
VIDEO: Trump Warns New COVID Variant Will Be Used To Rig 2024 Election

VIDEO: Trump Warns New COVID Variant Will Be Used To Rig 2024 Election

adminApr 5, 20241 min read

VIDEO: Trump Warns New COVID Variant Will Be Used To Rig 2024 Election

The former president knows the Democrat playbook involves manufacturing a crisis then taking advantage of the hysteria.

Donald Trump shows the American people he’s wise to the Democrats’ dirty tricks attempting to bring back Covid to pull off another election heist.

New Emails Show Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric Developed COVID-19 Under DARPA Grant

New Emails Show Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric Developed COVID-19 Under DARPA Grant

adminApr 5, 20245 min read
Damning email chains show discussions on how “proteins are best delivered to bats” and mention DARPA funding of nanoparticle research.

A new document sheds light on EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak and researcher Ralph Baric’s work on COVID-19 gain-of-function research, as well as ties to a DARPA research grant funding the work.

Published by journalist Jimmy Tobias this week, a damning email chain appears to implicate Daszak and the UNC-Chapel Hill coronavirus expert as integral to researching the disease’s capabilities as far back as 2018.

BREAKING: Newly released email reveals that the COVID-19 virus was developed as part of a DARPA grant overseen by Peter Daszak & Ralph Baric.

— Patrick Webb (@RealPatrickWebb) April 5, 2024

In the email chain, a message from United States Geological Survey (USGS) National Wildlife Health Center research scientist Tonie Rocke to Baric’s wife “Toni” states,

Hi Toni (nice to meet a fellow Toni – I don’t often); Yes, 11:30 works for me. Is that ET? I’m not yet sure if I’ll be working from home tomorrow, so probably best if I call you. I’d like to hear your thoughts on how these proteins are best delivered to bats and what has been attempted so far.

In another email from the document addressed from Rocke to Ralph Baric, Rocke asked about a “DARPA grant,” referring to the US Defense Department’s research branch:

Hi Ralph: I have a couple of questions about the SARS-CoV spike glycoproteins you are developing with respect to the DARPA grant we are collaborating on. Do you have time for a call sometime tomorrow?

In yet another incriminating email exchange from Daszak to Baric’s wife, the EcoHealth Alliance president mentioned “the nanoparticle work [Ralph’s] been involved in.”

New Emails Show Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric Developed COVID-19 Under DARPA Grant

The emails appear to corroborate what many have long suspected: that COVID-19 was intentionally developed by the US government which then attempted to cover-up all traces back to the virus.

Baric’s research at UNC was also funded by the HHS’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as admitted by NIAID head Anthony Fauci:

How to lie under oath, a masterclass from Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the voice of Science itself

Part 1: Ralph Baric? Who dat? I barely even ever done heard of Ralph Baric, suh…

— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) April 5, 2024

Commenting on the email thread going viral on social media, journalist Alex Berenson noted, “In case you’ve forgotten, Ralph Baric met with Tony Fauci on February 11, 2020. Thus Fauci knew from the first what had happened, and he knew Americans and research he’d helped sponsor were indirectly (at best) responsible. He has been lying about it ever since.”

In case you’ve forgotten, Ralph Baric met with Tony Fauci on February 11, 2020.

Thus Fauci knew from the first what had happened, and he knew Americans and research he’d helped sponsor were indirectly (at best) responsible.

He has been lying about it ever since.

— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) April 4, 2024

The emails are part of a trove of documents received via a FOIA request from the USGS by Tobias earlier this month.

A few FOIA documents that I received from USGS today re: DEFUSE, etc:

— Jimmy Tobias (@JamesCTobias) April 2, 2024

This is just the newest of many emails that prove DARPA and the pentagon ran the entire Covid attack. From the virus to the poison shot rollout it was all brought to us by the deep state.

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 5, 2024

“This is just the newest of many emails that prove DARPA and the pentagon ran the entire Covid attack. From the virus to the poison shot rollout it was all brought to us by the deep state,” Infowars’ Alex Jones commented on X.

