death of Minneapolis black man George Floyd during an altercation with a white police officer that was seized on by the far-left Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. It previously drew controversy for dividing students into discussion groups on the basis of race, which was stopped after receiving national attention.

LifeSiteNews reported last year that another UCLA official, Race & Equity Director Jonathan Perkins wrote on social media that he wanted conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to die. Perkins retains his position to this day, according to his biography on the UCLA Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion’s website.

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U.S. Has Recorded Over 1 Million Excess Deaths Among People Aged 65 And Older Since The Rollout of Covid-19 Vaccines

U.S. Has Recorded Over 1 Million Excess Deaths Among People Aged 65 And Older Since The Rollout of Covid-19 Vaccines

adminApr 5, 20244 min read

U.S. Has Recorded Over 1 Million Excess Deaths Among People Aged 65 And Older Since The Rollout of Covid-19 Vaccines

Shocking excess mortality observed in the most vaccinated age group.

According to the latest Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics on excess mortality, the United States has recorded over 1 million excess deaths among people ages 65 and older since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines.


This is a shocking statistic, considering that government officials promised that this intervention was a “lifesaving” vaccine that was the only way out of lockdowns and restrictions. With the promise of saving millions of lives, Operation Warp Speed rapidly inoculated the elderly population first.

Shocking excess mortality observed in the most vaccinated age group

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. On December 18, 2020, the FDA granted EUA for the Moderna, and on February 27, 2021, the Janssen COVID-19 vaccines hit the market. The Trump administration boasted about this success.

At the time, Americans were categorized into age groups and separated by social status to expedite the COVID-19 vaccine experiment. The elderly (65 and older) and the “essential healthcare workers” were conscripted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to take the jabs first.

According to the U.S. Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker, more than 95 percent of Americans ages 65 and older received at least one coronavirus vaccine. A total of 51,071,667 Americans in this age group were fully vaccinated with the original covid-19 vaccine protocol.

Despite the success in manipulating 95 percent of people in this age group, the number of excess deaths among this age group was appalling. During the first 20 weeks of 2021, there was a shocking 150,085 excess deaths in the 65 and over age group compared to the 2015 to 2019 five-year average. After the successful vaccine rollout, the Biden regime claimed that America was suffering from a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” as sickness and mortality persisted in spite of the great vaccine coverage.

If the excess death was truly coming from the “unvaccinated” then the “unvaccinated” would have surely been wiped out completely in weeks 21 to week 40 of 2021. To the contrary, there were an astounding 165,387 excess deaths among the most heavily vaccinated cohort. By week 40 of 2021, the total excess deaths rose to 315,472 among those who were most likely to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Boosters and mandates drive further excess mortality in the elderly

The excess deaths continued, despite desperate campaigns to get the vaccinated boosted again with a reformulated COVID-19 vaccine. By the end of 2021, the most vaccinated age group saw 448,740 excess deaths. By the end of 2021, the Biden regime launched a series of “vaccine mandates” that scared many more people into compliance.

By 2022, the 65 and over’s continued to suffer historic losses. This year, another 371,466 excess deaths were recorded among this age group. The Biden regime dubbed the winter of 2021 and 2022 the “winter of severe illness and death” for the unvaccinated, but it turns out the most vaccinated age group saw the greatest losses. Vaccine mandates were painstakingly resisted, and the Biden regime lost several court battles as they tried to force this experiment onto the population.

As vaccine passports and mandates failed, more booster campaigns were launched to target the elderly, the frightened and the obedient, but the excess deaths continued to surge regardless. In the year 2023, there were an additional 257,415 excess deaths in the elderly. After the first week of 2024, the CDC confirmed another 5,482 excess deaths in this age group. This mass culling continues as the COVID-19 vaccines remain on the market, paving the way for more mRNA experiments.

Operation Warp Speed and the Biden regime’s vaccine mandates have been the driving force behind a shocking 1,069,943 excess deaths recorded among people ages 65 and over. The COVID-19 vaccines did not save millions of lives and reduce the number of people dying and suffering from severe disease. This experiment culled the American population in the most deceptive way imaginable.

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One In Five Americans Say Political Violence May be Needed – Poll

One In Five Americans Say Political Violence May be Needed – Poll

adminApr 5, 20243 min read

One In Five Americans Say Political Violence May be Needed – Poll

A new survey has revealed that many US voters believe they won’t be able to get their country back on track peacefully.

Many Americans believe that voting won’t be sufficient to turn their country in the right direction. In fact, a new poll has revealed that heading into this year’s US presidential election, one in five voters think violence may be required to achieve their political objectives.

The PBS/NPR/Marist poll, released on Wednesday, showed that 20% of US adults – including 28% of Republicans – believe that “Americans may have to resort to violence in order to get their country back on track.” That view was shared by 12% of Democrats and 18% of independent voters.

The survey results reflect rising doubts in the US political system. Nearly three in ten Americans, including 61% of Republicans, still don’t believe that President Joe Biden won the 2020 election. A USA Today poll released earlier this year showed that more than half of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s supporters have little confidence that this year’s votes will be accurately counted.

Read more Civil war 2.0? A troubling number of Americans believe political violence is acceptable

A University of Virginia poll released last October found that 31% of Trump backers and 24% of Biden voters believe that “democracy is no longer a viable system, and Americans should explore alternative forms of government to ensure stability and progress.” More than four in ten Trump fans agreed that “the situation in America is such that I would favor states seceding from the union to form their own separate country.”

The newly released PBS/NPR/Marist poll revealed that 41% of Americans believe the country has gotten so far off track that it needs a leader who is “willing to break some rules to set things right.” That view was shared by 56% of Republicans, 28% of Democrats and 37% of independents.

The poll shows that as Biden and Trump head toward their volatile rematch in November, the country is in “an incredibly dangerous place,” PBS said. University of Michigan law professor Barabra McQuade blamed Trump for the political tinderbox, saying he had stoked fears to manipulate voters. “Regardless of your politics, the idea of breaking rules and engaging in violence is just antithetical to the idea of America,” she said.

READ MORE: Washington lives in denial over Putin’s victory while gaming its own elections

Trump and his supporters have argued that Biden’s administration has abandoned democratic norms by “weaponizing” the justice system to persecute his political enemies and interfere in the 2024 election. The former president has vowed to pardon many of the people convicted of crimes stemming from the January 2021 US Capitol riot, referring to them as “J6 hostages.”

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Ex MI6 Chief Says Brits Must Be Prepared To Be Called Up To Defend Their Country

Ex MI6 Chief Says Brits Must Be Prepared To Be Called Up To Defend Their Country

adminApr 5, 20241 min read

Ex MI6 Chief Says Brits Must Be Prepared To Be Called Up To Defend Their Country

Brits should be prepared to be called up to fight for their country, according to former MI6 chief Sir Alex Younger. Younger said Britons had been ‘infantilised’ since the end of the Cold War and […]

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UN Expert Says Situation In Haiti Has Reached ‘Apocalyptic’ Levels

UN Expert Says Situation In Haiti Has Reached ‘Apocalyptic’ Levels

adminApr 5, 20241 min read

UN Expert Says Situation In Haiti Has Reached ‘Apocalyptic’ Levels

The UN’s top expert on human rights in Haiti has warned that Haiti has become an open air prison with apocolyptic violence tearing it apart. Human rights observer William O’Neill said conditions in Haiti were […]

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