Here are a few more interesting excerpts from the emails pointed out by X users:

Lots more proposing to shift work from UNC to Wuhan

“pretty unclear who is doing what”

“Peter said you should set up the subcontract…”

“I think we should just subcontract with WU [Wuhan University?] to engineer the RCN constructs”

— Louis R Nemzer (@BiophysicsFL) April 2, 2024

Interesting take-out, Baric has no bats and no batified (or batized) mice to test on, but China does.

— Dog’s Breakfast (@breakfast_dogs) April 3, 2024

Kristy Ainslie.#spraygate

— Jikkyleaks ? (@Jikkyleaks) April 3, 2024

So, the work was thought out, the needs and progress goals outlined and put in order. The budget constraints of live bats, as a sub-award in the U.S., became a major stumbling block for the larger team with Rocke and at that point bat budget was a top of mind item.

Shi had…

— Kappa Fannon? (@KappaFannon) April 3, 2024

Sounds a lot like Lieber’s work…

— Melchizedek ? (@Melchizedek1972) April 3, 2024

“Unfortunately, our [DARPA] proposal was not selected for funding. […] While we are all quite disappointed, we will continue to look for other sources of funding to pursue this type of work.” — Luke Hamel, EHA, June 14, 2018.

So much for “but it wasn’t funded!!!”

— Julian Rhees (@JulianRhees) April 3, 2024

Vectoring Dangerously

Vectoring Dangerously

adminApr 5, 20246 min read
Events are tending in the direction of self-reinforcing, ramifying chaos, and the people running the show are obviously insane as they do everything possible to hurry chaos along.

“Strategic ambiguity requires strategic capabilities. Otherwise, it’s just make-believe.”

– Lee Slusher on “X”

If your situational awareness is well-tuned, you can put together a political weather report from the swirl of events that otherwise seem to confound the degenerate simps who pretend to report the news. 

Events are tending in the direction of self-reinforcing, ramifying chaos, and the people running the show are obviously insane as they do everything possible to hurry chaos along.

Case in point: Antony Blinken, our Secretary of State, who announced yesterday that Ukraine will get rushed into NATO ASAP. Do you understand that would mean a direct, automatic, peremptory declaration of war against Russia, requiring all of NATO — that is, their combined militaries — to go kinetic inside Ukraine and theoretically inside Russia, too, (a move that has not worked out well for anyone in all of history), because Article Five of the NATO charter states that an armed attack against one is an attack against all, and must be answered with counter-attack? Thus, you see, Mr. Blinken just announced World War Three.

You might also consider that NATO does not have the capacity to fight that war. The European members don’t have sufficient troops and equipment, or financial reserves for that matter. And there is, of course, America’s under-recruited DEI army of transsexuals and video-gamers, with equipment that has already proven inadequate on-the-ground in Ukraine, and a logistical route for delivery of all that which runs 5,000 miles across an ocean and then another continent. . . whereas our opponent (Russia) is right next door to the battlefield and churning out munitions like there is no tomorrow (which there might well not be for all concerned). Even Adolf Hitler, the last fool to attempt a conquest of Russia, wouldn’t like those odds.

     And why would Russia desist from firing hypersonic missiles at Berlin, Paris, London, New York and. . . ? You get the idea. In which case the USA, backstopping NATO, would lob swarms of our nuclear missiles into Russia. . . and the whole shootin’ match ends up twenty minutes later a smoldering, civilization-ending mess. Smooth move, Tony Blinken. In political weather terms, this is like an arctic shear cutting across the northern hemisphere.

       At the same time, you might notice a financial la Nina forming out over the salty sea. Gold chugged up above $2,300-an-ounce the past ten days, a record. That’s a coded message from Reality Central. My de-coder ring says it means the bond market is about to fall on its ass, taking the dollar down with it, which would swiftly domino into the way-overpriced equity markets, and Gawd knows what kind of maelstrom all the derivatives flotsam would get sucked into. Notice, too that Bitcoin goes up $3,000 one day and down $2,000 the next. Kind of sketchy. But that’s just my take. If you have one, I’d like to hear it. In any case, it looks like stormy financial weather which, if nothing else, is not exactly an advantageous accompaniment to a world war. In fact, it could beat a path quickly to something like empty supermarket shelves — and you know what they say about a population being a few missed meals away from anarchy.

      Then there’s the immense cluster of twisters moving ominously across the planet in the form of the Covid vaccination dysregulated immunity fiasco I wrote about in last Friday’s blog (This Is Not an April Fool’s Gag), as predicted by virologist Dr. Vanden Bossche. Translation: a lot of people getting sick and dying because their mRNA shots and boosters have so screwed-up their immune systems that they are sitting ducks for an emergent variant of Covid gestating in the vaxxed population. By the way, there is apparently a gross breakdown in medical services world-wide now, especially a shortage of doctors and nurses. Now you’re starting to see some serious stormy weather: a war, a financial train wreck, and a global public health disaster all at once.

Vectoring Dangerously

      While all that is churning things up, the next round of Trump trials are set to kick off in Alvin Bragg’s New York and Fani Willis’s Fulton County (Atlanta), GA. Both cases have publicly wrecked themselves. In the New York case, you have the daughter of Judge Juan Merchan, Loren Merchan, 37, a Democratic Party consultant who has multi-million-dollar contracts with Rep. Adam Schiff, the nation’s leading RussiaGate hoaxer, and working partner of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, a chief witness in the matter of a hush-money payment made to porn-star Stormy Daniels (hush money, you might note, not being illegal). Any political motivation to see in that cast of characters? And that is apart from the sheer bullshit nature of the case, as packaged for Mr. Bragg by US Attorney Matthew Colangelo, who was swapped out of the Main DOJ HQ in Blobville to the office of Soros-connected DA Bragg in Manhattan specifically to engineer a political prosecution.

      The Fani Willis case down south, another political prosecution by a loudmouth “Get Trump” DA, now goes forward with a compromised government attorney who has demonstrably committed enough offenses against the law to merit disbarment. Her lover and, until recently, “special prosecutor,” Nathan Wade, on top of probably perjuring himself about his financial entanglements with DA Willis, was just cited for contempt in his own divorce case (failure to pay child support). Note, too, that the idiotic substance of the case — a racketeering charge for conspiring to voice opinions about the veracity of the 2020 election — was likewise constructed by Lawfare ninjas in Washington DC (my guess, by Mary McCord, Lisa Monaco, and Norm Eisen), and mentored to Willis & Wade in a series of meetings held in the White House office of Veep Kamala Harris (with Lawfare ninjas improperly not logged-in — also my guess).

      If the blob’s desired outcome, a conviction, comes to pass, and Mr. Trump is hauled off to Riker’s Island, say, to mingle with X-hundred homicidal mutts, and, say, for some reason he does not come out of there alive. . . well, say hello to an extra-especially bad set-up for civil disorder in the home of the brave — while we do World War Three, financial pandemonium, and Vaccine death. It’s a lot to take in, I know. But it’s all really right out there, and it’s all vectoring right at us. Just so you know.

Support his blog by visiting Jim’s Patreon Page or Substack

Learn Why The Globalists Are Killing Their Own Monetary System
Too Hot to Handle: Gold Due for a Correction?

Too Hot to Handle: Gold Due for a Correction?

adminApr 5, 20245 min read
The mainstream media has finally noticed gold, but has no idea why it’s rising, or has any appreciation for how high it’s going.

With gold hitting yet another awe-inspiring all-time high in the wake of Powell’s remarks reassuring markets (more or less) to expect rate cuts in 2024, a few analysts are pointing out risk factors for a correction — so is there really still room to run?

The Wall Street Journal points out that oil price spikes driven by the acceleration of war in the Middle East could cause the Fed to reverse its position of cutting rates three times this year — especially as the Strategic Petroleum Reserve has reached historic lows.

Economist Warns Rollout Of The Mark Of The Beast Being Prepared By Central Bank

Since Biden took office, the SPR has been drained by over 40% — ironically, as part of a desperate gambit to keep oil prices artificially low in the face of its proxy war in Ukraine and out-of-control inflation, which can only get even worse after the Fed cuts rates. Now that the SPR won’t be refilled as expected (itself a taxpayer-funded sale), Americans will feel even more of the inflationary reality when they head to the gas pumps.

For context, the SPR was founded in 1975 and is now hovering at levels not seen since the early 80’s:Too Hot to Handle: Gold Due for a Correction?


But as the conflict in Gaza and beyond continues to accelerate, the US will find more excuses to expand its own involvement as it has from the start. Whatever form the meddling takes, the US will inevitably need to finance it by printing money. So, as usual, the Fed is damned if they do and damned if they don’t, defeated by their own games: they need to finance the Middle East meddling with money printing, but both the money printing required to fund the war and the effects of the war itself will work together to drive oil prices up.

Coincidentally, both factors will also work together to push gold to hit fresh all-time highs this year, unless the Fed decides to buck the Military-Industrial Complex and renege on its rate cut promises, making it much more challenging for Biden administration war hawks to keep the US involved to the extent they’d like.

On the same topic of Russia and the Middle East, the BRICS countries’ continuing de-dollarization efforts mean that we can expect them to keep stockpiling gold as they continue to divest from petrodollar dependence. Russia says they’ll be doubling their gold and foreign currency purchases, and China’s central bank just hit a new reported record high for its gold reserves late last month.

Still, some are skeptical, saying that gold and other metals are overbought and due for a correction, and interpreted Powell’s remarks on Wednesday as mildly hawkish. Powell did say that more progress needs to be made on inflation in order for the Fed to move forward with rate cuts. These statements added a dash of uncertainty for some:

“We do not expect that it will be appropriate to lower our policy rate until we have greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably down towards 2 percent…Reducing rates too soon or too much could result in a reversal of the progress we have seen on inflation and ultimately require even tighter policy to get inflation back to 2 percent.”

But even as Powell admitted the fight against inflation is “not done” (an epic understatement), markets were reassured that the Fed is still expecting to lower interest rates, saying that the data doesn’t justify changing the current course:

“The recent data do not, however, materially change the overall picture, which continues to be one of solid growth, a strong but rebalancing labor market, and inflation moving down toward 2 percent on a sometimes bumpy path.”

So is gold too overbought, or does the macro environment provide enough upward pressure to give it room to keep running? While short-term corrections are always something to consider during such dramatic price-run ups, I’d call them buying opportunities. And if the mainstream media’s reaction is to be used as a barometer, the true reality of what the skyrocketing price of gold truly means for the economy and the US dollar still hasn’t been priced in. As Peter Schiff tweeted earlier this week:

The mainstream media has finally noticed #gold, but has no idea why it’s rising, or has any appreciation for how high it’s going. They’re also not encouraging anyone to buy it. All of this is a good sign that the rally still has a long way to go before any meaningful correction.

— Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) April 3, 2024

The more skeptical analyses acknowledge that it will be an uphill battle for it to sustain the same awe-inspiring upward pace that it has had since the start of the year. But even they, like I, still expect a confluence of factors in 2024 to continue pushing it higher.

Learn Why The Globalists Are Killing Their Own Monetary System
Illegal Alien Arrested for ‘Nearly Decapitating’ Wife Just Days After Entering US

Illegal Alien Arrested for ‘Nearly Decapitating’ Wife Just Days After Entering US

adminApr 5, 20243 min read

Illegal Alien Arrested for ‘Nearly Decapitating’ Wife Just Days After Entering US

Mexican illegal charged with brutal stabbing of own wife in front of their children

A Mexican national who illegally entered the U.S. last month has been charged with first-degree murder in Illinois after a brutal stabbing rampage that left his wife ‘nearly decapitated,’ authorities say.

The horrifying incident unfolded on Sunday night in Carol Stream, a village in the Chicago suburbs.

The suspect, identified as 33-year-old Baltazar Perez-Estrada, arrived at the Carol Stream Police Department just before noon on Monday and told officers he had stabbed his wife.

Officers immediately took Perez-Estrada into custody and launched an investigation.

They learned that Perez-Estrada had become embroiled in a verbal altercation the night before with his 26-year-old wife, Maricela Simon Franco.

“It is alleged that the argument turned physical resulting in Perez-Estrada stabbing Franco dozens of times about her head, neck, body and hands, nearly decapitating her head,” DuPage County officials explained in a press release on Thursday.

Authorities discovered Perez-Estada had illegally entered the United States approximately two weeks prior to the killing, which took place while the couple’s two minor children were present.

“First and foremost, I offer my sincerest condolences to Maricela’s surviving family and friends on their loss and wish them strength as they continue their lives without the love and support provided by Maricela,” DuPage County District Attorney Robert Berlin said.

“The extremely violent end to a young mother’s life is something that should touch us all. Domestic violence continues to be a scourge on society, claiming more than ten million victims a year in some form or fashion. In this case, the sad reality is, Maricela’s life has been reduced to a statistic of domestic violence due to the alleged actions of her husband, Baltazar Perez-Estrada.”

Baltazar Perez-Estrada has been charged with five counts of first-degree murder and is scheduled to appear in court for arraignment on April 25, 2024.

He was also charged with “alien inadmissibility” by the federal government and was given a future court date.

InfoWars has been documenting the surge of crime fueled by the ongoing Biden border invasion.

Col. Douglas Macgregor Warns Attack on Iran Would Cause WWIII and Mass Migration

Dan Lyman on X | Gab

MSNBC TERRIFIED Trump Considering Select Kash Patel As Attorney General

MSNBC TERRIFIED Trump Considering Select Kash Patel As Attorney General

adminApr 5, 20243 min read

MSNBC TERRIFIED Trump Considering Select Kash Patel As Attorney General

All the more reason to support Patel for AG!

During a recent MSNBC news segment, the outlet played a video clip of Donald Trump insider Kash Patel putting the establishment on notice that the next Trump administration will be using the judicial system to bring the Deep State to justice.

“We will go out and find the conspirators not just in government but in media. Yes, we’re gonna come after the people in the media that lied about American citizens, who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections. We’re gonna come after you! Whether it’s criminally or civilly, we’ll figure that out, but yeah, we’re putting you all on notice,” Patel said.

MSNBC is terrified of Kash Patel becoming Attorney General, saying this is the “MOST ALARMING” prospect within the Trump Campaign ?

Kashyap Patel – name to remember.

His role in the 2nd Trump Administration could be part of the reason why ?

— Patri0tsareinContr0l (@Patri0tContr0l) April 5, 2024

MSNBC explained Patel is reportedly on Trump’s “short list” of potential attorney general selections.

The outlet warned Americans should be wary of Trump weaponizing the DOJ to “go after his enemies,” without a hint of irony regarding the Biden DOJ’s jailing of political opponents such as non-violent J6 participants.

While mainstream media and Democrat politicians cry that Trump will become a dictator and jail HIS political opposition if re-elected, the presidential frontrunner has publicly stated he won’t “have time for retribution.”

Hilarious. But not surprising coming from Lyin’ POS Fanone. Trump doesn’t plan to continue the current political weaponization of the DOJ.

“We’re not gonna have time for retribution. Our ultimate retribution is success.”

— Mel Hawley (@SovSoulMel) March 30, 2024

It’s also worth noting Patel stated he’d be taking legal routes to punish potential criminal elements of the media, which is far from totalitarian.

Additionally, Patel explained the White House would have to be purged of establishment loyalists in order to properly go after the criminal members of the Deep State.

Responding to the notion of Trump cleaning house, MSNBC bragged about a Biden administration “rule” being implemented that hopes to “Trump-proof the White House” by taking away his power to replace career Executive Branch employees with pro-MAGA individuals.

The media’s attempts at slandering Patel might actually make Trump supporters more likely to support him for attorney general as he clearly strikes fear in the corrupt political establishment.